
Chapter 262 Sub-Originator Theory

Chapter 262 Sub-Originator Theory

The Sub-Orginator Theory. Its full name should be "The Exploration and Production Method of the Sub-Originator Within the Human Body." This was the technique passed down from the School of Stone Heart, which had abruptly declined centuries ago. It contained a large amount of music theory and related scores that Ye Qingxuan sorely needed after entering the School of Abstinence. However, the most important was the core technology—the production method of the sub-originator.

The School of Stone Heart had fallen from its status as a major branch of the School of Abstinence in a few decades because they had lost this technology, making it unable to be passed down.

The Originator was the basis of the world, the core of the aether world, the source of the sea of aether, the birthplace of all music theory and miracles, and the location of all power and mysteries of the world. So many people dreamed of finding it.

Musicians had studied it day and night for countless years. After the pioneers of the saints and three kings, they established the foundation for the seven schools of musicians. These seven paths of aether led to the Originator.

Within these seven schools, there were hundreds of different theories and views with countless of research directions. One of them was the School of Abstinence branch that had been renowned for a time: the School of Stone Heart.

This school did not have many members and its music theory was mostly secretive. This was the School of Abstinence’s unique point. They did not focus on appearances and just explored music theory fervently, searching for the aether’s pattern. Thus, the others did not truly understand their direction of research and music scores. They were also the most mysterious of the seven major schools.

The School of Stone Heart’s research direction was known as the sub-originator. This was a concept they suggested in contrast to the world’s Originator—every human body contained a sub-originator.

By opening up, developing, grasping, and strengthening its power, a musician could store large amounts of aether inside their bodies. There was no need for outside help.

"With this as the fulcrum, one can lever open the sea of aether. One day, we will resonate with the Originator, and join the unknown." This was how the original creator had described it in the book.

"It truly is a good idea, but unfortunately," Lola could not help but shake her head, "It’s impossible." The sub-originator theory had natural restrictions.

Ancient Eastern musicians had done similar research, which was the research of the ‘dantian.’ A distinguished work even suggested that the ‘zifu,’‘tanzhong,’ and ‘danfu’ were one. If one ingested mercury and lead, one could open three sub-originators simultaneously…but what of it?

Even if one took illegal drugs, used up one’s life, and opened one-hundred and eight sub-originators in their bodies, what would happen? Mankind had its limitations.

The saying that man would win against nature was nonsense. Mankind had natural limits, so how could it be compared to the sea of aether? In theory, it was not impossible to develop the sub-originator so that it could resonate with the Originator; however, later experiments found that its success rate was a few thousand ‘zeros’ after a decimal point, and then a lonely ‘one.’ And then add a percentage sign at the end. It was a dead end.

However, Lola sank into a long silence after finishing reading. She had never expected the School of Stone Heart could achieve so much in a dead end. They had reached the peak of findings on the sub-originator. They were able to develop their own aether by opening up the sub-originator within their bodies and use precious materials to push the strength to its max. In the end, it was transformed into a strong ‘heart.’

Different from the flesh heart, this was the ‘stone heart.’ With this, musicians could temporarily use more than ten times the strength they had and perform music scores above their level!

There was even a technique to assimilate their instruments with their own aether. By aether-izing their instruments and storing it in their stone hearts, the heart would become a cavity, creating a unique instrument.

Seeing this technique, even Lola was tempted. Unfortunately, she could only learn from these techniques. She had her own path and music theory. If she tried to use it forcefully, it would be painful and impractical. Her damaged symphony of predestination would break down once again.

Furthermore, the materials needed to realize the theory was ridiculous. Merely opening up a sub-originator was enough to bankrupt her. The materials needed for strengthening the aether was like a bottomless hole. No amount of money was enough.

"It’s a good plan but too expensive." Gritting her teeth, she set it down. "Yezi, can you find something more useful next time?"

"Don’t you think this stuff suits me?" Ye Qingxuan glanced at her with something like a smile. "It might be useless to you but it’s perfect for me!"

"In your dreams!" Lola snickered. "First, you need to develop a medium that has the nature of aether and blood at the same time. Where are you going to steal such a precious thing? Of the dozens of formulas, not one is easy to find. You’ll spend up to three-hundred thousand just to find the rare material. Then you must hire an alchemist to refine it and the failure rate goes without saying!

"In addition, the possibility of death when implanting it into one’s body with our current technology is more than seventy percent! Only rich people who want to die choose to undergo this type of surgery!"

"But I don’t need surgery." Ye Qingxuan tugged down his collar, showing Lola the bite mark on his neck.

Lola froze.

"From a certain aspect, I already have what’s needed since birth, right?" Ye Qingxuan smiled secretively. "I don’t think there’s a ‘medium’ more suitable than the Deva’s blood within me."


It was already late at night when Ye Qingxuan returned to school. The rebuilt history department was silent; everyone was asleep. Of course, ‘everyone’ did not include Charles.

He was about to graduate and suddenly did not have stress anymore. His sleeping habits were completely messed up too, and he had become a full nocturnal creature. He slept during the day and went out to drink and eat at night. He just ate and slept all day but would not gain any weight. In fact, he grew more handsome.

Ye Qingxuan could only say…life was unfair.

"Hey! Yezi, you’re back." Charles waved at him with a beer bottle. "You’re just like Bai Xi, always going out to play. I don’t see you for the entire day. Come, come, drink with me!"

"Uh, I was studying in the library." Ye Qingxuan coughed awkwardly. Sitting down, he asked, "Senior, how was the recruitment interview?"

"Pretty good. I’m going to work tomorrow."

"Senior, don’t feel dejected. The institutes that recruit in school are usually stricter. Even if you’re rejected, it’s not…Ach!" Halfway through, Ye Qingxuan spat out the water in his mouth. "You passed? You’re going to work tomorrow? Where? The Musician’s Union? The military? Or did you give up on yourself and sign up for the Dark World exploration team?"

"Calm down and listen to me." Charles could not help but excited as he spoke. "Here’s what happened. Yesterday, I went to the Royal Research Institute…"

The Royal Research Institute? Ye Qingxuan could not help but laugh. This was the place all theory musicians fantasized about; it was every graduate’s dream. It only had one opening annually and its interview was extremely strict. They would check up to three generations of the family and had fastidious requirements on morals and experience. No one had been accepted for more than three years. Even so, it was still filled with hopeful interviewees each year!

"Senior, you really were confident."

"Right? You have to have big dreams. Stop getting off topic and listen to me." Charles’s expression turned serious. "So the Royal Research Institute came to recruit yesterday, right? So I just went to see! And guess what?"

Ye Qingxuan froze. "What?"

"It was packed!" Charles gestured exaggeratedly and sighed. "I knew from one glance that there was no way for me. I planned on leaving after walking around, but then at the back, I saw an old guy. He was pretending to be cool by wearing a doctor’s coat and was sitting on the wall eating grapes!

"It looked so familiar. Then I realized that it was the cluster from the School of Revelations that I’d been waiting for two months! That guy stole my food from me, such blasphemy! I was so pissed!"

"And then what?" Ye Qingxuan’s scalp felt numb.

"What else could I do?" Charles shot a judging glance at him. "I went up and beat him up. He stole my food! I hit him until his nose bled. You weren’t there but a lot of people cheered me on."

"…" Ye Qingxuan was speechless now. Charles really had the talent of causing trouble wherever he went! It was a feat to return in one piece! Even if there were one-hundred of him, it was no enough to worry over Charles.

"But that old guy was actually happy to get beat up. He seriously said to me, ‘Very good. You successfully caught my attention. Now I can give you a chance to show me your resume.’"

"And then?"

"And then I beat him up again." Charles shrugged helplessly. "Why are people so fake? He was that beat up but he was still pretending. He was just a janitor but thought he could be Newton in that doctor’s coat!"

"…" Ye Qingxuan almost spat out blood. "And then?"

"And then I thought he had good taste, even though he stole my grapes, so I decided to show him my resume." Charles took it out and pointed proudly at the mass formula he had come up with a few days ago. "Look at this amazing research and world-changing discovery! That guy saw it and ran like he saw a ghost. If I reacted slower and didn’t snatch my resume back, I wouldn’t have even gotten to apply!"

"…And then you found out that you got accepted?"

"Yeah, someone just came to give me the notification." Charles whistled proudly. "Indeed, gold shines anywhere! Yezi, my era is here!"

Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt a headache coming. He took Charles’s beer and gulped it down. Letting out a long breath, he asked, "Senior, did you realize that everyone was looking at you strangely when you were beating that old guy up?"

"Don’t they always look at me weirdly? Don’t worry, I don’t mind. After all, geniuses can never fit in with the others."

Ye Qingxuan did not know what to say. He could only get up and pat Charles’s shoulder with pitiful eyes. If he guessed correctly, his stupid senior had accidentally beaten up the interviewer at the school recruit session.

He had wanted to see the resume to remember Charles’s name, not to see his accomplishments! Charles had it in for him after entering the Royal Research Institute! He might only be sent to clean the toilets. He might even be taken to the dissection table to be experimented on.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan’s eyes grew even more sympathetic as he looked at Charles. "Senior, you’ve done so many stupid things but I really can’t help you this time. Good luck!" he thought.

He sighed and patted Charles’s shoulder. "Senior, do something with your life before you die. Come help me. Is your alchemy equipment set still there? I need to use it for an experiment."

"It’s still there but what do you need it for?"

Ye Qingxuan chuckled and said lightly, "Blood test."

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