
Chapter 514 - Trinity - Back Home (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 514 - Trinity - Back Home (VOLUME 3)




The moment that we drove through the gates back at our castle, back at our home, I felt an immense wave of relief wash over me. There was no more threat. There was no more danger. All we needed to do was live our lives and be happy together. That was the most perfect part of it all. We got to just be us.

We have been so busy lately. Things had been so hectic, that I was looking forward to a few days of just resting and relaxing at home with my family. And the moment we pulled up to the castle doors I saw that family waiting for us. Mom, Dad, Grandfather, Noah, Nikki, Elias, even Carter, Emmalee, and CJ were all there to greet us. But so were our friends: Juniper, Paul and their twins, Dietrich was there to see his husband with their four babies, Rawlynne and her daughter was there for David, Falena and her son for Shane, Heather and the five kids for Vincent, everyone was here to see the ones that they loved.

"Oh my Goddess. I am so happy you're home." Mom squealed and ran to me when I got out of the car with Rika. Come here and give me a hug." She didn't hug me though, she took Rika and when Reece got out of the car with Reagan, Dad took him in a similar fashion.

"We missed you so much." Dad said as he squeezed his grandson.

"I can see that." I laughed at them as they continued their hugging.

The moment that the others were getting out of the vehicles there was a squeal of delight from so many of the others.

"Daddy!" That one word was repeated several times. Shawn's four babies were in the lead as all the kids started running toward the men who had been away from them for so long.

I knew that I had kept them away from their families for a long time. That was horrible of me. I was such a bad friend. But it was not like I had much of a choice in the matter. The case had to be solved.

Still, seeing all these children cling to their fathers as they hugged them tight, their mates standing close by as well, waiting for their turn for hugs, it melted my heart.

"I am sorry. All of you." I wanted to cry as I watched them.

"What for?" Dietrich looked at me as he tried to comprehend what it was that I was apologizing for.

"I kept all my men away from their families for so long. That was a terrible thing to do. I am so sorry."

"Trinity? We had work to do." Vincent just looked at me like that was obvious.

"I know but look how sad the children are. They missed all of you so much."

As I said that I watched as Shawn's four babies clung to him and refused to let go. When he finally managed to stand, it was with Levi clinging to his back, Luka hanging from his neck with his arms wrapped around him tightly, and Alexandria and Alyssa in his arms. He could manage the weight of them all just fine, it was the space to carry them all as they held fast to him that he was struggling with.

"This was the life that we all signed up for. We knew this was the way that things were going to be, and we were all prepared for that." Shane was the one that spoke up this time.

"Yeah, we're not upset about this at all, Trinity. This was how we knew it would be." Falena agreed with her mate about it as well.

"You guys are the best guards and friends that I could ever have."

I was barely able to hold the tears back then, and when one of them slipped out and rolled down my cheek, Reagan reached out with his little hand and wiped it away for me.

"No cry, Mama. We love you." That little gesture, that sweet little voice saying those words, they meant so much more to me that Reagan could have ever known.

"I love you too, baby boy." I couldn't help but smile as I took him in my arms and hugged him.

"Yeah, Trinity, we all love you." Juniper, feeling left out, came over and hugged me tightly.

"Yup, we love Astro so much." Paul added his arms to me, and I broke down and became a blubbering mess. I couldn't help it. I was being shown so much that it was melting my heart. I hadn't realized how much I had missed everyone that I loved until this very moment. I had needed their words, I had needed their hugs, I had needed their love.

With the reunion over with, we went inside and settled back into our daily life. All of our guards and knights went to their homes with their families or back to the barracks. Landon went to the Noble tower to start packing up some of Trevor's things since our friend, the bear, stayed behind at the Fae compound. I hoped that Landon would find his mate soon, he seemed so lonely.

A few days after we got home, over the weekend, we called our friends and family back over so that they could join us for the Christmas gifts that we hadn't been able to open or give to them to open. It was time for our Christmas do over.

All the kids in our life got something, and so did the adults. We had so much love to give, and the resources as well, that we wanted to make sure that no one went without on this day. It turned into a wonderful experience where they all stayed for lunch and dinner, not wanting to let it end.

The adults talked and shared information about what had happened over the time that we were gone. The kids all played and had fun until they fell asleep amongst their gifts. That was a scene that we made certain to get a picture of. So many little sleeping faces together was such a sweet photo.

Looking at all of them, I had to wonder: how could I ever want anything other than this peace and joy in my life?

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