
Chapter 1007: Defense Against the Dark Arts team

Although some people disdain the "Guide to Self-Defense" compiled by Albert and think that Albert is too arrogant, these noises were quickly suppressed, and they were despised and criticized by others. estranged.

Only brainless idiots and jealous idiots would say such things.

As the champion of Barnabus Finkley\'s excellent spellcasting technique, the champion of the Triwizard Tournament, the champion of the wizarding duel competition, and the victory over the mighty dark wizard, Albert\'s ability is beyond doubt.

If even Albert is not qualified, who is qualified?

Shouldn\'t other writers for Defense Against the Dark Arts be the laughing stock? They don\'t have the dazzling title and halo of Albert.

Umbridge\'s reaction to this rumor was slow, and when she received the news and tried to act, those rumors changed.

Because Albert himself directly claimed to the public that this semester was busy and did not have time to tutor everyone.

The original gossip is no longer self-defeating.

Of course, the truth is often only known to a few people. Katrina is one of the insiders. She knows that Albert is very busy, and it is just an excuse to not have time to tutor everyone. After all, Albert has tutored her several times this month. The effect was great, and Katrina felt that her Defense Against the Dark Arts had jumped a lot.

Before Umbridge could react, it was rumored that Harry Potter wanted to reorganize the "Defense Association" and planned to take the opportunity to attack Umbridge, and some people pointed out that the "Defense Association" was abbreviated as DD. , also known as Dumbledore\'s Army.

Before Umbridge could be happy that he finally grabbed Potter and Dumbledore\'s tail, a new rumor spread, saying that no one was ready to reorganize the "Defense Association", which was actually the preparation of the Anti-Toad League. The party, they finally plan to hold a party, ready to use this opportunity to drive the toad out of Hogwarts in one fell swoop.

This is undoubtedly exciting news, the arrogance of the Anti-Toad Alliance is rising, and all kinds of strange rumors are flying all over Hogwarts.

However, according to Umbridge\'s findings: Everyone is talking about parties, but no one knows exactly who is organizing them and when.

The taste is all too familiar.

Another big cheat!

From the beginning to the end, there was no party, it was just a concoction of the so-called anti-toad alliance, the purpose was to unite and play her.

Now Umbridge has figured out what the Anti-Toad League is all about.

This is a group that only exists on the surface, in fact, all the Hogwarts students who oppose her, the so-called toad mark, which did not exist from the beginning, that is a lie they jointly weave, those guys just spread rumors in private, Anyway, sometimes people say too much, and everyone believes it, and by the way, they can take this to disgust her.

As long as Umbridge is still serving at Hogwarts, and there are students who oppose her in the school, the so-called anti-toad alliance will always exist, and all kinds of rumors will spread, even if Umbridge wants to ban it. On other people\'s faces, she could never cover other people\'s mouths.

I don\'t know who came up with this method, and it made Umbridge disgusting.

There is a lie under the truth, and there is the truth under the lie, and it is impossible to distinguish the true from the false.

This is a trick that Lee Jordan learned from Albert. The effect is quite amazing, and it directly stuns Umbridge.

While Umbridge\'s attention was drawn to other news, Harry Potter had quietly formed a Defense Against the Dark Arts team under Toad\'s nose.

Neville was one of the few students who received the invitation. The Weasley brothers and their friend Lee Jordan also planned to join. Ginny was naturally invited, as well as Angelina, who was also on the Quidditch team. Katie was also invited, and they both had no other prejudice against Harry and were good friends.

Harry barely made up eleven people, all Gryffindor students. He actually didn\'t expect the Defence Against the Dark Arts team to develop to any size, he just wanted to study and learn Defence Against the Dark Arts with everyone.

What Harry didn\'t know, however, was that it wasn\'t just that being invited.

George invites Diggory, Hermione quietly invites McMillan, and Ginny invites her boyfriend...

With the help of Albert\'s good roommate, Hermione finally made the entire Defense Against the Dark Arts team run quietly under Umbridge\'s nose.

This time, Hermione took Harry\'s advice and was not in a hurry to expand the Defence Against the Dark Arts team. It will spread quietly among students, and more students will be willing to join at that time.

"The first meeting of the Defense Against the Dark Arts team has been scheduled!"

During a herbal class, Hermione whispered to Harry and Ron, "Fred and George agreed that we would use the wizard card game as a cover."

"Witcher card game?"

"I remember that the wizarding card game doesn\'t seem to end until March or April next year, right?" Harry asked suspiciously, although he didn\'t pay attention to these things, he still knew something.

"This year has been brought forward, and it will end at the end of this month." Hermione said in a voice only two people could hear. "We plan to put the party time after the wizard card game is over."

"After each wizard card game, there will be a short celebratory banquet. At that time, we will stay to help clean up the **** left in the celebratory banquet, and then take the opportunity to have the first party."

"Toad certainly can\'t think of it," Ron muttered. "And, I think that guy is a little afraid of Albert."

"Can you not be afraid?" Harry asked.

Umbridge\'s series of unfortunate and tragic events are entirely due to Albert.

Although Umbridge may not be able to guess it.

"By the way, they\'ll all graduate next year, what about that wizard card club?" Ron asked suddenly.

"I heard that the club was inherited by Luna Lovegood. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Mad girl, I really don\'t know how Albert chose." Ron muttered.

"She was also the champion of the wizarding card game, and she loves the wizarding card club enough." Hermione knew a little, if she was not a prefect, she actually had the opportunity to inherit the wizarding card club.

"What about the follow-up games? I mean how to solve the 10 Galleons bonus for the champion, or just cancel the championship reward?" Ron actually wanted to compete for the 10 Galleons bonus for the champion, but unfortunately his wizard card level is not as good as wizard chess .

"Don\'t worry about it, there will be activity funds." Hermione said casually.

"What is that?" Ron was a little confused.

"It\'s them who pay to keep the game going," Harry explained.

"But...why are they...is it any good for him?"

Ron was stunned to hear that Albert was paying to keep the club running. He really couldn\'t understand why Albert did this.

"George said that as long as the Wizarding Cards can continue to be popular with the students, the money to maintain the club is nothing at all, and even less than the advertising fees in the newspapers." Hermione admired Albert\'s series of arrangements for the Wizarding Cards Club. .

Although the wizard card is not Jin Galleon, not everyone likes this card game, but the relaxed and free atmosphere in the wizard card club is still popular with the students.

As far as Hermione knew, the vast majority of Hogwarts students were members of the Wizarding Club, and even many Slytherin students were members of the Wizarding Card Club.

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