
Chapter 587: Hermione's Diary (2)

Hermione picked up the quill and wrote this paragraph in the diary.

In the past, Hermione never understood why so many girls envied Isabel, and why the girls at Hogwarts regarded Albert as a lover of the masses.

Now, she seemed to understand a little bit.

Hermione still remembered when she first entered Gryffindor College, she wondered if she was really fit to stay here.

Although the Sorting Hat thinks that both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are suitable for her, Hermione will eventually choose Gryffindor College, more because Dumbledore was a student of Gryffindor.

Hermione, who chose Gryffindor College, encountered a lot of setbacks at the beginning, and even couldn\'t make friends until she met Albert.

From Albert, Hermione learned how to adapt to Gryffindor College.

Later, she made two friends, Harry and Ron, and she gradually adapted to Gryffindor College.

I am really lucky.

She put down the quill and put her cheeks in her hands, recalling what happened in the potions class today.

Harry and Ron gave her a chance to break into Snape\'s office and secretly take the two ingredients of the compound potion.

It is impossible to say that there is no tension and no pressure in the heart.

Hermione even remembered that Harry and Ron were opposed to the plan at the beginning. They were afraid that they would make trouble in the Potions class, and Snape caught the handle.

Why is she not worried?

But Hermione has a reason to do this. She will not allow the compound medicine to fail.

The Sorting Hat said she was suitable for Gryffindor Academy, but it was not wrong at all. In some respects, she was obviously more "courageous" than Harry and Ron.

Hermione just wanted to laugh now when she thought of it. Of course she knew why Harry and Ron didn\'t want to do that.

Snape\'s office was protected by layers of protection. Even with magic, it was difficult to open it in a short time, and even prolonged time might cause the plan to fail.

If Snape caught him, all three of them would be out of luck.

However, Hermione was neither Harry nor Ron. She rarely acted recklessly. Since she dared to take risks, she was naturally prepared.

They needed the compound medicine too much, they needed the compound medicine to turn them into Slytherin students, and from Draco Malfoy, who opened the Slytherin secret room.

Hermione still remembered that Albert once said that Harry\'s luck was actually very good, and it was always very good. Perhaps they could use Harry\'s good fortune to extract some useful information from Malfoy this time.

One month after the attack, everyone is no longer as nervous as before, but no one knows what will happen next. The sooner the attack is resolved, the safer everyone will be.

After all, Hermione herself was a wizard born in a Muggle family, and was on the list of targets attacked by the Slytherin heir.

Albert is the same, and because he is so famous, he is likely to be the focus of attention. Harry was even suspected of being Slytherin\'s heir because of what happened last time.

There are too many reasons to force Hermione to succeed, and she also hopes that the Slytherin heir will be caught as soon as possible.

The door of the Potions Office was opened easily with "Araho Cave Open", but the warehouse where the medicinal materials were stored was sealed by magic. It was not opened with an ordinary anti-Arachho Cave at all, but an unknown magic.

This can\'t be difficult for Hermione, or she can\'t be difficult for her who was prepared.

Using an ordinary hairpin, Hermione easily opened the door lock of the medicine warehouse.

Albert once told her that many of the locks in Hogwarts Castle that cannot be opened by usual magic can be easily opened with a hairpin. This is a loophole caused by the wizard\'s contempt for Muggles.

The plan was perfect. Hermione easily invaded Snape\'s medicinal material warehouse, and spent a few minutes in a pile of medicinal materials to find the horns of the two-horned beast and the skin of the African tree snake.

Hermione has always kept in mind the appearance of these two compound medicine ingredients, ensuring that after breaking into the medicinal material warehouse, she can find them out as soon as possible.

In fact, everything went well and the raw materials were obtained smoothly thanks to Albert\'s help.

After adding the horns of the double-horned beast and the skin of the African tree snake, the compound medicine was completely completed after a while, but Hermione didn\'t feel much joy and still wondered whether the plan was too hasty.

Although they think Malfoy is the so-called heir to Slytherin, how likely is it?

No one knows.

Hermione stopped the quill again, wondering if it was really reliable to entrust the plan to Harry\'s good fortune?

For the so-called Slytherin heir, she always had the idea of ​​asking Malfoy, it was better to ask Albert.

Although sometimes thought such a thought was strange, Hermione just felt that Albert might know more, perhaps because of divination or other reasons.

So, Hermione still went to Albert, and when she found him, Albert was walking with a beautiful red-haired girl and whispering.

This scene made Her very sensitive and inexplicably anxious. She actually wanted to talk to Albert about the secret room, but now she went up to disturb them, wondering if she would be disgusted.

In the end, Hermione passed.

At that time, Hermione felt that she had summoned all the courage she had in her life.

Albert was not upset because of being disturbed, and the red-haired girl just looked at her ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and walked away with a smile, leaving room for the two to chat privately.

Hermione immediately shared the story of successfully breaking into Snape\'s office.

Looking back now, Hermione felt like a kid looking for someone to show off.

Later, she told Albert about her guess about the monster in the secret room.

Albert didn\'t seem to be too surprised by the basilisk\'s guess, had he guessed it already?

In fact, as long as you carefully turn over those magical creatures, they can be touched by Slytherin, they are spiders\' natural enemies, and they are still very large, and the monsters with long lifespans are reduced, and only the basilisk remains .

Hermione flipped over where the magical creature was. According to the book, the basilisk had a very long lifespan.

The basilisk named "Despicable Helbo" lived almost 900 years old, so if the monster that attacked the students in Hogwarts Castle was really a basilisk, it would not be surprising that it has existed since the establishment of the secret room.

Hermione believed that since Albert could think of this, Professor Dumbledore could not have imagined it, but the biggest problem was how could the basilisk crawl around?

After all, it is impossible for no one to discover the huge size of the basilisk, where is it hiding? Where is Slytherin\'s secret room?

For thousands of years, people have not even been able to find the location of Slytherin\'s secret room, and there are too many mysteries that have not been solved.

If the basilisk problem cannot be solved, even if the truth is told, it will only cause greater panic!

As for how to protect himself from the threat of the basilisk, Albert jokingly suggested keeping a rooster with him so that the basilisk would not dare to attack him rashly.

I believe he already has a solution to the basilisk?

Hermione wrote at the end of the diary.


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