
Chapter 388: Green vision

  And three dragons—

  One white, one black, one green.

  They circled and roared in the night sky, spouting hot flames, and beneath them was a beautiful manor full of plane trees.

  A grand banquet is being held in the garden, with elegant gentlemen, beautiful ladies, valiant knights, and a king wearing a ruby ​​crown and holding a fiery red giant sword.

   Casts a red shadow.

  Bran always felt that the king\'s face was very familiar, but he couldn\'t remember where he had seen it.

  He heard the nobles chanting the name of Caesar, and then realized that the king was Caesar, the Storm King.

  Suddenly, Caesar raised his head and passed through the endless night sky, as if he was looking at Bran.

   He found me!

   There was a throbbing in Bran\'s heart, like a thief caught by his master, and inexplicable fear swept over him.

   "Bran," came the soft whisper, "Bran, wake up. Bran..."

  Bran closed his third eye, opened the other two—

  Two of human beings, and two blind.

   "Bran?" Meera Reed shook his arm. "Having another nightmare? You were shaking just now."

   "Hmm..." Bran nodded, the eyes of the Storm King just now remained in his mind, those eyes of examining, as deep as night, hot as lava.

   "What did you see?" Jojen Reed asked.

  Meera and Jojen are the children of Howland Reed, the lord of Greywaterwatch. They have a typical Zelander appearance, short and thin, with green eyes.

The Reed family has been loyal to the Stark family for generations, and Earl Howland is the most trusted partner of Duke Eddard. The battle of the Tower of Joy—a battle that Duke Eddard never wanted to mention—they are the only two people who survived. .

  After the fall of Winterfell, Bran escaped with his mother and brother, all the way north, until he was taken in by the Umber family in the last Hearth City.

   During this period, the siblings of the Li De family also came to find them.

  Because of the close relationship between the two families and the deep friendship between the parents, Bran quickly became familiar with the Zedi siblings.

  Jojen Reed taught Bran how to use the shapeshifting ability, and also said that he has the "green vision" talent.

   "I saw three dragons, and a king." Brand said.

  He knew that this was a dream brought about by the "Vision of Green", which allowed him to see the past, present and future in his dream.

   But he still can\'t control this ability well, he can\'t see what he wants to see, but instead he is always troubled by some inexplicable dreams.

   "The one with dragons in Westeros is the Storm King Caesar." Jojen said, "What did he do? How did he scare you like this?"

  Bran shook his head with lingering fear:

   "Nothing, just...he seems to be able to see me..."

  Jiu Jian\'s green eyes narrowed slightly, and said:

   "Maybe Caesar also has green vision."

   "How is this possible?" Elder sister Meera retorted, "Caesar doesn\'t have the blood of the ancestors, and he doesn\'t believe in the old gods, how can he have the talent of green vision?"

   "This..." Jojen was obviously not sure either.

   "I\'m hungry, do you have something to eat?" Bran muffled.

He doesn\'t care about Caesar, he doesn\'t even care about the dragons, he just wants to see the people he cares about, his father, mother, brother Robb, brother Rickon, sister Sansa and Arya, but he doesn\'t understand How to control the dream, so that you can\'t see the person you miss.

   "I caught two rabbits, I\'ll bring them here for you." Meera said.

  The rabbit meat was cold, tough and fishy, ​​but Bran wasn\'t picky.

  He is no longer the second son of the Duke. Apart from the Zedi sisters, there is only one servant Hoduo who is stupid and silly.

  Winterfell is also over. Although his younger brother Rickon can still go back to be the lord, everyone knows that a six-year-old child is destined to be a puppet.

Both his father and elder brother were dispatched to the Great Wall. Bran was supposed to inherit Winterfell, but the mysterious Zedi sisters said that his mission was in the north, outside the Great Wall, in a place called "Three-Eyed Raven". on the person.

  Bran sometimes doesn’t know why he decided to go crazy with this pair of siblings in the first place. Maybe it’s because of those weird dreams, maybe he lost his mind because of being too sad, maybe he just didn’t want to go back and become a puppet...

  Anyway, he sneaked out of Last Hearth with the Zedi siblings, without even saying goodbye to his mother and brother.

   After hastily filling his stomach, Bran wiped his hands on his body and said:

   "Let\'s move on."


   "Hodor." Hodor has a huge body, and he can still walk like flying with Bran on his back.

  Grandma said Hodor was of giant blood, and maybe it was true. It\'s a pity that his brain is not good, otherwise he will become a terrible fighter.

  The group of people did not take the King\'s Road, but shuttled among the deserted forest trails, all the way to the north.

  The weather is getting colder and the vegetation is getting less and less. After an unknown period of time, Bran finally sees the slender white line on the horizon.

  He knew that it was the Great Wall.

   "Are we going to Castle Black?" Bran asked excitedly.

  He knew that his father and brother should be there by now, as well as his illegitimate brother Jon Snow.

  He really wanted to see them.

   "Of course not." Jojen said, "The Night Watchman at Castle Black won\'t let us pass through the Wall, and I heard that the wildlings are attacking Castle Black."

  Bran was a little disappointed, but did not refute:

   "Then where do we pass the Great Wall?"

   "There are dozens of castles along the Great Wall. Unfortunately, with the decline of the Night Watchman Legion, most of the castles are now deserted. We are going to the north from these abandoned castles."

   "But when the night watchmen abandoned these castles, didn\'t they block the gates of the castles with stones?"

   "It\'s blocked." Jojen\'s eyes flashed green, "But there are still some passages that cannot be blocked."

  Bran no longer asked, and lay on Hodor\'s back with peace of mind, not knowing what he was thinking.

  Before it was completely dark, they finally came to a castle covered in weeds.

   "This is the Nightfort." Jojen said, although it was his first time here, "It used to be the largest castle under the command of the Night Watchman Legion."

   As he spoke, he took the lead and walked forward.

   There is no one in the castle, only dilapidated wooden houses, frozen stones and thick dust.

  They began to explore and found dark doors one by one, like a maze.

  But the gate leading to the Great Wall was blocked.

  But Jojen is still looking for it, and it seems that there will be another road leading to the Great Wall.

  He found a well in what looked like a kitchen, and drilled into it.

  Meera immediately followed, Bran hesitated, and directed Hodor to go down behind his back.

  The underground is dark and damp, and the further you go down, the darker it becomes.

  After walking for about ten minutes, Jojen stopped suddenly.

  Bran couldn\'t see anything at this time, except for a door.

  The door made of white weirwood exudes a milky light, and there is a pale old face on the door.

   The door opens eyes, white eyes.

   "Who are you?" Door asked.

  Bran didn\'t know how to answer, but Jojen said:

   "I am the sword in the dark, the guardian on the Wall, the flames against the cold, the light at dawn, the horn to wake the sleepers, the shield to guard the kingdom."

  He lied. Bran thought. This is the oath of the Night\'s Watch, and they are not the Night\'s Watch.

   "Go." That doorway, it seems impossible to discern lies.

   Its mouth opens, revealing a passage.

  On the other side of the channel, there is a wind and snow flying all over the sky.

   "Go." Jojen said, and walked into the door first.

  Meera followed, and so did Hodor.

  Bran turned his head suddenly, as if there were a pair of eyes watching him in the darkness.

   Those eyes belonged to the Storm King.

  He remembered that the Storm King in the dream once said a word to himself——

   Don\'t go outside the Great Wall.

  Bran shook his head, forgetting the Storm King\'s eyes and warning.

  Let Hodor pass the door behind his back.

  Bran wants to go beyond the Great Wall to meet the Three-Eyed Crow, not only for the mission that the Zedi siblings said, but also because in his dream, the Three-Eyed Crow once said that he could fly.

  He broke his leg and couldn\'t walk.

   But he wants to fly.


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