
Chapter 525: The Dwarf and the Broken Dragon

I happened to see Xue Yi leaning on the corridor, wearing the silver dress he gave her. The moonlight reflected on her ears and temples, highlighting her crystal-clear skin.

 This is the girl I am about to marry. Tyrion thought to himself.

 Until now, he still couldn’t believe that he would marry a skilled woman.

 But facts are uncertain, and mortals can never guess what will happen tomorrow.

And, to be honest, Tyrion doesn’t mind marrying Shae.

 In this cold and dark city, only she can bring him warmth and light.

 “Don’t look, it won’t come today.”

Hearing her fiancé’s voice, Xue Yi turned around and showed a charming smile:

 “Who won’t come?”

"Who else?" said Tyrion. "Of course it\'s the sun you think about day and night."

Xue Yi sighed, the smile on her face faded, and her expression became worried:

“Sure enough, just like the legend, after the long summer, the stars weep with blood, and cold darkness will envelope the world...”

"This is the prophecy chanted by R\'hllor\'s followers." Tyrion said disapprovingly, "Do you really believe this?"

Xue Yi blinked:

"Shouldn\'t you believe it? The Long Night has really come, and according to the prophecy, there will be a hero favored by the gods who will pull out the flaming sword from the fire and lead mankind to defeat the White Walkers and drive away the darkness. Tyrion , this hero is His Majesty Caesar, right?"

"Everyone seems to think so." Tyrion shrugged, "It\'s a pity that they don\'t know that His Majesty Caesar has broken with the red **** long ago."

Seeing his fiancée\'s eyes widen, he raised his finger to his mouth again:

 “Hush—don’t spread this word.”

Xue Yi nodded, but immediately asked worriedly:

“If this is the case, what will happen to the White Walkers? Who will lead us out of the long night?”

 “Of course it’s His Majesty Caesar.” Tyrion said matter-of-factly.

“But...but he...has been abandoned by the gods..."

“If the gods were really so powerful, there shouldn’t be so much suffering and injustice in this world.” Tyrion said disapprovingly,

"Moreover, there are so many gods in this world. The northerners believe in the old gods, and the south believes in the Seven Gods. The prophecy about the long night you just mentioned was spread by the followers of the red **** R\'hllor. The Rhoynar people believe in turtles in the water. God, Slaver\'s Bay is the territory of the Ghiscari gods. Further east, there are the Black Goat, the Night Lion, the Yi Di gods, and even the White Walkers may have their own gods...

You said that if different people pray to their respective gods for different wishes, will the gods start fighting among themselves? Whoever wins gets to decide whose wish comes true? "

Xue Yi’s expression became a little weird:

 “When you say that, I’m embarrassed to pray anymore.”

"You can go if you want to," Tyrion said casually, "Just don\'t have too high hopes to avoid disappointment in the future."

 “I didn’t expect you to be so...pessimistic.”

Tyrion shook his head and said:

"No, no, no. I am just pessimistic about the gods, but regarding this victory, I firmly believe that mankind will win the final victory. And, it is by our own strength, not by the gifts and mercy of the gods - if they really words that have ever been spoken to mankind."

Xue Yi fell silent and looked at her fiancé with a complicated expression, as if she had gotten to know him again.

Tyrion returned to his playful smile:

"Why are you looking at me like this? Are you scared? Or did you suddenly realize that the person you are about to marry is so wise and powerful?"

Xue Yi burst out laughing and was about to speak when she suddenly heard a low horn sound.


The shrill sound of the horn echoed in the night sky, irritating people\'s eardrums and stirring up uneasiness in their hearts.

 “What’s going on?” Shae exclaimed.

"This is the city defense warning horn." Tyrion said, "It means King\'s Landing is being invaded!"

"King\'s Landing was invaded?" Shae\'s face turned extremely pale. "By whom? The White Walkers? But His Majesty didn\'t gather a large army to set up a defense line in the Neck. How could it be? Has the Neck\'s defense line collapsed?"

"Don\'t think about it!" Tyrion said, "You stay at home and don\'t go anywhere. I\'ll go check on the situation."

After saying this, he strode out and shouted to his attendants:

 “Pod! Get me a horse! And my armor!”

Xue Yi\'s face suddenly turned pale. She froze on the spot for a moment before catching up with her fiancé.

 “You must come back safely!” She kissed the man heavily, feeling an extremely ominous premonition in her heart.

"Of course I will come back safely." Tyrion pretended to be relaxed and said, "Even if there is an enemy, it is not the turn of a dwarf to charge."

 After saying that, he led a group of guards and plunged into the darkness.

At this time, the order in the city is not yet chaotic. The people of Junlin have experienced strong winds and waves in recent times, and they are not too unfamiliar with the sound of sirens.

 Coupled with the darkness, most people only dared to hide at home.

When Tyrion arrived at the Red Keep and found the commander of the capital garrison, Sir Noah Rowan, he found that he was also confused.

“Lord Tyrion, the horn was blown by the Iron Gate defenders. They said they were attacked by ice but could not find the intruders.”

 “What is a freezing attack?” Tyrion asked.

"It\'s an attack that can freeze people into popsicles. It\'s probably some kind of witchcraft." Sir Noah said a little anxiously, "It\'s too dark, and the enemy may be using the darkness to hide their tracks."

 "Steel Gate..." Tyrion was confused about the location where he was attacked.

Among the seven city gates in King\'s Landing, the Iron Gate is the least noticeable one. It is located on the northeastern city wall and connects to Rosby City.

If the enemy is the White Walkers, after they break through the Neck defense line, they should rush into King\'s Landing through the Gods Gate. If the enemy comes from the sea, the first to be attacked should be the Mud Gate closest to the port...

Just as Tyrion was thinking wildly, news came one after another.

“Sir, the enemy is probably the White Walkers. Our frozen companions have turned into corpses and are attacking us!”

“Sir, the enemy can fly! The attack comes from the sky!”

 “Sir, we saw a dragon! The enemy is a dragon!”


"Dragon?" Noah cursed angrily, "Are you sure you read it correctly? How come there is a dragon attacking King\'s Landing!"

Now even the soldiers who came to report did not dare to confirm.

 After all, it was too dark, so it was possible to see wrongly.

 Mainly because King\'s Landing was attacked by a dragon, this kind of thing is too ridiculous.

  After all, the few existing dragons in the world now all belong to the Caesar family. The dragon is the patron saint of King\'s Landing and the key force for mankind to fight against the White Walkers.

 What\'s more, dragons breathe fire.

 “Explore again!” Sir Noah had no choice but to rush the messenger to the front line.

Not long after, they saw the invaders with their own eyes.


An earth-shattering roar resounded over the Red Keep, and Tyrion felt a biting chill rushing towards his face.

"It\'s really a dragon..." He saw the huge body like ice crystals passing over his head, and finally no longer had any doubts, "It\'s an ice dragon!"


The ice dragon exhaled a blue breath from its mouth, like flowing blue flames, sweeping over the head of the Red Castle.

The rock wall was instantly wrapped in ice crystals, and the defenders turned into ice sculptures.

The next moment, these ice sculptures started to move again, stiff and frantic, like monsters that had just crawled out of the grave.

 They all became ghouls!

 “My lord, get off the wall quickly! Hide in the basement of Maegor’s Tower!” Sir Noah shouted at Tyrion who was in a daze.

Tyrion also knew that he could not help much, so he quickly ran towards the Red Keep on his short legs.

 "Ballista ready! Ballista ready!"

The garrison officer\'s hoarse roar came from behind.

  Tyrion looked back at the dark night sky, his heart sinking. In this case, how to aim the ballista?

 Unless the ice dragon swoops down, they can\'t see each other at all.

By the time the ice dragon swooped down to where the torch could illuminate it, it was already too late to take aim.

"My lord, let\'s go quickly!" Pod, the attendant, saw Tyrion standing there stunned and couldn\'t help but urge.

Tyrion had no choice but to keep running.

 In this case, what can a dwarf do?

While passing in front of Maegor\'s Tower, Tyrion saw Melisandre standing in the open space, surrounded by a ring of fire, mumbling something.

Just when he was wondering what the red-robed witch was doing, the fire ring suddenly burst out with intense light, like a huge light source, instantly dispelling the darkness shrouding the Red Castle.

At the same time, it also illuminates the ice dragon hovering in the sky.

At this time, people saw clearly that this ice dragon was not big, far less than the king\'s white dragon, but it was about the same size as Queen Daenerys\' black dragon Drogon.

Of course, the city garrison would not let go of such a perfect opportunity. The ballistas placed at the top of the city immediately turned around and fired at the ice dragon.

 Swish swish!

Dozens of huge crossbow arrows shot out almost at the same time.

Most of them missed, but three crossbow arrows were still inserted into its lower abdomen.

However, the ice dragon did not fall. Instead, it seemed to be angered. Its translucent wings suddenly accelerated and vibrated, and its crystal-like ice-blue eyes burned with angry flames. It let out a soul-stirring roar, and then swooped down from the sky again.

 This time, its target is the red-robed witch in front of Maegor\'s Tower!

This ice dragon obviously knows who is the greatest threat to it.

Maybe it’s not the ice dragon that knows, but the dragon knight on its back.

Tyrion also saw the figure on the dragon\'s back at this moment. For some reason, he always felt that the other person gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity...

 For a moment, he forgot to dodge.

 “Run, my lord!” Fortunately, the squire Pod was conscientious enough to pull him into Maegor’s Tower at the critical moment.


Tyrion only felt a spin, a biting cold enveloped him, and he lost all feeling in his limbs and body.

Just when he thought he was about to freeze to death, a warm current suddenly spread from his chest.

 “Are you feeling better? Lord Tyrion?”

Only then did Tyrion realize that it was the red-robed witch who had a hand on his chest, and the warmth spread from there.

 “Lady Melisandre, thank you for saving me.”

 “I saved you to save more people.” Melisandre said.

Tyrion did not understand the meaning of these words, and was about to ask a question when he suddenly heard another roar coming from the sky.

 "Viserion! It\'s Viserion here!"

Hearing the cheers from the people, Tyrion realized that it was the golden dragon Viserion who had arrived.

Of the current dragons in the Caesar family, the four young dragons have little fighting power, and of the other four, three have been taken to the front line of the Neck by Caesar. Only the golden dragon Viserion stayed in King\'s Landing because he was still injured.

Unexpectedly, when the ice dragon attacked this time, it actually came to help.

Tyrion stood up expectantly and ran out of Maegor\'s Tower. He saw **** of flames bursting out from time to time in the dark night sky.

 The figures of the golden dragon and the ice dragon appeared and disappeared in the flames, and they were fighting fiercely.

"Is Viserion a match for the ice dragon?" Tyrion couldn\'t help but worry. After all, the golden dragon was still injured and there was no dragon knight yet.

 “Sir, get out of the way!” Servant Pod jumped out again and pulled his master away.

The next moment, a huge figure slammed into Maegor\'s Tower with a billowing heat wave, kicking up endless smoke and dust.

 "Ahem! Damn it! Why do you always come at me!" Tyrion shouted angrily.

When he turned around, he saw Viserion lying in front of him, his wings hanging down weakly, a hideous wound on his neck, and hot blood flowing out like lava.

 “Hey, how are you?” Tyrion asked tentatively.

Hearing his voice, the golden dragon suddenly turned its head and stared at the dwarf with its blood-red eyes. There were burning flames tumbling deep in its huge mouth, and it was about to burst out.

Tyrion\'s heartbeat accelerated rapidly.

 He was keenly aware that he was only one step away from death.

The dragon\'s breath was hot and fishy, ​​making him dare not make the slightest move.

However, the ice dragon is still raging over the Red Keep, the screams are getting more and more loud, and the roars of the corpses are also coming one after another.

Tyrion had no choice but to bravely say:

"Mr. Viserion, oh no, ma\'am. Your enemy is over there..."

I don’t know if he understood this, but Viserion actually turned around and looked at the ice dragon in the sky.

 But it didn\'t go to fight anymore, it seemed to be afraid.

“A dragon without a dragon knight will have a weak will to fight.” The voice of the red-robed witch sounded from behind.

Tyrion turned around and shrugged:

“But where can I find a dragon rider for it now? Neither of Caesar’s children can walk yet.”

Melisandre looked at him with bright eyes and said:

 “Lord Tyrion, you can try it.”

 “Me?” Tyrion was stunned, “Are you kidding me?”

"Am I joking at this time?" Melisandre said, "You are the only one in this city who can conquer it. Go ahead."

As she spoke, the witch handed a dark spear to the dwarf\'s hand.

Tyrion subconsciously took it and realized that it was a dragon crystal spear.

At the same time, he suddenly remembered what Caesar said to himself when he was in Sunspear City -

 You are not Tywin\'s son.

Tyrion always thought this was Caesar\'s provocation, although he did later kill his father with his own hands.

 But he never thought that he would be of Targaryen blood.

“Go quickly, Lord Tyrion, the whole city is waiting for you to save.” Melisandre urged again.

Tyrion didn\'t know what he was thinking. Perhaps it was because of the irresistible magic in the red robe witch\'s words. When he came to his senses, he realized that he had come to Viserion unknowingly. .

The scalding hot wind blew against his face, and he could even see clearly the remains of minced meat between the dragon\'s mouth.

And those blood-red eyes that were like hell.

 What am I doing?

Tyrion hesitated in his heart, but his body kept moving forward, towards hell.

 “Get down!” he ordered.

 “Roar!” Viserion roared.

 The flames were raging deep in the throat, ready to burst out.

 “Get down!” Tyrion yelled again.

 I must be crazy.

However, the next moment, Viserion leaned down and actually made a movement to welcome his master\'s upper back.

  Tyrion pulled at the hot dragon scales and climbed onto the dragon\'s back with difficulty.

 Until this moment, he couldn\'t believe that he had actually become a dragon knight.

 “Hahaha, Viserion!” He looked up to the sky and laughed, “I am a deformed dwarf and you are a half-broken dragon. We are really a match made in heaven!”

He raised the dragon crystal spear high, pointed it directly at the dark night sky, and roared:

 “Now, let’s save this city!”

 (End of this chapter)

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