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Chapter 397 Shifting The Narrative

Chapter 397 Shifting The Narrative

"Let the trial start," said the Grand Elder, striking the hammer and calling everyone to their positions. The defendant came to the podium and started his defense.

"Since the matter is a bit confidential and directly correlates to the safety of the whole settlement, only the elders and their close associates will witness the trial. The others shall exit please," Stating that, the Grand Elder struck the hammer as faint fluctuations appeared in the whole place and then, as if some law had been invoked, the others who weren\'t needed in the place vanished.

"So he really brought it out," within the study, the Oracle muttered as he saw the hammer in the Grand Elder\'s hands.

"Brought what out?" The dean asked, a bit confused to what the Oracle referring to.

"The hammer, thats a very strange law based artifact. One of the strongest artifacts in our possession, sadly; using it needs a lot of prerequisites and so, it is kept hidden at most times but surely, this was the best time to bring it out and use it to its full power and not just that, I am sure that the Grand Elder had brought various other artifacts as well. Look closely, its going to be one hell of a trial," Saying so, the Oracle went silent, his eyes glued to the screen as various preparations were finished.

A few people appeared in their appropriate positions, the bailiff, the plaintiff, a court reporter, the attorneys for both parties and some other people also came to their designated positions. These were all from the table of elders and all of them belonged to either the defendant or the accusing party.

The head of disciplinary committee came to his position and spoke,

"Your honor, I would like to call a witness,"

"Granted," Answered the Grand Elder as a file was handled to him, as the Grand Elder read the file, everyone went into thinking who the witness would be for such a matter. After all, the head of disciplinary committee had accused the head of defense for being negligent and letting vampires in.

On the other hand,

The Oracle pointed out at the book in the Grand Elder\'s hands and told the dean,

"That book is also a very powerful artifact. It has a consciousness of its own and is capable of writing laws and creating a subspace on its own. Only its wielder has the right to change the laws of the subspace but even the wielder can\'t go scotch free and will be affected by the created laws. And that is why, everyone is following the positions and the rules of a court because a subspace has been created exactly for that,"

"Thats a very versatile artifact, it can be used for a lot of stuff," the dean murmured as a few uses appeared in his mind right away.

As for the court room,

A sunken man with pale skin was brought in. His clothes torn and tattered while his eyes droopy as if he hadnt slept a wink in the past few days. His disposition was dark and gloomy, as if he had been the bringer of bad luck for everyone around him. His aura that he exuded, cold and lifeless, causing everyone to stray away from him and that was exactly why he gave in to become a vampire.

He always felt that he was weak and that was why people left him alone. As for his strength, although it was only average, it was his ability that made people feel uncomfortable. He had the ability to allow his body act like that of a dead man\'s. His whole body would fall dead but nothing would happen to him and he would be exactly like he is, just that he wouldn\'t feel any pain or hunger.

But that was it. That was the extent of it, since he would be dead, his strength would also plummet and he would be incapable of wielding any source of power or weapon at all and that was why, he became a vampire.

However, his ability had some specialities that he didnt know and because of that, he had been under the Grand Elder\'s radar and when he was turned, they immediately captured him.

"Your honor, I say that this person is a Vampire and not just that but I suspect he is a very dangerous one,"

"Hmph,," the head of defense\'s harrumph cut the head of disciplinary committee short and so did it cut the Grand Elder who was just about to question, "how could you call a starving beggar a vampire? How preposterous of you to point fingers on others,"

"Yes, for me to belief you, I need evidence," the Grand Elder agreed, albeit being irritated by the behavior of the head of defense.

"Sir, may I be allowed to bring the evidence mentioned in the permission letter," the head of disciplinary committee spoke, prioritizing the word evidence as he glanced at the head of defense, only to notice that he was expressionless.

Currently, the whole ordeal was being recorded by another artifact and it was exactly for that they were being so elaborate with the trial. Within the influence of the book\'s subspace, no one could lie and if they would, it would show on the camera right away and even tell the truth. It was a casualty artifact that worked together with book.

"Hmm, let in the evidence," Said the Grand Elder, his expression completely neutral.

Soon enough, a few people came in carrying a huge tub that was completely sealed from all sides.

"Objection," the head of defense shouted, feeling a bit strange looking at the evidence that had been brought in.

"Over ruled, they have the right to present the evidence," the Grand Elder spoke.

"Your honor, in some research conducted by the settlement in previous times, we found that the vampires are greatly influenced by fresh blood and given the condition of the vampire in front of us, we shall use the blood we have brought in to show you the truth," saying so, the head of disciplinary committee clasped both his hands and muttered,

[Seal Open],

As soon as he said, the constraints on the contained were undone as suddenly, a pungent smell wafted in the air. Though, only the ones who were humans felt that the smell was pungent. As for the vampires, some of those present visibly felt excited, their eyes gleaming as one or two even put their heads down as they had already started drooling at the smell of fresh blood.

As for the person who had been called as witness, his expression suddenly twisted as fangs grew out of his mouth and his eyes turned red.

"Arghhh," groaning and screaming, he jumped out of the podium and leapt on the blood container. However, before he could reach the contained, another fluctuation occurred and the mad Vampire was immediately stuck still in his place. The contorted expression on his face still remained but he couldn\'t do anything now, it was as if some invisible power was holding it still mid air.

"Any justifications for this?" The Grand Elder turned to the head of defense and asked, only to fin that the head of defense was still in a daze. His expression blank, as if he had seen something he would have never expected to.

"Why? Why did they bring a vampire in here? It would only cause me more problems," thought the head of defense as he fixed his disposition and spoke,

"Your honor, it doesn\'t explain anything. We of the defense committee are responsible for checking those who come inside and go outside the settlement and also for the safety from intruders and checking up on all the barriers and formations. This person could have conducted an evil ritual and used it to become a Vampire,"

Saying this, the head of defense kept his expression completely neutral and solemn. As if he was one of the most pure people and wasn\'t involved in such stuff at all and then he added,

"I believe, this matter should be concerned with those who response for internal affairs and defense and safety of the citizens but given the situation, I recommend we all work together,"

His words sent everyone in thoughts as both the Grand Elder and the Head of disciplinary committee looked at one another.

Note:- It\'s Christmas Eve today and so, I have come up with a huge mass release of 6 chapters and this is the second chapter. I hope you all will enjoy the chapters and have a lot of fun. For me its been a good year and I hope with everyone\'s support, I would be able to make more content for everyone and write to the best of my ability.

Enjoy and don\'t forget to support the novel by gifting and voting.

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