
Chapter 876: Leaked news

"You know the prefect bathroom?" Albert was a little surprised that Hermione actually knew the prefect bathroom.

"I heard Percy mention something before. He said that being a prefect has many benefits." Hermione explained quickly.

"I rarely go to the prefect’s bathroom. Myrtle, well, maybe you know that female ghost, she likes to hide there and watch others take a bath." Albert said helplessly, "And, sometimes you You might also bump into someone on a date there."

"Dating?" Hermione\'s cheeks flushed suddenly, and she stammered: "Dating in the prefect\'s bathroom?"

"That place is really suitable for dating, at least you don\'t have to worry about being disturbed." Albert nodded as if agreeing, "Normally, not many prefects would go to take a bath, and Filch can\'t get in either. Go, it’s good to go on a date at night. As far as I know, Percy likes to ask his girlfriend where to go on a date."

"Percy and his girlfriend?" Harry pricked his ears curiously, seemingly interested in Percy\'s gossip news.

"You can also take your girlfriend on a date in the future." Albert glanced over Harry and Hermione, and said with a certain tone: "You can definitely use it. Even if you can\'t become a prefect, you should be able to become a Quidditch. Captain Odd."

"No, no, we are just good friends." Harry noticed Albert\'s gaze and shook his head quickly in denial.

"Maybe you will become lovers someday, and sometimes many things are hard to say." Albert did not continue to entangle the subject, and asked, "What about Weasley? I thought the three of you are always together. "

Speaking of Ron, Harry and Hermione were a little embarrassed.

"It fell out because Harry became a warrior?" Albert took out the dried fish from his pocket and teased Crookshanks. "I still think the cat should be a little fatter to look better."

"Tom is too fat." Hermione continued, "I don\'t want Crookshanks to become a big fat cat."

"Don\'t worry, when Weasley finishes watching the first event, I think he will probably no longer be jealous of you as a warrior. Not everyone has the courage to face those ferocious and magical creatures." Albert Said calmly.

"You have fortune-telling the specific content of the first item." Hermione couldn\'t help asking.

"I have no prediction, but I can guess that this is the charm of arithmetic divination." Albert turned his head and said to Hermione, "Trust me, someone will definitely be willing to cheat for us then."

"You mean Professor Moody?" Harry also heard about Professor Moody\'s deeds.

"It\'s Hagrid. He likes those ferocious and magical creatures. As long as those monsters arrive around Hogwarts, Hagrid will know it for the first time. Believe me, Hagrid will be happy to tell us that the first project needs. What to face."

"Do you really think we will meet the eight-eyed giant spider?" Harry asked.

"I think it should be a magical creature classified as XXXXX." Albert corrected. "To be honest, eight-eyed giant spiders are not terrible. They only pose a threat to wizards when they are in large numbers. If the Ministry of Magic prohibits It’s really a happy thing to get a group of eight-eyed giant spiders in the forest to be our opponents. I have never dealt with them less before."

"What do you think it will be?" Hermione couldn\'t help asking. She felt that Harry needed to take advantage of this time to do something, otherwise it might be difficult to pass the first project.

"It may be a fire dragon. After all, every warrior needs one. Many XXXXX magical creatures are not easy to find. There are a bunch of Eight-eyed Giant Spiders in the Forbidden Forest, but they are better at sneak attacks. Being sloppy may be easily resolved."

"Fire Dragon?"

Harry couldn\'t help taking a breath, he couldn\'t imagine how he would face a terrible fire dragon.

"This is just guessing Harry." Hermione said comfortingly. "They can\'t really let the warriors fight the fire dragon. Even adult wizards need a lot of people to subdue a dragon."

"No, in fact, I think the possibility of fire dragons is very high. This thing is really difficult to deal with. It tests the bravery and wisdom of the warriors. There are actually many fire dragons. They are relatively easy to find among the magical creatures known to XXXXX. I remember Charlie’s job is to domesticate fire dragons. Of course, it may also be a snake-tailed monster. If something happened last time, they would dare to use it. Anyway, as long as it\'s not a basilisk or a sacred leopard, I can accept it."

"No matter what comes up, it\'s hard for me to accept it." Harry muttered. He couldn\'t imagine whether he would be frightened and weakened when he faced those monsters.

"Don\'t worry, you can ask Black and Lupin to train your fighting ability. There are many monsters and eight-eyed giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest. They are all very good training targets. You can accumulate combat experience. You won’t be stage fright."

Albert\'s understatement made it so sparse and common for Harry to go into the woods to fight trolls and kill spiders.

"How did you do it, Crookshanks seemed very comfortable." Hermione turned the subject away, and she noticed two junior students trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Have you never touched a cat before?" Albert pointed to Crookshanks’ ears and began to demonstrate to Hermione: "Like me, rub the cat’s ears gently with my thumb and index finger, from the inside to the Rubbing gently in the direction of the cat’s ears will make the cat feel particularly comfortable.”

Hermione observed Albert\'s movements with interest.

“Most cats like others to touch their chin. When they rub your hand with their chin, you should scratch the cat’s chin with your fingers. Some cats like to scratch gently, and some cats like a stronger one. It varies from cat to cat. If you scratch it well, it will make the cat feel very comfortable, just like this." Albert gave Hermione another demonstration, Crookshanks made a series of gurgling noises comfortably, looking like this. I really enjoy it.

If the cat feels comfortable, it will make the same sound.

"Then it\'s the neck area. You can massage it a little bit vigorously." After Albert finished, he put his hand on Crookshanks\' back and said: "If you are on the back, you can gently stroke it with the palm of your hand, or use a cat comb to help. It combs. My Tom likes to lie down and let me comb. You can also prepare a comb."

"So, you spoiled the cat." Harry finally couldn\'t help but interject.

"Is it possible that you raise a cat and expect it to catch mice for you?" Albert asked with a weird expression. "Harry, you seem to have mistaken the meaning of raising a cat. Many people raise cats to relieve stress and Anxiety makes people feel better. Hogwarts allows students to raise cats in the hope that they will be accompanied, comforted, and emotionally satisfied after they leave home. It should not be difficult for you to feel this from Filch. point."

"That\'s why you warned others not to fight Filch\'s Mrs. Lorice\'s idea?" Harry was silent suddenly. He thought that Albert liked cats, so he stopped the students from hurting Filch\'s cat. It seems that the situation is not what he thought.

"If you kill or mutilate Filch\'s cat, believe me, Filch will use the remaining time to trouble you until you leave Hogwarts." Albert\'s face showed a Weird smile.

Harry couldn\'t help shivering. He remembered Filch\'s bad mood during the time Mrs. Loris was petrified.

After hearing what Albert said, Hermione suddenly regretted it. When she was busy with her schoolwork last year, Albert told her that she could use cats to relieve the exhaustion caused by her schoolwork, but Hermione didn\'t care, or Said that I didn\'t care about it from the beginning.

When the three of them were discussing how to play a cat, the other students lost interest in eavesdropping.

After eleven o\'clock, there were no people in the Gryffindor common room.

The three moved their seats to the fireplace, and Harry felt a little silly, watching Hermione, under Albert\'s instruction, how to roll Crookshank correctly.

"Why do you always like to keep Tom in the dorm?" Hermione asked, touching Crookshanks\' back lightly.

"Because Tom is stupid, at least compared to your Crookshanks, it is really not smart, and some people don\'t like me, they can\'t trouble me, can\'t they trouble my cat? It\'s not a big deal for them to kill a cat at some time?"

"I think they shouldn\'t..."

"No, Hermione, I think you might have made a mistake." Albert interrupted impatiently. "Children are more cruel than you think. They can kill a cat without any psychological pressure. I I don\'t want to wait for Tom to be hurt before regretting it."

"Will they really do that?" Hermione doubted it.

"They would do that. The Slytherin students are so bad that they are disgusting." Harry sneered, apparently agreeing with Albert\'s point of view.

"It\'s not that Slytherin is so bad that they are so bad, but that most of the descendants of the Black Wizard are so bad that they are so bad. This has something to do with their family education."

"I think you have a prejudice against them." Although Hermione did not like the Slytherin students as well, she always felt that Albert was prejudiced against them.

"Do you know what black magic is?" Albert\'s face hidden in the shadows was a bit gloomy, and he said to himself, "You must have the determination and power to kill the other person in order to really hurt people, otherwise Even if you aim at a rabbit and chant the spell, you can’t kill it. This is why Hogwarts does not have black magic, because the wizards who use black magic are a group of distorted and cruel lunatics, and their descendants , They are also vulnerable to extreme emotions and become lunatics."

Harry and Hermione opened their mouths, unexpectedly hearing such words.

"I also have a few acquaintances in Slytherin, close friends." Albert\'s expression was weird, "but their family is a group of people who are hard to say."

"But, I don\'t think they will kill an innocent cat just because they don\'t like you." Hermione argued.

"They don\'t like me? No, I think you made a mistake. They hate me, not dislike me." Albert corrected.

"how come…"

"Because I let the pure blood lose face." Albert explained impatiently.


"Imagine that a Muggle wizard has won a lot of international awards. For most British pure-blood wizards, it is definitely a shame. It is simply that someone puts their feet on their faces and smashes them back and forth. After a few times, I still spit on it.

"I like your description." Harry couldn\'t help laughing.

"Pureblood always advertises that he is better than Muggle wizards." Albert raised his hand and interrupted. "And my existence is very likely to be regarded as pureblood inferior to Muggles, so they even prefer me not to win. This is the status quo of the British magical world today. The status of Muggle wizards is actually very embarrassing. It is difficult for them to have higher positions in the Ministry of Magic, so if you want to work in the Ministry of Magic, it is best to expect that the environment will be able at that time, otherwise you If you go there, you can only eat and get angry."

"I think Albert is right. Malfoy is the face." Harry agreed with Albert\'s point of view. …"

"But Percy said the Ministry of Magic..."

"Percy probably didn\'t tell you that I picked his job for him."

"You picked it for him?" Hermione couldn\'t help but widen her eyes.

At this moment, the voices of the three people stopped abruptly, because they heard a strange voice coming from the double-sided mirror.

"Is it Sirius?" Harry picked up the double-sided mirror excitedly.


The voice of Sirius was heard again in the double-sided mirror, and soon the appearance of Sirius appeared in the double-sided mirror.

"Harry, didn\'t you give the note to Anderson?" Sirius asked.

"He\'s right by." Harry handed the double-sided mirror to Albert.

"It\'s been a long time since Sirius." Albert took the mirror and said hello to Black, "How are the sales now."

"We followed your suggestion and started cooperating with other stores. Sales are gradually increasing, but the profit is not as high as we imagined, and we are still operating at a loss." Sirius couldn\'t help laughing out. "Lupin has been worried about the magazine society. Closed because of a loss."

"It definitely won\'t for the time being." Albert said, "Remember to ask Mr. Lupin to make a financial statement. I will fine-tune the magazine according to the situation. By the way, what can you do with me."

"Lupin is by my side. He has heard what you said and said that he will send what you need in two days." Sirius said.

"By the way, what do you want me to do?"

"It\'s about Harry becoming a Hogwarts warrior." Sirius said seriously with a smile on his face.

"Perhaps, you should go to Dumbledore." Albert said without hesitation. "In this regard, Principal Dumbledore must know better than me."

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