
Chapter 347: Black Rabbit and Sword and Shield

"thank you boss."

Salamanda sat on the chair in front of him.

Long Fei took a document and showed it to Salamanda.

Salamanda took it over to check.

Salamanda looked at the document, the more he read, his brows raised, he looked up at Long Fei with a look of surprise, and asked, "Boss, you want me to be the supreme commander of the Black Rabbit Army and be directly responsible to you."

"Yes, you are one of the troops directly under my Anbu." Then Long Fei snapped his fingers.

At this time, a man was wearing a black Spartan battle uniform covering his whole body, holding a black uniform with both hands. The epaulettes of the uniform were black rabbit heads, and then there was a black rabbit mask made of black metal, with red goggles for eyes.

Salamanda saw the two poles and four stars on the collar of the uniform, and said in surprise: "Boss, I am currently a lieutenant colonel, and the star on the collar is a special school."

"Yes, I specially promoted you to a special school, take this uniform, you take it and put it on first, put on your mask, and then come to see me."

"Yes, boss."

Soon after changing his uniform and wearing a mask, Salamanda entered Long Fei\'s office, and Long Fei instructed him to sit down.

"Special school, from today onwards your code name is Black Rabbit. The Black Rabbit Force will be managed by you. You can also bring a few of your cronies over to do things for you. Is your job clear?"

The black rabbit mask has a voice changer, and Salamanda replied: "Assassination, sabotage, investigation, kidnapping, handling underground operations."

"Black Rabbit will lead your troops from today onwards to deal with your targets like a **** of death."

"Yes, boss."

Then Long Fei snapped his fingers again, a woman wearing the uniform of the Black Rabbit Army and a black metal black rabbit head mask, eyes with blue goggles, judging from her body shape, she was a woman with a 1 on the collar Rod 2 stars.

"Hitch, take off your mask."

When the female rabbit showed her true face, Salamanda shook her body and said in shock, "Ruilina."


Long Fei coughed dryly, and corrected him: "Mother rabbit, after wearing the mask, you are no longer called Ruilina, and the black rabbit wearing the mask is no longer called Saramanda. From today on, you are members of the Black Rabbit Army." An important member, you are Black Rabbit\'s confidant."

"It\'s the boss." Ruilina put on her mask. After putting on the mask, her code name can only be called Rabbit.

Then, Long Fei took out a document and handed it to the black rabbit.

The black rabbit took it over and took a look, frowned and asked, "Boss, this is..."

"This is the identity of your black rabbit and the female rabbit."

"Understood, boss."

"Well, black rabbit and female rabbit, go and get busy with your work now."

The black rabbit and the female rabbit saluted Long Fei, and then left the office.

The MSs prepared by Long Fei of the Black Rabbit Unit include Kiradka and Kira Zulu, both of which have Zaku\'s figure. The former is a MS piloted by ordinary members, and the latter is a MS piloted by captains.

TR series Gundam Heathersley, Heathersley 2, Hazel 2, Hazel Osla, and Woodwater (some Gundams are composed of Woodwater as the core), handed over to Heitu Among the members, the member who has the driving Ms ace technology will drive.

(Note: The TR series has been replaced with new parts and devices under the improvement of Longfei, and the performance is better than the original)

Then, Long Fei looked at the following report documents, Gundam is not currently making new ones, and mainly invests the money for making Gundams into other plans.

At present, Gundam is not manufactured, mainly because there are too many Gundams, and the number of trump cards is not as good as the number of Gundams.

The plan to add Liberty Gundam etc. was put on hold.

In addition, the current ace standard is stricter than before, and it is more difficult to become an ace than before.

In the past, to become an ace, as long as you shoot down more than 100 mobile suits regardless of any type, plus 20 ships regardless of any type.

Now it needs to be re-evaluated. If the shot down MS is old or older than 30 years, or it is a modified MS for engineering, it will not be recorded in the official list of shot down.

All kinds of warships that are more than 30 years old, as well as warships refitted from engineering or civilian ships, are also not recorded in the official list.

And now the official list stipulates that 150 Ms must be shot down, and more than 30 warships of different types must be shot down.

Salamanda and Ruilina came to a unit whose armbands were a pair of crossed black swords and white shields.

The same armbands of Salamanda and Ruilina are a pair of crossed black swords and white shields.

Members of the troop all saluted Salamanda.

"Everyone, you have worked hard."

"Sir, it\'s not hard."

This is the identities of Salamanda and Rulina on the bright side, Salamanda as the commander of the Sword and Shield Force, and Ruelina as his adjutant (Rilina is also a lieutenant on the bright side).

The work of the Sword and Shield Troops is to investigate the work attitude, performance and action capabilities of the members of each base, as well as inspection reports and so on.

Sword and Shield troops even have some operational command authority, such as ordering the actions of troops in sub-bases.

And it also has the power like the military police. Members below the official level will investigate any misconduct or serious mistakes and serious violations of discipline, and they can be severely punished. Those above the official level will hand over the report to Long Fei for handling.

The sword and shield troops are one of Long Fei\'s direct troops.

Long Fei set up the Sword and Shield Troop mainly now that the scale of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps is getting bigger and bigger, which has also caused the so-called forest to grow, and there are all kinds of birds. The important thing is that there are now some factions, and even some school officials. The above members have some secret contacts with the mercenary guild or some colleagues.

Some purchasers reported false accounts.

For example, the purchase price of a teacup was clearly 3 yuan in colonial currency, but the quoted price was a full 15 yuan, which was five times more.

This is still a purchase with a company under the Tianyi Group. The purchaser and the purchasee actually secretly negotiated terms and gave each other the green light.

If the purchaser is not a company of Tianyi Group, but another enterprise group, the purchase price can be more than ten times higher.

Who doesn\'t love money, Long Fei also understands his subordinates, it\'s okay to be greedy for money, but don\'t eat too much.

Originally, Long Fei planned to deal with these guys. If it wasn\'t for his busy work and many things to deal with recently, and his wife was pregnant again, he would have put most of his energy here.

Now, if it weren\'t for him to discover that Salamanda not only has good military talent and command ability, but even has a hand in investigating things.

Perhaps Long Fei has not been able to form a sword and shield force until now.

Therefore, the purpose of Long Fei\'s establishment of the Sword and Shield Troop is to deal a blow to these factions and those bastards.

Warn these people not to go too far.

There are a total of 50,000 members of the Sword and Shield Force. The main battleships are La Kailam and Archangel, supplemented by other types of warships.

The body is composed of Hyaku-shiki Kai and Delta Gundam.

Ra Cailum and Archangel each have 5 ships.

The establishment of the Sword and Shield Troops has restrained those factions.

Commander-in-chief Li Jiaming knows a little better than others. His boss has set up a sword and shield troop on the surface, and secretly set up another troop.

Li Jiaming thinks that he is fairly safe, and he doesn\'t care if the boss is an army formed secretly.

Salamanda\'s task at the moment is to go to the sub-base to conduct an investigation on the surface.

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