
Chapter 487 Aggressive Illustration

Chapter 487 Aggressive Illustration

Dī Dī!

In the League of Defender base, Jerry, who was hurriedly maintaining the League of Defender official website with his friends, suddenly received a message from JARVIS: Tony Stark is going to continue the Live Broadcast again, this time to explain the attack happened at his house.

JARVIS notified Jerry and gave Jerry a Live Broadcast Channel link, because this Live Broadcast was a collaboration between Tony and the U.S. Military, not all media channels can broadcast it as they did before. Therefore, if the League of Defender wants to be able to show the Live Broadcast, it needs permission from JARVIS.

“Brothers! We are saved!” After receiving the news from JARVIS, Jerry was excited and quickly contacted his friends. The reason why the League of Defender official website is so precarious is not that Mirage Knight shined in the battle just now but it was because the people were demanding an answer. Now that Tony is willing to explain, Jerry is relieved.

Then, Jerry built a special Live Broadcast Channel on the official website of League of Defender within two minutes, and also typed the title: Iron Man Tony·Stark is about to do a Live Broadcast in one minute!


When Jerry’s Live Channel was opened and the slogan hit, the entire League of Defender website instantly became silent. All the people who were still posting messages on the forums have disappeared. No one knew whether they were shocked by the news or if something else happened but all of them became quiet.

However, this silence only lasted for a few seconds. When Jerry simply relaxed his wrist, the backstage of the League of Defender official website once again sounded with a more urgent alarm.

The influx of people at this moment was several times that of before. Even if the League of Defender’s official website is strong enough, it is still a bit unsustainable under such a large influx of people.

“Damn! Brothers, hold on!” Jerry regretted feeling liberated just now.

Then, Jerry and his friends once again worked hard to stabilized the League of Defender’s official website. This time, they are mainly ensuring the safety and working of the Live Channel.

When the official website of the League of Defender was squeezed by the sudden influx of people, the U.S. Military also began to announce Tony’s Live Broadcast through the Military’s media. Fortunately, the Military had released the news in a timely manner, otherwise, the official website of the League of Defender would have crashed.

Countdown: 3; 2; 1.


When the countdown on the League of Defender official website ended, the black picture turned, and Tony’s figure appeared on the screen.

“Hello everyone, As you know I am Iron Man, Tony Stark.” Smiling and greeting the audience, Tony began to speak.

“I believe that you have a lot of doubts about the attack on me this time. So, I will give you some answers here. Of course, I can’t say anything that I don’t know.”

“So, let’s start now. Um,~ Let’s start with the qualitative nature of this incident. That’s right, this attack was a Terrorist Attack on me. It seems that he is also a man, at least he got angry enough by my words and he reacted.” In the beginning of the Live Broadcast, Tony first confirmed that it was Mandarin who attacked him. Of course, this is something that almost all viewers can guess.

“This was a Mandarin attack. He chose a very good time to attack me because I was testing my latest Iron Man Armor, so you can see that it didn’t take long before the battle started. There was a problem with the Iron Man. Of course, it was my own problem.” After qualifying the incident, Tony explained the reason why his Iron Man was defeated.

However, when Tony explained this, Lin Rui and Peter, who were standing outside the reach of the camera, were a little embarrassed.

Obviously, it was Killian’s attack on the JARVIS system that caused the Iron Man Armor to lose control. If Tony didn’t take immediate action and if JARVIS’s control system was seized by the enemy, then the control of the Iron Man Armors might have changed hands. That result would have been very scary.

“However, it was very unfortunate for them because I am very familiar with Mirage Knight of the New York’s League of Defender, and we have a very good professional relationship between us. He happened to be at my house today. So, after seeing that I needed help, Mirage Knight was there to help out. With the help of Mirage Knight, all the Helicopters were wiped out. I believe you have seen these in the live footage.” After talking about the reason why his Iron Man Armor was out of control, Tony finally mentioned Mirage Knight.

However, it was originally a big scene where Mirage Knight saved Iron Man, but with Tony’s words, he just became a helping hand. Of course, Lin Rui won’t mind this, anyway, the audience has already seen what the facts are like.

“As for the relationship between Iron Man and the League of Defender, yes, we are indeed in a partnership.” After talking about Mirage Knight, Tony finally threw out a piece of information that is more important, which is also a matter of great concern to the masses.

Iron Man, the most popular Superhero has now joined forces with the League of Defender, a Guardian Alliance composed of Vigilantes.

This is also the first time that Tony has announced the two forces in the alliance. As for SHIELD and X-Men, these are hidden in the dark. After all, there are still things that do not need to be known to the public.

“It turns out that Iron Man and Mirage Knight know each other! I wonder if Mr. Stark knows who Mirage Knight is?!”

“Iron Man is really united with the League of Defender! They will protect us together in the future!”

After hearing Tony’s sudden announcement of joining forces with the League of Defender, the crowd became excited. On the one hand, fans who like Superheros know that Iron Man and Mirage Knight know each other and have a very good personal relationship.

On the other hand, Iron Man and League of Defenders are organizations that protect the public. If these two join forces then everyone will have a sense of security.

“As for the three guys that appeared in the Live Broadcast, they are men under Mandarin and the product of a special experiment.

They are not Mutants. You can call them someone with a special kind of body transformation. That is the reason they recovered so quickly after being injured, and that is also the reason why they were able to regenerate their limbs.

However, this transformation is very unstable, and their bodies are like a bomb that can and will explode at any time. I believe that all of you are aware of this as you must have seen this on the Live Broadcast.”

“So, the previous attacks by Mandarin were done by these men who were able to self-destruct. The reason why the Military wasn’t able to find any Bomb-Casing was because of these self-destructing attacks. “After talking about the Iron Man and League of Defender teaming up, Tony mentioned the Extremis Soldiers.

“Of course, although these modified people have become self-destruct bombs, their recovery power is still very good. However, if you want to recover soon after being injured, I suggest you focus on Oscorp’s New Serum.” After finishing the Extremis warrior, Tony, in order not to let everyone pay too much attention to the ability of Extremis Recovery, he also specially advertised Harry Gene Serum, which had started its launch on the market.

Of course, Tony advertised Harry’s Gene Serum to prevent others from paying too much attention to these Extremis fighters. He just wanted to stop anyone who would want to join Mandarin because of wanting this power and he also wanted to focus all their hatred on Mandarin.

Also, Tony didn’t say anything about Killian. According to the information he received from Lin Rui, there are some High-Level Government people under Killian’s control. If Killian is to be completely eliminated, Tony must take care of these relevant people.

“Then, the explanation about the attack ends here. I want to say one more thing before the end of this live broadcast, which is to Mandarin. I already know about your methods, so just wait for me as this time, it would be my turn.”


The Live Broadcast ended after Tony declared war, again.

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