
Chapter 418: Dion Believers

Rebecca looked at Captain Zhou Ya.

Zhou Ya shrugged and said, "We are also going to have a beauty treatment, let\'s go together."

"Okay." x2

Sometimes after tit-for-tat, women will suddenly become good friends and girlfriends as long as they meet the same hobbies or do the same things.

Six people can also go to the beauty salon together, go shopping together, and buy clothes and bags together.

Finally, when it was dinner time, we were able to eat together.

At the end of dinner, just when it was time to part ways.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the distance.

All the six women were startled by this, and ghostly howls could be heard from a distance, and many even escaped from the direction of the previous explosion, crying for their fathers and mothers.

"Could it be a Dion believer organization?"

The Dion Believers Organization is an underground organization that has recently set off. It is an organization founded by fanatics, believers, and extremists who believe in the Dion Empire.

This organization believes that the Dion Empire is an indicator of the advancement of human civilization, and believes that only this empire can bring human civilization to a higher level.

For the United Army and the forces, people and countries that oppose the Dion Empire or do not agree with the Dion Empire, they are all targets of attack or elimination by the Dion Believers Organization.

Both the Tianyi Group and the Tianyi Mercenary Group have been attacked by this fanatic organization.

The Dion believer organization regards Long Fei as the number one enemy. Long Fei is a figure who does not agree with the new humanism of the Dion Empire, and has become the most important target of these fanatics.

What the Dion believer organization did, the Dion Empire categorically denied that it had anything to do with them. The Dion Empire declared that it was not a religious country, and that it did not believe in any religion in the country.

Therefore, everything done by the Dion Believers Organization is just the actions of these people, and has nothing to do with the Dion Empire.

The reason why the Dion Empire declared to the outside world was because they didn\'t want the Tianyi Mercenaries to have an excuse to deal with them.

Then there were explosions in several places.

"These fanatics are no different from religious extremists, and they are almost exactly the same as terrorists."

Then gunfire erupted at the scene, and someone shouted: "Kill all these stumbling blocks that hinder human progress."

"There is no need for these unprogressive waste to stay in this world. The resources are only reserved for those who follow the Dion Empire!"

"Those who do not follow the teachings of the Dion Empire are not qualified to live in this world!"

"No! Don\'t hurt my child!" a mother yelled hysterically.

Zhou Ya and the others looked not far away, a woman hijacked a little girl, and the other held a pistol against the little girl\'s head.

"You disobedients, all of you deserve to die!" The crazy woman was about to pull the trigger.

With a gunshot, a hole was opened in the woman\'s temple, and she collapsed on the ground with a terrified expression. The little girl fell directly to the ground, crying loudly in fright.

The mother rushed over and hugged her daughter.

It was Zhou Ya who just shot, pulling a small pistol out of her skirt.

Zhou Ya gestured immediately, and Libek pulled Zenani and Rogova to leave the scene with Zhou Ya and the women.

Zhou Na immediately contacted her companions with a headset and asked for support.

Britney kept calm and said: "The Dion Believers really don\'t know how they got into the colonial satellite, or there are these believers in the colonial satellite. I really doubt their guns and weapons. Could it be the local military police?" The department also has these believers, so it is reasonable to cooperate and plan these terrorist attacks."

Zenani and Rogova listened to Britney\'s analysis, although they didn\'t want to admit it in their hearts, but what happened around them forced them to think about some things that happened recently.

There are rumors within the United Army that many soldiers killed their colleagues. These soldiers who killed their colleagues were all members of the Dion Believers Organization.

Then, a car exploded nearby.

The impact of the explosion sent people flying nearby.

In addition to the damaged vehicles burning and emitting thick black smoke at the scene, there are also countless corpses left nearby.

Zenani and Rogova couldn\'t help but feel nauseated and vomited.

There were continuous explosions, screams and wailing at the scene.

In some places, people suddenly drew guns and shot innocent people.

Zhou Ya also encountered the Dion Believers Organization. Members of these organizations either took out submachine guns from their jackets or took out rifles from their bags.

Zhou Ya only had a pistol here, and what was even worse was that neither Zenani nor Rogova had a gun, because according to the rules of their regular army, they were not allowed to carry a gun when they were on vacation.

Innocent people can only wail and run away. This is the only thing they can do and the only way they can save their lives.

"Bang bang bang..." The gunshots continued, and the bodies of countless innocent people were lying around on the ground.

Zhou Ya gestured to the girls, and the girls took advantage of the cover to ambush in several places.

Zhou Na used the headset to communicate, and the four girls were behind the bunker, shooting at the believers who turned their backs.

After shooting these believers, Zhou Ya and others immediately went to the next location, and on the way they picked up the firearms in the hands of the believers who had just been shot.

The six people were on guard as they walked. Apart from corpses on the ground, there were bloodstains, and there was even blood sticking to the walls.

At this time, a group of believers found Zhou Ya and her party. Thanks to Zhou Ya\'s and her new human\'s keen sense of crisis, they reacted immediately and immediately hid behind the bunker.

Although Zhou Ya and the others have received professional training, their combat capabilities must be stronger than these believers, but they can\'t stand up to the opponent\'s large number of people, and they are not wearing Spartan uniforms.

Although some believers were killed, they were also forced into a building by the following believers.

"Damn it, I only have three bullets left."

"I only have one left."

Zhou Ya is running out of ammunition left.

There were twenty or thirty people on the believer\'s side, and they kept shooting at the building where Zhou Ya and the others hid.

"Help, help, our side has been violently attacked by believers, please help." Zhou Ya asked the headquarters for help.

"Received, we have sent rescuers to rush there, you must hold on for 30 seconds."

30 seconds at this moment is extremely long for them.

Until they heard the screams of believers outside the building.

Zhou Na looked out of the building with the help of the cover, and found that the believers were beaten to the ground by the drone swarm above and fled.

Then, several drones carrying briefcases flew into the building of Zhou Ya and others, put the briefcases on the ground, and the drones flew out of the building.

Zhou Ya could only open the briefcase. In addition to 4 sets of Spartan Battlesuit Type 2, there were also rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, pistols, crossbows, grenades, cassettes, short knives, and therapeutic gel liquid syringes in the box. .

In terms of firearms, in addition to the live ammunition system, there is also an energy system.

Rebecca said to Zenani and Rogova: "I can\'t give you Spartan uniforms." After speaking, I gave Zenani and Rogova two live-loaded submachine guns.

After Zenani and Rogova handed over the live-ammunition submachine guns, they looked at the energy-based firearms. These are individual weapons that are currently not available in the entire world.

Zenani and Rogova also understood that as outsiders, they would never provide them with advanced Spartan battle uniforms and energy-based weapons.

Zhou Ya said at this time: "Everyone, our Gundam is still being repaired, and it will take 15 minutes for the Gundam to move. Now we have to wait in a safer place, and we must pay attention. These believers have already driven Ms. Sabotage somewhere in the colony."

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