
Chapter 1166: battle of wits

The black magic detector didn\'t respond.

In fact, Sirius also looked down at the detection pocket watch in his hand at almost the same time, but also did not respond, only the sneaky figure in the mirror beside the wall seemed to react.

Sirius and Lupin exchanged a quick glance.

Could it be that the Death Eaters weren\'t tracked down at all, or were there no so-called stalkers from beginning to end?

Are those just things they imagined?

"How likely is it that Kenneth is under the Imperius Curse?"

Sirius went to the window, took the telescope from Arthur, and looked at Kenneth, who was carrying a suitcase to "Albert"\'s place.

"Impossible, the Ministry of Magic was watching him the whole time, and now this person is not the same person who delivered the delivery to Joko." Arthur looked at Kenneth\'s back and explained to the two: "In order to prevent accidents during the period, the current Kenneth is actually Kingsley in disguise, and he also took Fuling, enough to deal with any accidents that will happen within half an hour."

"I think the Muggles over there are suspicious."

Sirius noticed Kingsley\'s move, moved the telescope to the middle-aged man who had just got off the car, frowned slightly and said, "Do you think that guy is a stalker?"

"If the Death Eaters were disguised as Muggles, they should have been detected." Lupin turned his head to the looking glass, and looked at the Marauder\'s map in his hand. There were no strange names on it, and all the signs indicated that That\'s just an ordinary Muggle.

What\'s more, they didn\'t think that the Death Eaters could use the compound potion to disguise themselves and escape the detection of the detectors.

"There can be problems with the speculum, too," Arthur said.

"I don\'t know, but I don\'t think other black magic detectors can go wrong together." Anyway, Sirius thought the passerby was suspicious, and he mumbled softly, "Kingsley\'s intuition should be quite sharp after taking the Flux. The action must be to feel that something is being followed, and then you will look around subconsciously... Will the Muggles be controlled by the Imperius Curse?"

"By the way, how could I forget this thing."

Sirius took out a bottle of potion from his pocket, opened the seal and poured it into his mouth, using the potion\'s effect to quickly clear his mind.

"If the Death Eaters have confirmed that Albert is hiding in this village, then all they have to do is find the exact location of Albert, and when they know that the Ministry of Magic is staring at Kenneth, they will definitely Try to avoid confrontation with us as much as possible, and find out where Albert is hiding first."

"Remus, you are in charge of watching the Muggle, Arthur is in charge of monitoring the surroundings, I will contact Kingsley to see what he finds there." Sirius quickly made a series of arrangements and entered the house. Kingsley delivered the message.

"Come on, Kingsley also felt that he was being watched." Sirius said quickly.

"We\'re watching him."

"No, Kingsley suspects the Death Eaters are nearby, and he thinks there might be something wrong with that Muggle," Sirius corrected.

"Shall we let the Ministry of Magic catch the Muggle?" Arthur asked.

"No, I think he should be let go. Only then will the Death Eaters know Albert\'s specific location." Sirius shook his head and said, "Maybe, they will be here tonight."

"If I were a Death Eater, I\'d definitely do something to get the Ministry\'s attention, and then sneak up on Albert."

"The effect of the intensifier is better than expected!"

Lupin also began to consider whether he would carry some potions with him in the future. Seeing Sirius\' clear thinking, it was obviously the magical effect of potions.

"The effect is really good, and the idea is smooth."

Sirius really didn\'t think about the efficacy of these potions before. Since Albert let Harry take the potion to the trial court last year, everyone seems to have opened the door to a new world.

Just as Sirius had guessed, the middle-aged Muggle who passed by the "Albert" house just now was indeed controlled by someone using the Imperius Curse.

However, even with the help of the intellect, Sirius still couldn\'t figure out the truth of the whole thing.

This incident was actually arranged by Albert a few days ago.

No matter how idiot the Death Eaters are, they will know how to learn their lessons. It is naturally impossible to attract Bella to bite the bait with the so-called "bait" of Kenneth, but it does not mean that Albert has no other way.

Since the last time Kenneth went to deliver goods to Joko, Albert, with the cooperation of Joko and Alecto Carrow, successfully convinced Bella that they had used Veritaserum and got it from Kenneth. Where Albert might be hiding.

As for why it is possible?

That\'s because Alecto Kahlo claimed to Bella that, due to the magical contract, even if he gave Kenneth the Veritaserum, he still couldn\'t let him leak Albert\'s news. Obviously, the other party had been prepared, but It doesn\'t mean that they can\'t find the specific location, she has left a tracking mark on Kenneth, so that they can follow Kenneth\'s whereabouts later.

As for why he didn\'t use the Imperius Curse to control Kenneth, of course, it was to prevent the Mudblood from seeing his flaws. Albert is undoubtedly a very keen guy. Once he notices that something is wrong, he will disappear again. When the news ends, it will be difficult to find other clues.

In fact, the whole plan was a success, the only troublesome thing was that the delivery to Joko was not every day, and Kenneth stayed at home all the time, and there were people from the Ministry of Magic around him, which made the Bella never found a suitable opportunity to recapture Kenneth and torture him.

It doesn\'t matter if Kenneth is tortured or not, what matters is the whereabouts of the Mudblood, so they can only wait patiently for Kenneth to "pick up" the goods again, and then send them to Joko, and the place to pick up the goods is their goal .

However, according to the news from the Ministry of Magic, Kenneth\'s move was watched all the time, and the Ministry of Magic seemed to intend to continue to use him as a bait to lure them into the bait.

The news nearly made Bella\'s nose crooked, because the Ministry of Magic\'s actions took them straight for fools.

"Do they still expect idiots to be fooled by this?" Bella wanted to kill everyone who stood in his way.

"We need someone to help find the way, and it\'s best to try not to attract the attention of the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic." Alecto Carrow looked at the village not far away and suggested to Bella.

This is completely nonsense, because they didn\'t find other helpers at all, there are only Bella, Alecto Carrow and Narcissa Malfoy, they have locked the village where Albert might hide through tracking magic.

"Perhaps, we can use the Fiery Charm to burn down this village and force the mudblood out." Bella\'s eyes were full of anger, and the successive setbacks made her lose her patience. I found that I couldn\'t find the other party\'s whereabouts at all.

Bella\'s assurance to Voldemort had almost become a laughing stock, which made her particularly irritable, and he didn\'t want to disappoint the Dark Lord.

So, that Mudblood must die.

"That would just scare people away."

Narcissa Malfoy felt that Bella must be crazy to think of such an unreliable solution.

If possible, she doesn\'t want to be an enemy of Albert at all, that kind of guy is too scary.

Narcissa Malfoy now only wants to live with her husband and son, but this has almost become the most extravagant wish.

"Narcissa, what do you think we should do?" Bella looked at her sister anxiously.

"Maybe, we really should... find a cannon fodder." Narcissa Malfoy looked at the Muggle car driving towards this way, she thought of a wonderful method, and briefly described it to the other two, and quickly got it The others agreed, and soon the hapless Muggle was under the Imperius Curse and asked to go to the village.

After the middle-aged Muggle left the village, Bella couldn\'t wait to use Legilimency to peek into his memory and use it to find Albert\'s possible hiding place.

After Bella sent the other party to see God with an Avada Suo, she excitedly announced her decision: "We plan to act at three o\'clock in the morning tonight, and this time we must kill that mudblood."

"Bella, do you think the whole process went too smoothly, don\'t forget that the Mudblood can predict the future." Narcissa Malfoy was still a little worried, "Could this be a trap?"

"There are so many traps," Bella said sharply. "Narcissa, when did you become so timid?"

"If we don\'t track them, they\'ll just have to wait stupidly. Also, I don\'t believe he can predict everything, otherwise he wouldn\'t have people deliver to that store, and he doesn\'t know that the owner named Zuko has already We have it under control."

"However, he can predict the future, and he may also predict our next actions." Narcissa argued that her husband Lucius was not like this, even if they still left behind, they still entered the Zkaban.

"Cough, I don\'t think there is much chance of catching that mudblood." Alecto Carrow opened his mouth to express his guess, "I think it\'s very likely that the two of the Weasleys are hiding somewhere. little brat."

"Even if it wasn\'t that Mudblood, I\'d pry the news out of their mouths." Bella said murderously, she suddenly felt that Alecto\'s guess was probably right.

"I think you need more help." Narcissa didn\'t like reckless actions, but suggested, "That Mudblood is quite cunning, and we can\'t rule it out as a trap."

"Narcissa is right, we are facing a cunning and dangerous guy, and we must be prepared for this trap." Alecto nodded, "Don\'t forget the painful lessons of others."

However, Bella\'s group did not know that they had been seen through.

The group of Sirius, who had just used the stimulant, discussed the matter carefully. They agreed that there was something wrong with the Muggle. The reason was very simple. When the middle-aged Muggle left the other side of the village, he left the car behind In the village, this matter is very suspicious no matter how you look at it, at least Arthur, who has owned a car, has a strong say in this regard.

"Maybe, we might be busy."

At the Ministry of Magic\'s combat meeting, Kingsley told the Minister of Magic and the Auror\'s Office Chief, "UU read www. uukanshu. com "But the worst case is just staying up all night, and the loss to us is not big, not to mention that we have found evidence now, and the probability of success is very high."

"Are you referring to the unreasonable behavior of that middle-aged Muggle?" muttered Gardwin, who made him feel threatened by Kingsley, who was undoubtedly a better fit for the Auror\'s office than he was.

"Very well, Kingsley is right, we have nothing to lose if we fail," Scrimgeour interrupted.

"I suspect that the Death Eaters are likely to cause trouble for us to divert our focus." Kingsley ignored Gardwin\'s words and continued, "I suggest that we better take precautions in advance to prevent the time. In a hurry."

"Gadevon, I need you to keep the most elite Aurors. Once Kingsley\'s prediction occurs, you may need to lead some Aurors and crisis response teams to deal with them."

"I see." Gardwin nodded.

"Very well, keep the people involved in tonight\'s operation to listen to the lecture." Scrimgeour quickly arranged things. He was never worried about the failure of the plan, since Albert planned to use the Ministry of Magic to target him. The group of dark wizards who were there must have predicted the whole plan long ago.

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