
Chapter 254 Second Rise of the Elwood Family [III]

Chapter 254 Second Rise of the Elwood Family [III]

As he walked through the hallways, he could sense excitement in the air. It seemed even those who were not going to evolve were preparing to go to the surface as well.

Normally Lucius would stop this, as showing such a large group on the surface would no doubt attract some attention.

However, he supposed that this was probably Pagan\'s doing. No doubt an attempt to show his \'followers\' what sort of gifts they could attain if they continued to follow the Elwood family.

In other words, it was a high-risk high-reward scenario. Their loyalties... or blind faith, would be strengthened even further with this.

"Tell Hannibal to scout out the surface before we leave. I want him to secure as much area as possible. Tell Ghost to help as well," Lucius said to one of the leaf-beings who was passing by him.

"Got it," the leaf-being replied in a whisper, looking over its back as if it were an escaped convict.

"I\'ll carry out this mission with utmost secrecy, Lucius," it shouted, as it sped off into a crowd of furtong up ahead.

"Lucius? How many of my children call me Lucius?" Lucius wondered to himself in confusion, before marching on.

*[The Conspiracist Leafling]

~The Leader has just given me a top-secret mission, and already it seems there are others at play who wish for my failure,~ the conspiracist leaf-being thought to himself as he stood in a long queue that had formed in one of the tunnels.

"Or is this part of the test? I find it odd that he chooses now of all times to give his most powerful servant a mission. Coincidence? I think not... he\'s considering giving me a Premier position and this is probably a test to see if I still have what it takes," he whispered to himself smugly.

"Well, I can\'t blame him for doubting me; it\'s been a while since he\'s been with us. It seems I\'ll have to remind him why he once considered making me a Premier during our first encounter," he continued before laughing to himself.

"What are you mumbling on about?" another leaf-being asked from behind. He was all too familiar with this voice; it was his best friend... and arch-rival.

"Not now, I\'m doing something important," the conspiracist said, before skillfully slipping through the tiny spaces that all the creatures in front of him had left in between each other.

~Even Ghost can\'t move this fast,~ he thought to himself smugly, staring back at the tiny spaces he had just gotten through.

To his dissatisfaction, his arch-rival had mimicked him almost effortlessly, making it seem like second nature.

~Well, she\'s my rival for a reason,~ he thought to himself before advancing.

The bear-men at the door were currently controlling the traffic of creatures moving into and out of the next few rooms. Hannibal\'s quarters was just a few tunnels past this.

~I can\'t just tell them I\'m on a mission; that would blow my cover. Can\'t be too careful with this sort of information around all these unnoticed,~ he thought to himself, before staring at the bear-men on guard with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Now that Luci is back, I think you should let him have a look at you. You\'ve been acting even stranger after your evolution," his arch-rival said, making a greeting gesture to a small group of prairie-dogs that were moving in the opposite direction from them.

"Don\'t call him that; it\'s distasteful," the conspiracist said dismissively, his attention still focused at the bear-men.

"Ghost calls him that; I think it sounds better. And it\'s easier to say," she replied, her eyes scanning the room for whatever it was that the conspiracist was looking at.

"Are you trying to get through?" she asked, after focusing on the bear-man.

"Huh? How did you... You should leave; you\'ll mess this up," he said, before moving forward.

The bear-men were currently speaking to a rather large furtong; the time was nigh.

Just as the conspiracist was about to slip through, one of the bear-men on duty instantly turned to look down at him.

"Halt! If you\'re going to the surface for the Lighted One\'s gift, you should stand in line. Lord Hannibal is still sorting out the details," the bear-man shouted.

"We\'re part of Asclepius\'s department; we\'re heading up to clean out her lab since she\'ll be gone for a while," the conspiracist\'s arch-rival chimed in from behind.

The bear-man took a moment to discuss with his comrade, before they staring skeptically at the odd duo.

"Hmm... You may proceed," the bear-men said after a moment.

After they had walked a good distance away from the guards, the conspiracist turned to look at his partner with a skeptical gaze.

"How did you come up with that?" he asked.

"I didn\'t; it was the truth... or at least half the truth. Now tell me what\'s going on," she replied.

The conspiracist hesitated for a moment, before sighing in exasperation.

"Lucius gave me a mission. He wants me to pass on a piece of information to Hannibal... I can\'t share what though. However, I believe that this is a test for a Premier position," he explained, taking a right turn at one of the intersections.

"Oh, they\'re also considering giving you a premier position? What department?" she asked, apparently happy for the conspiracist.

"Yeah, it seems our rival relationship has come to an- wait. What did you just say? Also? Are you getting a premier position?" he asked in disbelief.

"I\'ve been helping Asclepius and Hannibal, and they both said they would recommend me for a seat on the council. It\'s not a Premier position yet, but with the opening in the Building department, I might be chosen," she replied.

At this point, they were right in front of Hannibal\'s personal quarters.

"Hmm... Wait here; I have more questions to ask you," the conspiracist whispered to her before entering Hannibal\'s room.

~It seems she has one-upped me yet again... well done. But I still have a duty to carry out; whether I am noticed or not,~ he thought to himself before approaching Hannibal.

Hannibal\'s quarters seemed more like a personal lab than a resting space. There were several failed inventions lying all about, most of them copies of the contraptions he had seen Lucius create before.

There were a few runes scattered about as well, and several odd materials he had been experimenting with.

"If you\'re here to ask about evolution, the answer is still the same. If you\'re able to withstand the solar energy long enough, you\'ll evolve," Hannibal replied, currently occupied with his pushups.

"I\'m here to pass on a message," the conspiracist replied, his tone serious.


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