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Chapter 260 – Negotiation Terms

Chapter 260 – Negotiation Terms

Translator: Kell | Editor: Weasalopes

Negotiation Terms

Deena was provided a room in Ville Zentra where Emperor Kaglai could keep an eye on her. They provided the clothes she wore as well, and while her skin color was conspicuous, she blended in perfectly otherwise.

It was late at night. Deena had opened the window and played around with a hand-mirror, reflecting the light of the moon to the roof.

『So you’re staying here.』

Hearing a voice from below, Deena almost dropped the mirror. She moved away from the window and Gorja entered. Wrapped in an optical camouflaged cloth, it appeared as though he was just a floating head.

『This place better be safe.』he said.

『It is. But there’s a guard out on the hallway, so please keep it down.』


Deena was using the mirror to inform Gorja where she was. Since he saw her with the carriage from Quinbland, he could guess where she was staying. All Deena had to do then was send a signal for him.

『I hardly recognized you. You look like someone from this continent.』

『Please stop joking around.』

『You can’t really call yourself a man unless you’re able to crack a joke at times like this.』

『How were things on your end?』

『No problem. I got a Healer.』


『Yeah. Apparently they call it “healing” here, not “mending.” Anyway, they’re sending one to the ship. They don’t even suspect a thing.』

『Are they good? Can they... do it?』Deena hesitated a bit.『Can they cure our king’s illness?』

『I don’t know. But we just have to make a gamble. We have to save our great king, the descendant of another grand ruler who brought prosperity to us. The secret technology is only handed down to rulers and we, the people of Dream Maker, need it. The people here seem obsessed about Dew Roke. I doubt they’ll send a mediocre Healer. If they piss us off and we barricade ourselves in the island, they’ll be the ones in trouble.』

『Is that so...』

『What’s wrong?』

『Are the other spies in the city safe? How much information did they gather?』

『Why are you asking?』

『Actually, I found a Healer too.』

『I’m listening.』

Their conversation continued on for about ten minutes. None overheard them, or noticed Gorja’s intrusion.

The next morning, Hikaru visited Kaglai. Having just finished eating his breakfast, the emperor was leaning against the sofa with a displeased look on his face. Three of his attendants were in the room as well, and his guard was standing in a corner. They all watched Hikaru with disgust.

「What’s wrong?」

「What do you think? Patricia proceeded with the negotiations without consulting us.」

Kaglai explained to Hikaru the details of the negotiation yesterday. Patricia demanded Dew Roke back, and Gorja said they would think about it. After that, the messenger asked for a Healer.

「A Healer... I knew it.」Hikaru said.

「Oh, so you realized it too.」

「Well, they’re being blatant about it.」

「But it would seem Patricia is unaware of this. Unfortunately we cannot go back on our word. They will send a Healer as planned.」

The civil officials present didn’t seem to follow.

「Excuse me, Your Majesty. What do you mean? We didn’t sense anything wrong with the Supreme Leader’s negotiations.」

「Their objective is to obtain a Healer.」

「What? Healers are indeed uncommon, but they’re not that rare.」

「Apparently, that’s not true.」Hikaru interjected.「I think the people of Grand Dream can’t use magic.」

Everyone in the room was surprised, save for Kaglai. The emperor wasn’t sure that they could not use magic in general, but he considered the possibility.

「They need healing magic for reasons unknown to us. That’s why they want to get their hands on a Healer.」

「But Silver Face.」one official said.「They went as far as to invade us just to get a Healer? It’s too risky.」

「See, you do get it.」Hikaru said with a sigh.「The one they want healed is someone worth taking the risk for.」

「In other words, their king, or someone similar.」Kaglai added.

They would only brave the danger if it was for someone belonging in their country’s top brass.

「I must say, that kinda king is incredible for gathering such loyal subjects... Anyway, for a civilization where science is so advanced, they decided to rely on magic. I’m actually curious how they view magic.」

「Perhaps something like a mysterious force that could make anything possible.」Kaglai said.「Of course, what magic can do is limited.」

「We have their spy Gigy and Deena the secretary.」another official interjected.「Yet they intend to grab the Healer and make a run for it?」

「Most likely.」

Hikaru could tell that Deena was in the mansion with his Mana Detection. They were desperate to get a Healer, even if it cost them their lives. That much was apparent from Deena’s actions yesterday.

「They would be willing to make some sacrifices to save their king. The negotiation to release the spy was nothing but an excuse to obtain a Healer. If you think about it that way, everything makes sense.」

「Your Majesty! If what Silver Face says is true, we should stop them right away! We can still make it!」

Kaglai heaved a deep sigh, leaning back on the sofa as he closed his eyes.

「Weren’t you listening?」Hikaru said.「If that was possible, we would’ve done that a long time ago. But since the Supreme Leader already agreed to the terms, there’s nothing we can do. How do you propose we stop them anyway? I didn’t expect them to make a move this fast too.」

「Lady Patricia was too hasty.」

Kaglai, who’d known Patricia for a long time, shook his head.

「Deena, are you here?」

Hikaru visited Deena in her room after receiving permission from Kaglai. She was surprised to see him. Hikaru thought her reaction was a bit strange.

「I have to give you credit.」Hikaru said.

「F-For what?」

「You’re thinking you don’t mind dying.」

She was silent.

「So your king is that precious to you, huh?」

「I’m not sure what you mean. It is only natural to hold the king you serve in high regard.」

「Gorja successfully obtained a Healer. If he goes straight back to Grand Dream, your safety will no longer be guaranteed.」

Deena seemed to panic.「I, uhh...」

「Sure, Luke went with them, but once they’re on the ship, it doesn’t matter how many men he brought with him. They don’t stand a chance. In fact, your people is probably thinking they can kill everyone except the Healer. Am I right?」

Deena cast a furtive glance at the clock hanging on the wall. It was ten minutes to ten. Gorja should’ve departed for the warship at nine-thirty along with Luke.

They already got their Healer. There’s no point in checking the time... Hikaru thought. What, does she think Patricia will go back on her word? Or perhaps it’s something else...

Hikaru decided to bait her.

「I know you got in touch with Gorja last night.」

「What?! I-I don’t know what you’re—」

「I’m sure you discussed a few things. Gorja told you he got a Healer. And...」


「You told him about the city I showed you, and the Spirit magic and healing... magic...」

Deena wasn’t looking at Hikaru. Her face turned pale, her lips trembled. She squeezed her hands tight in front of her.

We showed her healing magic. She was deeply impressed. She experienced it first-hand. There’s no way she wouldn’t tell Gorja about it.

Hikaru realized it at that moment. He activated his Mana Detection. Grand Hotel Zentra was within the one-kilometer range of his Skill.

I can’t find her.

A chill ran down his spine. Lavia and Paula were both gone. They should be taking it slow around this time, reading books. It didn’t take long for Hikaru to find Lavia. She was in the Adventurers Guild.

What’s she doing in the guild this early? Where’s Paula?

Lavia would almost never visit the Adventurers Guild. But she was there right now. The only reason Hikaru could think of was she went there so he would find her easily. Or to protect herself.


The secretary yelped, feeling Hikaru’s rage as he took a step towards her.

「H-Hey! Silver Face?」

The knight standing watch in the corner of the room called out to him, but Hikaru ignored him. He drew closer and closer to Deena.


She shrieked.

「Stop it, Silver Face!」the knight said.「Hey! I need help over here!」

Hikaru, having lost control of himself, grabbed Deena’s shoulders. She grimaced at his strong grip, wailed in agony, but he didn’t even notice her cries. There was no need to.

「You took her!」

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