
Chapter 203: I'll wake up when I think about it

Lockhart tried to use the fixation spell to restore his dignity as a professor,

It\'s a pity that things went counterproductive. After shouting the spell loudly, Lockhart only saw beautiful fireworks ejected from the top of his wand.

Then... there is no then...

Lockhart was about to say something to hide his embarrassment, when a round irregular object hit the back of his head, exploded suddenly, and the viscous liquid poured down his head.

A foul smell almost didn\'t faint Lockhart\'s.

"Who?" Lockhart turned around, angrily about to see that the **** had lost it, but saw more dung eggs flying towards him.

Lockhart once again held a fluke in his heart and released an obstacle curse, trying to block these big dung eggs.

However, his curse went wild again, turning into a powerful blasting curse, causing all the big dung eggs flying in the air to explode, and the smelly yellow liquid rained down from the sky...

Lockhart quickly took off his jacket and covered his head, fleeing the battlefield as quickly as possible, so as not to be affected.

However, on the way to escape, Lockhart also saw Ivan standing in the middle of the battlefield, with several magics, but standing still, and even able to counterattack again and again.

Especially the gleaming ring on Ivan\'s right hand attracted Lockhart\'s attention...

"All petrification! Armor protection!" Ivan didn\'t know that Lockhart was watching him, waved his wand and petrified a Slytherin that was casting spells on him, and quickly blessed himself with armor protection.

After his protection ring has resisted multiple spells in a row, it is temporarily unusable...

Ivan saw this unprecedented college melee and didn\'t know how to stop it for a while.

The fights of a group of little wizards were already messy enough, and the joke toy goods Fred sold out immediately made the entire venue smug.

I don\'t know who lit a few booming fireworks and threw them out, and the fireworks and explosions of sparks everywhere set off a wave of chaos.

Seeing the conflict intensified, several senior little wizards even began to brew a lethal spell.

The chaos escalated again, causing irreversible consequences. In desperation, Ivan had to come to a large-scale clearing.

Mending the iron armor curse on his body with magic power, Ivan rushed straight into the Slytherin camp like a tiger into a pack of wolves.

In the next moment, Ivan activated the magic ring on his left wrist.

A huge wave of magic power spread from Ivan\'s body to all directions...

The large number of spells that were struck towards Ivan were already wiped out before they got close, and a dozen Slytherin wizards were lifted off on the spot...

This is the result of Ivan’s control of the power,

After Ivan\'s full shot, the Gryffindor wizard who had the upper hand instantly overwhelmed his opponent. In just two minutes, no Slytherin standing on the court could be seen again.

While George and the others were celebrating the victory, Professor McGonagall\'s suppressed anger sounded behind them.

"Who can tell me what is going on here?"

McGonagall, who rushed over after receiving the news, saw the colorful spell light before entering the stadium, and when he got closer, he realized that the matter was more serious than he thought.

There was a wailing little Slytherin wizard lying on the ground, most of them were cursed, and some of the unlucky ones were smashed in the face by a big dung egg and fainted.

Professor McGonagall trembled with anger, waved his magic wand to relieve the various spells of the Slytherins, then turned his head to look at the trembling Wood and others, especially stopping on Ivan\'s body.

In McGonagall\'s opinion, there are actually more Slytherins on the court than Gryffindor, but they were beaten like this. It was obvious that Ivan did it.

"Professor McGonagall, it\'s like this..." Ivan took a step forward and didn\'t mean to hide it. I\'ll talk about Harry being attacked on the court just now, and what everyone suspected was Slytherin\'s secret manipulation.

After all, there are so many people here, there is no way to hide it, so it\'s better to tell the truth directly.

After explaining the cause, Ivan paused, then continued.

"In short, because everyone has some conflicts, I am worried that someone can\'t control the power of the spell and cause casualties, so I took action to stop the chaos..."

Is this your way to stop chaos? Professor McGonagall looked at the Slytherins who had just risen from the ground, his mind a little confused.

Ivan nodded obediently, and knocked all the enemies down, wouldn\'t it be enough?

Professor McGonagall glared at him fiercely, then looked at Wood and the others, and rebuked.

"You really disappointed me. Since I coached, Hogwarts has never happened to such a bad thing!"

"Because you are fighting on the court, Gryffindor will be deducted two hundred points!" Professor McGonagall said coldly.

Two hundred points... This is too cruel!

Gryffindor doesn\'t have two hundred points to deduct...

Ivan was suddenly speechless, and George retorted eagerly. "Professor, it was those Slytherins who did the first thing in the Quidditch arena!"

"Enough!" Professor McGonagall interrupted aloud.

"Ms. Hodge had already mentioned this to me when she notified me.

She clearly told me that a powerful confusing spell was cast on the walking ball. As far as I know, there is no such thing in the school...only a few little wizards can do it! "

Professor McGonagall wanted to say something more absolute, but when he glanced over Ivan, he changed his words in time.

If Ivan could confuse the spell, and his level of polymorphism is as high, he can put the corresponding spell on the wandering ball.

But Ivan is from Gryffindor College ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and has a good relationship with Harry. It is obviously impossible to do so.

"Where is your Professor Lockhart?" McGonagall looked around as if suddenly thinking of something.

If she remembers correctly, Hodge said Lockhart was also on the court today... why didn\'t he prevent such a bad thing from happening.

"Professor Lockhart is over there." Ivan reluctantly pointed to the lawn on the right.

Professor McGonagall followed his direction and looked over, but saw Lockhart lying down on the lawn, covering his head with his gorgeous coat, seeming to faint.

In fact, Lockhart was just pretending to be dizzy, because he hadn\'t figured out how to explain why he was unable to stop the dispute between the two colleges.

When he thinks about it, he will wake up...

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