
Chapter 530 How Is It Possible?

Chapter 530 How Is It Possible?

A mech was a bulky equipment. Even if the pilot was dextrous, it would not be able to match the agility of a single unit.

However, that was what Angel Wu was doing.

Because his mech was no ordinary mech.

Angel Wu was the leading figure in the Angel Corps. Could he be some ordinary character?

Even someone like Nicole would have her own specialized equipment like the Floater.

Could Angel Wu’s mech be some common goods?

His mech’s name was…

Military Angel! [1]

Even as his war blade was swinging through the air, his mech system gave him a report.

Lockdown complete!

Gravity Field Lock.

This was one of Angel Wu’s special skills.

Just like the Floating Angel’s long-range skills that could be used while on the move, this Gravity Field Lock was Angel Wu’s special combat skill.

This skill was more overbearing and intense.

Additionally, it was also more refined.

This skill of Angel Wu could lock down a target with the size of no smaller than 0.05 cubic metres.

That was the minimum limit. The bigger his lockdown target, the smaller the effect of gravity upon the target.

Thus, the smaller his target, the bigger the gravity imposed upon the target.

Angel Wu had instantly unleashed his Gravity Field Lock skill. Moreover, he threw all his might behind this move.

His mech system was quick to provide him with the data.

Under the effects of his Gravity Field Lock, the target was now suffering from a gravity that was… … 1,044 times normal.

Over a thousand times the normal amount of gravity. How much would that affect a normal human?

Assume that normal human’s weight was 80 kilograms. Times that by a thousand would give 80,000 kilograms.

That was the equivalent of… … 80 tonnes.

A heavy truck weighed about 8 tonnes.

In other words, 1,000 times the gravity was the equivalent of… … bearing the weight of 10 heavy trucks at the same time.

An ordinary human would instantly be trampled into mush by such a weight.

Just imagine, an ordinary human trying to hold up something that was 80 tonnes in weight. What would be the consequence of such an attempt?

Gravity Field Lock was one of the skills that Angel Wu took pride in.

Angel Wu’s Gravity Field Lock instantly locked down on Shen. The whole process went much smoother than he had expected. There had been no resistance to his locking process at all.

However, Angel Wu was a veteran of over a hundred battles and had steel like will. He revealed no trace of triumph nor did he underestimate his opponent.

Despite receiving the report that his Gravity Field Lock had successfully taken effect, the blade swing by Angel Wu’s mech did not slow down in the slightest.

This opponent of his was the infamous Guild Leader of Thorned Flower Guild, the legendary ‘Shen’. He was well aware that a mere 80 tonnes was insufficient to inflict any fatal injury upon an [S] class powerhouse.

Angel Wu’s thoughts on this were simple. Utilize the Gravity Field Lock to greatly slow down this opponent and weaken his combat power. That was his objective.

The sharp war blade descended.

Only to hit… … thin air.

Shen did not appear affected in the slightest by the Gravity Field Lock skill. His figure flashed and he leisurely made his way out of the blade swing sent his way by Angel Wu’s mech.

The blade bit into the ground and the blue coloured electrical light enveloping the blade hacked a nearby building into two.

Shen, on the other hand, did not simply dodge away from the swing. After disappearing, his figure rushed in a different direction.

He was rushing toward Ronan.

The Guild Leader of Prestige Guild and one of the leading figures of Zero City, Ronan.

The white-haired, red-faced Ronan had the appearance of a mighty old man. In truth, he was far older than his appearance would suggest… considering his level, he naturally had many ways to maintain a youthful appearance. However, he had instead chosen to maintain this appearance of an old man.

Ronan’s entire body glowed with golden light, appearing just like a War God from western legends. The golden light that was encasing his body immediately transformed into an exquisite Western-styled war armour.

Every part of it seemed to have emerged from legends.

Ronan raised his right hand and made a grasping motion. Instantly, a golden coloured spear materialized into his grasp.

No, that was no spear.

That was… … a bolt of lightning.

The white-haired, red-faced Ronan, with the golden coloured Godlike armour upon his body and the bolt of lightning in his hand, at that very moment, he appeared just like the legendary Greek God… Zeus.

God of the Sky, Zeus!

With the bolt of lightning in his hand, Ronan, appearing like the very personification of the legendary God of the Sky, Zeus, hurled the bolt of lightning at Shen.

As the bolt of lightning was charging through the air, it seemingly tore through the fabric of space itself. Black coloured rifts cracked open and they sucked in everything around them. Gravel, sand, concrete, all of them moved toward the cracked rifts.

As for Shen, he continued rushing toward Ronan.

In an act that defied logic, his entire body moved right ‘through’ the bolt of lightning.

It was as though he simply was not a tangible entity, but an illusory silhouette.

The bolt of lightning and his body were superimposed upon each other for a moment before moving away from each other. There was seemingly no damage done to Shen’s figure at all. The only noticeable change was a slight flicker from his body. Next, he continued rushing toward Ronan.

Ronan was slammed by him. Ronan, whose body was clothed in golden coloured armour and radiating an air of majesty, was blasted away like an artillery.

Still enveloped by the golden light, Ronan was blasted a distance of several hundreds of metres away, smashing through countless number of buildings as he did so.

After that, Shen swiftly turned his body around.

At that very moment, Aderick’s sword had arrived before him.

The Guild Leader of the Knights of Darkness and one of the leading figures of Zero City, Aderick.

Clearly, Aderick’s skill was of the darkness attribute. If Chen Xiaolian were here, he would find Aderick’s skill familiar. After all, Qiao Qiao’s skill was a top-ranking darkness attribute skill.

At present however, the power of darkness radiating from Aderick, an [S] class powerhouse, was much more powerful than Qiao Qiao’s.

There was clear lighting there. However, Aderick’s body appeared enveloped within darkness. He seemed to have utilized the power of darkness to create a domain of darkness.

Shadows would befall any place he went. As for his sword, it was imbued with the power of corrosion, devouring, dissipation and various other negative-type powers.

The tip of the sword released a “ding” sound as it struck Shen from behind.

The three leading figures from Zero City had come together to fight against Shen. After three confrontations, they finally succeeded in landing the first hit.

The clear sound was like the ringing sound from a spirit-summoning bell.

However, Aderick’s face quickly sank.

His skill was of the darkness attribute. This sword attack from him was imbued with his power of darkness. It should not have stabbed this enemy’s body. Instead, it should have directly struck the enemy’s soul.

It was similar to how Qiao Qiao was able to ignore the tangible form and attack using dematerialization attacks when she was fighting last time.

At that moment, Aderick’s sword should have pierced ‘through’ Shen’s body. That was how it would be able to inflict damage on Shen’s soul.

Yet, at that very moment, his sword strike appeared no different from an ordinary sword strike as it stabbed into the outer metal suit that Shen was wearing.

After landing a hit on Shen, Aderick’s hand shook. Shen then turned his head around. Despite how close they were to each other, Shen was able to take the time to smile.

“Soulstrike? Guild Leader Aderick’s most prized skill.” Shen looked Aderick in the eye and said, “How unfortunate… … I have no soul.”

Aderick was taken aback. However, as a battle-hardened leader, he was quick to react. Since his attack had failed, he quickly followed up with a different manoeuvre. The tip of his sword jumped like a venomous snake as it shot toward Shen’s face. At the same time, Aderick used his left hand to move his cloak. The cloak swept upward to engulf Aderick, who stepped backward and disappeared into the darkness of the cloak.

In the next instant, Aderick’s body disappeared only to reappear from within a sphere of darkness tens of metres away.

He had not intended to harm his enemy with the move, only to create some distance between him and the enemy.

The teleportation through the use of physical dematerialization appeared successful. However, as Aderick was about to step out from the darkness, he felt something. Turning around, he saw a hand gripping the corner of his cloak within the darkness.

Shen had followed Aderick and was now beside him. Aderick’s face contorted greatly and his body released a “bang” as his body transformed into a clump of black coloured smoke. The black coloured smoke rushed forward to engulf Shen’s body. Next, the power of darkness attacked.

The smooth outer surface of Shen’s metal suit was instantly eroded and countless cracks appeared on it. Black coloured flames also began bursting forth from the surface of his body.

Shen stood in the middle of the black flames. He observed what was happening and said in a smiling manner, “Is this the Guild Leader of the Knights of Darkness Guild’s power of darkness? Truly, how… … disappointing.”

The fair skin on Shen’s face was quickly aging away. However, the light in his eyes remained unaffected.

After several cracking sounds, the metal suit he wore broke apart. Aderick suddenly reappeared tens of metres away from Shen. However, Aderick was empty handed. He turned to see the clump of black smoke on Shen’s body. The black smoke had surprisingly transformed into the long sword that Aderick was wielding.

The sword flashed about amid the black smoke swirling around Shen’s body as it continuously corroded Shen’s body.

At that moment, Angel Wu entered the fray once more. He raised his war blade and shouted at the same time, “Aderick, move!”

Aderick rapidly took several steps backward, putting a distance of hundreds of metres between him and Shen. Then, he saw Angel Wu’s mech standing behind Shen. Its war blade was raised up… …

A wondrous spectacle soon appeared up in the sky above Shen.

Up in the sky, something instantly appeared. It was something black… …

A black hole!

“Gravity Max!”

The powerful gravitational forces imposed by the black hole sucked in the broken metal fragments on Shen’s body. As for Shen, the light in his eyes shone even brighter.

Under the effects of the powerful gravitational force imposed by the black hole, Shen’s body appeared incapable of moving.

At the same time, Ronan, who was blasted far away, returned. He charged back, his body maintaining the Godlike figure of Zeus and his hand once again hurled another bolt of lightning that was capable of rending space.

This bolt of lightning struck Shen from behind and pierced through him.


After the bolt of lightning pierced through Shen’s body, an explosion erupted. Amid the shining light and electrical discharge, Shen’s body was seemingly torn apart before the black hole sucked in whatever remained.

“We, did we get him?”

Angel Wu’s voice came from the mech. He sounded ragged as the mech landed on the ground. Even so, the large mech appeared to be staggering.

The Gravity Field Lock skill that he maintained all this time and the Gravity Max skill he just used to create the black hole were all initiated at maximum settings. Although Angel Wu’s mech was a top-grade equipment, it still consumed a great deal of his own strength.

Ronan did not appear any better. His face that was original reddish was now pale.

Aderick appeared even worst. After the clump of black smoke disappeared, the knightly sword reappeared in his hand. However, cracks and lines were now evident upon the surface of sword’s blade.

Although the earlier fight was a short one, these three leading figures had not held back at all. They had attacked with everything they had.

Holding back against an [S] class opponent was no different from committing suicide.

Thus, all three of them had unleashed their full power during their very first confrontation.

“We… … seem to have finished him off?” Ronan was panting. Just now, he had suffered a strike from Shen and was sent flying. It would appear that he took quite some damage from the attack. Blood could be seen on his white beard.

“You coughed out blood?” asked Angel Wu with a frown.

“I won’t die from this.” Ronan shook his head.

Aderick’s face however, was extremely ugly to behold. He jerked his head up to look at the sky and his face sank. “No! I can feel the emanations of a vigorous life force coming from there! It… … it is that guy!”

As Aderick was raising his head, a mote of light appeared in the sky. Next, it transformed into a body.

It was Shen’s figure. He appeared in the middle of the air before landing in between the three of them.

There was a smile on his face.

“The three titans joining hands… … what a pity, you fellows are not as strong as I had imagined.” Shen laughed and the sapphire like eyes of his narrowed into slits. “I, feel very disappointed.”

Angel Wu’s mech detected a massive buildup in strength and he hastily shouted, “Back!”

At the same time, he activated his mech’s defensive shield to maximum power.

Angel Wu moved his mech, taking a few steps forward to place himself before the injured Ronan.

However, at the next instant…

Shen, who was standing in between them, suddenly disappeared.

Only to reappear before Ronan.

Time itself seemingly came to a standstill.

No, it would be more accurate to say that the rules governing time itself had lost its hold.

Angel Wu was still on the move. Ronan too, reacted. However, Ronan had only managed to move his shoulder slightly when a hand pressed down upon his chest armour.

Shen’s fingertip gave what appeared to be a light tap.

Ronan’s chest armour became indented and blood sprayed out from this mighty old man’s back.

At that moment, Angel Wu had only managed to take one step forward.

Ronan fell to the ground as Shen disappeared once more.

Aderick was in the middle of raising his cloak, seemingly in an attempt to escape into the darkness once more. This time however, just as he was raising up his cloak, a beam of light shone forward.

Aderick’s cloak of darkness was cleaved apart.

As for Shen, he was standing before Aderick with his left hand raised, index finger pointing out.

Shockingly, his index finger was flashing with… … a powerful holy light.

The torn cloak of darkness transformed into black coloured flames and Aderick gave a grunt – the cloak of darkness he wore was condensed using his own power. Destroying the cloak was the equivalent of harming him.

Even an [S] class opponent would find it hard to accomplish something like that. At this moment however, this opponent had used just one finger to casually accomplish the feat.

It was as though a siege hammer had slammed Aderick as he sprayed out a mouthful of blood. In but an instant, he felt his own soul being crumpled.

Unexpectedly, Shen then ignored Aderick…

Angel Wu’s mech now had its defensive shield at full power. He looked outside to see Shen floating in the air, looking at him at the same eye level.

Next, Shen sent a slap toward Angel Wu’s mech… …

Like a tennis ball, Angel Wu’s mech was instantly sent flying… … into the sky… … …

Ronan fell to the ground. As for Aderick, he released a grunt before releasing another spray of blood. Next, he fell to one knee on the ground.

Angel Wu’s mech fell from the sky and slammed straight through a six-storey building, destroying it in the process.

Shen’s figure landed and he looked at his three opponents.

“He… … how could he be, so strong?!”

Blood continued trickling down Aderick’s mouth. He attempted to stand up, but was able to sense a powerful holy power crashing around within his body. His own power of darkness was agitated by this holy power to the point where he nearly lost all his strength.

Ronan was in the worst shape. His chest armour had disappeared and a portion of his chest had caved in.

Angel Wu’s mech crawled up from the rubble of the destroyed building and he forced the mech to raise its head. When he did so, he saw a scene that nearly made him mentally collapse.

Shen’s eyes darted casually between Aderick and Ronan. It seemed as though he was making a simple choice.

Next, Shen walked until he was beside Ronan.

He looked at this leading figure from Zero City who was lying on the ground and had lost the ability to move.

“I am very sorry. I am not someone who loves killing. However, I had made an oath to myself. Once I take action, I must take a life. This is my rule, a rule that cannot be broken.”

After saying that, Shen gave a sigh and he pointed gently with his finger…


Ronan’s head burst apart.

“[S] class is only at this level, eh?”

Shen shook his head.

Angel Wu could sense it. Shen, who was standing in the distance, turned to look at him. After making eye contact…

Shen disappeared.

His figure simply disappeared.

Angel Wu struggled to control his mech. It crawled out from the debris and stood up. However, just as the mech managed to stand…


The left arm of the mech fell off the mech’s body and onto the ground.

Next, the mech fell once again.

Due to the connection between Angel Wu and the special angel mech that was heavily damaged, he could feel the searing pain within his mind. Angel Wu clenched his teeth until blood trickled down from his mouth.

At that moment, there was only one thought coursing through his mind.


How could he be so strong?!

The muscular driver was looking into the distance using a pair of binoculars when Shen’s figure suddenly appeared behind him.

“Guild Leader? You’re back?”

The muscular driver quickly moved over.

Shen checked his surroundings and shook his head.

The muscular driver’s face instantly flickered. He waved his hand and a large War Bastion swiftly materialized, enveloping the two of them within it.

It was only after that did Shen’s body shook. The metal suit on his body broke apart and fell off his body.

Tens of wounds could be seen on Shen’s body and blood flowed down from the wounds.

“Sir! You, you were hurt?” The muscular driver was shocked.

Shen smiled in response and said, “Suffering this little amount of injury after going up against three [S] class powerhouses is a good enough result.”

He stretched his waist. Ignoring the increasingly bleeding wounds on his body, he walked to the side and brought out a bottle of wine from some unknown spot. Biting the cork out, he then took a gulp.

“This is just a spare outfit-type equipment and I am unable to fully utilize my strength. There is nothing to be shocked about these little injuries.” Shen cast a glance at his panicking subordinate.

In one breath, he then gulped down the entire contents of the bottle.

At the same time, the wounds on his body automatically disappeared.

Within Shen’s eyes was a deep sense of… …


Indeed, that was clearly an expression of disappointment.

“They… … are still too weak. Nowhere near the level that I had hoped. Such weaklings, how could… … sigh!”

1 Angel Wu’s name is ‘武天使’. The character ‘武’ (wǔ) translates to ‘military’.?

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