
Chapter 764: to urge

Some war reporters even commented and satirized it, wondering whether the commander of the joint army was too incompetent, or the military weapons of the Dion army were too powerful, which made the joint army\'s progress unable to go any further.

As for the comments and sarcasm of war reporters, military experts have different opinions. The Dion Empire is almost at the end of its strength, and the coalition army is only engaged in a war of attrition at this moment.

The purpose is to let the Dion Empire exhaust their last strength.

Once the Dion Empire is exhausted, it will be difficult to stop the advance of the United Army.

Therefore, from the perspective of military experts, this battle is a complete war of attrition, with the purpose of exhausting the Dion Empire.

Although the media from various countries are paying attention to this war, there are also media from various countries paying attention to the Tianyi Mercenary Group from time to time.

The Tianyi mercenary regiment remained the same as before, and continued to accept the entrustment of merchants to **** the merchant fleet, but each base had a simulated battle between the red and blue armies.

The media believed that the Tianyi mercenary group had returned to its normal state, and some sub-bases were undergoing expansion.

On March 2, 126, the first year of the universe, there was another live broadcast on the official website of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps.

The first Gondwana-class Ms mothership announced its official service, and the second Gondwana-class Ms mothership officially made its maiden flight.

This shocked the authorities of various countries, because some of their spies never received news of the second Gondwana-class Ms mothership.

Then, more and more Dogos Kea-class warships, Rebill-class warships, Gowadan-class warships and Rabbi Anros in various bases entered service one after another.

Shield-breaking destroyers, armored frigates, La Kailam, Archangel and other warships have been built successively, and more and more are in service.

The scale of the Tianyi Mercenary Group is getting bigger and stronger day by day.

The authorities of various countries are also becoming increasingly tense, especially the United Anglo-Sa Democratic People\'s Republic and the Wanluo Federation.

The money owners and capitalists behind these governments, especially the arms entrepreneurs, are the most nervous. They want to obtain the advanced military technology of the Dion Empire no matter what.

Because the longer the delay, the more and more warships the Tianyi Mercenary Group will manufacture.

I even received news that more and more Ms, mobile fortresses, individual weapons, etc. are in service.

Moreover, they also received news that in addition to imitating Dion\'s army, the Red and Blue Army of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps simulated their opponents as well.

This made the authorities of various countries suspect that the Tianyi Mercenary Group wanted to take advantage of the fisherman\'s profit. Some countries even protested to the Tianyi Mercenary Group that they could not use the United Army as an opponent in a simulated battle.

The official website of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps responded that it is our freedom to use whoever we want as a simulated battle. If you feel uncomfortable, you can also have a simulated battle between the red and blue army and use us as a simulated opponent.

On March 10, 126, the first year of the universe, the first flight of the second mobile fortress Downs appeared live on the official website.

This made the governments of various countries jump their feet directly, and many national governments wondered whether they should bring back the coalition forces fighting on the front line.

But the authorities of various countries feel that this is not appropriate.

First, the Tianyi Mercenary Group has not declared war on any external forces.

Second, if the United Army troops are brought back hastily, there is no guarantee that the Dion Army will take the opportunity to pursue them.

Third, if we continue to fight with the Dion army, it is still possible to defeat the Dion army and seize advanced military weapons. Moreover, the Tianyi mercenary group is still fledgling, as long as they defeat the Dion army within a few months Everything is over.

Long Fei looked at the current report, Salamanda stood in front of Long Fei, Tao Xiang sat beside her husband, sorting out the documents for her husband, and Long Quan slept on the baby cradle.

"It is estimated that the leaders of various countries are nervous, and they will definitely urge the joint army to move faster."

"Yes, boss, if you keep urging like this, you will definitely force the joint army to make mistakes."

"Next, the Vanner-class Ms mothership and the mobile fortress Downs should not show them what they will build next. Our purpose is to scare them a little bit."

"Indeed, Boss, if you continue to scare us, it may have the opposite effect. Maybe the United Army will stop fighting against Dion\'s Army and attack us directly."

"Our purpose is actually to make them make mistakes. It is best to let the United Army and the Dion Army fight to the detriment of both."

Salamanda asked: "By the way, boss, Fa Zuos and Fa Bosser should have built some, right?"

"It is true that some have been built. For now, we are now carrying out the invisible function of the umbrella and conducting some simulated actual combat tests."

"Boss, my suggestion is to produce as much as possible, and be prepared to fight at any time. I estimate that after two or three months, the two sides will decide the winner."

"Right now, it is estimated that national authorities are also less willing to allow their national militaries to spend time fighting a war of attrition."

"So, the urging of the authorities of various countries will definitely make their troops go wrong."

After the two discussed some things, Salamanda withdrew from Long Fei\'s exclusive ward.

Long Fei got up and looked at his youngest son, Long Quan, who was sleeping soundly in the baby cradle, and reached out to touch Long Quan\'s cheek.

Long Quan frowned suddenly, and his mouth let out a Yiya Yiya sound.

Tao Xiang knew that the baby was hungry and needed milk.

Tao Xiang breastfeeds Long Quan, Long Fei glances at it, and then proceeds to process the documents at work.

When Tao Xiang feeds her child, she uses breast milk most of the time.

After Longquan was full, he had to be coaxed by his mother for a while before he was willing to sleep.

"This kid knows how to act like a baby with his mother." Long Fei looked at his son and thought.

Tao Xiang listened to the lullaby in his son\'s ear and coaxed him to sleep.

On March 15, 126, the first year of the universe, the Dion Army and the Lianhe Army were still fighting hard, and neither could suppress the other.

Originally wanted to fight a war of attrition to kill the Dion Army\'s coalition army, this coalition army composed of various countries, the national authorities with many members in it, began to urge them to push forward the progress.

Although the generals advised the authorities of their own country not to be impatient, the advantage will obviously favor them after a period of time.

But the authorities of many countries are not willing to listen to the general\'s professional advice at all, and even the national authorities have passed on the news of the new warships built by the Tianyi Mercenary Group to these generals.

Although the generals of various countries were a little shaken after reading the news, they reassured the national authorities that it would not matter if they dragged on the war of attrition for half a year. They could consume the Dion Empire to death with resources and manpower.

The advanced technology of the exhausted Dion Empire would be at hand. Although the coalition army suffered losses, they would not be injured. Even the Tianyi Mercenary Group would not dare to act rashly.

Because, the resources and manpower of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps also cannot be consumed by the United Army.

However, the authorities in many countries are not willing to listen to the professional advice of the military. No matter how professional and simple the military explain to the authorities, the relevant authorities are still worried about the Tianyi mercenary group and urge the military to push forward the progress.

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