
Chapter 512: Ivan: Well, according to what you said, it's actually not that exaggerated...

   At the same time, more questions came to Ivan's mind, and he couldn't wait to figure out what happened in the past few months.

   Aisia naturally saw Ivan’s doubts, but did not immediately answer it, because this is not the place to speak, so he greeted everyone to return to the station before making plans.

   The wizards who received the order nodded, and more than twenty people apparated and disappeared in place.

   Ivan was also apparated by Esiah.

   Accompanied by a period of space conversion, when he came back to his senses, he unexpectedly found himself being teleported to the door of Bojinbok Magic Shop.

   Of course, this name is no longer called here, and the big sign says St. Mungo’s Magic Hospital.

The interior of the store is very different from the last time I visited. There are many potions on the shelves at the front desk, including the wolf poison potions, and there is a large recliner on the wall next to it. Suffering from waiting in line.

   It looks like a private clinic!

   Waiting for Ivan to pass through a curtain before discovering another world.

In front of    is a discussion hall wide enough to accommodate hundreds of people. The cabinets and shelves that were previously placed by the original owner, Bok, have all been removed, which makes the internal space look extraordinarily large.

Stepping on the threshold, a few golden flames slammed up on both sides of the conference hall. The ground was full of dense bricks. Some magic texts and the lines connecting the bricks were glued together to form a large-scale protection method. The array, combined with the overall gray-black decorative style, appears solemn and solemn.

"Remember the title deed you gave me? I asked Doug to find a way to get the right to use this magic shop, and then we discussed and changed it to a temporary residence!" Aysia took Ivan with him. Walked in and explained quietly.

   Ivan nodded, Sirius had already told him about this a few months ago.

   It’s just that he thought that this fellow Doug had secretly coaxed him, but he didn't expect the store to be used for this.

   Entering the conference hall, Aysia stopped, turned and said to Fren and others who followed behind him.

   "Fren, I need you to inform others and let them come over immediately! As for Doug, you..."

   "I understand, these wounded and prisoners will be fine!" Dougt immediately knew what Aysia meant, and took those injured in the battle and a few dark wizard prisoners and walked towards the treatment room.

   Anyone else? Ivan gave Aysia a surprised look. He thought that the twenty-odd people gathered here were all. It seemed that Aysia had more people than he had imagined.

  Dougt left with a few people, and Aisia asked the wizards who had just experienced the battle to rest in the conference hall for a while, waiting for the remaining personnel to arrive.

  Simply arranged some follow-up things, and then Aysia looked at Ivan. "Let's go, let's go to the back room upstairs and say!"

   Ivan naturally didn't have any opinion. He followed Aesia up the stairs and entered a room. The noise below became smaller and smaller. He estimated that the magic of sound insulation should be applied here.

   Just as Ivan was thinking about it, Aysia had already turned around and hugged him, and a faint lavender scent entered Ivan's nose.

   Ivan was stunned, and then he reacted. He hugged his mother with his backhand freely, and had not seen each other for half a year. He also missed Aysia very much.

   Although the time he and Aysia really got along was only a few months, during this time Ivan really felt Aysia's care for him and recognized his identity.

   Deep down, Ivan even felt a little guilty. He knew that he had replaced the real Ivan Hals and enjoyed everything that should belong to the other party.

   After staying in this way for a while, Aisia took the initiative to let go of Ivan, and touched his forehead affectionately, asking about what Ivan had experienced in school for more than half a year.

   In the Daily Prophet a few days ago, she was both pleasantly surprised and surprised when she saw that Ivan was nominated for the Merlin Medal of the First Class.

   She is very clear about the weight of this medal!

   There are only seven first-class Merlin Medal winners in the entire British magical world today, except for Ivan, all of whom are outstanding men from all walks of life.

   Ivan doesn't mind sharing his "great achievements" in school with Aisia.

So he half-true and half-fake how he found Peter's name on the map of the point of life, relying on his knowledge of transformation magic to see through his identity, and then "coincidentally" met Sirius, and finally solved the story more than ten years ago. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In an unjust case, Peter Pettigrew was sent to Azkaban.

   Aisia's mouth was smiling and listening quietly, and while listening to Ivan's nonsense about how he reasoned out Peter's identity, he gave a few words of praise without hesitation.

   But after hearing the names of Sirius and Lupin, Aysia couldn't help frowning.

   "Mom, do you know them?" Ivan hurriedly asked.

"They used to be your father's comrades..." Aisia said irritably. She had always thought that in the last Wizarding War, if they hadn't been for these people to persuade Hals to stay and fight against Voldemort, who was in full swing, they would have gone to relatively safe. North America...

   Ivan curiously wanted to continue to ask, but Aysia changed the subject directly.

"I saw in the newspaper that your first class Merlin Medal was nominated for you by Dumbledore and Fudge?" Aysia was very puzzled. She wondered how Ivan invited two of the most powerful in the magical world at the same time. Nominated for him.

"Ah, this..." Of course it is impossible for Ivan to use Dumbledore's identity to tell the dark history that he wrote to the leader of the Merlin Knights. It would not be good to directly push it to the old professor, so he had to talk nonsense. Tao.

"Minister Fudge proposed it on the initiative! He felt that I caught the mysterious man's running dog Peter and corrected the mistakes made by the Ministry of Magic. He was very grateful to me for making outstanding contributions to the magical world, so he persuaded me. Professor Dumbledore nominated me..."

   Ivan said a big deal, and Aysia looked at him with a weird face, but didn't believe a word.

   Because of the need to deal with the Ministry of Magic in the future, Aysia has not rarely asked Dougt about the Ministry of Magic recently, so she knows that Fudge and Dumbledore don't deal with them very much, and there is even a big contradiction.

   Ivan shrugged, and Esiah had nothing to do if he didn't believe him, but he thought of something later, and said with a bit of resentment.

   "Unfortunately, the Ministry of Magic's negligence, I finally caught Peter Pettigrew and escaped from Azkaban..."

   At this point, Ivan became a little angry. Besides avoiding Sirius's injustice, the other important reason he worked so hard was that he didn't want Peter to run away like the original time and space.

  If it were not for Peter's help, Voldemort would not recover so quickly, and what he lacks most now is time.

  If I can drag it for five years or ten years, Ivan is confident that he can increase his strength to the point of surpassing Voldemort. At that time, even if the Dark Lord recovers, he can kill the opponent!

   "It's just a Death Eater, and he ran away... if he has time in the future, it will be too late to clean him up!" Aysia said comfortingly.

   Contrary to Ivan, she doesn't care much about the whereabouts of a Death Eater.

   It seemed to her that a Peter couldn't get over any storm at all, and the Dark Lord had been "dead" for more than ten years, and now he lost all his power like a bereaved dog, and he was already a figure in the past tense.

   Ivan shook his head secretly without arguing. The peace of more than ten years has made most people forget the urgency of the war. I am afraid that not many people would be willing to believe that Voldemort will return soon.

   But Ivan doesn't regret the actions he had committed against Voldemort before.

From the end of the first grade, he destroyed Voldemort’s resurrection plan and dropped the two big dung eggs. The relationship between the two parties has long been extremely bad, and it can’t be eased anymore. This is why he went to the Black House to destroy the Horcruxes. s reason.

   "By the way, Mom, what happened in Knockdown Alley these days? How could Walker be chased by those people? I saw a law enforcement officer. Are they from the Wizard Market?" Ivan asked.

   "You are right, they are the last resistance force in Knockdown Alley!" Aysia nodded and explained what happened to Ivan.

   She received a news last night that Nott and several other leaders of pure-blood families were going to meet in a manor to discuss how to deal with him.

   After confirming the authenticity, she took a large number of people at noon today to prepare for a raid to take these people down in one fell swoop!

   The last resistance? Ivan was a little strange to Aysia's adjectives, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Combining those things just now, he quickly guessed some clues.

   "So what you got is actually false news. The other party is luring you over. The real goal is Walker and others who stay here?" Ivan guessed.

   "Right or not..." Aysia sighed. The news was deliberately released by the other party, but the pure-blood family was indeed in the manor, otherwise it would be impossible to lie to her.

   It's just that the other party was obviously prepared. After a fierce battle, they didn't take advantage of it except for a member of the Knot family.

   After that, she learned about the attack on Walker and others through the communication device, and rushed to the location as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, she was too late to save the wizard who went out with Walker to gather intelligence.

   As for the reason these people want to capture Walker, Aysia thinks it should be to explore why he can transform freely when the moon is not full.

   After all, Fren and others were brilliant in previous battles. They can always suppress each other. These arewolf wizards who can fight and fight are indispensable!

   Ivan smiled. He knows how difficult it is for a sane werewolf to trouble him, otherwise he would not restrict the sale of improved wolf poison potions.


   Just as Ivan was chatting with Esiah, there was a knock on the door.

   Aisia frowned, a little annoyed that someone interrupted her and Ivan’s conversation, considering that the other party might have something important, the expression on her face was closed, and she turned to talk.

"Come in!"


   pushed the door open, and Dougte walked in with a smile on his face.

   This old man over 40 changed his sloppy appearance, his sparse brown hair became very thick, combed neatly in the back of his head, and he saw that he had been well taken care of.

   The rustic black-gray wizard robe that I often wore on my body was replaced with the red-and-black costume today. The most important thing is that the spirit and spirit have changed greatly, and the whole person looks vigorous.

   Ivan can only see the young and handsome Dougte in the portrait at this time.

   "Asiah, Ivan, I didn't bother you?" Doug closed the door and asked.

   Aisia shook her head against her will, and then said. "How are the prisoners? Are they willing to speak?"

"The black wizards are very straightforward. When I asked them, they said everything, and cried and shouted that they were willing to submit to us. It seems that Ivan was terribly scared of them!" At this point, Dougt looked at them. Ivan glanced at it and couldn't help asking again.

"Ivan, how did you do it? They said that after you killed three people, you turned into a dementor and rushed towards them~www.mtlnovel.com~ and then became a six-seven-high giant..."

  Dougt almost thought these people were talking nonsense during the torture.

   "Is it the effect of the Fear Curse?" Aisia guessed, she was also very curious, and she forgot to ask about it just now.

   "No!" Ivan shook his head, considering that the blood magic had been exposed, so he no longer kept it from them. "How should I put it, I am a special Animagus, able to transform as I want!"

   Ivan didn't talk about blood magic, but said it in a better understanding way.

   "Animagus?" Aysia looked at Ivan suspiciously.

   Animagus of course she knew that there was a certain degree of danger in the practice of this kind of advanced transformation art. She hadn't even mastered it, so Ivan had already practiced successfully?

   However, in her impression, the average wizard using Animagus Transfiguration can only become a kind of animal that fits itself, not only the shape cannot be chosen independently, but also the magical creature cannot be transformed.

   "In other words, you have really become a dementor and a giant?" Dougter said in a daze. He always thought that Ivan used some magic to confuse them.

"It's not so exaggerated, it's just a mere appearance!" Ivan shook his head and sighed. He knew very well that unless he truly merged the blood of these two magical creatures, he could only use a lot of magic power to restore the other's. It's just a part of the traits.

 Dougt was speechless. Judging from the information he tortured, Ivan became immune to magic when he became a dementor. After he became a giant, he slapped a section of the street wall.

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