
Chapter 769

This wasn\'t the second world Zhang Dong created, but merely one of many floating in the void of space. Initially, he had reservations about making the inhabitants of different planets appear distinct from one another. He understood that such differences in appearance and race could potentially lead to divisions. It was the nature of intelligent beings like humans to harbor distrust for things that were different and struggle to accept them. Zhang Dong was somewhat certain that if two races from distant realms were to encounter each other, it could create problems for both sides.

There was a rationale behind Zhang Dong\'s decision to create specialized worlds. Beings attuned more to a particular main element could specialize in it, offering him more knowledge to fill in the gaps. In one instance, he crafted a volcanic, desolate planet where individuals attuned to the fire element could leisurely spend their time. Meanwhile, on another world, he designed inhabitants based on plants who sustained themselves through nothing but water and photosynthesis. Each specialized world served as a unique environment to foster the growth and development of specific elemental attributes.

Creating new worlds became increasingly enjoyable for Zhang Dong, and he delighted in fashioning beings that resembled various creatures he had encountered in his travels. Initiating the process was all it took, and after a while, life naturally found a way to thrive. With spiritual energy permeating the environment, life flourished effortlessly, contributing to the growth of his power.

However, as he created more beings, he noticed a diminishing impact their lives had on him. It was as if he began perceiving them less as actual lifeforms and more like NPC characters in a game. Zhang Dong often had to pause and remind himself of the stakes involved. He was determined not to end up like Wang Long, as he sensed a potential slippery slope and wanted to maintain a connection with the significance of every life he brought into existence.

While there was a system preserving their souls, the memories of these souls were not truly retained. The souls kept a record, but before a new life began, their memories were locked. Only upon death once again would their memories of their previous life resurface. In the heaven he created, Zhang Dong allowed the souls to mingle for a time before they were reborn. However, this arrangement didn\'t always sit well with them, as some were reluctant to return to the mortal realm where pain and struggle existed on a daily basis.

One day, as Zhang Dong contemplated the intricate web of existence he had woven, a peculiar incident caught his attention. In the divine realm, where souls awaited their turn for reincarnation, a group of souls gathered and began to express discontent. They questioned the fairness of the system, arguing that the cycle of life and death brought more suffering than joy.

“Does the great one wish for it? Is there a reason for this cycle?”

“That’s blasphemous, our lord has a plan for us,

Two groups emerged and started to ponder their existence. Souls that had been through the process of birth and rebirth multiple times were at the forefront. In response to this unexpected rebellion, Zhang Dong decided to communicate directly with the discontented souls. As he appeared before them, their ethereal forms quivered with a mix of fear and curiosity. He presented himself as a ball of light without a physical form and called out to them in a deep voice.

“Why do you resist the natural order of your existence?”

Zhang Dong inquired, his voice resonating with divine authority. At this point, he had spent close to a hundred thousand years in his inner universe. He sometimes hastened the pace of evolution so some of these souls were even older and were once the primordial humans that he had created. From them, a brave soul stepped forward, its essence shimmering with determination.

“Radiant One, we question the purpose of this eternal cycle. Why must we endure suffering, loss, and hardship repeatedly? Is there no end to this endless loop?”

“ understand your concerns."

Zhang Dong responded with compassion.

“Life is a journey of growth, and each experience shapes your soul. Without challenges, there can be no progress. But I am willing to listen. What do you wish for me to do?”

The souls engaged in a thoughtful discussion with Zhang Dong, expressing their desires for something that he didn’t expect, they wanted for the cycle to end. While he expected them to ask for more superficial things, like being reborn with better spirit roots or with their current memories intact, some of them just wanted it to end.

A solemn air enveloped the gathering as Zhang Dong contemplated the implications of their request. The brave soul who had spoken stepped forward once more, its energy pulsating with sincerity.

“Radiant One, we do not question the beauty of growth and experience. However, the endless repetition of suffering and loss has wearied our spirits. We seek a release from this cycle, a journey beyond the boundaries of existence.”

“You wish for everything to end? You wish to give up on the gift of life?”


The souls before Zhang Dong took on the appearance of their former selves. He grasped that not everyone had the resilience to persist, and longevity could become excruciatingly boring for some. On the other hand, some craved continuous experiences, yet he also considered the possibility that, after a billion years had passed, even they might yearn for an end.

\'Should I change them? Alter their nature to eliminate boredom or make it easier for them to find meaning in life?\'

He pondered this dilemma, contemplating the decision to influence his creations. Zhang Dong had the capability to modify their very essence, redirecting them from this potentially monotonous path, but he questioned whether he should do so. The weight of the decision pressed heavily on Zhang Dong\'s conscience. He had, after all, created these souls, and now they were expressing a desire for an alternative to the eternal cycle, an end to it.

“I understand, I will let you decide your fate, even if it would be to end it… but there will be a few conditions.”

In response to the ponderous question, the realm that Zhang Dong had created began to tremble, and a vast, fog-covered mountain materialized in the distance. Recognizing the gravity of ending one\'s life for all eternity, Zhang Dong decided to make it extremely difficult for souls to choose this path. Only those who genuinely couldn\'t find any semblance of purpose or drive would have the opportunity to go through with it.

“If you wish for it to end, climb this peak, the journey won’t be easy but at the end, you will find the peace that you desire…”

“Thank you!”

The souls bowed respectfully as the orb of light swiftly vanished. Their attention shifted to the peculiar-looking mountain that loomed larger and taller than any they had ever seen. The most vocal person who had sought this option stepped forward, while others attempted to dissuade him.

“Please reconsider! Why give up your eternal life? It will just end, leaving nothing, not even a memory!”

Even without confirming it, they could feel deathly energies coming from the mountain top. Most of the souls quivered and fright while backing away but the ones that wished for it stepped forward.

“That\'s fine... I just wish for it to be over. This existence has lost its meaning to me…”

The soul appeared as a handsome man in his early twenties, able to assume any appearance they desired. Most chose to embody the best-looking version of themselves from one of their past lives. The man took a step forward and began ascending to the mountaintop where his supposed end awaited. Others followed but soon realized that the climb wouldn\'t be easy.

The path was lengthy, and they were compelled to inhabit mortal bodies. For the first time in a while, they began to experience cold, fatigue, and pain during the climb. Zhang Dong had implemented this as the first deterrent to test the sincerity of their decision. As they ascended, the difficulty increased exponentially. Fierce winds whipped around them, biting into their skin, and the air grew thinner, making it harder to breathe. The mountain was not just a physical challenge; it seemed to reflect their inner struggles and doubts.

The souls pressed on, driven by their desire for an end to the eternal cycle. The handsome man, the first to step forward, displayed remarkable resilience. However, as the journey became more arduous, he began to question his decision. Doubts crept into his mind, and the memories of the lives he had led resurfaced.

“I remember laughter, joy, and love… Why am I doing this?”

The path ahead seemed endless, and the mountain, shrouded in mist, hid its peak from view. The souls faced trials that tested not only their strength but their resolve to embrace the unknown. They encountered illusions that mirrored the best and worst moments of their past lives, forcing them to confront the complexity of their existence.

As they climbed, some souls faltered, questioning whether the pursuit of an end was truly the answer. Yet, the handsome man pressed on, determined to reach the summit and fulfill his desire for release. Zhang Dong observed this unfolding drama, grappling with conflicting emotions. He had granted his creations free will, but the consequences of their choices weighed heavily on him.

The climb continued for what felt like an eternity. The handsome man reached a point where the mountain seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality, and the air became thin to the point of suffocation. He hesitated, looking back at the souls who had joined him on this perilous journey. But he found no one that had continued onwards besides him, he was alone at the peak where he saw a strange dark void of nothingness.

“You can still turn back, like the rest did…”

Zhang Dong in his true form greeted this man, his expression filled with sadness as he tried to stop this person from continuing.

“I have come too far to turn back now. I need this to end.”

The handsome man responded and, with a deliberate pace, moved forward. He understood that if he jumped into the swirling abyss, it would all be over. This existence, devoid of meaning, would cease, and he would attain freedom. Zhang Dong didn\'t intervene; he merely watched as the man descended into the vortex of purgation. There, his soul would be cleansed of all memories and serve as the basis for new ones. The man he once was would cease to exist, just as he had wished.

As silence settled over the peak, Zhang Dong was left alone with his thoughts, without anyone to reassure him that he had made the right decision. Yet, he considered such measures necessary. He did not want to impose life upon those who despised their existence. With this solemn acknowledgment, he could only carry on with his own journey, one that was still far from over.

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