
Chapter 342: Battle between Red and Blue

The next task for Salamanda and his troops is to sneak into the abandoned colonial satellite at the destination and carry out some special missions.

According to intelligence, the red side had sent troops into the abandoned colonial satellite earlier.

The troops also prepared color-changing camouflage cloaks for Salamanda\'s troops, so that they would not be so easily detected by the enemy when they sneaked into combat.

Heathersley 2 and Black Jegan Squad begin their mission.

The whole team sneaked into the abandoned colonial satellite.

The team lurks in the mountainous area, and the camouflage cloak makes the whole machine blend into the environment.

Salamanda asked his subordinates to stay on standby, walked out of the cockpit, and looked at the spiritual Spartan uniform he was wearing.

The spiritual Spartan battle uniform can be connected with the spiritual connection system of the Secomus system, mainly because new humans wear the spiritual Spartan battle suit and are set to have a Secomus system body.

Contact can be made within a range of 5 kilometers, and the body can be remotely controlled by the driver\'s mental power. The body can act according to the driver\'s mental power, and can also automatically operate according to the driver\'s mental power. .

Next to the mountain area is an abandoned city.

Salamanda decided to go into the abandoned city alone to carry out some detailed investigations, and ordered his subordinates to conduct long-distance investigations locally, wearing a heat-resistant and light-sensitive camouflage cloak on his body.

Then Salamanda entered the abandoned city and looked at the local environment. The equipment and means of transportation were very outdated. According to intelligence, the abandoned colonial satellite has been abandoned for more than 30 years.

Salamanda was lying on the balcony of a building, using a telescope to investigate.

It was found that there were ground drone combat vehicles on several streets for investigation and scanning of the surrounding environment.

Then a drone appeared above. In addition to scanning, it also used red lines to scan the red lines of the balconies of each building.

"Damn it." Salamanda stood up immediately, entered the intersection of the balcony, and avoided the drone\'s red line to sweep the net.

Once the red line of the drone sweeps the net, if Salamanda continues to lie on the spot, once the red line sweeps the net, there may not be a red line refraction at the location of Salamanda.

Then the drone immediately senses that there is an enemy.

Salamanda hid in the building, avoiding the red line sweep.

Salamanda thought to himself: "I didn\'t expect that some of the marching arrangements of the Tianyi Mercenary Group are very similar to the Dion Empire, but not as experienced and experienced as the Dion Empire."

Salamanda then sneaked into another building by taking advantage of some gaps in the red team\'s drone, and then looked at the opposite street from the windows on the first floor above the building, one of which was an underground subway station.

Salamanda watched the environment below from above, checking when the red team walked back and forth, and how to sneak into the subway station.

After observing for a while, Salamanda began to act. After crossing several obstacles, she safely entered the underground subway station.

Salamanda saw that he could reach the destination so safely, and estimated that it would not take long for the red team to enter the colonial satellite.

In the subway station, Salamanda found that there was a channel map in the subway station. After observing for a while, Salamanda decided to choose a place to move forward. He estimated that the red square would be roughly in this place.

"Captain, the quantum communication seems to have been disturbed, and there are some problems with your connection."

"The drone released some interferon. I am in an underground subway station. Our communication will be interfered to some extent. In addition, we are so far away and we don\'t have a quantum communication station. We only rely on our own The quantum device must be in contact, and will be more or less affected by the interferon from the red side, if I lose contact for more than two hours, then you can act on your own."

"Understood, Captain."

Salamanda thought: "If it is not randomly selected, the weapons and equipment obtained by the red team are slightly lower than ours, which will not seriously affect our communication. If it is the same level of equipment, with their reaction If it is a quantum communication device, it is estimated that I will not be able to communicate with my colleagues now."

Salamanda also found the red team\'s patrol team in the subway station, and there were also those small drones in the subway station for investigation.

In order to attract the attention of the other party, Salamanda picked up a brick and smashed it into a subway, and there was a sound of glass.

The small drones and patrol teams rushed over following the sound.

Seeing the other party\'s attention being attracted, Salamanda immediately ran away from behind them without making a sound.

With the cloak on his body and the darkness of the local environment, the patrol troops could not detect him, even if the helmets of the patrol troops had light and thermal scanning functions, they still could not find him.

Salamander gets some intel from their conversation.

Later, Salamanda used his scanning function and found that some members of the patrol team were using the stealth function.

His equipment is one level higher than that of the opponent, it is difficult for the opponent to find him, but he can easily detect the opponent.

Salamanda walked to a passage and found two invisible patrolmen standing there.

Salamanda also knew that if he swaggered past, the other party would definitely find him.

Salamanda took out the energy pistol on his waist, and pulled the trigger once on the left and right sides.

The helmet screens covered by the two stealth patrols show that they have been killed.

The two patrols didn\'t know when they were killed and where the attack came from.

The two patrol soldiers could only show up, and then hung white cloths on their shoulders.

Salamanda proceeded to his destination, destroying several drones and taking out several patrols along the way.

After walking out of the subway station, Salamanda immediately hid in a private house because a ground unmanned combat vehicle was heading in his direction.

After crossing several houses, Salamanda found a temporary base built by the Red Party on the roof of a house, some of their temporary supply stations.

Salamanda used the telescopic function of the covered helmet to observe, and took out two invisible drones slightly smaller than the palm of his hand from his waist.

These two stealth drones do not need to be controlled, and can be controlled remotely by the new human\'s mental power. The effective control can reach a distance of two kilometers, and the invisible drone will not make a sound when flying, so it can avoid the sound wave detector.

Salamanda used his spiritual power to control the stealth drone. In the infiltrated target base, he discovered the defense of the target base and their facilities from the cameras of the two stealth drones.

After observing the two bases, the stealth drone was recalled.

In addition to sneaking in, Salamanda installed some explosives in the built base in each temporary tent, and then took away part of the explosives.

Then remote control, press the button, all members of the temporary base received the notification of being killed.

This made the red side in the colonial satellite realize that the blue side\'s troops had sneaked in.

The red team decided to conduct a carpet search in the colonial satellite.

At this moment, Salamanda came to a more important base for the red side.

A Psychic Gundam Mk2 was seen leaving the scene.

There are red ms troops here for berthing, maintenance and so on.

After Salamanda gave a series of instructions to his subordinates, he began his own infiltration operation.

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