
Chapter 1223 - Something Odd I

One of their most famous relics was their Enochian steel, impossible to break and so sharp it could cut through mountains.

That is what he remembers from the records in history books about the Enochian Empire.

The Lost Generation lived in peace and prosperity, until one bizarre, fateful day when their entire Empire sank to the bottom of the ocean.

And since then the Demon Lords began strengthening back their military and after they were sure that the Sky people would not be coming back, they began violating the Treaty of the Accord

But by this time, humanity even without the Enochian Empire is no longer as weak as they were when the First Generation arrives.

And Levitia was that accumulation of that fortune and luck. And when he got the sword from the Lady of the Lake his fortune exploded.

He saw Levitia perform his deeds that would one day become legendary deeds. He saw how Levitia fought Dulira Zaraf, kills the Demon Lord and of course, he also saw the Three Wise Men of the Sea

Levitia last act before his homecoming was him trying to invade the Darklands and slaughter all of Demon Lords.

As he marches forward toward the Darklands on the bridge that connected the two continent, the Three Wise Men appears

Azief had once read the story of these Three Wise Men of the Sea that appear just right before Levitia marches toward the Darklands.

There is always debate between historians and theologian whether the meeting really did happen or it is a story that was added afterward by the Church to extoll the virtues of Levitia.

Azief knowing the Church of Light many atrocities know that there are many stories that were not true at all inside the Church good book.

Surprisingly enough, at least this part of the story is real.

The Three Wise Men of the Sea did appear and when they did, Azief could hear what the Three Wise Men of the Sea told Levitia.

They told him of his lineage, of his fate and his destiny, of a location of a weapon of great worldly destruction.

After that, Azief keep fast forwarding until the part where Levitia was poisoned and how he was thought to be dead after the Last Dinner.

Azief thought on Levitia is that he is like the Jesus of this world.

The difference was that he never brings any belief to any God or Gods in particular. While his deeds are deeds of bravery, it is not a virtue of morals

There is the whole story about him and the Church.

The Church of Light when he came to Earth X had always emphasizes that they and Levitia have great relationship and help each other and that is why in many of the books of the Church, Levitia is extolled in his virtue and his flaws were minimized.

The truth however, Levitia hated the Church. It is not what they brought that he hated, it is how they are going about it.

Inquisition, torturing and utter disregard and disrespect for anyone who have any other opinion or belief that is different from them

Most of the companion of Levitia also did not worship the God that the Church worship.

This is probably because in the teachings of the Great Prophet that Levitia himself knows that while the Great Prophet does spoke of the Creator and about God, he himself exercise tolerance against other religion and it is not unless you are attacked that you would be obligated to protect yourself

In other words, Levitia believe that the Church had distorted the teachings of the Great Prophet. Azief saw how Levitia find the tablets and in that tablet it spoke of the teachings of the Great Prophet

But when Levitia try to bring it out of the ruins, the tablets turn into dust. Azief nodded seeing this now understanding the cause of why Levitia who was revered by the Church hated the Church that much.

It is no wonder why his friends and companion, while not all of them agree with certain acts of Levitia, always praise his magnanimous heart that could accept them

Duvan Renasi for example believe in the Sun Emperor and the Water Maiden.

Most of his other companions also believe in diverse kind of theory of divinity. Whether they were wrong or not is irrelevant to Levitia who accepts them as friend.

Levitia probably believe in some kind of Creator God but he never imposes his belief in anyone.

Azief looking at Levitia, he saw him pray for a few times.

Who he prays to, he did not verbalize it in words but it is clear that he does have a belief in something.

But unlike Alexander who is also his companion, he did not try to impose his belief on his friends, respecting the belief of his friend as long as it did not violate certain principle of humanity like human sacrifices.

In that era, human sacrifices and deviant religion is all around.

Levitia himself knew that this is the cult of the gods and goddess that he has to fight as he is the champion f Amara

Other than the Demonkind, Levitia also wage war against these deviant cults and gods and goddesses of the Old that tries to kill him.

The church beautifies these victory as Levitia killing false Gods. The church added a lot of virtue onto Levitia, virtues that Levitia himself might not possess

It is not like Levitia himself is a virtuous person. He never claimed to be so. He was a complicated man.

And Azief is seeing it for himself how complicated he is.

He is A man who have the virtue of a knight. He is valiant, brave, loyal to his friend, steadfast to his promise

He exemplifies many virtues of a great knight.

but his vengeance had drove him to almost annihilating the entire demon population in the Human Kingdoms in Davarus.

Basically, he was about to commit a genocide.

He is merciless when it is about killing Demons. To him, someone who was blinded by anger, there is only one solution.

It is either humans or demons.

But if one looks at his life, at his surrounding, understand the era, one might even sympathize him

He saw in his youth how humanity was killed so easily by their Demon overlords, enslaved and tortured not for months but hundreds of years.

Life seems to be too cheap for humans. Of course it is easy for the later generation to judge people but that is because they do not live in the same era as these legendary figures

Life was as cheap as the roadside flower. Easily trampled and easily plucked away in a moment notice.

In such situation, Levitia blessed by the fortune of humanity, blessed by the blood that is coursing through his vein, blessed by divine providence, believe that there is only end to the war between humans and demons and that is the annihilation of the other side.

When he marches to the bridge to go to the Darklands, he was prepared to slaughter every demon that is on that land until there is no more Demonkind in the world

The later generation only remembers the heroic version of him and did not remember how merciless and cruel he is toward the Demonkind.

It is only the Church thousand-year propaganda that turns him into a saint in the eyes of many people

But this act did unify the human kingdoms in the Human Continent and make them unbending toward the Demon Lords and unyielding.

Azief speed up many of Levitia life because he felt that while the history of this part of the era is interesting, it did not have much to do with him.

Once again, he could only attribute this feeling to his intuition. He also saw the machinations of the Church and Alexander, how they betray Levitia and poisoned him

But he also saw how tangled the relationship between Levitia and Alexander and how the Holy Seed of Levitia lineage is preserved and the shocking fate and destiny that entangled the generation of Levitia and Alexander.

Azief could see that Arial even though he was not yet born is related to the Emperor of Vern lineage.

The son of Levitia is half-brother to Emperor Justinian the Second Emperor of the Vern Empire.

They share the same mother but different fathers. Azief saw how the Holy Blood is protected not only by a secret brotherhood but by the fortune and luck of the world

The more hardship and suffering that the Holy Blood endures, the more fortune it accumulates. This kind of easily accumulating fortune is precisely because during the War of the Gods, all of the Gods were destroyed, killed, sealed or rendered useless all had their abilities and divine command falls into the laps of the Heavenly Will and Amara.

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