
Chapter 888: Long Fei's Enthronement Ceremony and Machine Gunners

During the live broadcast, countless specially-made Gundams of the Tianyi Empire participated in the enthronement ceremony of Long Fei, as well as familiar warships, fighter planes, mobile fortresses, MS, ground weapons, etc.

In addition to photographing the Tianyi Imperial Army, in addition to wearing Spartan battle suits and Spartan battle suits 2, there is also a tall and mighty armored soldier wearing thick kinetic armor and holding huge guns , with an average height of 3 meters.

These armored soldiers come in white, blue and black colors.

A media reporter from Tianyi Empire introduced, "This is a new type of ground armored force in our country. This type of force is called machine gunners, and every soldier in the machine gunners has undergone neurological transformation."

"The machine gunner is different from other Spartan fighters who have undergone enhanced surgery. They are different types of modified and strengthened fighters. The machine gunner has a strong physique, and surpasses the Spartan fighters in strength, anti-strike ability, and physical endurance. physical ability."

"The machine gunners are equipped with thick armor and strong defense. They can carry weapons with a caliber of less than 30 on the front. The power system can run at more than 50km per hour when running."

"The most basic equipment in terms of weapons is a 45mm individual giant rifle and a 25mm high-explosive pistol. The melee weapon includes an alloy chainsaw saber, and can be equipped with various powerful firearms. Most of the firearms can penetrate armored vehicle panels with one shot."

"The duty of the machine gunners is to carry out suppression and elimination warfare, and suppress the most important locations and targets."

Reporters from the Tianyi Empire media introduced the machine gunners, which also attracted the attention of the leaders and military of various countries.

When military experts first saw the appearance of the iron cavalry, they were a little puzzled.

Why didn\'t the Iron Cavalry appear in the battle between the Tianyi Mercenary Group and the Dion Empire in the Martian Circle?

After a round of reasoning and analysis, the experts estimated that the machine gunner might have been defeated and perished when the machine gunner was ready to be put into the battlefield after its development.

Moreover, it was also found in the live broadcast that the number of machine gunners was less than 1,000.

In the palace army, there were only 100 machine gunners in black armor.

Although the number of machine gunners is not large, it also shocked many military forces of various countries, especially the military experts of big countries, even said that Emperor Long Fei of the Tianyi Empire developed another kind of enhanced genetically modified fighter.

Judging from the height of the machine gunners, experts estimate that the height of the unarmored machine gunners is about 2 meters. It is estimated that these tall men will only become so tall after enhanced genetic modification.

But no matter what, the leadership and military of all countries, especially the big countries, are very keen on these technologies for strengthening genetically modified fighters.

They said that according to the information they have, the elite units and special forces of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps\' ground combat units are all fighters who have undergone enhanced surgery, and now the machine gunners are transformed and strengthened fighters of another system.

The militaries of the major countries are envious and jealous, and they are also developing and strengthening fighters.

At present, the military plans of the major countries, whether it is enhanced transformation surgery, drug injection technology, genetic modification, etc., have all failed without exception.

Among the militaries of the major powers, the only relatively successful one is the Han Xia Empire.

At present, there are soldiers in the Hanxia Empire who receive medicine injections to strengthen their physical fitness. After their physical fitness is improved, their all-round physical fitness is twice that of ordinary people. The special forces who did not inject drugs to strengthen their physical fitness were much stronger.

In melee combat, it can fight three times, and fully suppress unreinforced special forces.

The Hanxia Empire was able to successfully develop medicine injection enhancement technology, not because the scientific team successfully developed it.

It was Gou Dingkun who sent people to Long Fei\'s hometown to **** the drawings that Long Fei designed when he was a child.

Later, Long Fei shared the technology he was robbed when he was a child with the whole world in the live broadcast.

The only thing among the shared technologies is that the enhanced technology was not shared with the world. It was not that Long Fei did this on purpose, but that Long Fei forgot that he actually wrote and designed the enhanced modification technology when he was a child.

At that time, the authorities of the Hanxia Empire jumped up and confiscated all the technology that Gou Dingkun had snatched.

After checking and finding that the technology to strengthen the physical fitness of individual soldiers had not been shared, the Hanxia Empire authorities immediately set up a relevant research department to study it.

After a long period of research and development, it was put into experiments, and only the technique of injecting enhanced medicine was successful, but it was not satisfactory, and still needs to be adjusted and improved.

Genetic modification or augmentation surgery all failed.

It wasn\'t that there was a problem with Long Fei\'s writing, but that when he was a child, the genetic modification and enhancement surgery hadn\'t been written yet, so he went to write and draw pictures and other things.

Moreover, the two have long been thrown out of the sky by Long Fei when he was a child, and even the design drawings at that time were placed in an inconspicuous corner by Long Fei.

Doctors and experts from the related research departments re-discussed after several failures and found that the enhanced genetic modification surgery Long Fei had not completed the design. Possible side effects, stability, related recuperation medical treatment, subsequent adaptability, etc.

Therefore, the relevant research team temporarily abandoned the enhanced gene and transformation surgery that Long Fei had not yet completed, and made multiple improvements to the enhanced drug injection technology and a series of subsequent plans.

It was not until last year that the enhanced drug injection technology was officially improved. The Hanxia Empire called this improved and completed enhanced drug injection technology "Hu Ben".

The leaders and military of the various countries on the scene watched the live broadcast, not only paying attention to the machine gunners, but also watching Long Fei\'s ascension to the throne.

At the scene, the palace guards stood in their respective positions in an orderly manner. On the main hall, on the left were the guests present, and on the left were the ministers and invited nobles.

Long Huijuan, the three sisters of Solanum nigrum, and Lixiang sat in the front row of seats on the left.

As the empress dowager of the Tianyi Empire, Yang Ruoxi\'s seat is on the left side of the emperor\'s throne.

Tao Xiang, as the queen of Tianyi Empire, sits on the right side of the emperor\'s throne.

Yang Ruoxi and Tao Xiang sat in their own seats, the prince Longquan, who was under one year old, wore a baby hood to cover his face, and in the arms of the queen mother, the two sisters Longguo and Longfu stood on the left and right sides of the mother.

"My emperor is here!" The head of the palace guards shouted loudly.

From the empress dowager down to the ministers, nobles and guests all stood up from their seats.

Long Fei came to the scene wearing a royal suit with a Hanfu design.

Yang Ruoxi nodded to Long Fei, Tao Xiang and Long Guo sisters bowed to Long Fei to salute, ministers and nobles put their right hands on their chests and bowed 90 degrees to Long Fei to salute.

The guests also saluted the dragon flying.

Then, there is the statement of the ceremonial officer.

After the declaration was completed, it was officially announced that the ceremony of Long Fei\'s ascension to the throne had been completed.

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