
Chapter 361 Show Of Loyalty

Chapter 361 Show Of Loyalty

Objectively speaking, Chen Xiaolian did not feel too burdened.

Perhaps the words he said earlier were effective. The African minister, the Caucasian woman and the financial backer did not loaf about. They held onto the paddles and rowed with all their might.

The waters in this part of the river flowed at quite a fast rate and their group were able to move the boats even without the use of the engines, allowing them to save up on some diesel.

Despite the help from the flow of water from the river, their fleet of boats began pulling apart in terms of distance. The people on each boat were different after all. The difference between the boats with the strong and the weak gradually became evident.

Despite being fatsos, both the African minister and the African financial backer worked hard. Even the Caucasian woman was hard at work – considering her identity, she had no qualifications to ask anything either.

Chen Xiaolian did notice a certain detail. When they were boarding the boats, Hans’ team had distributed the diesel. During that time, Winston, that youngster from Australia had secretly given Chen Xiaolian’s boat a little more diesel.

That was favouritism.

Even so, from what Chen Xiaolian could see, that act of favouritism from Winston was likely only partly because he had saved them before. The other part was for the sake of Lin Leyan.

He could see the way the Australian youngster looked at Lin Leyan; it was a passionate look.

Chen Xiaolian good naturedly invited the Australian youngster to board his boat in order to repay him… Chen Xiaolian knew, among all the boats, his was most likely the safest one.

However, Winston politely declined his offer. He pointed at the people on Chen Xiaolian’s boat before pointing at his sling arm.

The meaning behind his action was: this boat of yours has fat people and women. I am already injured, no need for me to go and increase the burden on you.

This fellow is a kind person. Chen Xiaolian thought to himself.

Truth was, Chen Xiaolian had hid the fact that he had a small barrel of diesel in his Storage Watch.

However, there wasn’t too much of it. He had read up some of the information on Africa from the Internet before coming over. Realizing that Africa was a place that lacked energy sources, he had prepared a small barrel for emergencies.

Still, Chen Xiaolian was no saint. There was no way he would pull out the diesel and share it with the others.

Even if he were to use that small barrel’s worth of diesel on his own boat, they still might not be able to make it to the border. Thus, he had no interest in becoming some saintly figure.

Not to mention, witnessing the selfish actions from those people in the pier only further convinced him not to share it.

Lin Leyan was also rowing as hard as she could. However, it was clear as day that she was gradually getting exhausted. The frequency at which her arms were moving up and down was falling and her breath was becoming more laboured as drops of sweat trickled down her nose.

Chen Xiaolian silently rowed the paddle. He was neither too fast nor too slow and simply maintained a certain speed without revealing anything.

His boat remained slightly behind the middle position among the fleet of boats. At any rate, he was satisfied at not being the last.

That was how they spent their night.

When the sky began to turn bright, Hans who was at the foremost boat whistled, indicating to everyone that it was time to stop and rest.

Everyone on the boats was already exhausted and was at the brink of collapsing. However, due to their critical situation, they were able to pull out more strength than normal.

Now that they were suddenly stopping to rest, their atmosphere turned relaxed.

Chen Xiaolian frowned and regarded their surroundings.

There were clumps of weed and bushes everywhere.

When their fleet were resting, Hans did not lower his guard. He had Randall lead his mercenaries to the riverbank and use their guns to check the bushes just in case.

God knows if a group of lions or jackals were lurking behind those bushes.

Hans announced that they would be resting for half an hour.

Chen Xiaolian observed how close to collapsing everyone was and suspected that the half an hour was far from sufficient.

His boat was among the last to reach the bank.

After reaching the riverbank, the other refugees simply sprawled themselves on the grassy bank as they gasped for breath, seizing this precious time to recover their strength.

Randall and several of his mercenaries who were some distance away dispersed. He had a tuft of grass in his mouth as he coldly glanced at Chen Xiaolian.

Chen Xiaolian ignored him.

Chen Xiaolian supported Lin Leyan whose legs had gone soft onto the riverbank. Lin Leyan then sat down. Suddenly, her stomach growled a few times and she glanced at Chen Xiaolian in embarrassment.

“Hungry?” Chen Xiaolian smiled.

“I’m still all right.”

How could she be all right? Chen Xiaolian knew that this young woman was unwilling to tell the truth. Since yesterday night, she had been working, then rushing and exerting physical strength until now without resting… Chen Xiaolian also suspected that she may not had eaten anything for dinner yesterday night.

Food… their group had it. However, it was not much!

There was a limit to how much each boat could carry. After taking the people, there was not much space left for other items. After making some calculations, Hans and his team decided to leave behind some medical supplies, weapons, ammunition and food… they had to carry only some.

The journey should only take around two to three days – if everything went well, taking a little less food won’t kill them.

Chen Xiaolian picked up a backpack that came out of who knows where and placed it on the ground. Then, he retrieved something from it…

Although his hand was inserted into the backpack, he had retrieved the item from his Storage Watch.

Lin Leyan stared with widened eyes as Chen Xiaolian pulled out an alcohol stove from his backpack, as though he was performing a magic trick.

“Where did you get this?” Lin Leyan gulped and said, “I don’t remember seeing you taking this backpack with you when we were leaving the city.”

Chen Xiaolian smiled and replied, “I found it in the warehouse by the pier.”


Lin Leyan secretly pulled a face.

The alcohol stove was one thing. However, he also produced several pieces of solid alcohol fuel. And the label on the fuel package had Chinese characters!

How could he had found those things in the warehouse?

There were too many miraculous and shocking things about Chen Xiaolian that Lin Leyan was simply unable to forward any questions – also, she was on the brink of collapsing. Thus, she was in no mood to be curious.

She watched as Chen Xiaolian poured mineral water into the pot placed atop the alcohol stove.

Lin Leyan asked, “What are you doing?”

“Cooking something hot to drink,” replied Chen Xiaolian with a smile.

“We… we won’t have enough time I think. They said we only have half an hour.”

Chen Xiaolian pointed to their surroundings and at those refugees who were sprawled on the ground, gasping for breath. “Look at them. Do you think they will be able to get back up and continue onward in half an hour?”

Lin Leyan stayed silent.

Chen Xiaolian poured in a small packet’s worth of beef jerky into the boiling water and a fragrant smell instantly rose up into the air, causing the surrounding people’s eyes to turn red.

Chen Xiaolian was in no mood to care about that. He snapped a branch and stripped off the branch’s bark. Then, he used it to stir the pot. After that, he clipped a piece of the jerky and stuffed it into his mouth.

The taste was not exactly good, however… when the stomach was hungry, it was hard to be picky about it.

“Eat some?” Chen Xiaolian smiled and handed the pair of split branches to Lin Leyan. He saw that the young woman’s eyes were already red and the tears within her eyes seemed to be spinning as she stared at Chen Xiaolian.

Chen Xiaolian picked out most of the beef jerky and gave it to Lin Leyan. He watched as the young woman ate heartily and smiled.

Lin Leyan ate quite a number of them in quick succession. It was only after most of them had gone into her belly did she flush and looked at Chen Xiaolian.

“Don’t look at me. If you can eat more, then eat more.”

“What about you?”

“Do you think I would be lacking food?” Chen Xiaolian winked and deliberately patted his old looking backpack.

Oh, well. This fellow is simply too mysterious. There is no way I can assess him using common sense.

After taking two mouthfuls of the beef soup, she put down the pot and said, “You should drink some as well.”

Chen Xiaolian picked it up and drank two mouthfuls as well.

He then turned to see the Caucasian woman sitting beside them. She swallowed her saliva and was unable to stop herself from glancing over.

The sight of the African minister was even more unbearable. His saliva was about to reach his stomach.

Chen Xiaolian smiled and handed the pot over to them.

“Share it equally among the three of you. No one is allowed to drink more. Ladies first!”

The Caucasian woman looked at the pot and tears nearly flowed out from her eyes. After accepting the pot, she hastily began pouring the soup into her mouth.

Thankfully, she had kept Chen Xiaolian’s warning in mind. After gulping down a few mouthfuls, she forced back the feelings of reluctance within her heart and passed the pot over to the African financial backer who was beside her.

The African financial backer accepted the pot… this fellow was someone with quite the status in Kabuka. He was one of those who could enjoy steak and French wine in high-class dining establishments – although this could not be considered as anything great within China, in Africa, this was an incredible status.

He could be considered a highly noble person!

At present, this African financial backer held onto the pot containing beef soup and he wept to himself.

Since when did he become a person who could be moved just because he was able to drink beef soup? Not to mention, it was something made using beef jerky.

Back in his home, this was something that he would set aside for his gardener.

Then came the African minister’s turn. This fellow’s reaction was not much different compared to the African financial backer.

It was at that moment that a hand suddenly reached out to press on his shoulder.

The African minister raised his head and saw three to four young and strong looking African men standing before him.

One of them wore short-sleeved shirt, which revealed his bulging muscles.

“Share some with us.”

The muscular African coldly looked at the African minister.

The African minister became enraged! If someone had dared to talk to him in such a manner back when he was a minister in Kabuka, he would have had his guards drag them out to feed the dogs!

But now… he looked at his companions and gripped the pot in reluctance.

“What is it?” Chen Xiaolian stood up just in time.

Those few African men appeared very strong. Even the shortest among them was a notch higher than Chen Xiaolian. They were simply on two different levels.

“We just want to barter for some food,” said the muscular African with a fake smile.

“Barter?” Chen Xiaolian sneered.

“We can give you money.” The muscular young man pulled out a stack of cash that was strangely coloured from his pocket.

Chen Xiaolian observed that… those were Kombian money.

But now that Zayad had been toppled, the only worth left for that stack of cash was for him to wipe his ass with it.

Even if Zayad was still in power, the purchasing power of the Kombian currency was only about the same as that of the Zimbabwean coins.

Chen Xiaolian coldly regarded them and said, “I’m not going to waste time talking nonsense with you. My food is not for others.”

The smile on the muscular African man’s face instantly disappeared – it was just a fa?ade after all. He then walked over with a savage expression. “What did you say? Are you insulting me?”

He was deliberately putting on an act of provocation.

Chen Xiaolian looked around.

Some of the other refugees were seated on the ground and they coldly looked over with seemingly numb expressions on their faces.

None of them said anything… in fact, some were even staring intently at Chen Xiaolian with tiger like eyes.

Chen Xiaolian estimated that if these few African fellows could successfully rob him, those other people would rush over to loot him!

He could already notice that some of them were gazing at the backpack that he placed down the ground with peculiar expressions.

Back then, some of the people had noticed Chen Xiaolian pulling out the beef jerky from the backpack.

“If you think it’s an insult, then it’s an insult,” replied Chen Xiaolian with a smile.

The muscular African discarded all pretences and threw a punch forward!


His body was immediately sent flying.

Chen Xiaolian had only used a kick to send him flying and he fell headfirst into the river.

Another two fellows had wanted to charge forward. By then however, Chen Xiaolian had pulled out a gun, which he used to aim at them!

Golden Desert Eagle! That was Zayad Jr.’s gun.

The two fellows gaped as they stared at Chen Xiaolian before quickly raising up their arms.

Hans had made a very smart move… he did not distribute any weapons to the refugees!

That was a flawless decision on his part. Because… under such circumstances, it was very easy for humans to become beasts!

Once those refugees got hold of guns… then Hans and the other members of the peace organization might fall into danger.

“Just scram and don’t appear before me again,” said Chen Xiaolian as he dismissed the two African men.

The two men fled with their tails between their legs. As for the one who fell into the river, he managed to swim back and climb up the riverbank – somewhere farther away. He coughed out violently before wobbling away.

The African minister gulped as he stared at the golden Desert Eagle that Chen Xiaolian was holding!

Naturally, he could recognize that gun!

The expression that the African minister used to look at Chen Xiaolian… became somewhat different.

This incident however, caused Chen Xiaolian to discard whatever vestiges of mercy he felt toward these refugees.

He made up his mind. In the event of an emergency, he would not waste any effort to save these people.

The one he wanted to protect was Lin Leyan.

Hans and his team members… he would also do his best to protect them.

But these refugees… Chen Xiaolian had no interest to do anything for them.

As for Randall and his men… if they ever fell into the river, not throwing bricks at them would already be an act of magnanimity on Chen Xiaolian’s part.

Although it was said that they would only rest for half an hour, they ended up using one whole hour. Hans led the others to rouse the refugees to continue.

Hans himself was terribly exhausted.

Chen Xiaolian looked at the German fellow’s face and those bloodshot eyes. Sighing, he walked over and shoved an energy bar into his hand. “Get some strength back. You’ll need this!”

Hans gratefully looked at Chen Xiaolian.

A few minutes later however, Chen Xiaolian regretted it.

Because he saw Hans tore the energy bar, taking only a small bite himself before giving the rest to some refugee women and children.

A man who’s too kind for his own good – Chen Xiaolian decided to label the German fellow as such.

If he had been born 1,000 years ago, he would surely have been a typical knight.

Chen Xiaolian acknowledged that he would not have been able to do such a thing. Although it was something he admired, it was also something he would shy away from.

When Chen Xiaolian turned around to look at his companions – he saw the African minister licking clean the pot containing the beef soup! Noticing that Chen Xiaolian was looking at him, he put on a sheepish expression and put down the pot.

Chen Xiaolian decided to make the pot a ‘one-time use’ item.

“I’ll give it to you.” Chen Xiaolian pointed at the pot and said, “In case we encounter the enemy, wear it on your head and use it as a steel helmet.”

They continued their journey. This time, Chen Xiaolian had no intention of burdening himself.

Although he was still full of energy, Lin Leyan and the others were clearly not. A mere one hour’s worth of rest was far from enough to let them recover.

Chen Xiaolian ignored the gazes of the surrounding people and started up the engine.

The engine rotors turned and the rumbling sounds caused many people to turn and look at Chen Xiaolian’s boat.

Chen Xiaolian calmly checked the engine and kept the paddles away.

The other people around him pointed at his boat. Most were probably saying how much of an idiot he was.

Using his diesel fuel so early on… was he planning to row all the way to Congo later on?

Chen Xiaolian ignored those people and simply enjoyed the comfort of the moment.

The African minister, the African financial backer and the Caucasian woman had tangled looks on their faces… naturally, they wanted to have a comfortable time. However, they were worried about what would happen later on… if they were to use up the diesel now, what should be done in the later parts of their journey?

“If you’re unwilling, you can disembark and go to another boat. I don’t mind.” Chen Xiaolian did not feel like explaining and he simply shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m willing to follow you!” the Caucasian woman was the first to change sides… after witnessing Chen Xiaolian’s ability just now, the Caucasian woman had decided to abandon her present reliance – the African financial backer.

In fact, if not for the fact that Lin Leyan was there beside Chen Xiaolian… Lin Leyan was also looking at her in a rather hostile manner – this Caucasian woman would have thrown herself at him.

Seeing that the number one spot for showing loyalty had been taken, the African minister showed a chagrined expression. However, he loudly shouted, “My friend! I will naturally stand firmly by your side!”

He had put a very heavy emphasis on the word ‘friend’ as if to purposely show that the relationship between them were beyond normal.

The African financial backer was silent. He simply cast a glance at the Caucasian woman.

This *** … … …

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