
Chapter 1603 Perversion of Good

Chapter 1603 Perversion of Good

It does not excuse for what they had done, but Borgan…..sadness for her people have basis. So, Azief could only sigh at this. 

In the past, he would not have cared this much. But he had seen many things. And while he did not empathize that heavily, he could understand loneliness.

And how lonely would Borgan be when she found out that she have no one else in this large Universe?

If she did not know, her existence might not be so tragic. But because she knows, it becomes tragic. 

She is not talking to Azief, It is like she is recalling everything about her own past. Clearly, she look at these memories fondly. 

Azief is confused seeing this Borgan. One of the things he does when he sees Borgan in this space is to determine what is she?

Borgan is actually a star. She sacrificed herself to become Belthana and spread her Gand Will enabling all fated creation to glimpse the plans of the Supreme One.

That is what Will told him

So, she should be dead. But, the Borgan in front of him right now….she felt real. 

And so, he become confused. But Borgan did not seem to care what Azief thinks of her right now

She seems to be stuck in old memories and smiling she said

"Because like a certain Orvanian, in his pursuit of the perfect formation that could contained everything and anything, he sees the End, the Beginning. He sees the Supreme One. He sees his face and so he became a mad man. But even though he is mad, at times, he would be sane. Just like he is now. Every few days in a month, he would be sane. This young Etherna who is as innocent as the white light of Daxun become a mad man"

When Azief heard this , he was shocked. 

He enters this place, whatever this place is , through the blue crystal. 

Because if this crystal is made during the time of that war of Etherna with the Creator and Destroyer, how could she know about that certain Orvanians. 

Azief believe that Brogan is referring to Sithulran. Sithulran went mad when she sees try to see the beginning of time. 

How could Borgan know? 

Could she have seen that far into the future? But Borgan keep talking

"Then, there is that recluse. He likes to play with the elements in the past and in the end he become a recluse. But today, he is here. To give his life. 

" And that old Etherna...seals the darkness of the world, the kindness of the world. He was not always old. There were times he was also young. And in his youth, he plays a lot with the one with the formation. That other one would create formation and he would sela the formation…like a pair of brothers. They would sail the seas of stars and they would sing with the Singer, and their songs would echo out into the seas of stars. And unto the stars, imprinted to them their songs."

" And that one" she pointed her finger to one of the Etherna. Azief look at the Etherna and the memory of the face of that Etherna only lasted one moment before it erased itself from Azief mind. 

But if there is something he felt when he sees that Etherna, is that there is this feeling of great, holy and sacred magic 

Just in the presence of that Etherna breath, one felt motivated and full of positive energy. 

But at the same time, Azief could feel dark energy rising from him

"She is a Dark Witch. But she was not always the Dark Witch"

And Borgan chuckles a bit 

"When she was young she would chase those sunflies. She would heal people. She would reverse time, and she would undo dark blood magic. She breaks evil rituals. But things does not always stay the same"

She paused for a second 

"The hardest thing to maintain is sometimes the pure heart. It is because it is pure, it is easier to corrupt it. One drop of ink could spread and make it dirty. And once you wrestle in the mud and become dirty, it becomes easier to fall. And fall she did. Deeper and deeper"

Azief could tell that whoever this Etherna that Borgan called the Dark Witch, she must be the one that became the Ring of Eternal Darkness.

This is one of Azief ten Eternal Rings that contains dark magic. It is one of the rings that Azief rarely uses. 

Because, there is a certain dark feeling that invades his heart each time he uses it. Like it changes him, guiding him to a certain darkness.

Azief very much knows that there is a dark passenger inside his own heart. But he always tries to find the light. He does not always make the right choice. But he aspire to be. And maybe that is what makes him stay human.

He knows he would never always make the right choice. But that process of trying to keep making the right choices is important.

It matters…that he tried. 

It is important that he tried. Because if you tried to make the right choice, maybe he would make one.

But if he never tried, then he would keep making the wrong choice. And because of that, he did not need more darkness in his heart. 

"Then there is that woman. She likes to write all kinds of symbols. She took the method of sealing, of formation, of writing words and infuse it with her emotions. And she was always empathetic. And so, her symbols meaning is determined by one emotion when writing the symbols. 

When it is written with good intention, the words will be straight and pleasing to the eye. When it is written with malevolent intention, the symbol would also reflect the emotion of those who drew it. A good symbol is straight and gives blessing. A bad symbol would be crooked and gives curses. And symbols could always be interpreted different ways according to those who drew it. The drawing and the intention determines the symbol abilities, powers and effect" Borgan mutters and Azief eyes narrow. Because he knows one ring in his possession that has this kind of effect

"Ring of Eternal Symbols" he mutters

"A symbol could be a conduit of power. Just like how statue could represent many things and project power invisibly, a symbol pierce the subconscious. It is a mysterious path of study. It is not as direct as any other methods. It deals with the heart, the minds and the soul" Azief hearing these words from Borgan frowns a bit

"It sure seems like you are very familiar with it" At this Borgan nodded. 

"I was never that close with her. But I do talk to her. Because our method overlapped sometimes. When I see through the veil, not everything is direct and straight to the point. Sometimes the vision I saw is confusing. And my mind translates the vision in different ways. Like a symbol to represent a certain person. So, I understand a bit about her."

"And it uses Life"

"Because it is sacred" Azief mutters like he began understanding a certain reason why certain rings uses different kind of energy to fuel their methods. 

And Borgan hearing Azief words smiles.

"And that young one. He is the younger brother of the one that wrote symbols. And he created a new kind of alphabets. Though, other creatures would also follow it later. You called it Rune. But the Rune you wrote and the things he wrote is different. Everything in the Universe is somehow one way or another is projected from us in the past" 

"And then there is that old Etherna. He rarely never comes out from his cave. But today, when it is time to make a sacrifice for the greater good, he came"

"Ring of Ancients" Azief mutters

Hearing the name of the rings, Borgan chuckles. 

"Is that what you call it?"

"This old Etherna is a historian of my race. When he first saw the first Etherna die, he was the first one wanting to record their death. And so, he put down names of those people who died in his Star Tablet. And in doing so, he kept them alive in a way, sealing their essence of existence."

Azief hearing this could not help but feel the similarity of his ring power to the method of the Old Etherna

The Ring of Ancient is very mysterious and did not reveal much to him. But what he does know about the ring was that by using the ancient names of Etherna, once could summon the Etherna that is called upon and uses their magic and utilizes their law. But even until now, he had never used this ring. He knew some of the names of Etherna but…he never dares to invoke it. Great magic also has great price. 

He knew this logic which is why he would not do such thing without guarantee. He look at all of these ten Ethernas and he could not help but sigh. These Etherna would be sacrificed. 

" Is that why?" Azief ask and Borgan immediately understood. 

And she nodded

"One of them sings and when he sings, worlds appears and life blooms. But when the life sacrifice is done, that method of his turns dark. With a song, tens of thousands of lives is reaped, world collapses and death reigns" 

"It is the same for the other Etherna. Their joy turns to sorrow and kind methods turns to dark method. What is good turns evil. Spring turns to winter, fortune turns to misfortune, luck turns to doom" Borgan sigh. 

Her sigh echoes like a long sigh that echoes endlessly, full of sadness

Her face expression change slightly, the smile turns a bit bleaker and she continues

"For what they did tainted the sacred. And as such, their methods also become perverted and it is that perverted part that you come in contact with. Those who wield the rings usually would be affected by the ring. Not knowing the true curse that lies on the rings…..would then curses you. It affects your heart and affects your personality"

Azief hearing this nodded.

And Borgan only sigh

The sigh is long, regretting something that has already happened. 


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