
Chapter 401: Waiting for someone (6)

After the Fall, there are some prehistoric monuments that was still intact. The fact that it is still intact is even more stranger because of what happened on other places.

Skyscraper buildings falls down to ashes and all kind of military structure could easily be destroyed by monsters yet all around the world, there are some monuments and wonders of the ancient world that did not fall or destroyed.

It was like the monsters avoided such places and do not dare come near it.

One such cases are the Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England three kilometers west of Amesbury.

The Stonehenge has always been a mystery of sorts for people.

It consists of a ring of standing stones, with each standing stone around thirteen feet high, seven feet wide and weighing around twenty-five tons each.

At least it used to.

After the Fall, the Stonehenge was somehow changed like it finally showing its true form.

The moment the World Orb entered into Earth and emanated out all kind of source of energies that existed in all of the universes the Stones erected itself into its true original position and more stones suddenly appeared, formed by the energy of the world and from universal energies that come from the sun and stars.

Instead of being three kilometers west of Amesbury, it is now only one kilometers away from it with the ring expanded itself to cover a large swath of area.

Around it is a forest that emerged out from the grassy terrain and dark creatures that is like a dark blob that guarded the area around the stones.

The standing stones is no longer thirteen feet high and seven feet wide.

Instead the standing stones new measurement is twenty feet high, fourteen feet wide and weighing around one hundred tons each.

It also seems to glow with blue aura when it is night and red when it is dawn.

They were a few explanatory expeditions around here after the Fall from the reigning King of Britain that is supporting the World Government trying to explore this place but they are always repelled by the dark blob of monsters that live around the forest.

Some of the Neo Druids that survives the Fall believes that this is the true Stonehenge and that the ancient prehistoric man used magic to bring the Stones from other places to England and that maybe it is really true that Merlin did use magic to bring it to Britain.

Truth is, no one really knows.

But regardless of that, today, the undisturbed Stonehenge finally have its first visitor after the Fall.

There is two person coming out of the forest, looking scrawny and exhausted, their outfits have some kind of weird aura.

Behind them is dark blob of darkness that was about to chase them but the moment that these two person step onto the circular ring of stones, the dark blob stopped and after a few second floated away from the area

These two person consisted of a man and a woman.

They look around and the woman smiles.

‘Antonius we have finally arrived’ the woman exclaimed as she falls down to the ground exhausted and thirsty after all of that running and fighting in the forest.

Antonius stand beside the woman and look at her with worried expression. These two people is none other than Erika the Oracle and her bodyguard and lover Antonius

‘Yes, we have arrived. Never thought we really would reach it. But are you sure those thing would not be chasing us anymore?’ Erika nodded

‘Yes, they won’t chase anyone and disturb anyone inside this ring’ Erika said as she looked at the center of this circular ring formation.

In any depiction of the Stonehenge the center of the ring formation is that there is nothing other than some rubbles and stones.

But this new Stonehenge that appears after the Fall have something in the center of this circular ring formation.

A tree.

Yes, a tree. It is a thin tree that reached the clouds and its roots are tangled like some kind of twisted thread that have no hope of being unraveled and one of the branches of the lower part of the tree hang a small fruit like cherries, its skin is like the combination of white and gray.

And Erika is looking at that tree right now and she did not know whether to smile or be sad.

‘How similar’ she thought to herself. She has seen this tree before. She seen this tree for a long time in her dreams. She is finally here.

‘Hmm?’ Antonius said as he looked at Erika. He could see that Erika seems to be showing a weird expression as she looks at the tree.

‘Is everything alright, Erika?’

‘Nothing’ Erika said.

She then got up and drink the water she brought in her storage bag and slowly energy is coming back to her.

She is here now so she could not delay. Of course she knows she still have a lot of time, but nothing beats now.

She walks to the center of the ring formation and then she sat under the tree and took one of those fruit and eat it.

Antonius who was beside her was shocked to see that Erika suddenly consume something that they didn’t know would be poisonous or not.

‘Erika?! What are you doing?’ He was about to force Erika to puke back what she eaten but she gestured to Antonius not to with her hand.

‘I know what I am doing’ Erika said as she finishes eating that weird fruit. She then leans on the tree like she is about to go to sleep.

But instead of closing her eyes, she opened her eyes but her eyes turn cloudy white and one could see clouds and skies in her eyes if one looks closely.

The clouds in her yes is moving and the skies inside her eyes is red.

She seems to be experiencing something after eating the fruit that is on this weird branch of tree.

Antonius was anxious but he couldn’t do anything then see at Erika and let her do what she needs to do.

That is probably one of the hardest thing he had to do…always. He sat beside her and could only try to understand the burden that she had

That is always what make him want to cry.

The burden of the world carried on her tiny shoulders, and he is the only one who could see it and each time it made him want to cry.

He wanted to share the same pain and even if he could lift even a bit of that burden from her shoulders he would not mind doing it.

But as Erika keep reminding him, it is not his burden to bear and then she said something about Destiny and Fate.

Each time she did this kind of thing, she would always look like she is about to collapse and each time she would say that she is alright.

Those days they have in Santorini, seems like a dream now. He sat beside her and could only accompany her as he recalled the past four months.

They have been traveling in secret from everyone which is why it took them so long to reach here.

They were nearly spotted many times by the Republic forces as they sailed the British Isle. After all Europe belong to him after the World Distribution Event

Of course if the Republic saw it was the Oracle they would not capture her and instead might even hold a feast for her.

But Erika was adamant in saying that they must not be discovered by anyone. That anyone must never know who she is and what she is trying to do.

It was like she was hiding from someone. But from what Antonius knows Erika don’t have many enemies.

Even he himself, the closet person to Erika and have stick by her since this journey began don’t know what she is trying to do.

All he knows is the place where she wants to go.

Since four months ago, it looks like she is preparing for something as she stops at a few places to grab some things before coming over here

He sighed as he looked the standing stones around him

Antonius heard stories about the Stonehenge before and how it plays a part during the Weronian War.

But he himself never went to go to it, their journey rarely landed them to Britain. But for some reason, four months ago, Erika suddenly wanted to go here.

But since it is Erika it might not have been sudden. She must have seen something in her dreams or her vision or whatever she called it.

It’s here. Whatever it is. He sparks a fire as he waited for Erika to wake up.


Erika part fo the chapter. I think I ahve been giving to mnay hinst lately. I think you all coudl guess waht she is doing now right? huhuhu. Is hould stop writing too mnay hinst for my own sake. Anyway, elave soem comments and pelase dont forget to vote for the story and if you like the story please support it.

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