
Chapter 350: Grand path (3)

Then she falls down unconscious but before she could even fall down a few meters below, someone hold her and carry her down gently.

That person is wearing a black robe that seem to be knit from the darkness of the night and that person channel his life force to Katarina as that person lay her down beside another woman.

This black robe person is none other than the Clone Body of Death Monarch. Beside the unconscious Katarina is the unconscious Sofia.

Azief clone body seems to marvel at this sight and he almost smirk which is uncharacteristic of him

He sighed as he holds both of those women hands and channels his life force slowly and gently so that he wouldn’t accidentally burst their body to be wrecked into deviation of energy

Meanwhile, in the sky, Azief instead of emanating an aura of embracing life on the other hand is accumulating killing intent all over his body.

The reddish black aura spreads out from him like he is the source of darkness

‘Eternal…’he said and then he grins. He pushed his feet and the air on his feet crack and exploded into a deafening sound of explosion.

The space around him bend and the particles of light around him refracts and seems to waver.

Then in a blink of an eye, he moved faster, as light around him also bend and curves upward and downward at the same time while other time it is bending itself on the opposite direction.

It was silent an d unseen. That was how fast he was moving. With his body getting stronger, his body could handle the pressure of the speed now forced onto him

Azief is chasing the thin string and he would never let it go.

Their chase seems to bend all manner of concepts in this world and throw every path they passed by into a chaos mess of energy

He keeps grasping around the thin air each time he moves and the thing that makes him annoyed is how close he is in grasping it.

It was so close he could almost taste the sweet taste of victory. And Azief eyes became even more determined each time the string managed to get away

Each of his grasp is like a fatal strike as the motion of his grasping movement rips apart space and distort time, creating a weird dilation of time wherever he grasp his hand

The energy that is coming out from his body did not help to minimize the damage he done to an area.

Seven energies that seems to govern all manners of concepts is emanating out of him, an unstoppable momentum of power is slowly building up with each failure

His eye is still on the price. No matter how fast the thin string seems to move Azief is always just one step behind, chasing it with his eyes wide open.

By now they already move away from the South Atlantic Ocean and the collateral damage he left behind is shocking.

Like many people once said about him, Death Monarch is a storm.

If a storm does not move, then it is good and nothing bad happens. But once a storm forms and moves, many things will get decimated by the storm

Azief after his body transformation also increases the speed his body could now exhibit and even now as he is chasing the string with breakneck speed in the eyes of the world, Azief knows deep in his heart he could push it even further.

On the other hand, the whole world was shocked because the Death Monarch seems to be chasing something in the air.

He is not only chasing something; he is chasing it with a speed that surpass the perception of even the most perceptive levelers.

And some people don’t understand what Death Monarch said before he disappeared from the South Atlantic Ocean.

‘Eternal? What is Eternal?’

But some people of course could understand what he means. Some reclusive experts only smile bitterly.

Death Monarch has always been contending against the Heaven. No one knew Death Monarch Grand Path but they all know that Death Monarch did not really cultivate according to the Will of the World.

One could see it from the way he acts and the way he fights.

Perfection is a taboo and sooner or later the clash between Death Monarch would happen. Those experts know it and so they could somewhat guess Death Monarch intention.

An old person drinking whiskey on some kind of dark room look at the sight and he smiles viciously

‘What a person! To try to strangle the Heavens! Bold!’ The old man said and he laughs.

Everyone knows Death Monarch name so fame was not the reason he is doing these things. And people like Death Monarch might even disdain such thing as fame.

So, the only reason why Death Monarch despite the pain and difficulties is doing these thing is probably because of something else.

To the old man it seems like there is only one reason why Death Monarch acted like that.

‘To seek an answer’

The old man said to no one in particular.

Those who understand was shocked and those who did not could only marvel at the speed the Death Monarch is employing in his chase against some invisible force.

As he grasps the air, Azief could feel the energy of the world seeping into him like he was the sponge and the Will of all living things in the world is water.

His body is gathering divine momentum and a superior force is coming out of him that seems to shake the sky.

As his momentum keep increasing the whole world seems to become pale as dark snows rain down from the sky.

Some places in the world rain down black snow while some other pour down rain and some other places become a thunder land as thunder strikes down the Earth erratically like it was going crazy.

Azief laugh in almost an insane way seeing all of this happens with no care in the world. And it is clear from his eyes and his action he despises the way of the Heavens.

He is ferocious and deadly and the divine momentum that is building up seems to resonate with all the energy in the world.

It almost seems like the world seems to be vibrating as light bends and refract as the chase between Azief and the thing string intensifies.

Unlike before his speed was silent and leave no trace. It was almost like he wasn’t there flying around the world chasing invisible things.

It was like he merged with light and then arrived at the point end of that light and then he keeps chasing using this new method.

It was like an instantaneous movement

One could at most see a flash of light before he disappeared almost immediately after.

In the blink of an eye Azief and the Will of the World has raced all across the world and leave their mark all over the world in the sign of space breaking, storms forming and thunder attacking

And the Will of the World is getting even weaker as it used all of its power to defend itself from Azief incessant act of trying to capture it

The thin string seems to have some sort of protective fog surrounding it. It is formed by the Will of all living thing in the world.

It is like an impenetrable shield. But Azief only scoff looking at that last ditch attempt.

His body is now full to the brim with the energy of the world, his momentum is heaven defying and with that he pushed his body to reach the fastest speed it ever reached as it even seems to touch the barrier of Time and Space

And for a fraction of a second Azief saw some bits of an image from the future before he appeared in almost an instant just a few inches from the thin string.

‘Now’ Azief shouted to himself

Azief smiles confidently as he stretched out his hand and the might of Heaven and Earth erupted out from him almost instantaneously

And with his fast movement and the energy around him that is growing even bigger his might pressure the space around him as it bends as he grabbed the string and the whole world seems to tremble the moment he grabbed it.


Volcanoes erupted in some parts of the world, the sea went crazy, the world shakes and the sky roars in pain.

The moment he grabbed that string a counter energy run through Azief body which only helps refine his already powerful body.

Azief laugh in amazement.

It does not hurt at all. Instead it was like he was bathed in cold water on a hot day, feeling refreshed

It is like some nourishment that the Will of the World provided as it tries to struggle free from Azief grasp.

‘A Will’ Azief said to himself as the thin string seems to struggle and utilizing everything it could tor try to free himself from Azief grasp.

Azief only smirk with satisfaction.

‘You attacked me today’ And with that sentence it his eyes turns cold. Then he added

‘While it did not inconvenience me and instead become an opportunity to me it doesn’t change the fact that you attacked me’

He grins and said

‘Weakening you is the same as strengthening me. You just attack me and expect me to just relent? That would not be appropriate considering I put myself to be your nemesis. I despise your way and will not follow it. I just wanted to confirm something’ he said as he slowly grasps the thin string tighter.

The sky rumbles and one could feel the world roars from all directions. The wind blows by producing roaring sound and thunder and lightning cracked the sky

The defense around the thin string slowly crack before it slowly crumbles and all of the defenses that the thin string has erected against Death Monarch was rendered useless.




Saving girls, defeating the heavens all at the same time. Hehehe. Anyway hope you like the chapter and leave some comments.

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