
Chapter 753: Conjecture and possibility

"Longbottom wrote the password on a slip of paper, but after losing it, the slip was picked up by Black." Lee Jordan took out a handful of toad mints from the pocket of his robe and distributed them to everyone, and put aside one by himself. Entering his mouth, he said vaguely: "You were not there at the time, and you didn\'t see Professor McGonagall\'s angry appearance. You were shaking with angrily."

"Some time ago, Longbottom seemed to say that the note with the password was lost." Albert reached out and stroked Tom who was resting on the table, looked up at the crowded common room and asked: "By the way, you should have not slept all night. Come on, don’t go back to sleep up, what are you doing here, waiting to hear if Black was caught?"

"Yeah, everyone is here waiting for news. Do you think Black can still slip away?" Fred brought a cup of milky hot milk tea with a small dish of custard left over from last night in his hand. Cookies.

"The chance of catching Blake is not great." Albert said without hesitation, "If the professors can really catch Blake, I think you will receive the news as soon as possible."

"Actually, I\'m even more curious why Black didn\'t kill Ron and continue to look for Harry?" George asked his doubts.

"Do you want your brother to be killed by Black so much?" Lee Jordan couldn\'t help rolling his eyes.

"As early as twelve years ago, Blake liked to kill innocent people." George pointed out this point clearly. "In the face of five sleeping boys, Blake is entirely possible to kill everyone. A man whose head was dazzled by hatred, Seeing that he will succeed in revenge, I don\'t think he will easily give up such a good opportunity."

"Perhaps, Black is worried that he will be stuck in the castle. Once everyone is awakened, it will be very difficult for him to leave the castle." Angelina also participated in this discussion.

"I don\'t think Blake is afraid of death. If he is really afraid of death, he won\'t risk breaking into Hogwarts Castle and assassinating Harry. Tonight this is all weird." Shanna agreed with George, and she did not. I feel that a person full of hatred would be afraid of death, "Don’t forget, your brother said that Blake is holding a knife, which means Blake has no magic wand, and a wizard without a magic wand can’t exert real power at all. This is almost It was Black’s only chance of revenge, but he gave up."

"As long as you kill the people in the room, Black will be able to grab the wand. I believe that a criminal who can escape from Azkaban will definitely have a way to escape from Hogwarts Castle before the professors react."

"He must kill all the people in the hospital, and he may also meet the teacher..." Angelina also felt that her reasons became more and more untenable.

"If I were Sirius Black, I would blow up the window and jump out of the window to escape." Albert pointed to the next window and said, "It would be too stupid to try to get out of the portrait passage. If Blake is so stupid, I think He was caught by the dementor long ago."

"But there is at least..."

Arya suddenly stopped speaking, and she also realized that the height of seven or eight floors was obviously not a big deal to the wizard, and the last time Harry fell from the sky was equally safe.

The worst case is death. Are desperadoes like Black really afraid of death?

Obviously not afraid.

"There is indeed a lot of suspiciousness in this matter, and it is thanks to this that Ron was fine." Fred said while looking at Ron who had described the whole thing last night.

"There are many ways to solve the doubt. Now I ask, you answer, tell all the reasons you can think of, no matter how ridiculous." Albert waved his magic wand and conjured up a notebook and a book out of thin air. A fountain pen.

"first question:

Why do you think Blake didn\'t kill Ron, or even the other people in the dorm, and gave up revenge on Harry? "

The pen automatically wrote this sentence in the notebook.

"Don\'t want to kill the innocent?" Angelina said first. "Or, worry that other students will be bet on the castle when they wake up?"

"What about you?" Albert asked the others.

Others frowned and thought, but still did not think of the reason, this fact is suspicious.

"Perhaps, Black is actually a good person. He actually came to give Potter a gift, but he didn\'t find Harry\'s bed." When Fred said this, he amused himself.

"Could it be that his brain is confused? The first instinctive reaction is to run away, just as most people\'s first reaction when encountering danger is to turn around and run away." Lee Jordan felt that his reason was the most likely." After all, Black has been chased by the Dementors and Aurors, and it is not surprising that there will be such a reaction."

Albert wrote all these down with a pen and continued, "If I were Black, I would never give up such a good opportunity."

"Maybe, Black didn\'t actually come to kill Harry, or that his goal was not Harry?" George tried to explore more possibilities.

"Blake broke into Harry\'s dormitory. Obviously, there was a purpose. If his target wasn\'t Harry, what would it be? Obviously it couldn\'t be Ron, otherwise he would have his throat cut."

"Don\'t forget, Dad once said that Blake said when he was sleeping: He was at Hogwarts. Who do you think he was referring to. Harry? No, this is just our guess." George continued, "The only one What is certain is that the target that Black wants to kill is in that dormitory."

"How do you think Blake got the password?" Albert said again: "To be honest, I don\'t believe that Longbottom threw the password around, and it happened to be obtained by Blake. This seems too coincidental. In this world There are not so many coincidences."

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan looked at each other and seemed to think of something: "You mean Blake has a helper in school?"

Everyone looked a little disturbed, and this guess was very close to the truth.

"That man tampered with Longbottom\'s memory?"


"Longbottom is very forgetful and it\'s not easy to see flaws."

"Do you think it is possible for Black to pretend to be a professor in the school?" Shanna said, "As far as I know, there is a potion called compound potion that can make one person look like another."

"Who do you think is more suspicious?"

"Professor Lupin." Shanna said without hesitation: "Although he is a good professor, the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor every year always comes up with something, and he is a newcomer."

"The compound medicine can be done, but it takes a lot of time to cook the thing." Albert wrote this down and continued to ask: "Does anyone have other ideas?"

"Become a small animal, such as someone\'s pet?"

"If Black can become a cat, it doesn\'t need a password. Of course, it can also be a disguise."

"Does anyone have a new pet?" Angelina asked.

"Hermione\'s cat," George said. "He still chased Ron\'s mouse."

"So, Black disguised as Hermione\'s cat was actually to hunt down Ron\'s mouse?" Shanna felt very absurd when she said this.

"How did Black get into the castle?" Albert said again.

"Secret Road!" Fred, George and Li Jordan said in unison.

After the others looked over, they lowered their voices and said, "It must be through the secret tunnel. I don\'t think he will break into the castle swaggeringly."

"Use the flying broom." Angelina said.

"Or become a bird and fly into the castle," Sanna speculated.

"Or use some weird magic, after all, no one knows whether he has learned any tricks from the mysterious man?" Alia reminded.

"Last point, how did he hide the dementors?"

"Phantom Curse?" Fred shook his head again when he finished speaking, because Dumbledore had said at the beginning that invisibility magic had no effect on Dementors.

"The dementor deliberately let him out?"

"He pretends to be somebody, or some kind of creature?"

Everyone was silent. They remembered what Shanna had just speculated that Blake pretended to be someone hiding in Hogwarts?

"But how did he escape from Azkaban prison?"

"Actually, to judge whether the professor is suspicious, as long as they take a bottle to drink frequently, the compound medicine usually lasts only one hour, so he must drink the compound medicine frequently to avoid exposure."

"No." "No." "No."

"In my impression, no professor has ever done this."

Everyone searched their own memories and shook their heads. In fact, this kind of thing can\'t be kept away, at least it can\'t be completely full.

"Then it is unlikely that he will pretend to be a professor. He should have a helper."

"Okay, let me summarize." Albert quickly glanced at the notes and said, "What is certain is: Black does want to kill someone, and that person is in Hogwarts, Harry\'s dorm for This Black suggested from Azkaban to escape from prison. He knew some secret passages in the castle that even Filch knew, so he could easily get in and out of the castle without being noticed by others. Black had a helper at Hogwarts School who could help him I got the password for the Gryffindor common room, and Black was able to make himself detectable by the dementors through some kind of disguise."

"I think we are very close to the truth. Just narrow the scope and find out who Black wants to kill or his helper to uncover the truth."

"The people Blake wants to kill, apart from Harry, I really can\'t think of anyone else."

"But Blake gave up killing other people." Shanna reminded, "Assuming Blake is a good person, who would he want to kill?"

"How could Blake be a good person." Alia thought it was absurd. "If he is a good person, how could he be imprisoned in Azkaban prison for more than ten years? If he is innocent, the first thing he escapes must be It is to prove that you are innocent, to wash away your grievances, not to come to Hogwarts to kill."

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