
Chapter 549: King of Horror, the Last Battle (PART II)!

Chapter 549: King of Horror, the Last Battle (PART II)!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“King of Nightmares!”

At this moment, Ji Ye finally took action.

He rose from Dreamland Dragon City and disappeared after taking one step. He reappeared in front of the red moon in real Dragon City.

It was a divine technique that Ji Ye had created by fusing the Transcendent Distance Reduction with Sun Wukong’s Legendary Cloud Riding.

“Human being, it seems that you intentionally let them combine so that I would arrive!

“However, are you sure you can kill me when our levels are the same?”

Inside the red moon, the crimson eye was opened, but it caused no effects at all when it illuminated Ji Ye.

That was because Ji Ye had also reached Transcendent Rank-8. Also, same as the King of Nightmares, when Ji Ye appeared above the battlefield, the Transcendent aliens under Transcendent Rank-5 were also greatly suppressed. Even those above Transcendent Rank-5 were significantly slowed down too.

As a result, Dragon City, which was almost collapsing after the King of Nightmares appeared and the Eight Formation Maze stopped functioning, became safe again!

That was a divine technique, Dragon’s Intimidation!

Very few people knew that since Sun Wukong was summoned, Ji Ye had been sitting cross-legged inside Dreamland Dragon City.

It was because Sun Wukong, as a Quasi Mythological hero, offered him a Quasi Mythological skill named Great Celestial Technique that allowed him to advance into Transcendent Rank-8!

There were also other Transcendent skills included 72 Changes, Limb Multiplication, Clones, etc.

However, Ji Ye didn’t simply practice the skills. Instead, he chose to fuse all the Transcendent and Extraordinary skills that he was capable of with the new skills he acquired.

In the end, he created a technique named “Heavenly Dragon Nine Variations”. Every “variation” represented a powerful technique. What he performed just now was exactly one of them!

As Ji Ye admitted, he had purposefully let the eight Nightmare Lords combine into this King of Nightmares.

The Nightmares were undying but not indestructible.

One way to eliminate them was to dispel the negative feelings in the area.

However, it was impossible to do that just yet.

That was because not just human beings, but plenty of aliens were providing negative feelings too. If those aliens were all killed, Dragon City would’ve advanced directly.

Another method was based on the information that Ji Ye obtained from the remaining consciousness of a Nightmare with his Fusion talent.

The Nightmares that were stronger than Transcendent Rank-5 could be combined into an ultimate King of Nightmares, which boasted horrifying combat ability. However, while it was significantly stronger, it also lost its immortality.

Therefore, the combination of the eight Nightmare Lords actually gave Dragon City an opportunity to kill them.

Of course, strength was also needed to kill them!


Ji Ye, appearing on the battlefield, fought with all his strength without any ado.

“Roar... Roar... Roar...”

He clenched his fist and punched the red moon in front of him.

While he punched, consecutive dragon roars echoed, and one concrete golden dragon-shaped pattern appeared on his arm after another.

It was Ten Thousand Dragons’ Meeting, one of the Heavenly Dragon Nine Variations.

Every golden pattern represented the power of a Transcendent divine dragon.

Famous for their physical strength, every Transcendent dragon could halt objects weighing more than 100,000 tons!

Although there were only a hundred dragon patterns on Ji Ye’s arm, his punch was still more powerful than ten million tons, and it was concentrated on his fist.

Even the Transcendent Rank-8 King of Nightmares could hardly endure that.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The red moon was flung back dozens of kilometers because of the impact. It broke five small mountains and caused five mushroom clouds in midair.

In the end, the red moon crashed into the mountain where a lot of Buddhist statues had been set up.

Then, there was no sound for a long time.

“What a horrifying strength...”

“Dragon City’s Master is so strong!”

“That’s a super boss! One glance at it is enough to make you suffocate, yet it has been killed by a single punch!”

“Indeed. Look at the best players from other countries... They all look intimidating and aggressive, but they’re all like chickens right now. Some of them can’t even stand steadily.”

“They’re also the best beta testers, yet their differences are so huge!”

Ji Ye’s first strike silenced the ten billion viewers on Earth, who found it hard to believe.

“It’s still alive!”

However, Ji Ye, on the battlefield, knew that it was impossible to finish off an opponent in his level with one punch, especially not one which was best at surviving such as the King of Nightmares.

“Look! The moon is turning red!”

After a whole day of battle, the night had just fallen.

A bright moon rose to the sky.

However, the moon was crimson.

Silently, the red moon hung above the mountain of Buddhist statues, and the enormous crimson eye opened again, covering the people down below in red light!

“I’m not going to hell; whoever wants to go there is free to!”

“Buddhas are devils, and devils are Buddhas.”

“All shall be destroyed in the ultimate doom.”

The settlement on the mountain mostly included Buddhist heroes, whose minds were the strongest.

Even so, a lot of them were possessed under the red light, and their bodies were dismembered by the red light in their madness.


The air rippled, and Ji Ye reached the red moon with his technique.

He raised his arm that had a hundred dragon patterns, but he didn’t punch again.

“Roar... Roar... Roar...”

Instead, he opened his hand like a claw, and the dragon patterns on his arm roared and transformed into golden dragons that tied up the red moon like shackles.

It was Sky Confinement, one of the Heavenly Dragon Nine Variations.

Under the enormous pressure of the hundred dragons, the red moon was compressed.

The crimson eyeball of the King of Nightmares looked at Ji Ye with more solemnity. It realized that it didn’t have an advantage in strength against Ji Ye!

“No wonder you’re so confident.

“Nevertheless, you can’t kill me, but I can kill your people...”

Then, it sneered and rolled its eyeball, looking down below.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Wherever it looked at, not only were a tremendous number of human beings killed but the Transcendent aliens that were struggling to resist in spite of the unfavorable circumstances were also maddened and dissected under its gaze!

“What are you doing?”

“Nightmares... You...”

“We haven’t won yet, yet you’re already attacking us?”

The aliens covered in the red light emitted intense fury in their mental waves, but they were incapable of resisting. They only produced more negative feelings before they died.

“Hate and fear. Be my nutrition...”

The King of Nightmares’ mental waves carried the vibe of brutality and condescension. After absorbing a large amount of negative feelings, the red moon expanded and broke free from the shackle of a hundred golden dragon-shaped chains.

Then, the red light flashed and reappeared. When it showed up again, it had appeared above the branch settlement in Guobei County.

Pew... Pew... Pew... Pew...

Wherever the crimson eye looked, a lot of human beings and Transcendent aliens would die and turn into red mist!

By the time Ji Ye arrived with his technique, the red moon had disappeared and moved on to another settlement.

Obviously, it was capable of teleportation too, and its technique was even more advanced than Ji Ye’s.

As a matter of fact, the King of Nightmares could locate negative feelings and emerge among them directly. That was the most horrifying part of this Transcendent species!

“Die, die! Ha, ha!”

Accompanied by the creepy laughter, the red moon moved consecutively.

All the living creatures that its crimson eye looked at, be they aliens or human beings, were physically and spiritually obliterated in the red light. The negative power that resulted from fury and fear was absorbed as a red mist!

Also, it was impossible to dodge the King of Nightmares as long as one had emotions.

“Heavenly Dragon Nine Variations: Rebirth!”

“Heavenly Dragon Nine Variations: Divine Punishment!”

During the process, Ji Ye used all the skills of the Heavenly Dragon Nine Variations, hoping to find a way to suppress the King of Nightmares.

However, while he could suppress the King of Nightmares and hurt it, he could not completely kill it.

On the other hand, through the negative feelings of the victims that it killed on the battlefield, not only was the King of Nightmares healed, but it was also strengthened nonstop...

Ji Ye could tell that he would lose his advantages soon enough. Unfortunately, that moment came earlier than he had expected.


The two parties had another huge collision.

This time, the red moon was not knocked back. Instead, both of them were halted in midair for a moment.

“Hey, found you!”

Then, the enormous crimson eye rolled and saw something. The King of Nightmares disappeared again and reappeared on the battlefield in Dragon City.

Right underneath the red moon was a brawny human player who wore glamorous golden armor and a golden armband.

Bahubali, the best player from Sandia, quickly changed his expression!

As a leader of players, he had already learned that the King of Nightmares located its target with emotions from the people in his team who had reconnaissance talents.

Therefore, to prevent himself from being noticed, he had been trying to remain calm.

However, after Ji Ye showed up and fought the King of Nightmares, the terrifying combat ability they demonstrated inevitably made Bahubali, who was admired by a billion people in his country and considered himself the best player in the future, uncontrollably jealous and regretful!

Then, such feelings caused the fatal crisis.

“Human being, your feelings are very delicious. Dirtily delicious.”

The King of Nightmares mocked with its mental waves while gazing at Bahubali.

There was a reason why it focused its attention on Bahubali. Bahubali, being in Transcendent Rank-7, was only second to Ji Ye among human players.

For the King of Nightmares, if it brutally killed one of the human beings’ top warriors, the rest of them would undoubtedly be devastated and offer more powerful negative feelings to him!

“Be my nutrition!”

Red light gushed out and condensed into a crimson spear that stabbed Bahubali!

“Oh no!”

“Siva, help me!”

Facing the attack, Bahubali was no longer as proud as before, and he cried with fear.


The image of Siva appeared again, but in a different way. This time, it had three eyes and four hands that held various sorts of items. It wore beast skin and was covered in ash. Above its head was a crescent moon and the symbol of a river. It was sitting on a white cow.

Facing the red spear, the third eye between Siva’s eyes spurted out flames, attempting to burn up the red spear!

It did manage to block the red spear’s attack, and the front half of the spear was melted.


However, Siva’s image only lasted a short moment before it suddenly heaved a sigh and disappeared.


After that, Bahubali’s body and soul were collapsed and dissected when he was hit by the red spear.

The “best player in the future” that Sandia had high hope for, same as other people, released a tremendous amount of negative feelings, which were devoured by the King of Nightmares.

Siva, as the strongest of the three main gods and probably a Mythological player in the past, was definitely stronger than the King of Nightmares.

Furthermore, even Bahubali might be stronger than Ji Ye in terms of combat ability if they were on the same level. After all, Ji Ye’s “Fusion” talent could hardly improve his combat ability, but Bahubali could make use of the power of a main god.

However, Bahubali was absolutely vulnerable in front of the King of Nightmares.

It was not just because of the level gap, but also because of the difference between their contributions to their settlements.

The inherited talents were powerful, but they couldn’t be carried out without the power of providence, which depended on the level of a settlement as well as one’s contributions to the settlement!

As a non-beta tester who inherited the title of “King Bahubali” later, the power of providence at his disposal was less than one-tenth of Ji Ye’s.

In the battle earlier, to demonstrate his strength, he had summoned Siva to help him several times.

At the life-and-death moment, he didn’t have enough power of providence to support Siva to fight longer, which was why Siva sighed in the end!


After Bahubali died, a huge stream of negative feelings was absorbed by the King of Nightmare, and it already had advantages.

When Ji Ye caught up again, it didn’t dodge at all but concentrated red light in its enormous eyeball, striking Ji Ye with an overwhelming number of red lightning strikes. As a result, there were a lot of burns on Ji Ye’s body, and more than ten of the golden dragons were crumbled while shrieking.

“Well... Are we losing?”

“That’s impossible. Dragon City is the best settlement on Earth, and they’re all in their prime state during the advancement!”

The players of other settlements who had logged off to watch the battle were worried if not panicked.

It was because Dragon City had already accumulated plenty of resources and crushed all the other aliens in the Road to Legendary quest.

Also, there were still a lot of human settlements that could offer reinforcements, and Ji Ye had already reached Rank-8. If they couldn’t pass the advancement test, considering the loss of people and power of providence during this battle, it was hardly unlikely for any other Earth settlements to pass the test later.


On the Land of Inheritance, the two Transcendent Rank-8 existences collided again.

This time, Ji Ye was knocked a hundred kilometers away. He almost crossed half of the continent before he finally fell into seawater, which meant that the King of Nightmares was already stronger than him.

“Are we really losing?”

“Does Dragon City have other backup plans?”

“Isn’t Zhuge Liang so smart that he always has plans for every scenario?”

The leaders of the other settlements who watched the battle all became anxious.

While many ordinary people were still feeling sad for the death of the star players or the celebrities and even complaining that Dragon City should’ve been better prepared and Ji Ye should’ve stopped the King of Nightmares from being born, the leaders of the players knew that all human beings on Earth were actually on the brink of precipices and that the battle between Ji Ye and the King of Nightmares could likely decide the future of the Earth civilization!

“City Master!”

On the Land of Inheritance, when they saw that Ji Ye was knocked into the sea by the King of Nightmares, many heroes, who were struggling to fight the Transcendent aliens with their willpower in spite of the King of Nightmares’ mental influence, exclaimed aloud.

Due to the huge level gap, they weren’t qualified to fight the King of Nightmares at all, and their advantage in number meant nothing to such a horrifying being in Transcendent Rank-8!

If Ji Ye truly fell, the King of Nightmares could probably annihilate all the human beings and aliens in Dragon City.

“Roar... Roar... Roar...”

Fortunately, Ji Ye wasn’t down yet.

The seawater boiled violently, and dozens of waterspouts lifted Ji Ye back to the sky. The light that represented the Healing talent flashed again.

However, it was obviously impossible for Ji Ye to kill the King of Nightmares on his own!

“Lu Zhishen, deputy commander of the infantry of Dragon City, requests to make my contributions...”

Suddenly, a loud voice echoed and spread to the ears of all the people in Dragon City via the SkyNet.

[“Lu Zhishen requests to sign the Emperor’s Dragon Contract with you!”]

At the same time, a piece of information popped up in Ji Ye’s head.

Lu Zhishen requested to be contracted by him.

As a real elder of Dragon City, Lu Zhishen looked inconsiderate but was actually quite careful.

Although Ji Ye never openly stated it, he knew that through the Emperor’s Dragon Contract, Ji Ye could both lend his power to the contracted and borrow power from them!


Ji Ye nodded.

A stream of power of providence separated from the settlement core and formed an invisible line between him and Lu Zhishen.

Later, Lu Zhishen’s own power transformed into a slightly dim golden dragon that flew to the sky and hovered around Ji Ye.

Because of the limitation of his level, Lu Zhishen was still not Legendary yet, and he was not able to go beyond Transcendent Rank-5.

However, as the oldest member of Dragon City, he had a huge influence on all heroes!

“Zhao Yun requests to contribute my power to you, City Master!”

“Wu Song requests to contribute my power to you, City Master!”

“Yan Qing...”

“Hua Mulan...”

After that, one after another Transcendent heroes that were fighting aliens in spite of the King of Nightmares’ mental pressure made a decision that people in other settlements couldn’t understand.

According to the Dragon City players’ statement, the SkyNet, the husky, and the other creatures that signed a contract with Ji Ye became his followers.

For the top heroes, no matter how much they admired someone, it was rather difficult for them to regard themselves as servants or followers to someone else.

Yet such a shocking and confusing thing had happened in Dragon City.

“For all the time, one only willingly obeys someone else for two reasons.

“Firstly, for power, wealth, and interests. For example, in the former dynasties, many people craved to be servants but failed!

“Secondly, it’s because of charisma. For example, a lot of people are willing to wipe Li Bai’s boots, prepare ink for Wang Xizhi, fight for Yue Fei and Huo Qubing, or follow Su Shi and Xu Qingteng!”

Back on Earth, Elder Meng remarked in mixed feelings.

Yes, even he, one of the oldest players who had made the greatest contributions, had died from the King of Nightmares’ attack.

However, Elder Meng didn’t seem frustrated. Instead, he looked at the unambiguous decision of the heroes who were willing to offer their powers to Ji Ye with tears in his eyes.

Obviously, they were doing it for a second reason.

Ji Ye was definitely the first player to make the heroes, whom other people were already willing to follow, bow and respect him as a master, even though it was partly because of the circumstances!

That was something that the players of other settlements could never achieve.

“Accept, accept...”

In the Land of Inheritance, however, Ji Ye had no time to feel touched.

He quickly accepted all the contract requests in his head.

Every time he accepted one, a stream of yellow power of providence would split from Dragon City’s settlement core and transform into an invisible link between them.

Then, a new golden dragon pattern would appear on him. For him, the enhancement of a single golden dragon pattern was limited.

However, when there were hundreds of such golden patterns, even the King of Nightmares felt horrified!

“However, do you honestly think that I’ll just watch you strengthen yourself?”

With fury and eagerness in its mental waves, the King of Nightmares gazed at Ji Ye who was floating above the surface of the sea.

All the lightning bolts in the sky were gathered into a red spear that was a thousand meters long and hurled towards Ji Ye’s chest. It was ten times more powerful than when Bahubali was killed!

Ji Ye, while accepting all the contracts, was clearly incapable of summoning the projection of a Mythological being such as Siva to protect him.

However, while there were no Mythological projections, there was someone who was Quasi Mythological in reality!


The sea suddenly exploded, and a golden stick rose to the sky like a pillar. Then, it knocked the side of the red lightning spear with an unparalleled force!


The red lightning spear was destroyed by the rod, and part of the golden rod that hit the lightning spear was blown up into pieces too.

A person who wore a purple hat, golden armor, and long boots appeared in front of Ji Ye. He held the half-broken Monkey King Bar and looked at the red moon aggressively!

“It’s the Monkey King!”

“Monkey King!”

“Monkey King, go for it! Kill this guy!”

The audience of Chidragon on Earth became thrilled. After all, Sun Wukong was the only Quasi Mythological hero on the spot. It shouldn’t be too hard to kill this monster.

“No, quite the contrary, it’s very hard.”

On Earth, Li Qing, who had died too, was exhausted and grave.

He had keenly noticed that Sun Wukong’s arm that was holding the Monkey King Bar was shivering, and golden blood was flowing on the rod from his fingers.

It meant that it wasn’t easy for Sun Wukong to resist the King of Nightmares’ attack, and he was heavily wounded.

It was because Ji Ye, who had fused Sun Wukong’s skills, had already reached Transcendent Rank-8, but Sun Wukong, who was born Quasi Mythological, was only Transcendent Rank-7.

Sun Wukong could’ve made a breakthrough if he had enough resources.

Technically speaking, the conservation of energy was applied to the Land of Inheritance. All resources, including the Transcendent power, were transformed from the power of providence of a settlement or the civilization behind it.

Ji Ye alone occupied more than one-third of Dragon City’s power of providence.

If Sun Wukong had claimed another one-third, it would’ve been impossible for other people to even reach Transcendent Rank-6.

Before the other settlements decided to join the battle, Ji Ye had been staying in Dreamland Dragon City to defend against the King of Nightmares, and Sun Wukong had ensured the safety of the real city with the clones he transformed with his hair!

His armpits, which were already bare, suggested that he had been greatly exhausted.

Under such circumstances, even a Quasi Mythological couldn’t possibly beat the King of Nightmares who was a level higher.

It was also the reason why Sun Wukong didn’t attack the King of Nightmares together with Ji Ye until this moment. Under the King of Nightmares’ mental pressure, most of the ordinary people in the settlement lost their combat abilities!

The heroes were caught in danger too, and the Monkey King, who was immune to mental attacks, had to resist the enemies for them.

At this moment, sensing Ji Ye’s threat, the King of Nightmares shifted some of the power that it used to suppress the heroes back on Ji Ye.

Then, Sun Wukong, who was already tired, stood in front of Ji Ye again.

Although he couldn’t defeat the King of Nightmares, he should be able to buy some time for Ji Ye if he fought with his best.

“Hey, prepare to be hit!”

However, Li Qing then realized that he was mistaken.

Sun Wukong was anything but a passive defender!


Infinite golden light burst out of his eyes, and the Monkey King Bar in his hand kept expanding as he swung it. It smashed the red moon brutally when it was more than a thousand meters long!

At the same time, the broken pieces of the Monkey King Bar also emitted golden light under the attraction of the invisible force and darted towards the eyeball inside the red moon like daggers.

“How bold!”

Facing the powerful attack, the King of Nightmares was obviously infuriated.


It looked at Sun Wukong with powerful red light emanating from its eyeball, which was the technique through which it defeated Bahubali earlier.

Covered in the red light, Sun Wukong’s attack was slowed down as if it were in a swamp. Also, the broken pieces of the Monkey King Bar were gradually melted down.

In the end, the entire Monkey King Bar was completely melted.


Sun Wukong, on the other hand, was hit by the red light and was flung a dozen kilometers back.

By the time he stopped, the armor on his body had been completely broken. The hair on his body was burned too, and he vomited a tremendous amount of golden blood beyond his control!

“Did the Monkey King fail?”

“Even the Monkey King can’t beat it?”

This time, the people on Earth were truly caught in desperation.

In fact, having blocked two of the King of Nightmares’ attacks in a row, Sun Wukong was apparently much stronger than Xiang Yu and Bahubali.

It was mostly because Xiang Yu was only Transcendent Rank-6 and had Transcendent Rank-7 combat ability with the eight thousand soldiers from his hometown.

While Bahubali was really in Transcendent Rank-7, his combat ability largely depended on Siva’s enhancement. Sun Wukong was the only one who was legitimately Transcendent Rank-7 and had the highest combat ability in that level!

Nevertheless, even he had been heavily wounded under the two strikes from the King of Nightmares.

Ji Ye behind him had accepted a lot of contracts, but he was still not as strong as the King of Nightmares.

It meant that the Monkey King had to buy more time for him.

Having lost his weapon and armor, Sun Wukong seemed even more desperate than he had been in the summoning test.

However, he looked as proud and disobedient as before despite all the burns on his body. He might have lost his weapon, so what? He stomped on the ground and stepped forward, flying towards the red moon like a comet.

He was still attacking instead of defending!

“If so, you should go to hell!”

The crimson eye released red light that shaped fiery lotuses in midair. The Legendary flames could attack both the body and the soul.

The Monkey King’s body had been refined in a furnace in heaven. He was invulnerable to normal Transcendent flames.

However, the flames that the King of Nightmares unleashed were made of negative feelings. The people that were burned in the flames would feel the yelling and criticisms of countless people. Even the most determined heroes could hardly endure that...

Yet Sun Wukong had been disobedient in his entire life. He had never really yielded even when he was suppressed.

He sprinted in the middle of the furious flames and clenched his fists before he roared and smashed his fists on the red moon in the sky!


Craziness spread out of the King of Nightmares’ mental waves.

Eventually, his enormous fists stopped about one inch before the eyeball. The fists had been entirely burned, and the burns were spreading back to his elbows.

His body that had been entirely reddened fell from the sky like a meteor!


Before the meteor crashed, a hand that was emanating powerful golden light picked it.

The light that represented the Healing power melted into the meteor like water, quickly cooling his body. The burnt skin dropped, revealing the new hair down below.

Sun Wukong’s wounds were quickly healed. He was still unconscious, but his breath was steady.

“King of Nightmares!”

Ji Ye stood in the sky amid a thousand golden dragons that almost made it impossible to see him clearly.

Everybody on Earth felt like a golden sun was rising in the sky and couldn’t look it in the eye.

After all, a mortal couldn’t look a god in the eyes.

Sun Wukong had delayed the King of Nightmares for three seconds with his three attacks. More importantly, he suppressed the power of negative feelings that it kept oozing!

[“Nie Xiaoqian requests to sign the Emperor’s Dragon Contract with you!”]

[“Xiao Qiao requests to sign the Emperor’s Dragon Contract with you!”]

[“Hu Sanniang requests to sign the Emperor’s Dragon Contract with you!”]

Finally catching their breaths, the Transcendent and even Extraordinary heroes who weren’t too strong but had a determined mind made requests too. Then, the power of contracts melted into Ji Ye’s body in the shape of dragons. It surrounded Ji Ye and almost transformed him into an enormous golden ball of light.

A thousand streams of Transcendent power and a thousand followers who admired him as if he were a god!

No, he was a real god.

Transcendent Rank-8 was a level that only those who were Quasi Mythological could reach.

Both the King of Nightmares and Ji Ye had broken the limitations in a way.

Anyone else couldn’t have achieved it because the contract talent had to consume one’s own power of providence!

The players of other species and civilizations never made so much contribution for them to contract so many top talents...

However, Ji Ye was an exception.

“You will die in my next strike!”

Ji Ye, like a scorching sun that was surrounded by countless dragons, stared at the King of Nightmares.


Inside the red moon, the crimson eye gazed at him and didn’t say anything.

It was because the King of Nightmares sensed that Ji Ye’s power was being gathered quickly as if it was burning.

It was Unity, one of the Quasi Mythological Heavenly Dragon Nine Variations.

Unity meant combining all his powers, including the Transcendent, the Extraordinary, and even the Ordinary power that circulated among his cells, and launching it in one strike!

In the eyes of the observers, the golden dragon tattoo on Ji Ye screamed and dispersed into golden spots of light. The True Dragon’s blood inside his body was burned and its power was absorbed. The Transcendent weapons such as the Thousand-Year Ice Dragon Sword were also dismembered into spots of light and joined the environment, making the scorching sun even more dazzling.

On the other hand, the King of Nightmares stopped teleporting itself and killing other people. It also concentrated all its energy.

It had detected that Ji Ye had already locked onto him. No matter where it went, it would be hit by the power that could cross space.

The power was great enough to destroy it.

Therefore, its only choice was to concentrate its power to block the strike.

It would win this battle as long as it blocked the strike because Ji Ye had burned all his power.

The crimson eye shrank and melted into the red moon behind it, making it shine even more brilliantly. It was almost as bright as the golden scorching sun!

All the members of Dragon City who were watching the scene via the SkyNet were so nervous that they could hardly breathe.

In fact, not just the Land of Inheritance, the ten billion viewers on Earth were silent too.

Furthermore, they even forgot the negative feelings of horror, desperation, and destruction they had when they saw the King of Nightmares.

Everybody had an epiphany.

This strike would probably decide the fate of Dragon City and even Earth!

To win meant to live, and to lose meant to die!

Their future and destiny all depended on the strike.


After both parties concentrated their strength, they took action simultaneously.

Without fancy tricks, the crimson moon and the golden sun collided under the watch of almost ten billion people.


It was hard to describe the collision. The sky seemed to have lost all its colors, and time and space seemed frozen.

Only one moment, or maybe many years, seemed to have passed.


In the next second, the sky was separated into two colors, black and red. The two colors filled the eyes of the soldiers on the battlefield and the ten billion viewers on Earth.

The clouds within a radius of a hundred kilometers dispersed. As if a nuclear bomb had just exploded, the horrifying destructive power spread out continuously. The Eagle Peak, which had been nurtured by gales and Buddhist power for years and was even harder than iron, was completely shattered by the blast...

The continent cracked, and mountains and rivers were relocated. The blast was even more powerful than a high-magnitude earthquake. The aftermath of the blast even raised a tsunami dozens of meters high in the sea!

Even Dreamland Dragon City was manifested too.

The skyscrapers, weapon factories, aircrafts, and buildings that were in exquisite ancient styles were completely annihilated in the golden-and-red storm that cut the world apart. The Dreamland Dragon City didn’t exist anymore!

Not just Dreamland Dragon City, the real Dragon City, which was at the center of the battlefield, was greatly damaged too.

The King of Nightmares had been focused on the duel with Ji Ye and couldn’t suppress the Transcendent people anymore, so they activated the Eight Formation Maze again with Sun Wukong’s help. Otherwise, the city might have been destroyed too.

After the shocking outburst, Dragon City was caught in absolute quietness.

In the sky, the fearsome King of Nightmares was gone, and so was Ji Ye who had been enhanced with too much power!

The result of the collision turned out to be mutual death!

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