
Chapter 807

Alexio and I had been training with Queen Trinity’s other soldiers over the last few days. We were learning what it was that they did on a regular basis and what it is that we were expected to do.

On top of training, we were learning how to live in this new world. I was happy and excited to be here, but I was also nervous. There was a lot of stuff that I didn’t know. In terms of actually being able to live here, Alexio and I were basically no better than children.

What I mean by us being children is that, before we came to this world, we never had to eat or drink to stay alive. We never had to use the restroom. We never had to sleep. We never had to clean ourselves. We were just the way that we were and nothing else. We did the jobs that we were given and never left our posts. It was a thing that we did all day and all night without a break from the beginning of our existence until the last day of our existence. It wasn’t a life at all, but it was all that we knew. It was an existence, and at the time we were happy.

That all changed now that we were here though. Now that we were in the mortal realm. Now that we were on Earth nothing was the same. We didn’t want to blindly live our lives like the slaves of the gods that we had been.

I wasn’t opposed to serving the gods and doing as I was told to. However, now that I had actually lived, I didn’t want to lose this place. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to find my place in the world. And in doing so, I would still follow the commands of my queen. Trinity was the one that I would serve, that was what I knew for a fact.

Today I was going to go with Alexio to see Queen Trinity. We were, hopefully, going to learn about the magic that she had given us. She had blessed both me and Alexio with magic. We all assumed that the magic was that with which the demons of old used to have. Though, I was too young to remember that magic and I didn’t know what it was at all. Because of this, I was excited, nervous, happy and scared all at the same time while I eagerly awaited my visit with the queen to begin.


At about noon, Alexio and I were guided to meet with Queen Trinity in her room. She was still having trouble moving her body. Not to mention, she was pregnant with those babies that we had seen in the underworld with her. I had never known that a pregnant lady would have a large belly. And that was one thing that Queen Trinity did have. Her belly looked so big and swollen that I didn’t think she would be able to move or stand up at all. It was amazing that the crushing size of that belly hadn’t killed her yet. I was truly shocked when I had seen it for the first time when we arrived here with her.

“Alexio, Rudy, Queen Trinity will see you now.” The man named Gabriel said as he walked out of her room. He was like her right hand man. Or was that Vincent? They were both always there doing what she told them to. She was like their messiah or something. Or that was how I, with my limited knowledge of this world, saw things. I didn’t truly know what I was supposed to think about these two men and their reverence for their queen, but I was happy to see that she was a kind and generous ruler that cared very much for her people. I hoped that one day she would see me and Alexio and her people as well. That was my current dream.

Gabriel opened the door to Queen Trinity’s room and led us inside. I saw the queen sitting up in her bed. She was smiling at us as we walked closer. I was glad to see that she was happy. And also, that she didn’t think that we looked odd in our mortal realm clothing. They were so different from what Alexio and I usually wore that I was always self conscious about it. She didn’t say anything about it as we approached though, so that made me feel a little better about it all.

“It is good to see you two. I hope that all is well.” That smile from Queen Trinity was enough to make me stop being so nervous. I wish that I wasn’t this easily upset with my emotions, there was no reason for it. Why couldn’t I be stronger and tougher like Alexio? He was better with his training than I was and he never seemed to get nervous like me.

“Hello there, Queen Trinity.” Alexio tilted his head to her in a show of respect.

“It is lovely to see you again, Queen Trinity.” I mimicked his movements and greeted her as well.

“I hope you two are adjusting to your new lives here. I am sorry for all the changes that you needed to experience when you got here. I have been told that you are doing exceptionally well though, so that is wonderful.”

“Thank you, it has been a bit of an ordeal at times, but as a whole, I think that things have been just fine. Thank you for your concern.” How was it that Alexio was able to be so damn cool? Why couldn’t I act like that? Dammit! I am so weak.

“Well, I hear that you are the one that wanted this meeting, Alexio. Am I right in assuming that it is because of the magic that I gave you the other day?” She was so smart and so sweet. She was the best queen in the world.

“Indeed, it is, Queen Trinity. I do believe that Rudy and myself need a little bit of instruction in the proper ways of learning to use the magic. We have never done it before after all, so we are not sure where to start.”

“That is understandable. However, it is something that all of my personal guards have needed to learn as well. I will help you learn how to tap into the power, and now that I am rested I can explain a little more about the magic that you received. Specifically, I can tell you what type of magic you have.”

I felt Queen Trinity’s eyes moving over me as she assessed Alexio and me for the types of magic that she had given us. This was a little scary since I felt like she was staring directly into my soul. Wait! Did I even have a soul? I don’t know if I did. And what if I didn’t have a soul? Was I even allowed to be here in this world? Dammit! I was freaking out now.

“Ahh. I see that you both have very similar magic. What you do with it will shape it into what your specialty will be. I don’t mean to sound stereotypical, but it appears demons have more of an affinity for fire than anything else. At least the two of you do. You will be using that for the most part, but there seems to be a smoky, sort of cloudy substance in there as well. That must be the demonic essence.”

“Demonic?” I gulped in fear. “Does that mean we are going to be evil like the humans think we are?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking that question.

“Rudy, if you were going to be evil, I would know it already. For one thing, Vincent and Gabriel would know right away and they would never allow you in here to see me. So, rest assured, Rudy, you are not evil. You are simply what you were made to be. You’re a good person with a kind soul.”

“So, you think I really do have a soul?” I perked up right away upon hearing what she said.

“Yes, you most definitely have a soul. You will be able to feel emotions, you can find love, you can be happy in life. So don’t worry, Rudy. Everything is just fine.”

“Thank you, Queen Trinity.” I couldn’t really express how relieved that made me feel. I was a good person. I had a soul. I was going to be able to live here just fine. And she even told me that I could find love. I could be as happy as she and her king. That would be amazing in my mind.

We talked a little more and Queen Trinity explained to us how we were to tap into our magic. She explained to us that we needed to pull it forward, bring it to the surface of our mind and body. Magic was used with the mind more than anything else, so it was something that we needed to practice a lot to master.

After our meeting was concluded, Alexio and I went to a training field that was specifically designed to be used with magic. It would protect the lands outside of it with a barrier so that nothing and no one was hurt if we got reckless or just couldn’t control our magic.

With the help of Vincent and Shawn, we were learning how to tap into our powers and actually make the magic come out of us. By the end of the day, we were barely able to do anything at all, but we worked on it every single day.

Over time, the two of us got better and better. We were able to set fires. We were able to hold the fire in our hands and it would not burn or hurt us in any way. We were able to cloak ourselves in a sort of fog that we were able to materialize out of nowhere. It was like the fog or mist or whatever it was, literally came from our bodies just to be a camouflage that would help us in fights. There was a lot more that we could do, but we were still learning it all at the time. But I knew one thing for sure, I was happier that I came here with each passing day.

I had friends. I had a place to live my life. I had a purpose. I had magic. I had more things in my life than any other demon that was currently in the underworld had ever thought would be possible. I was living a life I never even imagined was possible. This was amazing.


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