
Chapter 143 - Epilogue 4.3

Chapter 143: <Epilogue 4.3>

“Just like Komodus, any man who becomes my husband will act like they own this kingdom. I don’t want to go through that again.”

Liselotte had been trying her best for months to convince Beatrice otherwise. Once she left the castle, there would be no one who could care for Beatrice with love. It bothered Liselotte deeply that Beatrice would be left alone in this lonely castle.

“Not everyone is like that. Look at how our father met our mother.”

The sisters grew up under the most loving couple. Lucretius and Bina were best friends, best political partners, and completely in love with each other.

This meant that the sisters had a very high expectation for their own partners and marriages. Growing up under such a perfect couple was actually making the sisters’ lives harder.

Beatrice knew from the beginning that finding the perfect partner was not an everyday occurrence. She knew it wouldn’t be easy. This was why Beatrice gave up early.

In addition, her situation was different than her father’s.

“An emperor getting an empress and a female ruler getting a husband are two very different things. Besides... Finding a partner like our mother is not an easy task.”

“I know, but...”

Liselotte sighed unhappily. Unlike her older sister, Liselotte decided to actively search for true love early on.

Liselotte continued, “It’s not impossible, yet you aren’t even trying. In fact, you are doing your best to avoid any kind of possibility. If you continue to be like this, you might end up missing out on your one true love.”


“It is still possible to find the one who you can have feelings for and also have a similar political view. Our parents found each other and... I did as well, right?”

Beatrice watched Liselotte playing with her engagement ring.

“I... guess.”

Liselotte used a gentler tone.

“Remember what mother always told us?”


“It is important to do our royal duties and protect our rights, but what is more important is to live a happy life as a person, not as royalty.”

“I know.”

“If you are sure that you are happy with your current life, then I won’t bring this subject up again. But if you are giving up on your happiness because of political reasons... Then I think you are making a mistake.”

Beatrice couldn’t answer immediately, which was strange. Normally, she could say confidently that this was her choice and she was happy with her life. However, today, she couldn’t say it.

Liselotte caught this and added quietly, “All I want is for you to be open to possibilities.”


After her younger sister left, Beatrice contemplated about their conversation.

After she got rid of Komodus, she decided she would never marry anyone again.

No, she decided this even as she chose a man like Komodus. She chose to become a competent female ruler rather than a happily married woman.

Beatrice always believed living as the absolute ruler of this kingdom was her biggest happiness, but now, she felt unsure.


Her sister used to be so much like her, but she ended up going through a whirlwind romance with a man of minor nobility. Despite everyone’s objections, she decided to marry this man. Perhaps this was why Beatrice started to doubt her life choices.


However, she couldn’t stop thinking of her political situation. She was born into this, and she was raised to always scheme and doubt. She learned it from her own father the emperor and her mother the empress.

It was very unlikely to happen, but if she was lucky enough to meet a man who was perfect for her and her situation, then perhaps it wasn’t a bad idea to get married again.

Despite the odds, her father did meet the perfect woman from another world.

... This was the first time in her twenty-six years of life that she considered the possibility of finding a true partner.

Actually, she was going to be turning twenty-seven soon. Her father met her mother at this exact age.

Perhaps... She could meet a man who can melt her cold iron heart.


“Where... am I?”

Shiyeon looked up at the sky desperately and murmured.

In the unfamiliar forest, a full moon shone in the sky through the thick tree branches.

She couldn’t understand what was happening. She had a severe headache and her whole body felt like she was beaten badly.

Shiyeon ran as if she was running away from a giant monster.

Why was she here? What was she doing? Why did she feel like she was hurt badly?

Suddenly, she remembered what had happened before finding herself here.

Dark street. Stranger’s footsteps following from behind.

At first, she thought she was overreacting, but soon, she realized she was wrong.

It was late in the night and the way home didn’t have a single street light despite the neighbors’ complaints.

Then suddenly, a dark hand grabbed her hair from behind and covered her mouth before she could scream.

He dragged her away. She at first froze, but she quickly started to fight as hard as she could. Yet, she was helpless to stop him.

One thing she could achieve was to step on his foot with her high heel.


The man screamed in pain and loosened his hands. Instinctively, she freed herself from him and started to run.

She was by no means athletic. In high school, she used to run 100 meters in 20 seconds. However, danger made her body move. She ran faster than she ever had in her life.

The man yelled angrily from behind, “You! I will kill you!”

She believed him. She could feel her own fear crawling on her skin. Shiyeon ran with everything she had towards the main street where other people would be.

His footsteps quickly caught up to her. She was getting tired fast. She was panting and her legs felt painful.

However, she was so close to the main street. Just another 10 to 20 meters... She could see the streetlights.

Shiyeon prayed as she continued to run.



She couldn’t breathe, but her legs thankfully didn’t give up. Just a little while longer...

Almost. Just a little bit more!

Just then.

She felt him grab her hair again from behind. As she fell, she saw the man who was wearing a hat and was frowning angrily.

“Man... You’re making this unnecessarily hard.”

“N, no...!”

She could barely scream because he covered her mouth again and dragged her into the darkness.

Her hope quickly died when suddenly, the ground under them disappeared.

The man screamed in confusion.

“W, what the?!”

As they fell, Shiyeon finally saw what was causing it.

It was a giant hole that swallowed the entire alleyway.

Shiyeon looked around in fear. Where was the man? Where did he go? Was he still around? Would he come after her again?

Suddenly, she felt something odd on her legs and arms.

“... Blood?”

Her entire body was covered in blood. She screamed uncontrollably.


Except for her scream, the unknown forest remained silent. It seemed like she was the only living creature in it. Her scream echoed throughout the woods.

“What the hell? What’s happening!”

Shiyeon panicked as she tried to use leaves to clean herself, but the blood was too sticky.

“I hate this!”

She cried loudly. When she tried to clean her legs, she felt something squishy.


It was not sticky like blood. Shiyeon’s hand trembled as she grabbed it. When she saw what it was, she fainted.

Beside Shiyeon on the forest floor were pieces of human fleshes.

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