
Chapter 1053 - 1053 Chapter 38- Trinity – Tying Up Loose Ends (VOLUME 6)


“Talia?” I called her and watched her step slowly around Alexio. Now that the sniveling asshole was out of my office, she didn’t feel the need to hide behind her guard anymore. I knew that she had to be feeling more emotions than she was letting on. She had liked the boy, and she found out that he was just using her. That had to hurt.

“Yes, Mom?” She gave me a look that was supposed to be calm and collected, but I wasn’t fooled by it.

“I am sorry, sweetheart.” I stepped closer to her and pulled her into my arms. “I am sorry that you had to go through that.”

“It’s OK, Mom. Really. I was starting to feel strange when I was around him anyway. Something didn’t feel right to me, and I guess now I know why.” She shrugged, but I still kept my arms around her. I was holding her against me and trying to comfort her as best as I could.

“That may be, but I know that this is still hard on you. I know that at least at one point you had feelings for that boy. Even if they were fleeting and didn’t make much sense, you still like him, and this betrayal must hurt you a lot.”

“I..I’m fine.” Her voice shook as she tried to say that, ruining the image that she wanted to show us.


“Talia?” I squeezed her tighter and felt her come apart in my arms.

“Why did he do this to me, Mom? Why did he try to hurt me like this?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart. I don’t know.”

“Talia.” Reece came closer to us, his voice calm and filled with sadness. “I know that it’s not an excuse for what he did to you, there will never be an excuse, but I know that for some people, power corrupts all too easily. He and the others were blinded by the power that they thought they would get from associating with you. They thought that they would be able to manipulate us. But they underestimated us, Talia. They underestimated you. You are strong, smart, and way too good for them. You will bounce back from this, sweetheart. And in the end, you will be a stronger person for it.”

“I don’t want to be stronger because of something like this, Daddy.” She looked over at him. “I would rather that it never happened.”

“I know, sweetheart.” Reece wrapped his arms around us both and squeezed us both in a hug. “I wish I could make it all go away, sweetheart. I truly do. But I can’t and you know that. All we can do is move on and be stronger and better because of it.”

“Yeah, I know.” Talia pulled away from us both. “I am going to go to my room now. I want to be alone.”

“Alright, sweetheart.” I nodded at her. “Alexio, do you mind staying for a moment?”

“Sure. Are you going to be OK without me, Talia?” He asked her as she stepped away.

“Yes, I will be fine. I am just going to my room. You do what you need to.”

“OK.” Alexio nodded at her, but I could see the worry in his eyes. He was a good guard, and he cared deeply for his charge. He aught to, he’s been guarding her most of her life.

After Talia left, I turned to face Reece and Alexio. They both looked at me curiously and I saw how angry and pissed they still were.

“Do you want to go hunting?” I grinned at them. “It seems there are some monsters in England that need our attention.” The way that they both seemed to perk up at that told me they both wanted to get those assholes that were part of this plot. “I will create a door and together the three of us will collect the men that were involved in this little scheme.”

“Sounds good to me.” Reece grinned.

“I would love to join you, Trinity.” Alexio looked like a true demon then, all angry and evil fury that was ready to be unleashed on the world. It’s a good thing that I knew he wasn’t really like that. Or else he wouldn’t be allowed to guard my daughter.

When the door opened into Nigel’s office, there was a bit of a chaotic panic that met us. The people in the room had not been expecting to see three furious people storming into the office. Including Nigel who had not been notified of what was happening.

“Queen Trinity?” I heard Warrick’s voice first. He was standing there behind Nigel like he was a servant. That wasn’t why he was here. He was supposed to be learning more about our people and how to be a good mate to Alyssa if she were to take him back. He was not here to do the Alpha’s bidding.

“Queen Trinity? King Reece? What is going on? Why have you suddenly come to my home?” I could hear the restraint in Nigel’s voice. He was desperately trying not to swear and get angry. He wouldn’t want the repercussions that came from that response.

“We are here to collect some people.” I told him. “There are two of your nephews and four elders that I need to speak with.” I saw that two of the older men in the room paled as they looked at me. “By any chance are either of you William, Charles, Edward or Henry?”

“Huh?” Nigel looked confused. “Those two are Henry and Charles. William and Edward are not here today. And what do you need with them?”

“They are coming with me.” I told Nigel as Reece and Alexio moved toward the men with binding that I had brought with us. They would make it so that the men were unable to escape. “If you value your positive relationship with us, Nigel, you will produce William and Edward. As well as your nephews Ronald and Theodore.”

“Those two?” Nigel spat in disgust. “Those are my wife’s nephews. They are spineless little gits.”

“Well, they are wanted for treason. As are the four elders that I mentioned.” I glared at the man, but a little less so, knowing that he hated those two boys.

“What is going on here?” He asked me with a face that looked completely bewildered and innocent.

“Your son, the four elders, and your two nephews were all involved in a plot to take over my kingdom. Arthur has been arrested and sentenced to prison this evening. You may visit him soon. The others will be joining him.” Nigel paled at my explanation.

“M..my boy? H..he is part of that plan? No, this can’t be.”

“It is.” Reece growled at him as he pulled the elder man with him to stand next to me. “You can ask him for yourself. We do not falsely accuse people.”

“Y..y..yes, of course.” He was shaking as he spoke, but Nigel at least looked like he believed Reece. “I will have the others brought here.”

“No.” Alexio growled. “Reece and I will go with your men to get them. Where is the fun if they are just handed over to us.” His eyes glinted and I saw that Reece agreed completely.

While the men were gone, fetching the prisoners, I spoke with Nigel and his wife. I needed to tell them everything that had happened while Arthur was with us. They obviously had no clue that Arthur was even dating Talia, because he was keeping it a secret from them. It was hard for them to accept, but they had no choice. This is what had happened, and there was no changing it at all.

I told them that they were welcome to come see their son soon, after he was transferred from the dungeons to the prison. After that, they could arrange visitation with the wardens there. And they would need to arrange their own travel plans. I would not be used as a means of transportation for others when it did not involve me.

When Reece and Alexio returned, they had the four other men with them. The older men looked scared and defeated, but the young men looked defiant and bloody. Apparently, they had decided to run when they found out what was happening. Well, they were no match for Reece and Alexio, so they were quickly caught and dragged back kicking and screaming. I liked the thought of that more than I should have.

“We will leave now.” I nodded at Nigel. “I am sorry for the hardships you have now, but I am also happy to have justice served. These men tampered with the royal family and my daughter’s heart. They will pay for their treason.”

“Yes, we understand.” Nigel bowed. “We are sincerely sorry.” He was angry, that was easy to see, but he didn’t dare speak in any way that was disrespectful. Especially not with the mood that I was in right now.

“I just hope that there is no other disrespect and treason out of this pack. Oh, and Warrick is here to learn about being the mate to a wolf, not to be your slave. Treat him right, or I will send him to another pack.”

“Y..yes, of course.” There was relief in Warrick’s eyes just then. It had to have been bad for that to happen.

In the end, I decided that I needed to change Warrick’s location no matter what. He was going to go stay with Artem. It was in the US, and if anyone could teach him how to be a proper man, it was Artem and Star. They were good people. And they would know what to do.

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