
Chapter 511

Chapter 511


“Have you realized that you are not a match for me? It’s too late to turn back, your fate has already been decided and it’s to become a head on my wall.”

“No, that’s not it… your name is Phallusius … Maximus?”

Zhang Dong asked while having difficulty keeping a straight face. After all this time he thought that he had gotten used to the strange names in this world, but this one caught him off guard. The huge muscular man looked super serious and unsure of what was happening, this made the whole scene even funnier and caused him to chuckle slightly.

“Did you just laugh at my name? You dare mock this Phallusius Maximus!”

“No please stop… Let’s just go back to killing each other and not mention our names, how is that?”

“What’s wrong with my glorious name? How could a savage like you understand our glorious culture.”

Phallusius Maximus started going on a rant, it was clear that the man never had a proper conversation in his whole life. This was probably due to no one being able to talk back to him. His strength placed him in a position close to godhood.

“Sure… next time your say that your predecessor had a name like Biggus Dickus.”

“You know the grand Emperor’s old name? Have you visited our lands before? Who are you?”


He wasn’t sure if he should laugh or cry. It was clear that whoever made this world had a ten-year-olds sense of humor just like him before he transmigrated. Yet this was not the time to joke around, a bloody battle was taking place around them.

With his enhanced senses he could hear his generals giving out orders and demi-humans being blasted by the cannons. For the time being, his forces were managing to push towards the green demi-human fortress. But if this Emperor of theirs changed his targets, then they would be in for a lot of pain.

“Well then, Ginormous Phallusius or whatever, It doesn’t matter what your grandaddy was called, it only matters that this daddy here is going to kick your ass.”

Getting an opponent angrier was one of the basic battle tactics. The demi-human Emperor’s forehead and neck veins started popping up after the few choice words. The man was clearly not used to being antagonized by the people around him and very easy to anger.

His energies intensified as he slammed those two large cleavers into the ground. The purple gravity energies ripped the rocks out of the ground. He gathered those rocks around the two blades while large boulders started floating around his large frame. With each step that he took the ground started shaking and it was obvious that he was affecting gravity to make himself heavier.

Regretfully Zhang Dong needed to get in closer. His ranged attacks were all getting bent out of shape and missing. Only when he got closer could his aura cancel out the Dao of gravity enough for his attacks to actually reach this muscle idiot’s flesh. Thus he charged in and quickly dodged out of the way of the downward swing that caused the earth below to explode.

After a skillful dance to the back of this armored man, he delivered a cut to the slightly exposed side. His golden blade which was clad in a thick layer of all of his three Daos was able to draw a bit of blood.

‘It’s shallow…’

Before he could take a double take a large cleaver was coming for his head. When moving to the side he could feel that air pressure along with the space around it being distorted. When moving to the side he was pelted by small rocks that burst to all sides.

“You think something like this will take this Emperor down?”

Phallusius laughed before sending out a giant burst of energy to all sides. This was enough to force his retreat and pancake a hundred-meter area around the demi-human Emperor. A giant circle of squished earth appeared that was uniform from all sides and perfectly flat. But after the exchange he was feeling good, even though the flesh was already mending itself back, he had managed to inject his energies into the brute’s body.

‘He looks fine on the outside but his soul is taking direct damage and wavering…’

This soul-sucking ability of his was the real trump card here. Without it, he didn’t feel like he would be able to win. His opponent was truly a tank that could shrug off almost all conventional attacks. Zhang Dong didn’t want to admit it but Phallusius’ body refining skill was above his and the gravity attacks were at least equal to his lightning techniques. Then the holy arts were less effective as this man was not an evil being nor a demon that were susceptible to them.

‘He might not be aware now but the more his soul gets damaged the weaker he will become…’

The two high-level leaders continued to clash with each other while generating massive shockwaves. Each time Zhang Dong was forced to retreat while tending to his wounds with the help of his holy energies. Even though he was healing himself his white robe started getting drenched in his blood.

For everyone that was looking in, it seemed like Zhang Dong was losing. All the cuts and punches that he was able to deliver to the demi-human Emperor’s body were shallow and didn’t draw much blood. After a few exchanges, it was the United Element Sect Patriarch’s body that was looking like it had gone through a tornado.

“This has been entertaining but I grow bored of this, die!”

Finally, Phallusius started gathering up all his energies for the final blow. All of the rocks and boulders that were floating around him traveled at speeds comparable to bullets to weaken his enemy before the last blow. He expected Zhang Dong to dodge most of them but it was only a smoke screen for the main blow he would deliver.

Yet, as he was powering up those huge cleavers to slice Zhang Dong’s body into four equal parts he caught a knee in the face that forced him back. This attack felt different than before, his nose was instantly broken and he could feel the taste of blood in his mouth. His body was quickly recovering after the damage he took but the pain was real.

“A lucky blow… now die!”

The two flew past each other but yet again, an elbow found itself embedded in the demi-human Emperor’s face. Once more he was tossed to the side while being unable to deliver the finishing blow. It was as if his enemy had gained a strange power boost that made him more ferocious. The only logical explanation was that Zhang Dong was burning through his life energy to achieve a short-term boost.

“Such tricks won’t work on me!”

Phallusius continued with his assault while being convinced that his opponent would run out of steam soon enough. However, with each and every strike that was exchanged his opponent became stronger. All the hits that he was receiving started adding up and his body was also becoming riddled with wounds that weren’t healing as fast as before.


“You still haven’t noticed? I guess this is part of my luck that you’re not much of a thinker. You’ve probably never really had to exert yourself against an opponent of a similar level. But… not that I’m complaining.”

Zhang Dong was actually surprised after being able to turn things around this easily. The demi-human Emperor was truly powerful, probably the most powerful opponent that he had ever faced. Even though he was this powerful, there was one fatal flaw in the way that he fought. This was probably due to him being strong from his birth.

“What are you prattling about, I have faced many opponents, I have never known defeat and it won’t be any different now!”

While Phallusius was raging on, Zhang Dong just smirked. The brute hadn’t even noticed that he was receiving attacks to his soul. This person had naturally strong defenses, there weren’t many experts that could perform valid attacks to the souls of such experts. Thus he was probably unaware that his power levels were slowly deteriorating.

If the soul of a person was damaged in any way, it would start affecting their body. Only if the soul was balanced could a person give a hundred percent, but with even a slightly damaged soul they would start losing strength. His tactic was easy as he slowly chipped away on the demi-human Emperor’s soul to reduce his defensive and offensive capability.

‘I didn’t expect this to work so well. I thought he would catch on but he just kept coming like a mad bull…’

While Phallusius’ soul was huge and already slowly mending itself to health, the Emperor was not aware of it. As a person that was only interested in getting stronger through more conventional means, he lacked in other fields. Perhaps if he faced someone like the Azure Emperor that was also someone that was more conventionally strong he would have been victorious but as things stood now, Zhang Dong would win.

“Die… Die… DIE!”

Phallusius was seeing red as he continued to relentlessly assault Zhang Dong with all of his might. Yet all of his wild swings that were previously able to deliver menacing blows could be easily dodged by his opponent. The added gravity that was making things difficult to dodge felt like a minor inconvenience and Zhang Dong started counterattacking. For every blow that he received, he returned it fivefold.

Previously he was taking it easy and mostly focusing on damaging his opponent’s soul. Now after his plan had gone through he could wholeheartedly toss himself into the bout. Just like before shockwaves started spreading in all directions but this time around the one kissing the floor was the demi-human Emperor.

The weight of those massive cleaver-like blades could now be repelled by Zhang Dong’s smaller longsword. Suddenly a large gash appeared over the man’s chest, his armor was unable to defend him after the gravitational field wavered. With the difference in might becoming equalized the person with more skill would be victorious and in this case, this was Zhang Dong.

It was quite surprising as Zhang Dong had not spent that much time training. Normally the large man before him should have much more experience. He truly had been blessed by this world with an overpowering body and presence. Yet this would be the reason for his downfall as he had never had to compete with anyone this close to his own level.

“Y-you… you are the prey, not me … I shall feast on your bones after I crush your skull with my bare hands!”

In a sudden act of despair, the Emperor jumped up into the sky and kept going up into the stratosphere that even Zhang Dong would have trouble following. With him came large chunks of the earth that they had destroyed. All of those giant boulders started flying up as if they lacked any weight and were quickly sucked into a dark purple orb of energy.

“… Is he doing what I think he is…”

It seemed that this would be his final attack, he would bring down the force of the heavens and probably eviscerate everything down below, that is unless a certain Patriarch used his own secret attack to stop it.

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