
Chapter 110 Fight Of Two Holies

"What is that thing?"

Samiel asked as he took several steps back together with Nefertari when he sensed the overwhelming power of the Charybat and especially the Menuhyutt Faulhaber. This was the first time Samiel felt the old man\'s full power; truth to be told, he was terrified of it.

In this moment, he understood why the old man was hailed as the strongest mortal in the entire Material Plane of the Cosmos, but his power was kind of restrained because he was handling himself in such a controlled manner.

Nevertheless, the same couldn\'t be said about the Charybat creature, whose bloodthirsty aura was running through Samiel\'s every fiber. Most of the Magical Beasts weren\'t the most intelligent beings, or rather most of them, albeit they had advanced intelligence, still were controlled by their primal emotions.

"That is Charybat. They are sea monstrosities, who are typically living in a very Mana-rich enviroment, typically exclusively only in the Tower and Higher Dimensional Worlds; sometimes, you will find them in the Principal Worlds too. Normally Charybats are already born at the Initial Stage of the Legendary Level, and they reach the Advanced Stage by adulthood. The older ones could reach the Supreme Stage of the Legendary Level and some of the oldest can reach even Perfect Stage of the Legendary."

Menuhyutt explained to Samiel, who took all the information like a sponge. He had to admit that the Charybats are majestic creatures, especially the older ones, which are extremely strong and dangerous creatures.

"And sometimes when they have luck or no any competition in their living space, they could reach the Holy Legendary, but those are exceptionally rare. And after today, they would get even more rare after I kill this one."

The old man stated when crimson flame burst out of the sword, slashing at the Charybat, which now appeared above the surface. Just the upper part of its body was tall, several tens of meters; not talking about the enormous teeth was fearsome enough to scare away even some of the more powerful Legendaries.

Shockingly to Samiel, the Charybat took the incoming energy slash from Menuhyutt\'s sword with its though skin like it was nothing. Surprisingly the creature just roared back, with its roar alone, creating an enormous shockwave that threw Samiel away as he crashed into a pile of trees and rocks that were too thrown away by the shockwave.

The old man looked at Samiel, seeing that his disciple just got wasted with a few superficial bruises; he returned his full attention to the enormous Charybat, which was right now fully above the surface of the ocean, as it menacingly looked at him, challenging him to the fight to the death.

The Holy Legendary Charybat shot towards the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath, at full speed, as the elderly Hall Master skillfully dodged the attempt of the Charybat to literarily eat him, only to be attacked once more by the creature\'s tail.

The tail of the Charybat was one of their greatest weapons because the tails were the hardest and toughest part of their bodies, additionally with countless sharp spikes on it around the tailblade, which was on the tip of the tail.

Meaning it was extremely dangerous, and most of these creatures would use it as their means of attack because in the majority of cases, getting attacked by the Charybat\'s tail was sure death if one didn\'t block it or dodge it.

Instantly after the Charybat attacked the Hall Master with its tail, several magic circles appeared around the Hall Master; it was practically instantaneous cast, as the tail struck at the magic circles and bounced back.

At the same time, several lightning bolts shot out from the Magic Circles that the Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber conjured and fell onto the huge body of the Charybat, causing the creature to shriek in pain.

Menuyhutt Faulhaber was a Dual Class Bearer of two main Classes, one of them was the Sword Sage which was Lord-Class. Yet, the second one was extremely frightening, the highest type of Class, the Eternal-Class, something exceedingly rare even among the Transcendents, the Arcanist of the Apocalypse.

​ The fearsome combination of these Classes practically allowed Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber to become an unparalleled powerhouse under the Transcendent Level and be undefeated for countless unspoken millennia. Not to mention he was born as an Old Deus, the pinnacle of superior species across the entirety of the Cosmos; when everything was added together, it created a freak of nature.

His caster capabilities were even more frightening than those with the sword; instantly, another tens of purple-colored Magic Circles appeared all around the Charybat and started bombarding the sea monster with countless Spells.

Menuhyut Faulhaber has managed to perfectly fuse the best of the two of the best worlds, combining the close-quarter capabilities of swordsmanship with the extremely destructive Magic that stemmed from the Eternal-Class Arcanist of Apocalypse.

Samiel held his breath at the destructive power of each spell because even a fool could tell that each one of them had the destructive prowess comparable to that of the 9th or 10th Level Spells. And certainly, even after shooting tens of them already from the Magic Circles, there were no signs of fatigue on the Hall Master\'s face or anything.

His Mana Regeneration capabilities were so high that they were able to effortlessly cover the spamming rate of so many high leveled spells. Samiel watched how the Charybat was bombarded by his Master to smitterness, pieces of flesh started falling from the body of the Charybat, and the water where the creature was attacking or defending was colored red.

The Chabyrat struggled fiercely against the onslaught that was brought by it by the Hall Master, only to realize that when it tried to escape from the bombardment of the spells that were raining on it, it was futile.

That was because, at the same time, during the time Menuhyutt was fighting against the Charbyt, he used his Magic to seal up the entirety of the space around them so that the Charybat couldn\'t escape from him.

Thus to only and the sole chance that remained for the poor creature was to fight for its own very life in a fight that it couldn\'t really win. Every move which the Hall Master executed was made beautifully, with absolute control over his power; nothing was wasted and always dealt maximum damage to the Charybat.

Second, later the Charybat opened its enormous jaws, and it started gathering energy particles, immediately when the Menuhyutt saw that, he instantly teleported as far as possible from the Charybat and created several tens of Magic Circles, this time, they were all black in color as the red beam of concentrated energy hit the Magic Circles.

One after one, they started breaking into countless pieces; soon enough, the red beam of energy that the Charybat shot a the Hall master was getting weaker and weaker until it reached around the 6th Magic Circle, where it completely dispersed.

Charybats were capable of unleashing devastating energy-based attacks by condensing beam heats from their natural energy and Mana, which were really hard to defend against. Even someone as strong as the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath had to invest a lot into a defense against those heat beams.

Appearing high above the Charybat, the Hall Master swung his sword at the creature, penetrating deep into the monster\'s flesh. At the same time, the Charybat screamed in pain, and blood flowed out from the mighty Holy Lengedary Magical Beast.

Not letting the beast go any further, several chains made purely from the Mana appeared around the entire body of the Charybat, enveloping it at all parts, not leaving anything free, as he continued to slash with his sword.

Each blow containing more power and force behind it, compared to the previous one, instantly just huge roar was heard, when the sword flamed and with one swing of his sword, he severed one of the Charybat\'s fins, and then not even seconds later, the second one was severed.

\'Sushi is in the making.\'

Samiel thought when he saw that his Master was literarily portioning the creature as sushi master would his fish. He was not even aware that his jokes were true, because the Hall Master planned to eat the Charybat.

Food was very important to becoming a powerful expert. Even though when one lacked some Ability that would contain something like Devouring, eating food made by powerful beings contained far more nutrients and was far more beneficial for the person who was eating it. Not to mention that even for him, eating a Holy Legendary Magical Beast would be something memorable because they were exceedingly rare.

Samiel could clearly see that the Charybat was in a severe disadvantage from the start. Even before he got the Level 4 Transcendental Ability Architect, Samiel had an extremely analytical mind and could very reliably analyze the situation at hand.

Now with the addition of the Architect, his analytical capabilities were out of this world. The first great disadvantage of the Charybat was the enormous size of the creature and its very low mobility. Secondly, his Master managed to lure out the magical beast out of its natural habitat, which was the sea, and the fight was taking place on the ocean\'s surface, meaning the combat capabilities of the Charybat were considerably lowered.

Thirdly, in terms of raw power, Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber was still leagues above. Still, the one thing that the creature had, which basically balanced out the things, was the tremendous amount of vitality and absolutely frightening defensive abilities of the Charybat.

Not to mention that the experiences and things that the Hall Master has lived through were something that not many people could dream of, including countless Transcendental, because not many of them had such a backstory as the old man.

Samiel knew some things from what the old man told him when they were just talking about various things.

Menuhyutt Faulhaber was born countless, countless years ago as a child of two powerful Transcendental figures. Progenies of such mighty figures are always born at the mortal level because it had something to do with the future path; basically it was then easier to reach the absolute peak.

He was also born as Old Deus, an Arch Daeil, a union between Daemon and Devil, a pariah between both of the races. He was born in the Higher Dimensional World, the Nine Hells of the Baator, and when he was very young, he was sent to the mortal worlds, into some insignificant Middle World across the Cosmos.

That was the time when he was found by the previous Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath, who was a hermit cultivator, cultivating during that time in that Middle Word. From then on, he fought and slaughtered his way to the top of the Material Plane, slaughtered billions and destroyed entire worlds.

As Samiel was in high thoughts, he heard another shriek of the Charybat when the Hall Master pierced its huge skulls with his sword, essentially killing the Holy Legendary Level Magical Beast in this single combat.

When the Charybat was finally killed by the Hall Master, he stored the corpse of the humongous sea monster in one of his Dimensional Rings because this would be a lot of food for the later time. Especially for races such as dragons or even blood races, it was invaluable.

There was a high chance that people like Karliana Kircheisen would reach the next Level after drinking some of its blood essences, meaning there would be another powerhouse close to the Limit Legendary in the Hall of Kadath.

Bloodkin used the blood of the High-Tier being to increase their Levels quickly; thus they were one of the species with the fast "cultivation speed" across the entirety of the Cosmos. It wouldn\'t be weird to see bloodkins, particularly those of high social standing achieving the Gold-Tier within a few decades.

It all depended on the blood, as the blood was the key for them.

"That was a splendid fight, Master."

Samiel stated when his Master landed back on the floating island.

"Indeed it was... there are only a few people across the entire Cosmos who could fight such creatures on their own at the same level, though there could be more, but many of those are just sleeping or hibernating."

Menuhyutt stated back, as this was the time for them to part.

"We will be meeting once again... very soon."

The old man stated as he teleported out from the Floor, without saying anything else, as the light particles enveloped Samiel and teleported him too out of the 5th Floor. After both of them left the Floor, soon enough, a huge tremor ran through the entirety of the 5th Floor, as the ocean shook across the entire 5th Floor, and anyone who was still there realized one thing.


Countless floating islands fell down from the sky as the ocean took them as its own when the roar of the Transcendental Level Sea Monster that was dwelling in the deepest and coldest parts of the ocean woke up and roared in rage at its killed descendant.

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