
Chapter 615 - 32- Trinity – Another Door Part 2 (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 615 - 32- Trinity – Another Door Part 2 (VOLUME 4)




I forced myself to ignore everything that the voice had ever said to me while I walked away from the office. I pushed all thoughts of that voice away as I continued on my path. I was nowhere near done searching this castle for my exit. And if I didn\'t find my exit inside, then I would leave here and search the grounds, then the city, the state, the entire country. I wouldn\'t rest until I got home to my family. I wouldn\'t rest until I could let them all know that I was never going to leave them.

I didn\'t let my constant failure discourage me. Each room that I searched that didn\'t have the way back home was just one more step closer to finding that door. I was not going to look at it as another missed opportunity but rather another stone on the path to my success.

I moved on throughout the entire castle. I searched the throne room, the various ballrooms, the dining rooms, kitchens, sitting rooms, meeting rooms, storage rooms, everywhere. And still I found nothing at all. I moved onto the daycare tower and found nothing in there either.

"I will find something, sooner or later. I just know that I will." I spoke with conviction, determination, and just a little bit of frustration. "I won\'t give up."

I started to search the two underground garages and the very large wine cellar that was under the castle. I was getting hopeful now, since I was running out of places to check in the castle. I was getting to the point that I just knew I had to find something.

The garages were empty, aside from the black and white cars that did me no good right now. And I mean that literally. I wasn\'t able to take the keeps from the hooks and I wasn\'t able to open the doors to get inside of them. So, I couldn\'t use the cars to travel the outside world easier. Not even Reece\'s dune buggy could be used, and that didn\'t need a door opened to get inside of it. Still, I wasn\'t able to climb into the driver\'s seat.

The wine cellar offered me even less options, if that was possible. The room was naturally dark, but there were no subterranean windows that gave light to this room. It was pure dark and, therefore, impossible for me to see in. That was pissing me off too. I was supposed to have some night vision but that didn\'t seem to be working here at all either.

"There is absolutely nowhere inside this castle that will get me home." I sighed, just a little bit of dejection entering my voice before I pulled myself together. "Alright, that just means that I need to search outside."

I marched out of the wine cellar and back toward the main floor of the castle. It was taking me a lot less time than it used to, either the atmosphere here was thinning or my body was just used to it more. Either that, or I just wasn\'t letting it have power over me anymore. Either way, I was happy to be moving mostly freely.

When I went outside, I saw that it was bright and sunny out, just like it had been the day that I had ended up here. I even found myself needing to shield my eyes from the sun, even though it was in black and white like everything else, it was still bright and blinding. I think that was actually making me feel a little bit better. Now, if only the air tasted sweet and helped to calm me down some more. That would make everything seem almost perfect at the moment. That and some color to my surroundings.

I was just about to start walking down the driveway when something caught my eye. I saw someone, or something, starting to move around on the side of the castle. In truth, I don\'t even know how I saw such a slight movement, but it did. And now that I saw it, I wasn\'t about to let it get away from me.

I took off running then. I just spun to my right and ran as hard and as fast as I could toward the side of the castle that was closest to me. I saw, just for a moment, another flash of movement that seemed to be moving away from me.

I saw that movement and I was quick enough to pick up on where it was going. It seemed to me that it was heading to the mountain. Was it trying to climb up the slope to get away from me? Did this person, or this thing, whatever it was, think that I wouldn\'t chase it up the mountain all the way to the top? It was dead wrong if that was what it thought about me.

"There." I said as I changed direction to keep following the thing in front of me. "Over there, under the branches of the trees." The thing that was running was moving fast and was shorter than me but quite a bit. If I had to guess, I would say it was as tall as a child just a little older than Talia. "A child?" I wondered aloud as I thought about the thing that I was chasing. "Am I following them again? Is that what this is?"

I nearly stopped right then and there, not certain if I should actually follow those imps right now. Then again, those imps had saved me from the voice. They had stopped me from following it toward the place that it was trying to take me. They may have gotten me stuck here, but they had actually helped me, in their odd little way.

"I wonder what they want from me now?" I couldn\'t help but be curious as I thought about that.

The moment that I started to contemplate it more, the path that we were on opened up into a bigger one. That was when I saw that I was indeed following the imps. All three of them were here again. They were standing in front of another door.

This time, when I looked at the imps\' faces, I saw that they were indeed more childlike than devilish. They looked like three identical, innocent little boys. And all three of them looked like my Fido.

"OK, I am projecting here. These adorable little imps are looking like Reece because I miss him." I laughed at myself and my absurdity.

While I had been slightly distracted, two of the imps approached me with sweet little grins. Right now, that little face reminded me of Reagan and Rika. They looked so innocent yet so filled with mischief, just like my children.

The two imps that approached me took my hands while looking happily into my eyes. The third imp was still near the door, pointing at it with excited gestures while smiling at me just like the other two boys.

NO! I had to stop imagining that they were children. They weren\'t little kids! They\'re imps. They\'re little creatures that will play tricks on me and cause problems whenever they can. Though, they are helping me right now. Still, that\'s not the point.

The little imp that was still by the door mimed opening it and smiled at me. I don\'t know why, but all three of these imps were completely silent. They didn\'t make any noise at all while they were walking or anything else.

"You want me to go through this door?" I asked the boy in front of me. IMP! I had to remind myself internally not to think it was a child for real. The imp didn\'t say anything, he just nodded his head and continued to point at the door. "Will it take me home?" I asked them and didn\'t like the answer that I got from them. They paused and hesitated, but eventually they did nod at me and indicate that it would. Why did they pause? Why did they act like they didn\'t know for sure? "Fine." I sighed, resigned to the fact that this was my only option.

After taking a deep breath, I opened the door, steeled my nerves, and stepped through to the other side. I mean, what was the worst that could happen?

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