
Chapter 727: Mental storm

Shenglong managed to get rid of Barbatos Sirius and rushed towards Liberty Gundam.

Tao Xiang looked at the holy dragon rushing towards her in front of the screen, and the beam gun in Liberty Gundam\'s right hand aimed at the oncoming holy dragon.

The moment Taoxiang pressed the button, she saw Shenglong\'s next dodge, and Freedom Gundam immediately fired a second shot.

The moment of the second shot also allowed Taoxiang to see Shenglong\'s next move, and it was the next few moves.

At the moment of firing the third shot, the plasma cluster beam cannon and the rail gun fired in three directions at the same time.

"What!" Julius couldn\'t believe it, Liberty Gundam directly blocked all his dodging tracks.

Fortunately, with years of combat experience and intuition, Julius was relying on his mental sense of crisis, and immediately used the shield to block the cyan light beam at the lower right corner of the body.

Because this is the least damaging attack, the shield can block it.

Then, Freedom Gundam fired continuously.

No matter how the Holy Dragon dodges, it will definitely be attacked by Freedom Gundam.

Tao Xiang knew that she could have such a victory because of the power of the child in her stomach, which allowed her to see the opponent\'s next move earlier and preemptively strike.

Shenglong wanted to continue rushing towards Freedom Gundam, but every move was seen through by the opponent, and the opponent could even stop him earlier. What was even worse was that Barbatos Sirius caught up with him again and became entangled with him.

Tao Xiang watched the battle between Shenglong and Barbatos Sirius, and could even see the trajectory of the next move.

At the moment when Taoxiang was about to attack, she saw the dodge trajectory of the target holy dragon. Taoxiang immediately contacted Anton to inform him of his next move.

When Anton received the notice, although he couldn\'t believe it, he immediately followed his wife\'s advice.

Sure enough, the attack of Liberty Gundam and the direction of Shenglong\'s dodge were just as Taoxiang said.

Barbatos Sirius caught up in an instant, and directly slashed down with a sword.

"Damn it! That woman must have told that guy where I dodged!" Julius felt very annoyed.

Following Liberty Gundam\'s continuous attacks, Barbatos Sirius, under Taoxiang\'s instructions, could immediately catch up with the Holy Dragon\'s dodging direction, completely suppressing the Holy Dragon.

To make matters worse for Shenglong, there are several special Gundams added, such as Impulse Gundam and Savior Gundam.

In a four-on-one situation, Shenglong was almost crushed and had no power to fight back.

To make matters worse, there are currently no other colleagues to help Shenglong, because they are all stopped at a distance of 50 kilometers.

After Gulistina sent her father back to the mothership, and received notification from her subordinates of the situation on the front line, she immediately ordered the frontline fighters to prepare to evacuate, and they were about to launch super-nuclear explosive missiles.

All the warships of the Dion Army\'s decisive battle force fired signal flares. After seeing the signal flares, the other pilots of the Dion Army also started to fire signal flares one after another.

At this time, the shield of Shenglong\'s right hand was knocked away by the sword and hammer of Barbatos Sirius.

Julius yells bad.

Although Shenglong immediately drew out the saber on the left waist armor to resist the sword of Barbatos Sirius, the beam gun of Pulse Gundam opened fire at Shenglong.

When Tao Xiang was about to give the last blow to Shenglong who was about to dodge, Blood Fang, who had lost his left arm, rushed over with more than a dozen Gorefiends with missing limbs.

Freedom Gundam can only shift the target to attack Blood Fang.

While dodging the attack, Bloodfang fired at the Barbatos Sirius Gundam, trying to force it away.

Blood Fang rushed to the holy dragon with all his strength, and at the moment when the savior Gundam launched a plasma cannon to give the holy dragon a fatal blow, blood tooth knocked away the holy dragon, and his legs were swallowed by the plasma cannon.

"Rishman, what are you doing!"

"My lord Julius, Her Royal Highness is ready to launch a super-nuclear missile. You should withdraw quickly. Leave this place to me and my subordinates."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Let\'s get rid of everyone together!"

"I can\'t withdraw. A bunch of my subordinates and I rushed in with the determination to die. There are only a dozen or so of the more than a hundred subordinates. Please withdraw as soon as possible. After we break up here, the Dion Empire can lose me. It doesn\'t even matter if you lose the entire Scarlet Shadow Royal Knights, but you must not lose your number one knight, Mr. Julius, His Majesty needs you, so go, or it will be too late!"

"I see." Julius obeyed helplessly, and hurriedly evacuated unwillingly.

Barbatos Sirius wanted to chase after the holy dragon, but Blood Fang vowed to stop it.

More than a dozen Blood Demon Holy Machines also blocked the pursuit of Impulse Gundam and Savior Gundam.

Tao Xiang whispered in her heart that it was a pity, if Julius could kill him, at least he could eliminate a powerful enemy for the Tianyi Mercenary Group.

However, the Bloodfang Holy Machine is the landline of the leader of the Red Shadow Royal Knights, killing this holy machine is also considered to get rid of a strong enemy.

The **** teeth with missing hands and feet were quickly killed by Barbatos Sirius. Anton yelled regretfully after seeing the holy dragon running away.

The remaining Gorefiend Holy Machine was quickly wiped out by other Gundams.

At this time, Tao Xiang felt the little life in her stomach telling her that a sense of crisis was coming.

Tao Xiang frowned tightly, not knowing why the little life told her about the crisis, the mothership sent a message.

It turned out that the battleship Fardis launched a super-nuclear explosive missile, and the direction of the trajectory was heading in the direction of Niu Gundam and Liberty Gundam, and all the Dion Army withdrew from the battlefield one after another.

The Tianyi mercenary group also launched a stop jamming missile, which was coming towards this side, demanding that all the airframes evacuate quickly.

When Tao Xiang was about to take Niu Gaoda to leave, the little life in her stomach told her not to withdraw, and asked her to touch Niu Gaoda.

Although Tao Xiang didn\'t understand what the child in her stomach wanted to do, she obeyed the child\'s wishes.

The Ms of the Tianyi mercenary group and the mobile fortress also quickly withdrew.

Anton immediately communicated to Taoxiang: "Ma\'am, what are you doing? Hurry up and get out!"

"You let the others leave first, I have something to do."

Anton was very puzzled. Watching the screen, Liberty Gundam met Niu Gundam but didn\'t move at all.

Suddenly, Niu Gundam\'s eye lights flickered a few times and then turned on.

Zhou Zhou thought the boss had woken up.

In fact, Taoxiang knows that Niu Gundam\'s movement is not her husband\'s, the little life in her stomach controls Niu Gundam.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres. www.yeguoyuedu.com can be used for Android and Apple. 】

At this time, Niu Gundam exudes a strong white spiritual air current, and the entire spiritual frame of Niu Gundam is glowing with white light.

The white spiritual airflow became thicker and thicker, and Niu Gundam\'s right hand began to clenched into a fist, and then made a swaying motion in the direction of the super-nuclear explosive missile.

A strong white spiritual wave swept away.

This wave of white spirit made everyone in the Tianyi Mercenary Group feel stronger than ever. Everyone knew that this wave of white spirit was not the power of the boss, but the power of the child in the wife\'s belly.

Wherever the mental wave passed, it seemed to slow down time.

When the mental blast swept over the super-nuclear explosive missile, the speed of the missile slowed down to only 1/10 of the original speed.

Then, Tao Xiang ordered everyone to evacuate immediately, Freedom Gundam grabbed Niu Gundam\'s right arm, and left the scene quickly.

The white airflow emitted by Freedom Gundam also disappeared at this moment.

At this moment, Tao Xiang found that the child in her stomach seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

The neutron jamming missile roared past not far from Freedom Gundam and Niu Gundam.

The neutron interference missile explodes immediately after being within the range of effect of the super-nuclear explosive missile. When the ripples of the explosion hit the super-nuclear explosive missile, it will be detonated directly. Below is only the power of ordinary tactical nuclear missiles when they explode in space.

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