
Chapter 54 Meeting IRL Friends In-Game!


After we were done dining, the girls quickly decided to go back home, it seemed that Elisa\'s limousine was pretty useful in that regard, she could bring Anna back home immediately with it, so nice… I wish I had a friend like that when I was younger-- Wait, I think they\'re not even friends! They got like this weird rivalry between the two going on… I wonder what that\'s all about… Oh well, whatever the case, my daughter decided to quickly run back to her room after dinner. She gave me a kiss on my cheek before that, of course, but she seemed quite tired, although I bet she\'ll play in the game before going to sleep, isn\'t she?

Hmph… Well, me too.

Before hopping back into the game I decided to take a quick bath though.A warm bath eased all the tension of the muscles after a long day of work. It was relaxing and I almost fell asleep several times while bathing, but I managed to not fall asleep…

"Phew… Awwe, I\'m so exhausted… But I can\'t go to sleep without playing a little bit!"

Ah, right, I started to play this game to interact with my daughter… Maybe I could find a way to do it? I could quite possibly send her a message or a friend request now? I mean, my Avatar is rather famous today… As "Planta" or something. I might as well try again, or maybe I could try contacting her friend too, maybe.

I looked into my phone, finding a message of Rita telling me to hurry up. I quickly told her that I was about to log in, something which she quickly read then responded that she was about to do so as well.

She was so silly.

Other than that, I suppose I\'ll finally see what sort of avatar she made for herself… She can\'t make a Succubus because those cannot respawn in the Forest of Beginnings, so it is most likely another completely different race! But I wonder what it is…

I logged in rather quickly after putting on the headset, and I found myself within the forest. I had already activated friend requests beforehand, and quickly saw the friend request from Rita\'s avatar, it was named "Achlys"… What sort of name is that? …Oh well, my Avatar is named Planta, so I guess it was nothing too crazy. Although that name kind of reminds me of something, a god of Greek mythology? Oh well.

I sent a message and asked her where she was. This game allowed for voice chat and even video chat, but I decided to do voice chat to not spoil myself the fun of seeing my friend\'s avatar.

"Rita! Where are you?"

"Ah, Elayne, is that you? Wow, so this game even has voice chat!"

"Yeah, where are you? Can you describe your place so I can find you?"

"I woke up in the middle of many colorful and giant mushrooms… Wow, this looks so real! This is insane!"

"Mushrooms, that must be that area I visited before where I found so many walking mushrooms before…!"

I quickly summoned Belle to my side, alongside Loki for protection, and Belle quickly carried us towards that area. She was able to easily remember it because that was the place where I first summoned her, and I remember she destroyed all the mushrooms easily with her crazy charge… It was so hard to do it ourselves, but Belle just came out and massacred all the mushrooms so easily back then… It was quite incredible.

In just half a minute, we were already nearing the area, but I suddenly heard the voice chat of Rita talking about something, she seemed to be a bit… panicking.

"Uwaah! Elayne, hurry! There are many Mushrooms swarming everywhere! I think they want a piece of me…" She cried. "They\'re all high level! Agh! How do I even use Skills? Or Magic?!"

She was panicking. I remember that she was always the stronger of the two of us, but I never saw her really fighting, so she was probably not actually good at doing that. I am worried for her, if she died she\'ll probably get some sort of penalty to her stats and exp gained, I think the Guide told me something like that.

"Belle, hurry up! Guide, show up!"

"MEEE!" Belle obeyed me as she quickly increased the speed of her galloping, meanwhile, the Guide Spirit emerged at my side, rather annoyed I called him out so rudely.

"Oi! You don\'t have to call me like I\'m at your beck and call... I am an advanced A.I.! You know that the government is working to give advanced A.I. human-like rights, right? So you better treat me nicely!" said the Guide angrily.

"Well people act rudely against one another all the time so I don\'t know what giving you human-like rights will change…" I sighed. "But sorry, I just called you desperately, not out of anger, dear."

"Hmmm… okay, what\'s going on?" He wondered. "Ah! Wait, there\'s a player nearby!"

"You sensed her already? It is my friend Rita! She made her own avatar and spawned in here, she said she spawned near the giant mushroom\'s area, so we are going there!" I said. "Guide, what were the penalties of dying in game?"

"You have to wait ten minutes after dying, and you\'ll have a decrease in your stats of -20% for half an hour, also, your EXP gain is halved for half an hour too! It is an unfair debuff, but I guess it is so players try to not sacrifice themselves so stupidly… Also if they die in a Boss fight, they get kicked out of the Boss Room if that\'s a special Boss Dungeon." said the Guide.

"Wow, the Game Devs are harsh! Why are they like this?" I asked.

"I don\'t have any idea what they have against players, but that\'s how things are, we just have to accept them as they are." said the Guide. "They probably dislike that people die? Maybe they want to make it harsher so players don\'t take their new lives lightly, after all if you die in front of an NPC, the NPC will genuinely think you died, which could affect your entire quest line, it is not something they want…" said the guide once more, as he seemed to also think a bit like the Developers.

"W-Well, whatever, there\'s Rita!" I said, pointing at my friend, as I found her in the middle of dozens of mushrooms! She was barely evading their hits, but she had been hit a few times and was covered in bruises. She was holding a staff and using it to smack some of them, but these mushrooms were Level 2 to 5, so they were tough…

And… yet, her appearance surprised me by how much she looked like Rita. She had almost the same body type, but I think she got a bit slimmer and taller. Her slightly toast-colored skin turned into a chocolate brown, and glossy, and her ears were long and sharp, she had long silvery-white hair reaching up to her hips, and she was wearing black robes around her body, showing a lot of skin, her breasts were… slightly bigger than they were already in the real world, and her hips just as wide… Ah, my friend looks even sexier than in the real world! How lewd, I knew she would make a sexy avatar!

She was a Dark Elf, apparently, and was holding a black staff. She was also a magician then, I wonder what sort of magician type she chose? Well I was a Farmer and I got a staff too so probably equipment is dependent on race and not job? Wow, so if I choose a dark elf warrior I had to somehow get myself a sword? That\'s unfair, game developers.

"Aaagh! Damn it! You damn fucking mushrooms! I am going to fucking plaster you into the ground!"

However, before we could reach her, Rita suddenly grew furious, she wasn\'t defenseless anymore, and she roared like a monster, she hit the nearest mushroom strongly with her staff, then used the sharp black heels she had to pierce the mushroom entirely and splatter it into the ground.

Did she have that much STR stat?! She kicked another mushroom away and began to jump over them and walk over them, crushing them around. The mushrooms attacked her but she struck them when they jumped towards her, blowing them through the air like baseballs… She even started to use her bare fists, punching the mushroom several times, she bit them with her jaws and grabbed a few and threw them around…

"R-Rita?" I asked, as I reached her side, there were several massacred mushrooms, and the rest ran away from her wrath. I didn\'t know why but I was reminded of somebody else… Ah, Belle.

But how come a level 1 can massacre so many mushrooms?! Oh well, maybe it was the effect of some sort of passive Skill she got? Well, Belle was level 1 and still massacred a lot of the mushrooms.

When I reached Rita, her entire body was emanating a dark energy… It was a bit frightening, and even her eyes were glowing with bright red light. And she was covered in mushroom bits and goo everywhere.

"R-Rita? Are you there? M-My friend?" I asked nicely, Rita slowly looked at me, her neck cracked mechanically, making me slightly frightened…

"Ahh… Ah! I-Is that Elayne\'s voice? Ah, Elayneee! I was so scared!" Cried Rita, jumping towards me and hugging me.

"Rita! I am glad to see you in this game…" I said. "You look pretty similar to your in-game avatar!" I said.

"Uwah… And you look so sexy too! Damn, look at these, so big!" said Rita, beginning to grab my breasts and move them around. She used to do this when we were in high school… Well, she sometimes still does it.

"S-Stop it!" I said. "There\'s rules in here, don\'t grope me like that…" I said while looking at her a bit angrily.

"Come on, it\'s just a game, you can also grab these, look, they\'re so big! And firm too! I feel so young in this body!" said Rita cheerfully. She grabbed my hands and forced me to grasp her big breasts, they were very big and soft… Oh damn, it really felt nice to touch them.

B-But this is lewd! No lewd!

"S-Stop it already!" I said while pouting.

"Fufu, but I can\'t~" said Rita, completely ignoring that she massacred many mushrooms as she started to touch my hips and then grasped my butt cheeks.

"Ohooo, so realistic!" she said.

"L-Loki!" I cried.


Loki quickly extended her vines, grabbing Rita and lifting her up, moving my perverted friend away from my body.

"W-What is this? you can control a monster?!" She asked. "Aaagh! L-Let me goooo!"

"No, not until you stop being so horny!" I said. "No lewd allowed."

"O-Okay, sorryyy! I was just playing around because this is a game, but it indeed feels very real…" She sighed.

"Sigh… Loki, you can let her go…"



Rita was dropped over the floor rather brusquely, as her HP went down a bit there… I felt bad so I quickly went to help her stand up, and I used my Green Magic "Verdant Light" Spell to heal her HP slowly.

"There, better?" I said, cleaning her from the goo and mushroom pieces covering her body.

"Geez, you always take care of me like you\'re my mother, aren\'t you?" Sighed Rita with a charming smile, her red eyes slowly turned yellow gold, it seems whatever she was using was deactivated.

"Well, now that we\'re finally together here, I want to see what you chose!" I said. "Tell me! Tell me!"

"Okay, so I picked the Dark Elf race because they looked a lot like me, and I love this silver hair… And I also picked the Sorceress Job Class, which that girl in the start recommended to me was the most complimentary of a dark elf, especially female ones that get bonuses in magic growth." said Rita.

"Oh, so it was a recommendation from Gaia!" I said.

"Gaia? No I didn\'t see any Gaia, I met a woman named Nyx, she had black hair and red eyes, and very pale white skin, she said she was the goddess of night or something," said Rita.



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