
Chapter 734: Focus

Once upon a time, the shadow that Sirius Black and the Dementors brought to Hogwarts School has become a thing of the past.

The students were happily discussing holiday plans for the Christmas holiday, and the notice to go to Hogsmeade village quietly appeared on the bulletin board in the common room.

However, not everything goes well.

At the meeting of the Transformation Club, in a small chat with Cedric, he was depressed for a long time because he had not been able to make an appointment to Qiu Zhang for some reason.

"Since she is not available this time, then next time, or next time..." In Albert\'s view, since Qiu Zhang had made an appointment to go to Hogsmeade with a friend, he would make another appointment.

However, looking at the shocked look on Cedric\'s face, 80% of them were turned down.

"Sure enough, you can\'t worry about this kind of thing." Cedric murmured, then turned off the topic, and invited Albert to go to the library to study the last exam papers he borrowed. It seemed that he planned to devote all his attention to the upcoming .Ls exam. .

"It\'s another day, it\'s been busy these days." Albert tactfully refused.

For the .Ls exam, Albert had long been aware of it, and compared the key points obtained from Isabel with the key points recorded in the class, and probably had a clear estimate of the scope of the .Ls exam.

In fact, most of the key points of the exam will not change, at most it will be changed again.

As long as the practical exam can be passed, it is not difficult to obtain excellent results.

If someone knows Albert\'s thoughts, even if they know they can\'t beat him, they probably want to punch him a few times.

When returning to the Gryffindor common room, Albert found that Fred and George were rarely lazy, and actually followed the others to do their homework seriously.

"This year we plan to go home for the Christmas holidays." George noted the surprised look of Albert next to him and explained.

In fact, the Weasley twins are also very helpless. The schoolwork pressure in the fifth grade is too great. If the two of them don\'t work hard to do their homework, they are very likely to face the risk of being detained.

"Have you heard? Stinson asked Kenneth to buy a large bottle of tranquilizer. That guy seems to be suffering from exam phobia."

Lee Jordan put two cups of milk tea with a lot of sugar cubes in front of the twins. Ingesting a lot of sugar is conducive to stabilize the mood and maintain a good mood, which he learned from Albert.

"I thought you were not under pressure."

Albert knew that Fred and George didn\'t take the exam seriously, and they put most of their energy into the development of joke props.

"We are really not under pressure, but as you said, we can\'t give up all subjects, otherwise I doubt the school will ask us to repeat the exam, at least we must pass the exam successfully." Fred drank. Taking a sip of milk tea, complained, "How much sugar did you put in it."

"Aren\'t you going to add more?" Lee Jordan said innocently.

"I have exam key points here. As long as you master all these key points, it shouldn\'t be difficult to get a good one." Albert always generously shares the so-called key points of the test with everyone, so as to help them tide over the current difficulties easily.


Lee Jordan is the most excited one. After Albert returned to the dormitory to take notes, he started to take notes frantically, ready to find opportunities to memorize the key points, which is easier and more efficient than blindly reviewing himself.

"Our requirements are not high, as long as most of the courses can pass." Fred put down the quill in his hand, picked up a spell notebook and began to look through it.

"You really don\'t have much pursuit." Angelina is very interested in the content of Albert\'s review. The exam is too important for everyone.

"Forget it, I think we should strengthen our advantages and get as high as possible where we are good at." Fred and George are not interested in the notes of other courses. If you follow the key memories marked by Albert, Their spare time is not enough at all.

If you strengthen your field of expertise, you can undoubtedly achieve better results in certain subjects. Even if you are not excellent, you need to be good.

In fact, after enrolling in September, Fred and George had already subconsciously abandoned some courses, such as the history of magic, astronomy, divination, and protection of magical creatures.

The grades of the two people’s protection of magical creatures are actually good, but Hagrid’s performance this semester is so bad that they can’t see the prospects of this course, and Albert has already said that he does not plan to choose protection next semester. The class of magical creatures has been improved, so the Weasley twins decisively gave up the class of protecting magical creatures.

"You gave up completely enough." Albert was not too surprised. If it was him, he might do the same.

After all, they have already planned to give up directly, and it doesn\'t matter how well they take the exam.


"You are so witty."

Lee Jordan’s tone was a bit sour. He had the hardest time in the dormitory and wanted to give up those four courses, but he didn’t dare to be as blatant as Fred and George, otherwise the exam results would be too bad. The future will be very difficult.

"If you give up all other classes, how many courses do you plan to pass. Ls?" Shanna looked up and asked.

"Transfiguration, spells, herbs, potions, and defense against dark magic?"

"It\'s good to be able to pass through three doors."

Well, there is actually no difference between passing and failing, at least you need to be good to be allowed to go to the improvement class.

"I think our future lies beyond academic achievement."

"What do you mean?" Angelina asked.

"Like Wood, preparing to join the Quidditch team trial after graduation, he puts almost all his mind on Quidditch training, and doesn\'t care about the results at all." Fred shrugged, "We also have our own goals."

"Since we have..." George noticed Albert\'s warning gaze and coughed lightly: "I mean, I really doubt it is necessary to finish seven years?"

"So, don\'t you plan to come back to the sixth grade?" Alia thought it was absurd.

"We did think about it." George said honestly.

"Your family will allow you to leave school early?" Shanna thought it was impossible, and it would be difficult to pass the house.

"I don\'t know, we haven\'t discussed this with them yet."

Shanna\'s words obviously hit the twins\' pain points, and the Weasleys obviously couldn\'t allow them to suspend school.

"Some interesting things will happen at Hogwarts next year. If you miss it, you will definitely be very sorry." Albert said suddenly.

"What\'s interesting?" Everyone looked up, obviously interested in it.

"A feast." Albert said mysteriously. "However, I think it\'s best to keep it secret for the time being. Only when you know it will you have a sense of surprise, just like the Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony."

"I think you have a bad appetite when you say this halfway through."

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan all rushed towards Albert, trying to make Albert clarify the matter with itching, but the latter, as if already expected, got up and avoided.

At ten o\'clock in the evening, the four of them packed their homework and returned to the dormitory.

"We have something to discuss with you." Fred said suddenly.

"what\'s up?"

Albert put down the hot milk glass he had just finished drinking and looked at a serious Fred suspiciously.

"Do you still need a live spot map?"

"You want to give Harry the map of the point of life?" Albert said the two men\'s thoughts expressionlessly.

"Sure enough, I can\'t help you." George nodded, "We do intend to give Harry the map of the spot as a Christmas gift, so he can sneak to the village of Hogsmeade through the map of the spot and the cloak of invisibility and be locked up alone. It\'s so pitiful in school."

"You are actually willing to give such a good thing to others." Lee Jordan was a little surprised.

"We have already remembered the specific location of all secret paths in the school." Fred said, "We don\'t need it anymore."

"We feel that we should leave it to others." George added, "It\'s like the original map maker who left the map for the younger generation who likes to break school rules."

"Should you guys plan to suspend school after getting the certificate?" Lee Jordan also felt that it was irrational to suspend school now.

"If you can." Fred and George looked at each other. "Stay in school is a waste of time."

The two wanted to give Harry a live spot map. actually didn’t use this map much anymore, and they all could see that Albert also no longer needed to live. Click the map, he has already figured out the principle of the spot map, and can create something similar to the spot map.

Only Filch knew the location of the castle secret passage, which was not a good thing for the students.

Other students should be allowed to use the spot map to pay fees... to bring more joy to the school, those hidden secret roads should not be forgotten by people like this.

"Potter really needs this map." Albert didn\'t expect Fred and George to ask for their own opinions first, and asked with a smile: "But, don\'t you worry about him leaving school in danger?"

"For fear that Harry will be in danger, we care more about what you just mentioned." Fred and George said in unison.

"I\'m also very curious about what interesting things will happen at Hogwarts next year?" Lee Jordan deliberately raised his face and said, "You should be honest, or we should let you."

In the middle of the night, a few people laughed and made noises from the lighted windows.

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