
Chapter 829 - 829 Bathroom Break, Part 3

“Really?” I glanced around at her. “I feel pretty clean already.”

“That’s just your imagination talking. Now, don’t move,” She ordered, snapping my head back forward. “Let me keep on touchi – I mean – scrubbing you until I give you the all clear, alright?”

Being the woman of the house, and more importantly, the woman of the shower – I literally have no room to wriggle out of her declarations. If I wanted to leave this bathtime unpruned and still looking the best in my twenties, best way to go about it was to just let her do as she wishes.

I mean not like she hasn’t already been doing that ever since I met her…

For the next few moments, I closed my eyes and just focused on the light cold sprinkling onto my face.

Anything really to distract myself from her many sensations. The way her delicate hands continue to explore and venture, the feel of her warm, soft body pressing against mine… sometimes her legs would brush the sides of my own, and I’d feel an exhilarating rush around my pelvis region I had to struggle to temper.

Seriously, having her bathe me was as much torture as it was a pleasure. She keeps this up any longer and I might just wind up…



I snap my eyes, darting around to the faint sound of jingling, and with her hands placed flat, pulsating a warmth just an inch above my chest.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing. I’m blind, I just noticed that…” a trace of a chuckle whimpered out with her next breath, and I heard another jingle as she tugged lightly at the piece of string around my neck. “...even when you’re showering, huh?”

I whirled back at her again, finding her with the faintest, vaguest smile.

“Does it bother you?” I asked.

“What? You mean the fact that you keep a lovely keepsake from your other lovelier lover with you even when you’re in the middle of loving someone else entirely?”

“Yes, basically.”

“No, of course not,” She shook her head, splattering the walls with the stringy nozzles of her hair. “How on earth could something like that possibly be upsetting to me in any way?”

“Seriously, Amanda…”

“I know, I know. For real – no. I know you’ll say that I probably should be, and it’s alright if I am, but I’m not,” she cut me off, leaning closer again and propping her chin up against the side of my neck. “I’m happy leaving it at that if you are.”

“No one’s that accepting,” I said.

“I am.”

“Then, no one that really loves someone could be this unbothered by something like this,” I corrected myself, swiveling myself in her slippery embrace to fully face her. “Especially if it’s someone as loving as you are.”

Amanda stared back, the faint flush of red from her fever almost as if tinging her face with guilt… and faintly resembling the swirling red gazing back at her hanging loose from my chest.

“Just kinda still wishing, hoping… I guess... that I’m at least on par with the rest of them. And before you go reassuring, ah, stop it – hush – !” She quickly said right before I could interrupt. “I know I am. I know you believe I am. You’re probably right. But it’s just a thing with us girls, you know? Or a thing with me, at least, I think. I can’t help it. When I see any sign of the other girls loving you, it’s just… it just makes me want to love you even more – even better – just a little tiny bit more. Being with you it’s a competition for me, and I want to win it. I want to be first. I want to always be the one that loves you the most.”

I… normally… or more often than not, at least… I could always think of something to say. Whether I come off stupid, cheesy, or whatever else in between… I’m very rarely lacking in responses.

And in this case, I… hearing her, I don’t… this infinite well of love and adoration; and she was smothering me, completely smothering me… of words, of responses, whatever – swallowing and drowning it all up until there was nothing, absolutely nothing I could say that would be good enough. I didn’t want to diminish her words with something that won’t ever be good enough.

So, despite wanting so much to say something back… I let my words fade… allowed the silence to linger…

“Now you’re quiet,” Amanda noted, her lips squirming a little. “Now you’ve made it awkward.”

How could she even possibly think so less of herself, especially after this? There had to be something wrong here; was it me? Was it…?

“Anyway, so… this is supposed to be a little bit of her inside of this, huh? If I’m remembering right.”

So quick to rid the silence, Amanda reached forward, gently rolling the small vial between her fingers.

“Basically,” I managed to mumble out.

“How about right now, then?” She asked, gazing up at me. “Can you feel her here with you too?”

“Not as much as I am feeling you right here, Amanda.”

“Oh,” She smirked a little. “Corny, but… I’ll take it. Yeah, I’m flattered.”

Again, I felt silent. Right then, I just wanted her to know how I felt, to assuage her and to affirm her… in the less intrusive, gentlest way I knew how to.

“That, um, that tickles there…” Amanda muttered, chuckling a little in response to me wrapping a hand around her waist. She stared up at me again, her laughter dying in a timid quiet; small little droplets spilling down her beautiful face. “Oh, I see, you’re… you’re about to kiss me now, aren’t you?”

Her smile slowly began to disappear from sight, as I drew my gaze, myself, closer and closer. I nearly reached, feeling the cold pouring, her warmth radiating. I leaned even more and then…

“Ah- ” I felt something soft push against my lips. I blinked, and suddenly I was going cross-eyed staring at her finger pushing back even firmer. “No. That’s a no on kissing me. Absolutely not. As much as I want you to. No.”

I could feel my mouth shaping around the surface of her finger to say, “How come?”

Amanda smiled again, drawing her finger back and giving an affectionate peck where my lips had touched.

“Because I’m not going to be the reason Ash gets to pamper you all day while you’re sniveling in bed,” She said, ending with a simper. “First place, remember?”

Amanda. Oh, Amanda. You’re just too good for me. Honestly, you’re too good for anyone – straight up.

“You can’t just drop that bombshell on me, and not have me do anything about it afterward, Amanda,” I said, coiling both arms around her waist now, serenely swaying the both of us in place. “It’s the same for me too, you realize that? How you feel. The more you love me, the more I want to love you too.”

“And kissing’s the only way you can express it, is it?” She asked, resting herself peacefully against me. “Come on now, you’ve sent love letters once, you fought for my hand that one time too. My boyfriend is surely more creative than that, isn’t he?”

“I’m open to suggestions.”

She giggled again, and harboring just barely beneath the surface of her eyes, I could see her musing.

“Well, it is just the two of us together… and tonight is quite special… it is special, right?”

“Quite special, yes,” I agreed. “I’m with you so far.”

“Well, maybe later…” I felt her fingertip descend down my chest. “...maybe we could…” even lower to my waist. “...you know…” even lower still.

And then abruptly she stopped. For a split-second there, I felt the back of her finger graze my groin before she jerked it back, shot her arm away; her face suddenly burning redder than usual.

“Ah… W-Well, um…” she stammered nervously, pulling away from me, and stepping back, forcing her usual bravado. “I…I suppose I should leave it up to you instead what you, um… what you think we should do, hm? How’s that sound f-for you?”

Amanda. Oh, Amanda. So utterly promiscuous one moment, so shamelessly daring all the way – until she just isn’t. When it comes time for the actual thing, suddenly she’s bumping into everything and tripping all over herself.

All that friskiness and swagger just completely disappearing; evaporating from the red-hot simmer glowing in her face. All bark and no bite.

“Fine by me,” I said, grinning back at her, and sending her full-on scarlet for some reason. “I already had something in mind anyway.”

“Okay,” She nodded once, quickly switching the shower off after multiple failed attempts at reaching for the faucet, before promptly stepping off. “I’ll… I’ll go ahead and get changed first.”

“Oh?” I frowned. “Thought you wanted me to change you.”

“No need,” she immediately said, briefly spinning back at me. “I, uh… I’m feeling a little bit better now, so…”

And that’s where she left it – awkwardly staggering out the door with a towel wrapped loosely around her body.

Amanda in a nutshell.

One side brazen, the other a maiden.

And both ways totally and utterly adorable.

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