
Chapter 3.9

Although the first time he led his army to attack various towns was merely an excuse for him to slip into the city and treat Osmund, hence resulting in a defeat due to lack of a commander present, the second time his troops march out, he manages to obtain a splendid victory.

The undead army is an existence feared by all living beings, for as the casualties of war grow, so too, does its numbers. Unable to be completely eliminated, impossible to extinguish. As a result, necromancy is classified as a taboo magical art across the continent. Anyone found practising it will face execution. Over a period of time, the art of necromancy inches closer to extinction.

Faced with the hatred of countless masses on a daily basis, Sui Yuan feels extremely pressured at being the object of abhorrence. Nonetheless, as an actor who spares no effort and is willing to bend backwards in order to adhere to his character, even if he is not satisfied with the role he is forced to play, Sui Yuan will continue working towards his goal with a single-minded dedication.

At the head of his army, Sui Yuan continuously crushes town after town. Corpses are resurrected and integrated into his forces, ordinary citizens are driven into the dark lands as labour slaves. Captured warriors and mages are transformed by his dark magic, joining the ranks as his elite subordinates.

Step by step, the foundations of the Dark Kingdom are gradually established. Their borderlines continuously extend outwards, edging towards the fringe of Obsidian City, foreshadowing the day a great battle will begin.

At the same time, he doesn’t stop having eyes and ears stationed across the continent to bring back any news or rumours about the male and female leads.

"What did you say?!" Sui Yuan abruptly jerks, his sudden movement overturning the cup of blood-red wine in his hand.

"This subordinate said..." The dark mage cautiously peeks through his eyelashes to gauge Sui Yuan’s expression. A trace of fear in his voice, he deferentially replies, "There is hearsay...that the swordswoman Aurora and the Holy Son of the Heavenly race are in love with each other."

Sui Yuan’s eyes widen in shock, sharing the same disbelieving look with 5237 hovering at his side. This good news is too sudden! So sudden that they don’t dare believe their ears!

"Truly?!" Sui Yuan presses.

"......It is only a rumour." Seeing their calm and apathetic Boss momentarily lose his cool, the mage abruptly recalls another rumour pertaining to Nardred and Osmund being lovers before all this happened. Hesitantly, he continues, "It is said that Aurora was constantly at Osmund’s side when the latter was suffering from a grave injury. Having gone through trying periods together, feelings started to develop. In addition, Aurora was already harbouring a crush on Osmund long before this, hence, the two of them..."

Pausing in uncertainty, the dark mage eventually gets the rest of his report out. "According to the information I received, Osmund rejected the arranged marriage set by the Heavenly race for Aurora - "

"He truly is a bastard!" A dark swordsman standing off to the side interrupts the mage with a loud curse, tone extremely disdainful. "The Heavenly race are a bunch of sanctimonious bastards! What Holy Son! He is no more than a pile of dog excrement! Completely unworthy of Our Majesty!"

Sui Yuan lifts a hand, waiting until his subordinates quieten before using it to cover his lower face, leaving a pair of scarlet red eyes to glint sinisterly in the dim light. "Enough. All of you, get out."

"Your Majesty - " The dark mage and swordsman call out at the same time in worry, only for Sui Yuan to turn on them with a frosty glare. "Leave!"

No one dares to protest further, simply bowing obediently and retreating out the door. Until he is sure he is all alone, Sui Yuan jumps up from the throne, punching the air in glee, feeling incomparably excited.

He couldn’t break character in from of his subordinates, but trying to contain this elation is really exhausting ah!

"5237! Did you hear that?! The male and female lead really got together!" Sui Yuan cheers inwardly as he bounces around the throne room in exultation, so happy that he can weep in joy.

5237 stares dazedly at the far wall, then slowly turns its body to face Sui Yuan. "Really? Could it simply be a false rumour? I feel that this development is somehow not quite right ah...?"

"I would rather believe this news is real! Besides, if it is fake, they wouldn’t dare let me know about this rumour!" Sui Yuan refuses to let 5237 rain on his parade. "Say, since the male and female lead is a couple now, does that mean I should prepare for that important scene?"

"Which scene?" 5237 asks absently, still staring foolishly off in the distance.

"The one where I kidnap the female lead, make the male lead rescue her and all that." Sui Yuan nods firmly once. "This is as important a task as attacking towns ah!"

"......All right, if you feel it is feasible," 5237 agrees, happily accepting this plan. "In any case, if it is real, then it will be for the best. If it is false, we also wouldn’t suffer any losses, right?"

"Exactly!" Sui Yuan smiles, then proceeds to draw up plans for the siege of Obsidian City, where he will snatch the female lead away in the midst of battle.

- This is the first time the storyline of the world is firmly on track ah. The anticipation is killing him!

With an ice-cold look plastered firmly on his face to conceal his excitement, Sui Yuan goes over the war plans time and again, studying everything in utmost detail, pinpointing the slightest flaws and building on strengths. Seeing his diligent and meticulous attitude for the first time since he became ruler of the Dark Kingdom, his subordinates are extremely nervous. Amongst the ranks of his army, whispers of “battle for vengeance” spread quickly, spurring on the soldiers’ morale.

However, all talk of this siege on Obsidian City is due to the Holy Son abandoning his old flame for a new love and hurting their Boss’ heart, Sui Yuan knows nought of it...

At long last, the day of battle arrives.

The undead army that has already grown to more than ten thousand surrounds Obsidian City’s walls, encircling the place so thoroughly that not a single drop of water can trickle through. From his position up high, he overlooks the black-armoured troops that look like so many locusts surging forth, striking as hard as possible against the unyielding fort. Time and again, his attention will be drawn towards the exceptionally conspicuous Osmund and Aurora.

Raising his sceptre, dazzling, golden light magic shoots forth, scorching every undead it falls upon, causing them to shriek and dissipate into clouds of black mist. Wielding a broadsword almost as tall as herself, Aurora lands devastating strike after strike, beheading groups of walking corpses with every swing of that enormous blade.

Seeing his army fail to overcome the city’s frontlines even after all this while, Sui Yuan is unsurprised. Murmuring an incantation under his breath, the bone dragon he is riding lifts its skeleton head and roars, shocking the majority of defenders. Unfolding its wings, it kicks off the ground and soars into the air.

Higher and higher it rises, before the legendary bone dragon tucks its limbs close to its skeletal body and dives down, resembling a massive artillery shell. It rams into the tough, towering city wall with a giant boom, creating a hole for the undead army outside to pour through. In the split-second before his mount collides with the wall, Sui Yuan nimbly leaps off its back, landing lightly on the merlon of the undestroyed portion. A black blade appears in his hand, sinking into the stomach of the nearest soldier.

The man collapses, dead before he hits the ground. However, he doesn’t stay that way for long. Just as his companion rushes forward, intending on catching him, the dead man’s sword skewers the other through his chest. Thick, black mist congeals around the bleeding wound. The first victim rises unsteadily to his feet and shuffles forward, movement jerky like a puppet on strings, ignoring the frightened calls of the other defenders. In the end, it is comrade against comrade.

The terrible art of necromancy fused with dark magic is the nightmare of every living being.

Taking in the situation with an apathetic gaze, the corners of Sui Yuan’s mouth curve into an evil arc. Turning his head, he spots Aurora, meeting her eyes at the exact same moment she looks over.

Thinking about his plans to abduct Aurora, Sui Yuan doesn’t hesitate to dart towards the female lead. Instead of lifting her sword to meet his attack, however, she merely smiles, not attempting to dodge either.

The black blade halts less than a centimetre away from her throat and freezes, neither advancing nor withdrawing. Cold sweat breaks out all over Sui Yuan’s body as he realises he nearly killed the female lead this time. In his heart, he can’t help scolding the male and female leads. All so eager for death! Idiots! Is it so difficult to lift your weapons and fight back against the supporting male lead?!

Just as Sui Yuan is busy cursing inwardly, Aurora’s fingers wrap around his armed right hand, sighing as though a burden has been lifted from her shoulders. "You appeared at last, Nardred..."

Sui Yuan stiffens, somewhat mystified.

"Did you know? Osmund and I never gave up searching for you." Aurora stares at him with soft eyes. "We’ve lost count of how many undead army we have faced, but each time, we never catch a single glimpse of you. We know you are hiding from us, which is why we came up with a small scheme."

"...What scheme?" Sui Yuan suddenly has a bad premonition.

"We released false information, saying that Osmund and I are in love. If you still harbour affection for Osmund, you will definitely not ignore this rumour, and will come to find us in order to verify the truth." Aurora’s smile carries a sliver of mischief and pride in her plan succeeding. "Sure enough, you came."

His heart thumps in warning. Sui Yuan’s eyes widen a fraction and wills himself to dodge out of the way immediately. However, he is a second too late. Brilliant, gleaming chains wind tightly around his body, holding him immobile. No matter how much power he exerts, he is incapable of breaking the binds.

"What do you want to do?!" Sui Yuan growls lowly, his mind in turmoil. Where did the plot go?! This scene isn’t meant to happen!!

"I’m sorry..." Osmund appears beside him, spreading his arms and wrapping Sui Yuan in a tight embrace. Long, platinum-gold hair dances in the breeze, anguished azure eyes contrite but unwavering. "I am sorry, I deceived you."

"You want to capture me, for purification?!" Sui Yuan yells hatefully.

"Yes," Osmund answers. "I am unwilling to watch you continue down this path of corruption. No matter if it is due to my identity as the Holy Son of the Heavenly race, or because..." He leans in and kisses Sui Yuan’s cheek softly. "...Or because of my love for you..."

Sui Yuan: "......QAQ"

At this very moment, Sui Yuan desperately wants to scream out a single sentence: The plot has already become something even its own mother can’t recognise so spare me aaahhhhhh - !!!

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