
Chapter 881: train

"I still have important things to do." Albert said.

"I think it\'s more important for you to stay here to host the Wizards card game, and you should take the time to meet the successor of the club, or do you want the Wizards card club to end in our session?" Lee Jordan\'s eyes went straight. Staring at Albert.

At present, the popularity of the wizard card is still linked to Albert. Once Albert graduates from Hogwarts school, the wizard card club will inevitably plummet. By then, who else will play the wizard card in the school?

"Don\'t worry, when I finish the activity room, the Wizards Card Club will definitely continue to exist." Albert doesn\'t think the Wizards Card Club will disappear with his graduation. As long as the club can organize competitions, it can bring it to everyone. Happiness can be a good place to make friends, and it can continue to exist.

"Do you really intend to give that book to Professor McGonagall, and then from Professor McGonagall to the next successor?" Fred frowned and said, "Is it really necessary to do this?"

"This will ensure that the book will not be lost or corrupted by others." Albert has never minded speculating on others with the greatest malice, and he dare to say that if there is no such layer, someone will definitely take his book. Greedy.

"What book?" Shanna asked curiously.

"A magical book, I haven\'t thought of a name yet." Albert introduced, "As long as you open the book, you can enter an empty activity room, which has enough space for everyone to play the wizard cards together."

"It sounds a bit like a fairy tale." Angelina was reluctant to believe that such a thing existed.

"You saw it last semester," Fred reminded.

"Last semester?"

"The classroom Albert used is actually the book." George explained.

"But, didn\'t you say that it was a secret room?"

"A room that can move." Fred shrugged. "In a way, Albert is right."

"It’s no wonder that sometimes you can’t find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets." Alia admired Albert\'s accomplishments in the Unmarked Stretching Curse, but she reminded him kindly, “As far as I know, the Ministry of Magic strictly stipulates that the Unmarked Stretching Curse cannot Is used for private purposes."

"The strict rules you call are actually the rules that some people deliberately let the Ministry of Magic make in order to ensure their monopoly." Albert said calmly.

"How do you know?" Alia asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Albert knows a few officials from the Ministry of Magic. Is it weird to know some secrets that everyone doesn\'t know?" Fred asked rhetorically, anyway, they weren\'t surprised at all.

In fact, their father had secretly used the Unmarked Stretching Curse on his car.

"That is the guarantee we have left for the Wizard Card Club, and everyone can\'t always play cards in the hall of the auditorium. We need an activity room of our own where everyone can enjoy the fun of playing games."

"I agree with you very much." Shanna said expectantly: "But when will you take out that book for everyone to see."

"I believe everyone will be willing to help set up the activity room of the Wizard Card Club together."

"Waiting for the final." Albert was about to take out the book for the second test. He thought it might come in handy next semester.

When Albert and his team came together to discuss the future plans of the Witcher Card Club, Harry, Hermione, and Ron, who had finished breakfast early, were walking toward the forbidden forest on the edge of the school.

When they passed Hagrid\'s hunting lodge far away, they saw Hagrid talking to Mrs. Maxim in Boothbarton. Not far from the Busbarton carriage, a stable was quickly rising from the ground.

"Hagrid seems to like that Mrs. Maxim?" Ron looked at the two who were talking and said to Hermione next to him.

Harry and Hermione didn\'t reply, and the three of them continued to walk to the forbidden forest ahead. After arriving in an empty place, Hermione reached out and took out a piece of parchment from her pocket, and said to Harry sideways: "Today we are going to learn the Curse of Eye Disease. Sirius thinks that if the opponent of the first item is a fire dragon , Eye disease curse would be a good choice. Fire dragons’ eyelids are one of their few weaknesses. Of course, angering a fire dragon is not a good choice."

"A dragon?" Ron couldn\'t believe his ears.

"Is it weird?" Harry turned his head to look at Ron, and said blankly: "????? The magical creature is not easy to find. Albert thinks the fire dragon is a good choice. Of course, there is another one. The choice is the eight-eyed giant spider, there are many such things in the Forbidden Forest."

"He might be mistaken." Ron said without hesitation.

"Why do you think the death rate in the Triwizard Tournament is so high, and it was finally banned?" Hermione glanced at Ron and said to Harry: "Most????? There is a strong resistance."

"The coma spell is not good for a dragon," Ron reminded. "Without seven or eight experienced wizards, it is impossible to subdue a fire dragon."

"Learning the coma spell, of course, is for people. Don\'t forget the guy who threw your name into the Goblet of Fire. According to Albert, the other party will probably do something to you in the final project." Sirius and Lu Pingchao They came here, "We can\'t let you go to the battlefield without combat experience, otherwise you may not survive the end of the Triwizard Tournament."

"Good morning Sirius, and Remus." Harry greeted Sirius with a smile.

"Good morning Harry, this is for you." As he said, Sirius took a wand from his pocket and handed it to Harry. "Try it first to see if it works."

"I have a wand?" Harry showed Sirius to his wand. He didn\'t understand why Sirius gave him a new wand.

"Of course I know you have your own magic wand, but you also need to prepare another spare." Sirius explained: "Most wizards lose the ability to resist after losing their wand. You need to have more wands to spare."

"Last night, Sirius remembered Albert\'s advice and went to Mr. Ollivander to buy this wand for you early in the morning." Lupin explained, "You probably don\'t know, Albert just Owning a lot of wands, he once told us that Sorbet wands are very suitable for duels and also very suitable for casting defensive spells."

"Professor Lupin, what is in the cage you are holding?" Hermione\'s gaze fell on the cage that Lupin was holding.

"A ferret," Lupin said. "This is for Harry to train the Eye Curse, but before that, Harry needs to master the Eye Curse."

"A ferret?" Ron couldn\'t help laughing.

"Is there any problem?" Lupin asked, looking at Ron.

"Nothing, I just thought of something very interesting." Ron\'s mouth pursed slightly, he remembered that Malfoy had been turned into a ferret by Professor Moody.

If this ferret was Malfoy, that would be great!

"Come on, go to the tent, and let Remus teach you how to deal with those magical creatures."

"What if the first project is not to deal with magical creatures?" Ron asked rhetorically.

"I don\'t think it is necessary for Albert to lie to us." Sirius was very confident in Albert\'s divination.

"Have you asked Albert for the content of the first project?" Hermione couldn\'t help asking, she thought it was cheating.

"It\'s the fire dragon. Every warrior needs to deal with a dragon." Lu Ping took a deep breath and revealed the content of the first project to the three of them. "In fact, Albert did not guess wrong."

"Sirius, you don\'t have to waste money at all." Harry looked at his godfather, a little disgusted with him for spending money to ask Albert for divination.

"This is normal, Harry, the real seer has always charged a lot, not to mention... Forget it, you first master the eye disease spell, and when you master this spell, you need to practice other spells and prepare a few more preparations. Plan to ensure that you can pass the first project smoothly." Sirius is different from Harry. He is very happy to find Albert for divination. Spending some money can ensure Harry\'s safety. Why not do it?

"Thanks to you, otherwise I don\'t know what to do." Harry hung his head in shame. If Sirius hadn\'t helped him, he wouldn\'t even know what to do now, so he went to the first project stupidly. , And then was scorched by the fire dragon and forced to abandon the first project?

The three of them are listening carefully to Professor Lu Ping\'s explanation of how to use the Eye Curse.

"Are we going to find the troll later?" Ron asked, that\'s why he came here.

"Troll? Oh, we need to exercise Harry\'s courage. This is very important. If you are scared by the fire dragon, it will be bad." Sirius took out a target and hung it on the tree, and let Harry face the target. train.

"Does Harry really need to face the dragon?" Hermione was worried.

"Don\'t worry about Hermione, Harry must be fine. You should have confidence in him." Lupin comforted him. "By the way, are you starting to learn the flying curse now?"

"I have mastered it."

"Harry, how does your flying curse work?" Sirius yelled at Harry.

"I haven\'t had time to master it yet." Harry defended. The Flying Curse had already been taught in the spell class, but Harry hadn\'t mastered the Flying Curse.

"Do I need a flying curse?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"Albert suggested that we use Harry\'s strengths." Lupin said with a smile.

"Harry\'s strengths?" Ron was a little puzzled.

"It\'s flying." Hermione explained, "Should Harry plan to use the Flying Curse to summon the Firebolt?"

"Yes, if the Eye Disease Curse doesn\'t work as expected, Harry can at least rely on Firebolt to continue dealing with the fire dragon. I think they should not expect the warriors to defeat a fire dragon. The warriors probably need to meet certain conditions. At least it can save Harry\'s life. As for the game, it\'s not that important."

"I\'ll take the time to teach Harry the flying curse." Hermione felt it necessary to let Harry understand the world.

"It\'s a lot like Albert\'s idea?" Ron looked at Lupin suspiciously and said, "I remember Albert was also a great seeker?"

"With Albert\'s abilities, these should be difficult to use." Lu Ping admired Albert\'s abilities, and even thought out ways for them.

Near noon, Harry had initially mastered the eye disease curse. He used the ferret to test the spell and found that the power was too weak to severely damage the fire dragon, making it temporarily blind, but directly angering it and causing Harry to fall into trouble. .

"Okay Harry, we should go into the woods to find an eight-eyed giant spider to train your courage!"

"Isn\'t it a troll?" Ron directly squirted out the butter beer he had just drunk into his mouth.

"I did plan to find the giant monster, but unfortunately, no giant monster was found around, but I found the nest of the eight-eyed giant spider. Those giant spiders are also very suitable for exercising courage." Sirius said with a sullen face.

"Um... I feel like my stomach hurts. I have to go back to school first." Ron\'s hand holding the butter beer was shaking slightly.

Harry reached out and put his hand on Ron\'s trembling shoulders, and smiled comfortingly: "Don\'t worry about Ron, Sirius and Remus are here, we won\'t be in danger."

"If there is any danger, they will use the Apparition to take us away as soon as possible~www.mtlnovel.com~ Hermione added.

"But, the big spider and the dragon..." Ron really didn\'t want to deal with the big spiders, it was a loss of business.

"Ron, don\'t underestimate the eight-eyed giant spider. Since that thing can be rated as a magical creature, it naturally has its uniqueness."

"I didn\'t underestimate it."

"Our goal is to catch one or two lonely eight-eyed giant spiders as Harry\'s practice objects, and then he can use Apparition to leave directly." Fred suggested.

"Why should I go with me?"

"This is also a good experience for you. When that happens, you will use the Stunning Curse and Obstacle Curse together. I remember teaching it yesterday."

"That\'s why you called us the Stunning Curse and Obstacle Curse yesterday?" Harry said suddenly.

"Um... I think I might hinder you." Ron was suddenly a little embarrassed, because he didn\'t know the Stupefying Curse or the Obstacle Curse. He suddenly felt that he was stupid, and he would envy Harry as a warrior. Obviously this warrior. It\'s not so easy to do.

"It\'s okay, Ron, you can help us keep the watch. In order to be foolproof and prevent us from being surrounded by the eight-eyed giant spider, we need someone to help us be alert to our surroundings. You will use this later." Sirius took out something from his pocket. .

"What is this?" Hermione asked curiously.

"The dark creature detector, given to me by Albert, said it can detect the dark creatures around. The eight-eyed giant spider is a group of creatures. We have to be careful not to be surrounded and attacked by them." Lu Ping said Everyone really explained in a low voice.

"Well, Ron said dryly, he knew he couldn\'t escape the fate of dealing with those big spiders."

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