
Chapter 361: Although there is no evidence, I suspect that you are Sirius!

   Once the war starts, there will be a lot of noise, unless he can kill all these dementors, otherwise this matter will definitely be reported, and it is impossible to hide it from Dumbledore.

   The Ministry of Magic will certainly respond to this!

   Ivan hadn\'t heard the slightest sound of wind before, so he was worried that if he acted rashly, it would change history.

   However, Hermione couldn\'t hold it anymore at this time, and she was extremely nervous. The memory that emerged in her mind impacted her consciousness, and her body was also shaky.

   Noting that Hermione’s state was a bit wrong, Ivan was very anxious, coupled with the burning of the time converter in his chest, he was no longer silent.

   "Go away, there is no one you are looking for here!" Ivan murmured with a hoarse voice.

   The dementors are getting closer, don’t believe Ivan’s words at all, and most people won’t fly to Hogwarts at this time!

   Although there is no evidence, they suspect that the person in front of them is the wanted criminal Sirius!

   Dementors can’t speak, but they still convey their thoughts in some way.

   Ivan hesitated, and didn\'t want to conflict with them, so he said casually. "I\'m an employee at Hogwarts. I found a missing eagle-headed horse-winged beast outside, so I plan to take it to the Forbidden Forest!"

   The dementors did not disperse, their IQs were not high, but they would not be fooled by Ivan.

   The most important thing is that they are used by the unscrupulous Ministry of Magic as a search tool. They have not had a full meal for many days. Now they have finally caught a guy who is suspected to be Sirius. Of course, it is impossible to let it go easily.

   A large number of dementors are ready to move. They are not patient creatures, and the rules of the Ministry of Magic are gradually forgotten. They only know that they are hungry.

   very hungry, very hungry...

A dementor soon drifted to Ivan’s side, and stretched out the withered, crusted palms to take off Ivan’s body that could affect their perception, so that they could absorb more delicious emotions. ...

   Just when the scabded hand stretched out in front of him, a burst of white light was ignited from the invisibility cloak, and the dementor was shot and flew out instantly, hitting a few of the same kind behind him.

  Originally wandering nearby, the dementors who still had some consideration were immediately enraged. They swarmed towards Ivan, covering the sky and the sun like a black wave, swallowing down...

   "Hushen guard!" Ivan waved his wand and the vast white mist gathered into a strong shield and stood in front of him.

   A large number of dementors hit the shield made up of white mist, rippling waves, making a sound of corroding, but unable to break through the defense.

   Angrily, the nearest dementors even took off their hoods, revealing the weird faces under the brim of their hats.

Their heads are dry and thin. The only place where they should have eyes is the thin skin with gray scabs, and underneath is a big hollow mouth, sucking something with big mouths, the white mist shield gradually becomes thinner, and the surrounding area becomes more and more. The cold.

   Hermione leaned back hard, shivering in Ivan\'s arms, cold sweat on her forehead, and a lot of illusory things with various colors were constantly being stripped from her body.

   Ivan, who was still scrupulous, is not keeping his hands,

   Although Ivan could not summon the shadow of the unicorn in order to conceal his identity, so as not to be approached by the Ministry of Magic, his patron saint curse has improved a lot during this period, and he can play many tricks.

   Under the wave of the magic wand, the white mist surging in mid-air condensed in a short period of time, and turned into a light group consisting of white mist and rolled directly forward.

   The few unprepared dementors couldn\'t dodge at all. They were smashed into pieces, and their bodies were a little loose.

   More dementors from the rear gathered angrily, the light ball exploded suddenly, the white mist spread to the surroundings, and the dementors who were trying to approach were quickly blown out.

Although there are a large number of dementors in Hogwarts, the white fog created by Ivan’s patron saint curse is related to the special bloodline magic, which is much stronger than that released by normal wizards, and it is even more important for dementors. A full-fledged nemesis.

   But Ivan didn\'t want to make things too much. He just used the patron saint curse to knock the dementors in front of him into the air, and then drove the eagle-headed horse-winged beast into a rampage, rushing out of the encirclement abruptly.

"Quick! Go to the forbidden forest!" The long-lost sunlight re-spreads on his body. While he was relieved, Ivan did not dare to stay too much. He directed the eagle-headed horse-winged beast to fly to the forbidden forest at the fastest speed. .

Behind   , a large number of unwilling dementors tried to catch up again.

   Ivan expelled them again and again.

   After several times, these monsters who learned the lesson gave up the idea of ​​approaching. Some of them separated or reported the situation, and the remaining part only dared to hover in the air far away.

   Ivan ignored them. The time converter on his neck was getting hotter and hotter. Fortunately, the eagle-headed horse-winged beast flew very quickly~www.mtlnovel.com~ and flew into the forbidden forest in a few moments and landed successfully.

   Ivan turned over and leaped off the back of the eagle-headed horse-winged beast, turned his head, looked at Hermione who was slightly pale, helped her down, and asked aloud.

   "Hermione, are you okay?"

   Hermione shook her head, so that Ivan didn\'t have to worry, and she was much better now without the disgusting dementors.

   At this time, the eagle-headed horse-winged beast on the side suddenly let out an eagle cry, and its big orange eyes stared at Hermione angrily.

   Ivan was a little strange at first, and then noticed that some reddish brown feathers seemed to be stuck on Hermione\'s hands.

   "I was a bit too nervous just now, I always wanted to grab something, so... I\'m sorry!" Hermione stuck out her tongue embarrassedly, and said apologetically at the eagle-headed horse with winged beasts.

   The eagle-headed horse-winged beast didn\'t buy it. He raised his neck proudly. Finally, under Ivan\'s comfort, it was considered that he had let go of the hostility to Hermione, but still did not allow Hermione to touch it anymore.

   The little witch looked very disappointed,

   Ivan smiled, and when he was about to say a few words of comfort, the time and space around him suddenly froze.

   "Damn it, so fast, why can\'t you wait a little longer!" Ivan wanted to yell, but he couldn\'t make a sound at all. He could only watch time go by...

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