
Chapter 206

Chapter 206: Chapter 76

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

For the competition for the very first martial arts contest, the rules were as such:

During the top sixty four, there would be two matches daily, during the morning and noon, each to be held at two battlefields next to each other simultaneously. Then, there would be four matches daily, which would require a total of eight days to complete all the matches.

After the first stage ended, it would be followed by the competition for the top thirty two. Maintaining the same, which was two matches daily during the morning and noon, but two hours after the first match, the second match would then begin. According to the normal situation, the two hours should be sufficient for the first to end. So the two matches should be able to be held separately, so that the audience wouldn’t have to miss any one, but could watch the complete four matches.

The top thirty two would require four days. After the four days, everyone will draw lots and decide the grouping for the top sixteen and then rest for a day.

The competition for top sixteen would be one match each in the morning and afternoon. Due to the fact that it would be eliminated after two losses, it would require six days and elimination of four contestants. The victory eight and the defeated four would enter the next round, or it could be called the top twelve.

During the top twelve, it would still maintain at one match each in the morning and afternoon. Within the two days time, a select four from the top eight would enter the victory group, then the defeated group would have to fight for the four slots, which was another two days.

During the top eight, it would still remain at one match each in the morning and noon. Victory group one day and defeated group two days. Actually, during the third day, it would only be a half day.

The next stage was defeated group, three people, and victory group, two people. But, anyway, the one who lost in the victory group would join the defeated group, so the number would be even again.

At this stage, it would be one match each day. The first day, victory group, the second and third day, defeated group.

The defeated group match would decide the ownership of second runner up. The winning contestant would then get the chance to compete with the last man standing in victory group, to fight for the championship. Of course, as he was from the defeated group and the other contestant was in the victory group, if he won, he would still have to fight for another match to call for the final victory or defeat.

The competition rules were complicated, but all in all, it was fair. To the top sixteen contestants, they had to lose twice to miss their chance, so everyone had equal opportunity.

As for stamina, under the protection of gods, there wouldn’t be situations of exhaustion due to continuous matches. But regarding expense of spirit, that was not within the bandwidth of gods.

.... Factors of luck still couldn’t be eliminated.

The fierce battles were still going on, and there were many experts that won, but there were many experts that lost too. The two huge battle rings not only attracted the focus of experts over all countries on the main dimension, even many greats that transcended the mortal world noticed.

“You could feel that the two clergy posts of ‘martial art contest’ and ‘competition’ were nurturing.”

In the “Holy Temple of Martyrs” that was filled with noises of killing and fighting, the god of battle’s face grew gloomy and looked at the figure that was talking with ease and fluency.

“Of course I could feel it, but how does it relate to you?” he said coldly, “Don’t tell me, not only are you interested in “murder” and “assassination”, but you still intend to expand your clergy and to seek more clergies towards battle?”

The god of conspiracy that only had eyes and mouth showed a weird smile, just like a white mask that had three crescent moons drawn vertically, and said, “Everyone existed immortally. What’s the point of your cover up?”

The god of battle’s face grew gloomy, “What do you want to say exactly?”

“All this while, as the follower of the god of battle, ‘battle’, or ‘small scale battle’, such clergies were monopolized by you. Look, that earth shattering martial art contest excluded you completely, but was hosted by the guy that held ‘warrior’ guardian clergy... don’t you think, it’s a little tricky behind this?”

The god of battle kept quiet, as he was already dissatisfied at the beginning, even with his guards up. Regarding “battle”, “martial arts” was considered an important part, although the portion of “competition” was lower, to him that only had intermediate holy power, he had to avoid as much loss as possible.

The loss of clergy was similar to losing holy power or divinity, the latter of the two could be recovered gradually relying on time, only this first couldn’t be recovered. When you lose it, you will lose it always.

Losing your clergy was an extremely powerful hit towards god. From the past, many gods were weakened due to that reason, even to the point they would pass away.

So, once its related to the clergy problem, there would be fierce battle in between gods. Many times it was even nonstop.

To gods that possess weak or even faint godly strength, losing their crucial clergy meant their passing. As the result was passing, they might as well go for a life and death battle. No matter how they died in a vigorous battle, it’s still better than dying for nothing.

As a member of the gods in war system, the god of battle was of course not a coward. If there was necessity, He didn’t mind to fight the war and clamour for a life and death battle!

But... He was actually a little hesitant. Intermediate godly power like Him, not exactly great nor weak, was at an awkward position.

Getting clergy slightly wouldn’t help Him to breakthrough or level up. Once they lose clergy slightly, it would cause Him to weaken or lower in ranking. If it was only “competition” clergy, He wouldn’t hesitate and He might as well hold it back.

But... “martial arts contest” clergy...

The great god that was wearing full body armour and ready to fight a war anytime, was sitting on his throne that was built with his spoils of war, weapon. He was deep in thought.

The god of conspiracy smiled, as his shadow slowly faded and vanished. He knew His advice had taken effect.

Maybe the god of warrior would hold back originally. Because if He had to fight, He had to deal with not only Steel Lion, but also the entire god system of desolation, and even go against the one with unset clergy yet powerful Void Mask.

Under such a situation, even if he could fight, even if the war god system and other few gods that were good at fighting helped, it was hard to say that they would win.

Of course, They could invite the King of God of War, but on Steel Lion’s side, He had the God of Justice as well. In fighting against the crazy fellow that once fought to the Wheel of Order, against the Great God, even the God of War, who was said to be the most intrepid among the gods, dared not confirm their victory.

Such war, even if they won, the war god system would have a sprain or a fracture. If they lost, they might be killed.

So, the god of war hesitated and they decided to give up. But after the god of conspiracy’s advice, the situation was different.

If the reality was a game, when the god of conspiracy advised earlier, there would be such a system reminder that popped out,

[The god of conspiracy was persuading the god of battle. This persuasion is called bluff negotiation.]

[The god of battle didn’t pass the will test and the bluff succeeded.]

[The god of conspiracy completed persuasion, the god of warrior would accept the mission of “fight for clergy”.]

After a while, the god of battle finally decided, went towards the middle of “Halberd Snapping Wasteland” in war god system holy kingdom, to have an audience with the King of god of war, the great god of war. Among the emptiness near the sky of Ashes Wood in the main dimension, in the holy kingdom that shared the border with chaotic world, Morani’s main body suddenly felt slight discomfort, but it had gone by in a flash. His gut feeling told him that there seemed to be something bad that’s going to happen, but not that severe.

“Is it because one of my high priests encountered danger? Or is it because a bunch of my believers encountered an unfortunate event?” He directed his focus to the human world to stroll around.

As expected, He quickly found out that a high priest of his was assassinated and the murderer was running away. To god that had many believers, a high priest’s life and death was nothing to speak of. But Morani didn’t have many believers and high priests below him, especially above intermediate level, as those could be counted with two fingers.

He lost one high priest just like that, which was not a small damage to him! Morani’s face grew gloomy and sent down a God’s order. The clergyman who was closest to the high priest quickly rushed over and tried to use “resurrection spell” to revive the high priest that died.

Although Morani could send a clone down to use resurrection spell, it would consume more divine power. To Him that had yet to reach intermediate divine power, He could only produce so many clones, and each one of them had their respective duty. He couldn’t send any of his clones.

To send a clone to resurrect, He had to make a clone last minute that was sufficient to carry such level of divine power that was out of His ability, and it would require a few fold of the expense. That clergyman that received the order quickly departed. As there was a god order that gave accurate direction, he used transportation spell and got there in a short while.

Then, it was resurrection.

In the world, theoretically, every god could use resurrection spell. But, in actual fact, besides gods that possess divine power in healing or life league, most of the gods were not willing to use resurrection spell.

Because “life” clergy was still vacant, not one God had gotten it. That signified that to let the deceased to radiate the vigor of life, it wouldn’t be done through the negotiations with the god of life, to simply exchange with divine power. But rather, it depended on the god itself to transform divine power into life divine power.

For gods with life league, it was naturally just a piece of cake, as divine power in healing league could also transform life divine power with lesser expense. But any divine power besides the two, if one wanted to transform into life divine power, ten to one was already considered a good trade off.

For example, like the god of conspiracy, god of death, god of damage, and that sort of clergy and league that was almost the direction of wicked and damaging, their divine power would normally require a hundred to one ratio in order to transform into life divine power. Morani of course had no divine power in the league of life or healing, but He had the divine power of protection. To transform it into life divinity should be a ratio of twenty to one, which He didn’t consider to be extremely unfair.

After expensing not a little divine power, the resurrection was completed. Although the high priest that was resurrected was weak and required to rest for a period of time, at least he managed to escape the unfortunate situation.Morani sighed, slightly exhausted, turned around, and looked towards the venue of the very first martial arts competition. Then, only that spectacular competition could make Him feel slightly better.

“Luckily, ever since I threw the very first martial arts contest with Auscar, my divine power has increased tremendously. Otherwise, the expense would make me feel hurt!”

He mumbled to himself, as he didn’t feel a conspiracy targeted at Him had been completed...

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