
Chapter 1121: crowded suitcase

Thinking about it now, since Albert became a wizard, their family seemed to have had a long, long dream.

The plane began to land and after a slight turbulence came to a smooth stop on the airport runway.

Herb took his wife, parents and daughter off the plane with the crowd, and a group of people dragged small suitcases towards the security entrance.

Remember they used to go to King\'s Cross to pick up Albert home, but now it\'s Albert who picks them up.

time flies!

Herb looked up and looked around, trying to find the familiar figure in the crowd, but there were so many people around that he couldn\'t find Albert at all.

It wasn\'t until everyone was far away from the security gate that they finally saw the familiar figure in the crowd waving and smiling at them.

Nia put down the suitcase, walked forward quickly, spread her hands and gave Albert a warm hug.

"Why are you alone?" Daisy asked in confusion after she stepped forward to give her son a hug.

"It\'s more convenient for me to be alone." When Albert finally hugged Herb, he said to the crowd with a smile, "Come with me, Europe is not very peaceful recently, and this is not a good place to talk."

"Where are we going, the hotel?" Nia asked in confusion.

"No, it\'s not safe there, I\'ll take you to the safe house." Albert showed a little apology and motioned everyone to follow him.

Everyone looked at each other and silently followed Albert. They had no idea where to live.

After walking to a place where no one was, Albert put the suitcase on the ground, opened it and motioned them to enter the box.

Nia walked into the suitcase first, and others followed suit. It wasn\'t the first time they had been Apparated in the suitcase.

It\'s faster and safer that way.

Almost in the blink of an eye, everyone saw the safe house mentioned by Albert.

Herb looked at the very old villa in front of him, turned to Albert and said, "It looks abandoned for a long time."

"We live in boxes," Nia reminded, as did the last time I went to the Quidditch World Cup.

"This is the safe house. Only the secret person tells the secret, otherwise no one will find it here." Albert explained to several people.

"That note just now..."

"It was written by the secrecy, indicating that he is willing to tell you this secret." Albert pushed the house away, turned his head and explained, "This is the most reliable protection magic at present."

"The most reliable protection magic?" Herb muttered.

"Yes, it is very reliable. The disadvantage is that after casting the Brave Loyalty Charm, it is equivalent to being completely erased from reality here." Albert changed a statement that everyone could understand, "Only getting the key to keep secrets is keeping secrets. Only with the permission of people can we know the existence of this place and enter here.”

"That is, if you want to enter here, you need to find a secret person?"


"What if the two keepers kept secret from each other?" Nia asked suddenly.

"Then no one can find them." Albert said with a smile, "Of course, this place is already half-abandoned, and we only need to use the protective magic here."

Speaking, Albert opened the suitcase to the ground and made a gesture of please.

They all went into suitcases, and the environment inside was quite nice.

In the afternoon, Isobel also came over, stayed with Albert\'s family for an afternoon, chatted about the current situation of the British magic world, and mentioned some things that should be paid special attention to.

"That is to say, the devil named Mysterious Man has been resurrected?" Herb really had a hard time understanding that the wizard could still resurrect the dead.

However, Luke quickly accepted this matter. He had also lived in the magic world and knew about the mysterious man.

"The British wizarding world is at war, so we decided to choose the location in France."


"Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, the current situation is indeed not optimistic." Albert said apologetically: "For safety, we can only stay here temporarily. The day after tomorrow at the latest, Mrs. McDougall will also come to France."

"Do you really need our help about the wedding?" Herb asked Albert while enjoying the fruit after dinner.

Her son\'s wedding was still given to Mrs. McDougall, which made Herb and Daisy very embarrassed.

"You don\'t need to worry about the wedding, I\'ll take care of it." Albert said comfortingly, seeing the thoughts of the two.

"After you get married, do you plan to go back to England?"

"Well, go back."

"Is your new home ready?"

"Ready, also protected by the Brave Loyalty Charm, very safe." Albert said.

"Actually, you are still young, so there is no need to take risks with your great future." Daisy was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "I still think you should leave the UK temporarily and leave Europe to find a safe place to live temporarily, and wait for the war here. Go back after you\'re done?"

"We are very safe in the UK." Albert comforted, "Also, your son is actually very powerful."

"Okay, Albert has grown up, he has his own ideas, and we shouldn\'t interfere with his decision." Herb stopped Daisy, who wanted to say something, and patted Albert\'s shoulder: "Do whatever you want, but remember that when you get married, you\'re not alone."

The next day, Albert sneaked back to England to bring Katrina and Mrs McDougall to France. The suitcase suddenly became crowded, and Albert never imagined that so many people would live here.

Fortunately, he has temporarily vacated the laboratory for house-elves, and temporarily converted most of the rooms into guest rooms, barely able to accommodate everyone temporarily.

After the parents on both sides met, a magical thing happened. They were surprised to find that they knew nothing about Albert and Isobel\'s wedding, and they didn\'t even know who was helping to prepare the wedding.

In the meantime, Mr. Mogg came over, told them about the wedding, and brought the dresses of Nia and Katrina by the way.

"Thank you, Mog," said Mrs. McDougall with a complicated expression.

"You\'re welcome, in fact, I really want to be their witness, but unfortunately I didn\'t grab it." Mog changed the topic with a smile.

"The wedding is ready?" Herb asked after a moment\'s hesitation, "The cost..."

"Yes, it\'s ready. As for the cost, Albert has already paid it out. In fact, it doesn\'t cost much. Many of Albert\'s old friends took the initiative to celebrate." Mog said with a smile: "The biggest problem at present is actually Screen the guests to avoid weird guys coming in and messing up the wedding."

"That\'s fine," said Albert. "I was ready early."

"Then take them to the manor tomorrow and see if there are any other problems."

Mogg came and went so quickly that the Andersons were a little puzzled, but they could all see that Mr. Mogg had a close relationship with Albert, and it was definitely not just what Mrs. McDougall said. Relatives, otherwise Albert would not have been entrusted with the important task of handling the wedding.

Over the years, Albert\'s changes also made them feel a little unfamiliar.

In fact, both Mrs. McDougall and the Andersons have the illusion that they are actually here for the wedding.

Over the next few days, Albert also began to get busy, first posting misinformation on silver cards and quietly visiting Scrimgeour to discuss plans to ambush the Death Eaters.

During Albert\'s stay in France, the British wizarding world also changed a bit, perhaps spurred by the murder of Burns, most British wizards were in favor of Scrimgeour, hoping the hard-line Auror The director of the office can lead everyone through difficult times. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Scrimgeour was also very concerned about the operation, and he planned to use this opportunity to completely establish his position and strengthen people\'s confidence in the Ministry of Magic.

While Albert was busy with the wedding, the Andersons and Mrs. McDougall in the safe room reached a proposal that Isobel should have a child as soon as possible.

Nia and Katrina are discussing beauty potions. They believe that Muggle and wizarding beauty methods should be combined to develop a way to better maintain their appearance and figure.

"Albert is out again?" Daisy asked tentatively, looking at Isobel who was sitting down with an iced watermelon.

"He said he was going back to England to handle the wedding." Isobel did not deny this.

"Albert has been a very assertive child from a long time ago, and it also makes us worry, but his decisions are usually not easily changed." Daisy grabbed Isobel\'s hand and said softly, "I I hope you can help us watch him more and not let him do those risky things."

"I will," Isobel said.

"After you get married, you can go to Hawaii for a vacation first," Herb suggested.

"I\'m afraid not." Isobel explained, "The Lemay couple is running out of time. With Albert\'s character, it is very likely that they will stay and accompany them through the last journey of their lives."

"As long as I don\'t go back to the UK, I don\'t think it\'s a problem." Daisy and Mrs. McDougall exchanged glances and continued, "There is one more thing, I hope you don\'t get angry, we all hope that you can have a child as soon as possible."

"This matter...Albert discussed it with me." Isobel gradually lowered his voice, "We won\'t deliberately..."


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