
Chapter 1025: Hagrid's Secret

Thanks to this, house-elves have met many wizards living in the gray area on the way to job hunting. As long as they are willing to spend a small amount of Galleon maintenance, many wizards actually don\'t mind helping to collect information and earn some extra money.

After all, who is a wizard in a gray area who is not short of money?

"Master, here is a message that may interest you."

House-elf Beetle walked into the hall with the parchment and handed it respectfully to Albert.

"Thank you Bit, I want to eat your paella tonight." Albert took the parchment and said to the house-elf.

"It\'s my pleasure!" the house-elf walked away happily.

"What\'s the matter?" Isobel asked, looking up.

"Hagrid is back, badly injured, and bought a lot of fresh dragon meat on the black market." Albert threw the note into the fireplace and watched it burn to ashes.

"Remember to come back early." Isobel gave Albert a hug, kissed his cheek again and asked, "Do you want me to ask Dobby to bring you some more oysters?"

“Garlic Baked Oysters.”

Although Albert instinctively rejects raw food, the oysters born in the cold waters of the north are indeed delicious.

With the help of the house elves, Albert easily appeared outside Hogwarts Castle. The lively Quidditch pitch had fallen silent again, and the students of the two academies who had been punished returned to their respective public breaks. room.

Albert took out his pocket watch, checked the time, and walked quickly towards Hagrid\'s hunting lodge.

"Your news is really well-informed. You came as soon as I came back."

Hagrid brushed his teeth scratching the door, opened the door and looked at the person standing outside, showing the smile of seeing an old friend, but the smile seemed to tug at the injury on his face, causing his face to twitch slightly.

"It looks like you haven\'t been doing very well recently, do you need me to help you treat it?" Albert looked up and down Hagrid\'s face that was about to turn into meat sauce, bent down and scratched Fang\'s head, lest it rush on yourself.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s just a little injury." Hagrid almost patted his chest and indicated that he could handle the injury on his face. "I prepared some dragon meat. It has analgesic effect."

"That\'s for you. If ordinary people dare to mess like this, I dare say that they have to stay in the school hospital for ten days and a half months." Albert suppressed Fang Ya who was jumping around him and continued. Say, "You look like you just got beaten up."

"Cough, it fell." Hagrid pressed the dragon flesh to his face, and the pain from the wound seemed to subside a little.

"Do you think I look like an idiot?" Albert asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Ahem, we failed." Hagrid changed the subject and seemed reluctant to talk about his injury. Looking lost as he recalled his assignment, "I failed Dumbledore\'s expectations."

"As I told you before the summer vacation, Professor Dumbledore never expected you to succeed." Albert comforted.

"It\'s impossible," Hagrid argued loudly. "What\'s the point of spending more than a month looking for the giant if it\'s what you say?"

"Even if the chance of success is not high, there is value in trying." Albert didn\'t go to see Hagrid, but rubbed his dog\'s head and said casually, "Do it, although it may not be successful, But if you don’t do it, you will never succeed, and even if you fail, it won’t get any worse.”

This is Dumbledore.

"Simply talk about your experience, I want to hear your stories." Albert led the topic.

"You know?" Hagrid raised his eyebrows, but he was relieved quickly. After all, it was Albert, so it didn\'t seem strange to know.

"Well, I guessed it."

"I went to the giant camp with Orim, and it took me a long time to get rid of the tail of the Ministry of Magic." Hagrid recalled the initial pleasant experience, he and Orim got along very well.

He went on to talk about what happened after he found the giant, where Dumbledore\'s good name was obviously useful, but...

"You met the Death Eaters, and the Death Eaters easily persuaded the giants to be on their side?"

"Yes." Hagrid said regretfully, "We managed to persuade the leaders of the giants, but the original leader of the giants was killed by other giants on the second night, and all our efforts came to nothing."

"You don\'t have to blame yourself. In my opinion, failure is inevitable. Even if you succeed in persuading the giant leader, he will still die."

Albert\'s words made Hagrid\'s eyes widen, and he couldn\'t help but ask, "Why?"

"The giants themselves are very aggressive and violent, they like to fight, they are driven to that kind of hell, it\'s normal to hate the wizard who sent them there, just like... people hate people who take refuge in the mysterious man. Wizards, I can\'t wait to kill them all or put them in Azkaban. The proposal of the mysterious man and the Death Eaters is more in line with the needs of giants. As long as they turn to the mysterious man, they can leave that ghost place, and Professor Dumbledore It can\'t help them get out of that **** cage, you understand?"

"The Death Eaters easily persuaded werewolves and other dark creatures to join their ranks, because no one wanted to live in a dark, stinky ditch." Albert looked at Hagrid, who opened his mouth, and brought the topic back to the topic: " I\'m here to tell you what\'s going on at the school."

"What\'s going on in the school?" Hagrid was a little puzzled, not understanding why Albert came to remind him, did something happen in the school?

"The Ministry of Magic has sent a deputy to Hogwarts as a professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts," Albert explained. "Her name is Dolores Umbridge, and you can think she was sent by Fudge to find Dumbledore. Professor Lido and Potter\'s troublesome bastards."

"Having trouble with Dumbledore?" Hagrid asked, frowning.

"At the end of last semester, you should also know that Fudge and Professor Dumbledore had a falling out, so Fudge tried to discredit Professor Dumbledore and Potter in the Daily Prophet, and their relationship is not very good now." Burt briefly introduced the current situation to Hagrid, "Potter was attacked by dementors during the summer vacation, but he used magic to drive away the dementors and was formally tried by the Ministry of Magic, and I participated in that trial at that time. ."

"When I finish speaking, you\'re asking." Albert stopped Hagrid\'s question and continued, "In order to drive out Professor Dumbledore, fire Potter, and completely control Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic passed the The so-called Education Order has brought Umbridge, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic, to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, who is now the Senior Investigator."


"Fudge has given Umbridge a lot of power through the Education Order, and you can think of her as almost half the headmaster, except she doesn\'t have the headmaster title."

"Not long ago, Umbridge investigated the professors in the school. Professor Trelawney has been placed on probation. By the way, the first professor Umbridge wants to fire is you."

"Just now, the game between Gryffindor and Slytherin was just over, and the two sides broke out in an unpleasant conflict after the game. I guess Harry will be banned permanently by Umbridge, which is probably the case. ."

"Harry is permanently banned?" Hagrid felt incredible. In just a few months, Hogwarts had changed a lot.

"Yes." Albert nodded and said: "After the game, Gryffindor and Slytherin fought because of a spat, but Umbridge is partial to the Slytherin students, and it is normal to take the opportunity to trouble Harry. I even suspect that the conflict has something to do with her."

Hagrid opened his mouth, obviously unable to understand what was going on, and asked, "That person still wants to fire me?"

"Because you are a half-blood giant, or someone close to Professor Dumbledore, she plans to use you to give Professor Dumbledore a warning." Albert reminded: "I think it won\'t be long before she will come to you. , notice to review your course, if your protection of magical creatures class is terrible, she will find an excuse to directly expel you."

"Really, she still has to investigate others?" Hagrid said in disbelief. "How could Dumbledore allow such a person to mess around at Hogwarts."

"Our Mr. Chancellor seemed to think there was no need for a conflict with Fudge ~www.mtlnovel.com~ so he chose to back down," Abbott continued, "but our Mr. Minister went ahead and said in the Daily Prophet about Deng Professor Bulidor\'s bad words caused him to lose most of his titles and status, and now most wizards in the wizarding world believe that Professor Dumbledore has Alzheimer\'s disease, and he will soon lose his position as headmaster."

"What did you say?" Hagrid was furious, getting up from his chair.

"Umbridge will drive out Professor Dumbledore." Albert reminded: "She has made a mess of the school now. I suggest you ask Potter about the specific situation. I think a few Potters should also be very helpful. I found out that you were back, and I came to find you."

"Then what shall I do?" Hagrid demanded.

"Prepare for your review, and wait until this round." Albert took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time. "I\'m leaving Hagrid first. Do you really need my help?"

"No! Thank you for coming to tell me this."

"I\'ll ask the house-elf to send some white fresh flowers. After your face is swollen a little bit, smash it and apply it on your face, and the wound will heal quickly." Albert stopped at the door, turned his head and added, "Umm Richie will get you in trouble sooner or later, don\'t let your guard down and don\'t underestimate her cruelty."

Albert does have Baixian essence. Those things are also very effective, but they can\'t stand Hagrid\'s use. The effect of using fresh Baixian may be almost the same, but it is better than enough, and Hagrid will be injured frequently. There\'s no harm in whitening it.

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