
Chapter 250: annihilate

  The dense sound of horseshoes resounded across the field, becoming the only sound between heaven and earth.

   The tactics of cavalry attacks are generally not so fancy, especially in large-scale cavalry operations, the commander does not have much room for display.

  The result of the forced show operation will only confuse the soldiers, unable to figure out the intention of the coach, and then throw the entire army into chaos.

  So, this time, Samwell led the main force to attack from the front, and the two wings outflanked the Stormland army to attack.

  Of course, although there are no bells and whistles in tactics, the execution level of tactics can tell whether a cavalry is elite or not.

  The Riverbend Cavalry is the best in the Seven Kingdoms in terms of weaponry and personnel quality, and they have just experienced a few big victories, and their morale is at its peak. This is where Samwell dared to give it a go.

  At this time, the Stormland army was ready to fight. Two rows of shield walls had been erected in the frontal position, followed by dense spears protruding from the gap between the shield walls, like hedgehogs.

  Facing such an elite and powerful enemy, the river bay cavalry army still did not slow down.

   The sound of hoofbeats became more and more urgent.

  For a moment, the ground seemed to tremble, and the thunderous sound of horseshoes hit people\'s hearts one after another, making them unable to breathe.

  Those who have not seen this scene with their own eyes cannot imagine how frightening the cavalry army is when they charge.

  But the Stormland army in front of them is a regular army after all, no matter how fearful they are, they will never run away.

  Because on such a plain, infantry encountering cavalry can only form an array to fight to the death, and fleeing will only die faster.

  Samwell had already rode a white dragon to the sky, overlooking the river bay cavalry rushing forward like a flood that broke a bank.

   Ahead, the infantry formation of the Stormlanders was like a rock, ready to face the impact of the huge waves.

  However, it was the cavalry units of both sides that collided first.

  They met on both sides of the battlefield. Unfortunately, the Riverbend Cavalry had an absolute advantage in numbers, making the charge of the Stormland Cavalry more like a tragic suicide action.

  Of course, their sacrifice was not completely useless, at least the offensive of the two wings of the River Bend Cavalry was blocked, and they had to re-open the distance and regroup.

   At this time, in front of the frontal army formation, the battle officially kicked off.

   "Shoot! Shoot!"

  With the humming of the bowstrings, black arrows rose from the Stormland Army formation into the sky, mixed with a scalp-numbing whizzing sound, and fell into the river bay cavalry army.

   The river bay heavy armored cavalry rushing forward, the arrows falling on them can only make a clanging sound, causing relatively limited casualties.

  Samwell did not charge at the forefront this time. With the previous victory, the cavalry was in full swing, and there was no need for him to lead the charge in person. This time, he wanted to try riding a dragon.

  Of course, since Cleopatra was still in her infancy and her scales were not tough enough, he did not dare to charge against such a rain of arrows. He was going to wait for the cavalry to disperse the archers on the opposite side before letting the white dragon dive down.

  After three rounds of arrow rain, the front row of the river bay heavy armored cavalry finally rushed to the front of the enemy.

   Without the slightest hesitation, and without any hesitation, with the huge inertia of charging, this heavy armored cavalry hit the enemy\'s shield wall like this.

  The people on the battlefield erupted with loud noises, overshadowing the sound of rumbling horseshoes for a while.

  In the collisions between the infantry formation and the heavy cavalry, countless lives disappeared instantly.

  Countless figures flew up and fell into the storm formation.

  Blood is spilled like cheap dye.

  The sounds of screams and bone fractures continued, making one\'s teeth sore.

  A knight was pierced by the spear, but under the action of huge inertia, they still broke the spear, and the man and horse hit the shield wall, breaking the bones and tendons of the storm soldiers behind the shield.

   Cruel and **** scene.

  The terrifying impact of the heavy armored cavalry is also fully revealed at this moment.

  The neat shield wall was smashed to pieces at the moment of contact, creating countless gaps.

The river bay cavalry in the rear didn\'t waste the victory gained by the comrades in front at the cost of their lives. They stepped on the corpses of enemies and comrades in arms, swarmed in from various gaps, and slammed into the second shield wall without stopping. past.

  A similar scene repeats itself again.

  The two shield walls of the Stormlanders, under the frenzied impact of the Hewan heavy cavalry, did not last long before they were broken.

   But they have also caused great casualties to the Riverbend Cavalry.

  This is the price the cavalry must pay for attacking the well-defended elite infantry formation.

  Unfortunately, that\'s all the Stormlanders can do.

   Once the shield wall is broken, the defeat of the Stormland army is doomed.

  The tide-like river bay cavalry surged past, completely submerging the army formation of the Stormlanders, and the cavalry\'s swords slashed down, constantly harvesting the lives of the Stormlanders.

   This is the suppression of cavalry on infantry.

  On the battlefield of the cold weapon era, large-scale heavy cavalry is almost unsolvable.

   Unless relying on terrain and castles, there is nothing that can resist the charge of heavy cavalry.

  Seeing that the enemy\'s archers were being massacred by their own cavalry, Samwell urged the white dragon to dive down.

  Cleopatra seemed to have been waiting impatiently. The **** atmosphere of the battlefield not only didn\'t make her feel intimidated, but seemed extraordinarily excited.

The smoky leather wings fanned the scorching air, casting shadows on the army formation of the stormlanders. Cleopatra opened her **** mouth, and a terrifying breath began to gather, burn, and finally turned into orange. A bright red flame poured down.

  Samwell also pulled out [Dawn] in coordination. I don\'t know if it was an illusion. Under the reflection of the dragon flame, this giant sword looked more agile and excited, as if meeting an old friend he hadn\'t seen for many years.

  Slashing out with a sword, the light of the sword intertwined with the flames of the dragon, smashed down, and pulled out a flame path in the enemy\'s formation, turning steel and flesh into ashes.

  The living people turned into torches, the military formations turned into cremation piles, the air was filled with a suffocating smell of burning, and the smoke and screams mixed into a concerto of death.

   Flowing with a deadly melody.

  Unfortunately, the position of the archers has been broken, and the sparse arrows can\'t pose a threat to the white dragon flying by in the air.

   "Leave that dragon alone!" Sir Cortnay roared at the top of his lungs.

  A beam of sword light mixed with dragon flames swept past Sir Cortanay, but he did not avoid it, letting the fiery wind lift his cloak and whip against his armor.

   "Steady the formation! Don\'t retreat! Don\'t mess up!"

  Sir Cortanay knew that even though the white dragon looked scary, it would not burn many people at all. The real deadly threat was the opponent\'s cavalry.

  He tried his best to stabilize the morale of the army, but unfortunately, not everyone has a heart of steel like this knight.

   Facing an enemy who cannot fight back in the air, soldiers will be uncontrollably afraid, not to mention the fire-breathing dragon.

  Sir Cortnay had no choice but to draw his sword and start killing, but it still couldn\'t stop the panic and chaos from spreading among the Stormland army.

   Instead, Samwell noticed the commander\'s position, drove the white dragon to circle back in the air, and gave him a sword.

  The turbulent fire instantly swallowed the famous knight of the Stormlands, and the yellow quill banner of the Pangros family also burned, and was torn into fine ashes by the wind.

  The death of the coach hastened the collapse of this Stormland army. The soldiers could no longer maintain their formation, and they threw down their weapons and fled in all directions.

  The river bay cavalry passed by, completely submerging the storm\'s army formation like a tide, and countless shining swords swung down, chopping down pieces of enemy soldiers to the ground.

  In the vast and endless wilderness, four thousand cavalrymen created a **** massacre.

  The knights of the Stormlands are making a last-ditch effort, but no mortal can prevent the rout of the army at this time.

  The river bay cavalry who rushed in from both wings passed by, leaving behind the corpses of the Stormlanders all over the place. The army formation had completely collapsed, and the Stormlanders scattered all over the mountains and plains, trying to escape this **** and terrifying hell.

   But how could they escape.

  The Riverbend Cavalry spontaneously divided into small groups, chasing death to the north, striving to wipe out this Stormland army outside Storm\'s End.

  Samwell had already put away the giant sword, and the sitting white dragon soared excitedly over the blood-stained field, neighing.

  Looking south, Samwell seemed to be able to see the towering castle at the end of the horizon—

   Storm\'s End.


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