
Chapter 242 New Unlocks

Chapter 242 New Unlocks

~Speaking of change,~ Luicus thought to himself, just now remembering that the system event he had completed had given him a few new unlocks.

With that in mind, he quickly called up his status screen.


─────?? Player Details ??─────?

[Lucius Elwood ]

[Level 15: 120/1500]!

[Laendryte Rojo [Guardian] [66%]

─────?? Stats ??─────?

[Agility: 790 ]

[Strength: 790]


─────?? Titles ??─────

『Belladonna』- Poisonous excretions gain 300% potency when user is subjected to turmoil.


~Huh, this is interesting, though its activation ability is a bit vague. What counts as turmoil?~ Lucius thought to himself.

As good as the skill was, it was expected after what he had gone through... after he had almost lost his life to get it.

He had no doubt in his mind that if that creature Eiknyr had been summoning was actually unleashed he would\'ve been completely destroyed. In fact, he was nearly certain that that creature was even stronger than the necromancer.

He still wondered what that creature had been, it was a shame he couldn\'t have kept Eiknyr alive to ask him.

~I guess we\'ll just have to capture Eikthyrnir and torture it out of him,~ he decided to himself before opening his system shop.


─────??System Shop??─────?

[Evo points] -100 Helios

[Solis fragments] - 1000 Helios

[Sobriquet] - 1,000,000 Helios

[Language Encyclopedia] - 10,000,000

[Solar key(1)] - N/A

(Current Helios: 0)


~Solar key?~ he thought to himself, noticing the new item that was listed. And just like that, he felt a strange warmth building up within his hands, before finally-

"Is that a new spell, Lighted One?" Pagan asked, already at the front of the group, mere seconds after he sensed the strange energy swelling up within Lucius\'s hands.

"No..." Lucius replied in a distracted tone, as he inspected the item in his hand.

At this point they were very close to Asclepius\'s lab, however, the group halted to look at the golden skeleton key in Lucius\'s hands.

"The energy coming from this feels... different," Pagan whispered in awe.

~But what does it open?~ Lucius thought to himself, before- as if my instinct- placing the key into an imaginary door, and twisting it.

With that, a door made of hard light appeared out of thin air, and swung open, revealing a radiant staircase leading off into a white space.

The group stopped and stared at Lucius, who was currently staring at the door with a mix of exhaustion and intrigue.

Everyone else was just chalking this up as \'Lighted One hocus pocus\' but Lucius knew well that this was beyond the scope of any magic spells he could hope to create.

"It\'s a portal," he said after a moment of silence had passed. However, his words were wasted as no one except him knew what portals were.

"Where does it lead?" Ghost asked, before moving closer to the wide open door.

"Don\'t," Lucius warned.

Although the door looked interesting, he wasn\'t just going to head in there without any preparations.

Besides, it was odd that he couldn\'t feel any sort of energy signal coming from it. This thing that was currently glowing so brightly that it looked like the sun was right here in the tunnel hallways with them.

He slowly moved forward and attempted to close the door.

~It\'s tangible,~ he realized, once he shut it, before pulling the key out.

With that, the door disappeared, and a few seconds later so did the key.

For a moment Lucius was afraid he had completely blown it, but after opening his system shop, he saw that the? [solar key] option still had one next to it, signifying that it had just been returned to inventory,

"What was that?" Hannibal asked, the group now staring at Lucius with intrigued expressions.

"I don\'t know yet but we\'ll find out soon enough. First, let\'s get the magical weapons out of the way," Lucius replied, before gesturing for Hannibal to continue leading them.

~Hmm, there was a new skill if I\'m not mistaken,~ Lucius thought to himself, right as Hannibal led them into a hallway that opened up into a small cave structure.

In this cave were all sorts of herbs, sacks, runes and other odd items playing around. From its haphazard arrangement, Lucius could tell that this was Ascelpius\'s lab.

At the very back of the lab, was the obsidian black chair, and right in front of it was the odd flower.

"These are the items you asked for right?" Hannibal asked as he gestured for the prairie-dog creatures that were currently sorting some items in the lab to leave.

"Lighted One," the prairie dogs whispered, before bowing ever so slightly and leaving.

Lucius nodded to them, before approaching the chair, deciding to look at the skill right after he was done with this.

He stood in front of it in silence for a moment, before reluctantly running his fingers along its surface.

It felt unnaturally cool to the touch.

~Good, at least it\'s not emitting any sort of pulse,~ he thought to himself.

He had been half afraid that it had some sort of tracking device or spell on it, however, it was only emitting the faint emissions that mana stones gave off.

"Are there any tunnels far from here that you aren\'t afraid of losing?" Lucius asked, side-eyeing Hannibal.

"Afraid of losing?" Hannibal asked, in confusion, standing right beside Lucius and staring at the chair with interest.

"I want to run a few experiments with the runes and mana stones on this thing. But in case things go bad, I don\'t want to put this place of yours at risk," Lucius replied.

"Hmm... I\'ll have to ask the Furtongs, I\'m not certain about the structure of this place," Hannibal replied thoughtfully.

"Good, get it done," Lucius said, patting Hannibal on the shoulder before eyeing the flower.

He already had plans for it, he just needed to find the right requirements for his plan to come to fruition. Though for now, he decided to feed it with a bit of radiant energy to see how it would react.

As energy from his crux came into contact with the flower, its crystalline body began to emit a faint light, which stayed for a few seconds, before going dim.

With that, the flower grew ever so slightly.

~Good, this\'ll definitely work,~ Lucius thought to himself, as Hannibal stared at him like he had just seen a ghost.

"How did you do that?" Hannibal asked, kneeling over to inspect the flower.

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