
Chapter 133: Unexpected

"Why?" George was shocked.

"Furthermore, for your behavior, if Mrs. Pins knows about it, you will definitely not be allowed to enter the library." Albert said grumpily. Borrow books in the library."

Many of the homework assigned by Hogwarts professors require students to find materials in the library themselves. If they are prohibited from entering the library, the result is conceivable, and even the homework cannot be completed properly.

"By the way, your homework on the history of magic hasn\'t been finished yet. It will be turned in tomorrow." Albert reminded casually, "Don\'t forget about it."

"Ah! Don\'t mention it!"

It seemed that the three of them suddenly remembered this, and they uttered a sorrowful cry, and had to return to the library in a hurry to continue doing boring homework.

Albert looked at the back of the three people leaving, and shook his head impenetrably. He glanced at the so-called treasure map in his hand, turned around and returned to Gryffindor\'s dormitory.

"It failed?"

The damage on the pages of "Uric\'s Biography" has not been repaired by the repair curse.

Albert thought his spell was invalid at first, but he tried other papers and found that he could still successfully repair the paper, but... why did he fail when he repaired this book?

"I really don\'t understand." Albert stared at the book in front of him and said in a low voice. He picked up the book and read it carefully, trying to find out what makes it unique.

"The Biography of Urik" was written by Rudolfo Pitiman, this book Albert also read a while ago: Urik was from Ravenclaw College, his behavior is very strange, in memory of him For this weird behavior, people posted his short biography on the chocolate frog picture.

According to the description in the book, Urik\'s own behavior is strange.

Moreover, there was a time when Urik tried to prove that the wicked bird\'s call is good for human health. He listened to the wicked bird\'s call for three months... As we all know, the wicked bird\'s chirping will make you hear it. People lose their minds.

There is nothing special about this book, Albert still can\'t figure it out, why does the spell fail?

He put the book on his cabinet, and suddenly remembered something, took out the parchment from his pocket, stared at it for a long time, and prepared to clip it back into the book.

However, Albert paused with his hand, drew his wand from his pocket, touched the map lightly, and said, "Show your secret!"

Nothing happened?

"Well, I was really worried." Albert picked up the parchment, looked at the content on it, and fell into a brief silence.

"Sure enough, after staying with Fred for a long time, even I have become a little funny." Albert laughed at himself, stuffed the parchment back into the book, and turned to leave the dormitory.

He didn\'t know that when he first left, the parchment that was tucked back into the book had undergone some subtle changes.

As soon as he walked into the common room, Albert found someone beckoning to him.

"Anderson." It was a big girl who stopped him, who stood in front of Albert with great momentum.

"Something?" Albert is already very tall among children of the same age, but compared to the girl in front of him, he is half a head.

"It\'s really boring, I\'ve been looking for you for a long time." The girl seemed to say in a mild tone, "Here, your letter."

"Believe?" Albert looked puzzled, but still took the note that the other party handed over, and did not forget to say thank you.

"Professor Browd asked me to tell you that if you are free, you\'d better go to his office by eight o\'clock in the evening."

"Oh, I see, please have sweets." Albert casually took out a few candies from his pocket and handed them to the other party.

The girl was looking at Albert curiously, as if trying to see something.

"What\'s wrong?" Albert also noticed the other\'s scrutiny gaze, and frowned slightly.

"I like the taste of chocolate." The other party did not reject Albert\'s candy, peeled one and threw it in his mouth. "Everyone says you are a genius, lucky Albert."

Albert had just prepared to open the note with his hand, and looked up at her in consternation.

"It\'s not a genius, I just worked a little bit harder than the others." Albert raised his hand and compared his thumb with his index finger.

"Haha, you are so funny." The girl reached out and patted Albert on the shoulder, "Go on, I must suppress Isobel McDouger."

Albert grinned in pain, only to feel that his shoulder was almost dislocated.

"Thank you for the candy, it\'s delicious." After she said that, she turned and left.

"Why, you hooked up with Cragg." Albert, who was rubbing his shoulders, suddenly heard a sound in his ear, and violent batter Irene appeared behind him without warning.

"Cragg?" Albert was taken aback when he heard the name, and then he realized what was going on and explained, "She sent me a letter, and Professor Broad seems to be looking for me for something."

Albert opened the note and the content was similar to what Cragg said. He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. Albert said hello to Irene and left in a hurry.

"Professor Browder asked him what\'s wrong?" Albert was puzzled, but he was still going to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office to see what was going on.

A few minutes later, in front of the Dark Arts Defense Office. Albert took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock on the wooden door.

"come in."

The one who opened the door was a middle-aged wizard in his fifties, with glasses, a little messy red hair, and a gentle smile on his face.

Albert was stunned. He looked over the middle-aged wizard\'s body and landed in the office, but he didn\'t see the figure of Professor Broad, so he asked suspiciously, "Where is Professor Broad?"

"He just went to the library~www.mtlnovel.com~ and will be back soon." The middle-aged wizard said with a smile, "Browd told me that if you come, let you go in. He will soon Will be back."

"Professor Browder is looking for something to do with me?" Albert secretly looked at the wizard in front of him, and glanced over the messy parchment on the table.

"Yes, it has something to do with ancient magic texts. Brod thinks you can provide us with some help." The middle-aged wizard sat on the sofa opposite Albert, "I have seen those ancient magic texts you translated. Honestly, it was amazing."

There was a moment of astonishment on Albert\'s face, he had never thought about it.

"By the way, I haven\'t introduced myself yet. My name is Mogg, Mogg McDoug." The middle-aged wizard suddenly introduced himself, "Please give me your advice."


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