
Chapter 294 Goodbye, Summoner’s World!

Chapter 294 Goodbye, Summoner\'s World!

294 Goodbye, Summoner\'s World!

However, Dante was only amused by them and did not have any plans to punish these petulant children. Rather, using the sheer superior force of his soul power, he stripped away the barriers around the platforms that prevented one from seeing within unless the Divine Beasts themselves gave approval.

Being stripped naked like this, the various divine beasts were furious and embarrassed, but after what had just happened, and what they could see, they did not have the guts to make noise about it.

Dante then looked through them, including the remaining 24 who had ignored him, even the last time he came and showed much potential. The original 25 who sent applications were Truth, Timeless, Infinity, Silence, Law, Soul, Paradox, Balance, Oblivion, Anti-matter, Fate, Fortune, Power, World, Devourer, Wild, Ascension, Justice, War, Love, Wisdom, Hope, Despair, Faith, and Success.

Dante had taken Truth, War, and Faith.

The new 24 were Freedom, Beauty, Peace, Knowledge, Vengeance, Imagination, Dreams, Emotion, Consciousness, Change, Empowerment, Decay, Miracles, Evolution, Divinity, Quintessence, Enlightenment, Counter, Synchronization, Order, Chaos, Creation, Destruction, and finally, the big fella at the back was called Cosmic.

Standing over them, Dante perused them like he was an old auntie in the supermarket looking through produce. The Divine Beasts felt humiliated by his casual glance, but the current Dante was not someone they could resist.

And was he someone they even wanted to resist? The current him could make all their dreams come true and shoot them to the fabled I()-star in no time.


They felt like ambivalent young maidens who wanted their boy crush to lean in for the kiss without being told, all the while outwardly acting in a rebutting manner. This made these dignified beasts feel miraculously deep down, unsure of how to describe their current feelings.

Dante looked through and thought carefully. He wanted 3 beasts with offensive power, 3 beasts with defensive power, 3 beasts with supporting powers, and the 1 Dorothy who served a miscellaneous use.

Bernard and Levi fell into the category of support. As such, for the final support beast, Dante grabbed and captured the Synchronization Beast. It was in the form of a yin-yang fish that was part black and part white.

Its ability was Synchronicity, allowing Dante to transfer some of his abilities and powers onto others and vice versa. However, since Dante had the ability to create hellfire demons, this aspect of it was not very useful for him.

However, he could now establish a solid network through this beast, allowing others to access things to communicate with him cross-world. One time in the past, he lamented that his protagonist growth plan was flawed because the \'system shop\' could not function autonomously like in most novels.

As for sharing things like superpowers and abilities from quantum entanglement, especially, you should know it was out of the question. The best Dante could share from his body was a portion of his stats.

Why a portion? Well, not everyone had perfected genes granted perfectly by Porunga himself. A sudden load of power would shatter their bodies and cause them to explode.

Don\'t forget, the standard was to have a maximum of 500 SDI average in the Eternal Universe without superpowers. Only superpowers could allow one to break that limit.

As for the offensive beasts, Dante grabbed Anti-matter, Oblivion, and Soul. Destruction did not appeal to him because he could cast magic with similar effects from the Magus power system.

Antimatter was a small bat with a shonen-like aura around it, Oblivion was shaped like a miniature black hole, and Soul was just a floating cloud of greenish-blue mist.

For the defensive beasts, Dante grabbed Balance, Counter, and Infinity. He could also have chosen Creation or Imagination here, but they did not appeal to him much because Dante could predict their limitations based on established patterns.

Balance was a small yellow bell that floated along, two red dots forming what should be its eyes. Counter was a honey badger that was standing upright and posed like a battle monk, its arms and legs wrapped in bandages. Infinite was a fat pufferfish-like entity that seemed to swell to infinitude.

When Dante made his choices, he didn\'t even look at the other divine beasts before taking his soul tether out of the summoning space. Those top beasts like Order, Chaos, Creation, and Destruction that had never given Dante a second look were left red-faced and furious at being indirectly rejected.

However, the anger calmed as their faces changed. They looked behind them at the largest platform where their overall boss stayed, the Cosmic Beast! This fellow\'s ability was to create a miniature universe that could grow, standing at the peak of Divine Beasts.

Still, even it had been left hanging by Dante, something that made the others realize the problem. The Cosmic Beast was just as stunned and furious as they were, expecting Dante to choose it, which would allow it to \'reluctantly\' follow him.

But what was this?

It couldn\'t even hate from outside of the club... because it

couldn\'t even get in?!

The divine summoning space had become very awkward,

and no one spoke within for a very, very long time.


As for Dante, he concluded his final summoning ceremony and spawned his 7 new beasts above the summoning circle. Given the size of them, the place got crowded quickly, but that was not a problem for the elders by the side who were excited to just be here.

Dante was amused by their behavior and openly laughed at them, making the excited elders blush with embarrassment. Dante collected his seven beasts first and decided to chat with them after they entered reality and were \'updated\'.

For now, he had to resolve some bits of karma. He turned to the elders and spoke softly.

"The Holy Saint Summoners faction has raised me for so long, and it will always be my home in this world."

Dante then sighed. "However, you have all been aware from the start that one like me is an anomaly in the world. From my great soul power to my continuous divine summons, I am not someone meant to flounder in this world."

The excited elders settled down and became quiet. Many of them had discussed things in meetings over the months

that Dante was away, having a headache as to how to

maintain their Saint Child when he matured.

Because this was no longer a Saint Child, but the reincarnation of a god from some divine world. Unlike the Apocalypse World where natives had an idea of descending students, the True Martial, Magus, and Summoner\'s Worlds - despite being shared worlds - had no clue about students.

To them, Dante was a true native, which was why the background input was necessary. Still, despite this, his growth was just too fast and too terrifying for them to rationalize, and theywere the number 1 faction in the world!

"I feel a calling from a higher plane. One must achieve a complete set of divine summons to be qualified for this calling, and I believe Immortal-level summons must exist in this world," Dante continued as he gazed upward. The faces of the elders changed greatly. Many showed yearning as they pictured the world Dante talked about, something that many had speculated to exist in the world but never found to be real.

However, with Dante confirming it, they couldn\'t help but feel regret that they weren\'t talented enough to qualify, and that the conditions were so stringent. Still, they also felt happy to know that their Saint Child qualified.

Dante chuckled. "Don\'t look so sad. When I become strong enough, it will be possible for me to descend and bring you all up with me. At that time, you will all undergo a rebirth of sorts."


Suddenly, the master of the faction appeared, an aged man with a long beard that seemed to billow in the wind, and nodded toward Dante.

"Go in peace, young one. Remember where you came from and where you want to go," he said simply, his tone full of support.

"Naturally," Dante stated before subtly casting a spatial spell.

Suddenly, grand phenomena occurred that shook the entire world, a heavenly pillar of light falling on the Holy Saint Summoners faction that caused everyone to rush over quickly. They wanted to see what was going on this time.

Eventually, they saw Dante ascending to the heavens through the heavenly pillar, countless majestic phenomena appearing around him. This naturally left all onlookers stunned and confused as they watched in silence, right up to the moment he disappeared.

In the end, they murmured among themselves before surrounding the Holy Saint Summoners in a bid to get answers. Naturally, the Holy Saint Summoners did not see the need to hold anything back and revealed all the information to the public.

Hearing about it, those who still harbored grudges with the Holy Saint Summoners and specifically Dante after the slaughter of many top faction leaders felt a chill in their hearts. Not only could they never see vengeance, now they had to be wary of him returning to slaughter them casually.


Meanwhile, Dante naturally redeemed his account in the Summoner\'s World since he was done with it.

[Supercoin Settlement for Dante.

World Name: The Summoner\'s World

World Type: Shared (5% Score Bonus)(90% reduction for high starting point)


Online Time: 00:30:11 (F- Rank)

Monster Kills: 0 (F- Rank)

Player Kills: O (F- Rank)

Native Kills: 13 (EX Rank)

Summoner Rank: 1-star Beginner Summoner (F- Rank)

Highest Beast Quality: Divine (EX Rank)

Highest Beast Rank: 10-star (EX Rank)

Reputation: A Saint Child who created a timeless legend of

Divinity and Ascension. (EX+ Rank)

Final Score: SS+ Rank

Payout: 2,250,000 Supercoins (bonus added)]

His original payout should have been 22,500,000 with the 5% bonus added, but the 90% reduction was a severe punishment indeed. Anyway, he had been forewarned by the system, and he didn\'t much care because his Supercoin balance only ever went up, not down.

Whatever the case, he settled down at home and called out all his ten beasts. Levi, Bernard, and Dorothy introduced themselves before Dante bluntly told his newly summoned beasts that he dealt with names, not titles.

The beasts looked at each other and began to share what they felt they should be called.

"Please call us Synkoi," the Synchronization Beast asked in a half-male, half-female voice, the male voice coming from the white yang fish and the female coming from the black yin fish.

"I would like to go by Killian," the bat-like antimatter beast said in a cold, sinister voice.

"For me, Blacko would do," the black hole Oblivion Beast said; how it spoke, no one knew.

"Hmm, I would go for Weaver," the cloudy Soul Beast said in a soft, infantile voice.

"Call me Brium," the Balance Beast, which was like a bell, said in a similarly childish voice, that was high-pitched.

"The way that is known is not the way, and the way that is not known is the way. Call me Dao," the honey badger posed like a battle monk, spoke in a profound voice.

"Well then, call me Biggie," the Pufferfish said in a joyous voice filled with amiability.

Dante nodded with satisfaction. "I will cultivate you guys to the 10-star rank so that you can begin to execute your duties for me."

He then let the superpower update them, which took a few hours like usual. Dante spent this time transferring soul power over, so even as they were incapacitated, they were still rapidly making progress.

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