
Chapter 393 Captains' Choice!

The air was charged with anticipation as the sailors went about their duties, their senses attuned to every subtle shift in the surroundings. Suddenly, a resounding "Boom!" echoed through the air, a muffled blast that rippled through the water. Its force was palpable aboard the warship and even faintly carried to the "Blue Whale," a massive vessel stationed merely a hundred meters away.

Confusion seized the crew of the E-Nation warship. The explosive sound had startled them all, and they exchanged bewildered glances, voicing their concerns.

"What\'s the source of this reverberation?" one questioned aloud, his brow furrowed.

"Where is this sound emanating from?" another sailor demanded, casting his gaze in various directions.

A sense of disarray settled over the ship\'s personnel. The blast\'s resonance seemed to have permeated the very structure of their vessel, causing a barely perceptible vibration that set their nerves on edge.

Another "Boom!" resounded, more distinct this time, accompanied by a more pronounced tremor. Urgency pervaded the air, and the captain\'s voice cut through the clamor, commanding immediate investigation.

"Quickly ascertain the cause of these disturbances!" The captain\'s voice rang out urgently, his apprehension evident.

Hardly had the captain\'s words subsided when yet another muted detonation resounded, striking a near-debilitating blow to his composure. Aboard the "Blue Whale," amidst the chaos, Ren Ziquan, the vessel\'s commander, noticed a familiar sound.

"Hear that?" he exclaimed, his senses keenly attuned to the reverberations. The sound bore a striking resemblance to something he had encountered before.

Recognition dawned upon him, igniting a spark of excitement. His memory jogged, Ren Ziquan realized the significance of the moment. The sound resonating from beneath the enemy ship signaled impending doom.

"Comrades," Ren Ziquan rallied his crew with conviction, "take heart! The enemy warship is meeting its end!"

A ripple of hope surged through the crew of the "Blue Whale" as the realization dawned. The imminent demise of the adversary\'s vessel sparked elation among the sailors. Their attention remained riveted on the sinking ship as it succumbed to the depths.

Yet, the euphoria was short-lived for the beleaguered sailors on the E-Nation warship. Panic flared among their ranks as a sailor raced towards them, his demeanor frantic as he delivered the dire news.

"No, our ship is flooding! Seawater is pouring in!" he exclaimed, his words fueling a sense of desperation.

Astonishment and disbelief washed over the E-Nation warship\'s crew, the captain included. How had their situation turned dire so abruptly? Time for introspection was a luxury they could not afford; seawater surged in, threatening their vessel\'s stability.

Submerged below the waterline, Bawang—larger than life—wielded a colossal spear to puncture the ship\'s hull. A swift strike bore through the hull, boring a series of gaping holes in a matter of minutes. His actions rendered the warship\'s defenses ineffective, a harrowing testament to his strength.

The vessel, now riddled with breaches, morphed into a veritable sieve, prompting Bawang to shift his focus to another target. His gargantuan spear struck with precision, leaving a trail of devastation. The metal rending apart echoed in the ears of those aboard, a chilling symphony of destruction.

Desperation consumed the E-Nation warship\'s crew. The realization that disaster was imminent dawned on them, yet they had scant time to react, let alone comprehend the assailant\'s identity. Inundation by seawater ensued, as torrents gushed in unrelenting torrents.

On the "Blue Whale" and the "Shiwang," jubilation reigned supreme. Cheers erupted among the sailors, their excitement palpable as they watched the enemy vessel\'s impending descent into the abyss.

"Ha! Their ship\'s fate is sealed!" a sailor exclaimed, euphoria infusing his tone.

"A twist of fate indeed! The tables have turned," another rejoiced, savoring the irony.

"Remember when they were taunting us? Now it\'s their turn!" a third chuckled.

Yet, the plight of the E-Nation warship\'s crew revealed itself, as a panicked sailor from their vessel swam towards the "Blue Whale" and "Shiwang." With urgency in his voice, he pleaded for assistance.

"They\'re begging for our help!" a sailor remarked aboard the "Blue Whale."

"Look! Some are swimming our way, desperately seeking salvation," observed Ren Ziquan, noting the desperation in their actions.

The crew was divided; compassion and pragmatism warred within their hearts. The unfolding spectacle tested their humanity.

"Captain, what should we do? Extend aid or leave them to their fate?" a sailor queried, his moral compass wavering.

"Absolutely not! They sought to impede our progress earlier," another retorted, advocating leaving the enemy to their demise.

The crew turned to Ren Ziquan, their captain, seeking a verdict. A pivotal decision rested in his hands.

Ren Ziquan\'s verdict resounded with resolute detachment. "Continue our course, leave them behind."

As the "Blue Whale" and "Shiwang" retreated, the abandoned E-Nation sailors were left to grapple with the unforgiving sea. The Overlord, an enigmatic figure, observed from a distance, savoring the spectacle.

"Master, this is quite the show!" Bawang enthused.

Liu Yong, watching from afar, commended Bawang\'s actions. "You\'ve done admirably, reducing a submarine and two warships to ruins."

Bawang\'s excitement was palpable. "Master, sinking warships is my true calling. Any targets you desire obliterated, just give me the word."

Liu Yong mused, recognizing the delicate geopolitical dance at play. Country E was a pawn, their navy a means to an end. In contrast to the looming threat of country M\'s formidable navy, the E-Nation navy\'s potency paled.

If country M dared provoke them again, if they dared unleash metallic fragments of destruction, the retaliation would be severe. The sinking of two warships was but an opening act.

"Overlord, a new task awaits," Liu Yong declared.

Eagerly, Bawang responded, "Master, tell me, and I shall execute."

Liu Yong outlined the mission with gravity. "The main naval port of the E-Nation, Port Fax, is your next target. Sink every warship and submarine harbored there."

Bawang\'s anticipation was palpable. "A task worthy of my talents. I shall strike with precision."

Liu Yong\'s caution underscored the operation. "Prioritize safety. Execute the strike under the cover of night, retreat swiftly, leaving no trace."

"Understood. Nightfall will be my canvas," Bawang affirmed.

As Bawang departed, Liu Yong reflected on the emerging narrative. A grim reality unfurled—Country E was a mere pawn, their navy a

  calculated asset. Against country M\'s looming shadow, Liu Yong harbored no reservations about the E-Nation navy.

Let country M reckon with the repercussions of their actions. Sinking two warships was a mere prelude; the scales of vengeance tipped immeasurably in his favor.

Liu Yong\'s parting words resonated with conviction. "Two warships do not suffice. A grander reckoning awaits."

With renewed resolve, Bawang embarked on his mission, a silent architect of chaos on the distant horizon.

In the E-Nation\'s naval command center, bewilderment cast a pall over the room. Their initial assessment had been a gross miscalculation, two civilian vessels now having felled their prized warships.

Confusion reigned, irony carved into their reality. As the "Blue Whale" and "Shiwang" sailed calmly away, leaving only ripples in their wake, the beleaguered E-Nation naval crew was left grappling with a harsh truth—they had been outmaneuvered.

This unforeseen turn of events, a sequence of surprises that defied expectations, left the E-Nation\'s naval command awash with disbelief. The weight of their miscalculations hung heavy, while lessons in humility were learned in the wake of their staggering defeat.

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