
Chapter 560 - Sexual Tension To The Limit & Tears Of Joy

Chapter 560 - Sexual Tension To The Limit & Tears Of Joy

The power to bring the dead back to life was a power that should only belong to the supreme existence; the absolute one, the overlord that could overwhelm time and space in order to twist reality at will and change the natural rules not only of the universe but of life in general.

The same applied to the power of creation. Creating life was not as simple as building a television set because to create life first and foremost required a essence; a soul. But how was it possible to create a soul? After all, the way each and every soul evolver grew, regardless of race, was by absorbing part of the Soul Power of another existence.

In case someone had the ability to create souls at will, wouldn\'t that someone be able to continue evolving infinitely at lightning speed?

However, such things were too far from the imagination of someone like Bai Zemin. No matter how talented he was or how deep the veil of mystery surrounding him seemed to be, at the end of the day, the existence known as Bai Zemin was just a First Order human that didn\'t even know exactly who he was let alone about the creation of other lives.

"... This is too crazy." Bai Zemin sighed and shook his head as he took his free hand to rub the central area of his forehead with a finger. "Bring back the dead to life? Create life? Lilith, the only thing I\'m capable of doing now is modifying my own soul but even then I have limitations, not to mention the fact that the consequences for overusing this skill could cost me my life."

"... I guess you\'re right..." Lilith also shook her head and let go of his hand that she was holding, thus breaking the link between their souls. "It\'s too early to jump to conclusions. As you always say, let\'s better focus on what\'s right in front of us."

After all, looking too far ahead could lead to despair.

There were many things that were temporarily better left unknowing than in the open.

"Bai Zemin, promise me that if at any time someone asks you regarding this skill, you will never say anything to that someone unless it is someone you trust with your life on the line." She looked him in the eye and asked in an almost pleading voice.

How could he say no to such a beautiful little face that looked pitiful as she looked at him with eyes similar to those of a little puppy waiting to receive the favor of its owner?

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t say anything." Bai Zemin assured earnestly.

To begin with, he was not someone who liked to share his skills with others as it would mean putting strengths and weaknesses out in the open. But now that he knew how dangerous the skill Regeneration was and how infinite its potency seemed to be, Bai Zemin felt it would be best to be very careful in the future or he could get into serious trouble.

Putting aside the fact whether he would ever reach the level of being able to bring the dead back to life and putting aside the fact whether he would ever manage to create life with a mere thought, the simple fact of being able to modify his soul to adapt to different fighting styles and confrontations was already insane enough to scare anyone.

It was demonstrated in the battle on the bridge that if it wasn\'t for the limitation of the excessive use of Overlap Regeneration on the body and on the soul, Bai Zemin could have easily wiped out the 20,000,000 zombies long before a day had passed; he could even have annihilated the zombie leader, beast leader, and even the mermaid princess with his bare hands without destroying the bridge.

That was how strong Overlap Regeneration was.

Bai Zemin noticed that despite having said what she said, Lilith was still mute as a result of the shock she had just received; so much so that he doubted whether he should continue talking about everything that happened during the time she was not with him.

After all, Overlap Regeneration, although it was a tremendous surprise, Bai Zemin had acquired many amazing records that in his eyes were not inferior to that skill.

Deciding to let Lilith rest a bit to settle her thoughts and emotions, Bai Zemin was about to immerse himself in his records to check some messages he had received during the fight which caught his attention when suddenly a new message flashed across his retina at lightning speed followed by several more.


[You have become the most powerful existence in the entire Yanqing District of China and have managed to hold your ground for over seventy-two hours without allowing another being to be able to threaten your rule!]


[Your camp has officially become the human camp with the largest population in the entire Yanqing District of China!]


[Within your base camp resides 90% of the human population of the entire Yanqing District of China and thus you are considered as the ruler of mankind in the boundaries!]

[You have received the title \'Leader of Yanqing\'.]

[Leader of Yanqing: When you are outside the Yanqing District, this title allows you to teleport anywhere in the Yanqing District. The effect of the title has a cooldown time of 30 days. It cannot be used while the user is in combat or out of Earth].

[You have received hidden reward]

Bai Zemin didn\'t even have time to react at all and while he was dumbfounded a flash of bright light appeared out of nowhere in front of him.

"This is..." Lilith abruptly raised her gaze and looked in the direction of the ceiling where she felt alteration in the space-time flow only to come across a strange wooden tower that looked like a pagoda similar to what many Chinese families had in their homes as decorations.

The wooden pagoda flew silently towards Bai Zemin and he subconsciously stretched out his hands such that the approximately ten-centimeter tall object fell gently onto his palm.

Lilith\'s eyes sparkled with excitement at the sight of the object in the hands of Bai Zemin as she recognized what it was. She seemed to have completely forgotten about the matter regarding Overlap Regeneration as like a little girl whose wish had been fulfilled by her parents she let out a high-pitched cry that carried all her joy.

Bai Zemin did not have time to react once again when Lilith pounced towards him like a lioness.


Both he and she fell off the bed and hit the ground hard due to the sudden charge of Lilith but fortunately this kind of fall meant nothing to both of them.

"L- Lilith...?" Bai Zemin raised both hands towards the sky as he used his sidelong glance on the woman whose body rested on top of his. To say he was shocked was an understatement!

Not only had his vision just been flooded by messages from the Soul Record but he even received a strange reward and as icing on the cake Lilith suddenly started to act strange. This was the first time Lilith showed such abrupt changes of emotions in front of him and it was also the first time Bai Zemin felt that she was 200% happy about something!

Was she so happy because of the small wooden pagoda o....?

Lilith did not respond nor did she say anything regardless of how much Bai Zemin tried. All she did was hug him tightly.

How could Bai Zemin not react when the scent of roses that always drove him crazy suddenly flooded his sense of smell? How could he not be driven wild when his sense of touch was suddenly overwhelmed by a body so soft and delicate that it did nothing but summon the primordial desires of any male?

Feeling those two huge mountains pressing tenderly against his firm chest and feeling the feminine breath delicately caressing the side of his neck, Bai Zemin\'s manhood awakened without even giving him a chance to calm down again.

As Lilith hugged Bai Zemin tightly and her face gently settled between his neck, she naturally felt the middle part of her body being lifted slightly at the presence of a lever that was previously not there or rather previously not in working hours.

How could she not know what that "lever" was? While Lilith was a virgin, she knew the human body perfectly so naturally she understood immediately what was going on. She blushed slightly and a slight flash of surprise flickered in her beautiful ruby eyes.

Big, thick, and hot.... Those were the only three words Lilith could use in her mind to describe the object that was hitting her midsection so hard that even through her dress she could feel its overwhelming presence and high temperature as the blood-filled veins caused its size to slowly grow in size.

Even then, she did not move. Despite her embarrassment, her desire to hug Bai Zemin as proof of how happy she was at present proved to be overwhelmingly superior. Moreover, she also felt no rejection towards this second encounter filled with sexual tension.

"... You little scoundrel, currently, I am really happy."

The whisper of Lilith was as faint as the buzzing of a mosquito in the distance but since her face was buried between Bai Zemin\'s neck her words reached the desired destination smoothly.

He felt her breath tickling the left side of his neck and his whole body shivered. The level of excitement that Bai Zemin believed had reached its peak rose along with his body temperature and for the first time since acquiring the skill Blood Manipulation he could do nothing as the blood in his body began to rush rapidly and as his heart pumped like crazy the area between his legs continued to rise like a dragon trying to pierce the clouds.

At this point, if previously Bai Zemin tried to lie to himself saying that Lilith probably hadn\'t noticed and that\'s why she continued without moving, he had no choice but to admit that even a dead one would wake up if their bodies were suddenly poked hard enough to lift them up and keep the lower part levitating like a magic trick.

Bai Zemin began to sweat bullets as his body temperature climbed higher and higher. He was surprised that his symbol of masculinity was strong enough to lift a woman\'s body in such a way.

Before the apocalypse such a thing would definitely be impossible and any man who tried would probably have to go to the doctor to try to fix his little brother\'s tear or even break. However, now things were different; this was especially so for Bai Zemin whose physical body was constantly being nourished by his tremendously pure Soul Power.

The current him really was comparable to a beast and he feared that no human woman could keep him company in the bedroom which added to his colossal Stamina turned Bai Zemin into something Lilith had told him during the early days of the apocalypse; an unstoppable sex machine.

"Y- You\'re happy...?" Bai Zemin spoke. His breathing was heavy and his voice hoarse as lust began to take over his ever-composed exterior.

Although Lilith felt that Bai Zemin\'s lust-laden husky voice was incredibly sexy in comparison to his usually calm and indifferent voice, she managed to continue:

"Mm. I\'m very happy." Lilith whispered again as she nodded softly, causing her long black hair to gently caress his face slowly. "That little wooden pagoda in your hand is proof that I have guided you on the right path regardless of all the difficulties and sudden changes that occurred as we went along."

"As we went along..." Bai Zemin said her last words again, realizing that indeed he had never been walking alone and that his burdens were indeed not his only.

When he suffered, Lilith suffered.

When he was on the verge of death, Lilith was also on the verge of death.

When he despaired, despair threatened to loom over Lilith.

It was just that Bai Zemin had no way of knowing how important he had become to her in these little more than two months of time. Even now that he was slowly beginning to awaken he had no way of knowing how much.

As if suddenly a bucket of ice water was thrown on a small campfire that threatened to turn into a forest fire, the rising lust that overwhelmed Bai Zemin receded at lightning speed and along with the settling of his lower body his arms that were frozen pointing towards the ceiling automatically came down to wrap around the waist of the woman resting on his body and hugging him as if her life depended on it.

At the same time and with his mind now clearer, curiosity won over Bai Zemin.

Was this small wooden pagoda important enough for Lilith to react like this?

\'Let\'s see it then.\' With a thought, the records of the small object resting within his hand reflected in his pupils.

As Bai Zemin read more and more, greater was the surprise in his eyes until it reached the peak when realization hit him.

"Ha... Hahahahahaha!"

The laughter of Bai Zemin echoed through the four walls of the room, bouncing and echoing.

His laughter was charged with relief, joy, pride, and many positive emotions that pushed him over the edge.

Lilith felt her hair get wet out of nowhere and seconds later that wetness reached her face. She knew what that humidity represented and therefore she simply stood there, silent. To avoid hurting the pride of the little man who was now hugging her tighter.

Regardless of whether they were tears of joy, probably someone as proud as Bai Zemin would not want the woman who was slowly winning his heart to see such a pathetic expression as the one he currently had on his face.

However, now it was Lilith\'s turn to be surprised and curious.... Because while she expected him to be surprised and relieved, she did not expect that obtaining the small wooden pagoda would be enough to make him shed tears.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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